Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 24, 1964, Page 2, Image 2

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rt iiiMin
Asocial rvbUshe
. . v- Slnele Cony 10 Cent. rublUhed
SS?S!lSd!i?Si STSrt Sf& limner. Oregon,
M Second CU Matter.
Oregon Loses a Good Congressman
inr onjjr " i- tne House exerted tht of more
than iu per Jn u ..nkinff committee asJnmenU of lm-
K taTubUcn a, he J
lfiSSpTS Sur.ther. A. W. Norbl.d. who one served a.
SuUSSSf t the time of hU dc.th-56 year, of M
IpbUdmrfcd hU political career early going to-the
wuiature in 1935 when he u only 27 years of Jort of
h S "5 hVS was spent In public office, except for three
SiTUlSh f?. Ate Force from 1M2 to ISO where he served
ft.dnkUn.ndndirect In hi. approach. Rerx Norblad at the
..J time was friendly and personable. The high respect in
35Ki S w hetd by the wnsUtuenU of his dUtrirt U
k th. fact that he was returned to Congress eight
UrrS "JSLS M !Ston by Republican contestant,
imries and defeating all Democrat opponents in the
nK?I5e3toS usually by substantial margins. He was one
?n ita toJote gefteri The forthcoming general election,
fn ihifh he was k b opposed by Democrat Blaine Whipple.
ta m l.tsff n Mm scckinV his 10th term In Congress.
r! NorblTd and hTs fami.y chose Stayton a. their home
. . f,Vr he went to Congress. While they had little
ZDeS fin theS rustic homVin a grove of fir tree, by
!1 v HhntUmmver because of duties in Washington, they
lart of t?e nnity life in that city and had won
many clSe friends, all of whom undoubtedly were saddened
SSSSy to hold his seat In Congress through
the vears while other Republicans disappeared from the dele
JatlorTu testimony to Mi ability and popularity Despite party
SSSSiTte hdd the high regard of his colleague, from
Oregon and they served In harmony together.
Conservation Tour Unique Experience
when sixth graders of Morrow and Gilliam counties take
parYS Fores? Conservation school tour, as they did Tuesday
they benefit from a unique educational experience. What an
,nfyolnWgstyersiie;!than 200 of them-were taken to Bull
Prah-ie where the County Extension Service. Soil Conservation
Service. StS Board of Forestry. U. S. Forest Service. Oregon
SUte Came Commission. KInzua Corporation and the school
districts cooperated in the day's instruction. . . or.
Their classroom was the great out of doors, and their teachers
for iSL day were all experts in specific fields, including those
of forest soils, range management, outdoor manners, fire control.
SnSEltSId improvement, commercial forest management, tree
"IhroaytntSs setting and with the fascinating
illustrations that their temporary instructors were able to pro
vide the youngsters must certainly have learned more than
Sey could in several weeks from textbooks within the confines
f ACTiculturT'Trid timber provide our two most important
Industries here, and this conservation tour provides intensive
information on both, scaled to the youngsters' level.
What they learned on this tour day they will long remember,
and even if they later move and never have anything more
to do with agriculture and Umber, it will still remain important
to them for there are parts of the instruction that are valuable
in the day to day living of every citizen.
Even a little mimeographed textbook was prepared for
them in advance and this should aid in the retention of what
they learned on this significant day.
Need More Delegations over Our Roads!
Regardless of their party affiliation, it is always pleasing to
see state, national and district politicians come to Morrow
county in the interests of their respective campaigns. Not only
does this give all a chance to meet them and evaluate their
views but it brings them over our roads and highways.
To this time. Republicans and Democrats have one thing
in common their caravans are always late in arriving. Could
this be partly due to the fact that it takes them longer to
travel the crooked and bumpy highways in Morrow county than
it does to travel the freeways to which they are more
Judging by the comments made at the Democratic caravan
gathering here Monday, this could be the case. Certainly there
were some spur of the moment comments made by the poli
ticians in their public remarks about the need for better high
ways in Morrow county. ,,,
This is a thing that the Chamber of Commerce and public
officials, especially Judge Peterson, have long worked on with
the State Highway Commission and others. To date it has
brought little but promises.
Maybe if we get enough future state and district officers
here, they might be able to give the county a hand in the
future on the matter of better highways. It is good to have
them come under the pressure of a tight schedule, thus better
realizing how frustrating and dangerous our routes can be.
Two Make Jet Trip
To Eastern Points
Gerald Bergstrom and Rollo
Crawford left Friday by jet plane
for a fast, but extensive, trip to
the east and south. The first leg
was to take them to Washington,
D. C; then to New York City for
five days of sightseeing, includ
ing the World's Fair; south to
Miami, Fla., to the Bahama Is
lands, then into Merico city be
fore a flight home at the end of
the 10-day trip. When in New
York City they accidentally met
Oscar Lundeli. with whom they
enjoyed dinner.
Monev receipt books in dupU
rate an triplicate are on sale at
tlie Cazette-Times.
Chaff and Chatter
Wes Sherman
BY NOW. mm! rrni'iw l
founded I he Saturday iYenln
tf It Ihvma
jv far a can i avnainei
the wr-t female voice ho tald
. . u . . -alttn from IVMland
lie wmwm - - - -
TurUv mut have dialed nearly
every Irlcpnone ups-tiikt in
The Ntch wi t answer the
question, "Who founde.1 me
Saturday IN'enin !t Thomas
Jetferoon or Benjamin iin-
. anur thai (teen
question correctly, you were el
UMble for a "wonderful offer."
u... .. C-tovih)kt anl Oil
would receive three or four other
m .v. ' - '
course, being a reward for your
treat inirwKrwr.
Some ruue irrii uiuii i
k.. irv far. After the first
few svorda. she heard a -cUck"
that meant the receiver was
down at the other end. IVrhapa
other had more time to listen
to the spiel.
If It were true that he was
rillin from rortUnd. she mut
have received a lot of subacrlp.
Hon. to pay for the calls, but
tt is hard to believe.
For Just aatwering inis Ques
tion and W50 you can win
year's tubacriptlon to the
uaiene-limes: nouiu n
frt .ubscrlbe? (Hint: "No" Unt
the correct answer).
IT SHOULD resemble omethi.ic
of the Detroit area of Michi
gan around here this week what
with all the new cars on dis
play. They are all announcing
at about the same time thu
rear, as the ads in this Gazette
Times show.
The car dealers might have
gotten together and staged a
parade and extravaganza of some
sort, but it apparently came too
suddenly. In any event, you can
ice most any car that mlfht
whet your appetite In the dis
play rooms mis witrthu.
We'll dream right along with
you! ...
HEY. KIDS. It is Punt. Pass and
Kick time aealn. The lads who
nr in this Ifontmer Auto
Sales event last year had a line
time, and tne same xirm is
backing it again this year with
jackets, footballs and other
gear as prizes.
Dave Barnett has announced
Punt pu and Kick clinic
for Saturday at the lone foot
ball field and tne roaeo grounas
l U.nnnar Jrln ths ftSt Of the
kids and get out there for prac
tice Tne mam eveni is cumin
tac' inr Ia Crande boy
won the right to represent the
state and got to travel to see a
nam. nm where. Could be
that one of our local boys could
turn the tncK tnis year.
FROM THE accidents reported
oar anri nreunants bound
for the Pendleton Round Up Sat-.,-a
it umiM seem that it
uiuaj v - - -
was safer in the arena than it
was on the road.
Twelve car ete nv.!vel in
smashupa MiU. oli'lS M
the tettt These are t4 lh tele
snTir.s i!ni A i-"X i- tav.
elUi! l a Ksil sill Whr
man diUrr far wt ' ,'
ctie to make a iHn-halant left
turn t ''l''
leihap Thai Ntngs ud4er
(. all d"n the In.
iite liKe rvndleion wruss
celebrations have luined Inta
mKr attrartUn with Krowln
attendamv every ear fin.! Ihem
selve hard pressed to hamlle
ivneestlon mat rruu.
is al a maK prubiem
Noted the umc thin In
Fueene Saturday when we to
on to the tl ol O and too ad
vantatte f the char- l attend
the tHeron BYU fi-thall came.
Coneestum Is rd thai, rw
matter how en J) able lh same
ta. one wonders If H worth
atl the strain and effort.
Bl cities, like Portland, bene
fit from developing systems
irwaiti feut the bif little
towns with community spirit.
ret no such reliei, an.i me as
cendency of their public events
Manila nniv In ereallnt? more
congestion pressure In the
pressure pot.
Rut we really haven't heard
many complaints about the Pen
dleton Round tp not oeinK
worth the trouble of battllni;
cars and congestion.
Check Charge Nets
6 Months in Jail
Nell Edwin Welbrink was sen
tenced to six months In Jail after
he entered a guilty plea in Mor
row county circuit court Tuesday
to a charge of obtaining money
under false pretenses- He had
been held under $1500 ball In
Umatilla county jail after alleg
edly passing a bad check in lone.
Welbrink was sentenced by
Judgi William Wells and was
taken to Rocky Butte jail. Port
land, to serve the sentence.
Alfred Dwlght Worley. charged
with burglary not In a dwelling,
pleaded not guilty to the charge,
and trial date has not been set.
He Is free after posting $1300
ball The defendant was repre
sented by William Belt. Ilermls
ton attorney.
Ivan C. Hansen and La more
Anderson, both of Hermlston.
were not arraigned on the chare?
of larceny of a person facing
each of them after their attorney,
Rnh Ihrimi r.n I f t fvi and was
. " " . , -
indictment. Ttr.twor ire held In
Jali In lieu of porting $2500 ball
Lee Roy McDuffee. charged
with forgery on an Indictment
returned as a true bill in 192,
Tuesday demurred to the Indict
ment in curcuit court here
through his attorney, James Wal
ton He remains In the Umatilla
county Jail in lieu of posting
$2500 ball.
H!l;.rmill.!l I
f t 1 1 4S'l,HllM
4tai4fc mmnf
i - -I
vk ar
w .a. -4 .-1.
- AAlTW atsl
SW' .4' V'- a, V
. tM av e- "ev. rtr
,..'ro. Vi.tAVIfi OHOt ,srar4i-i
AtWVi'V as.Tjt'"',,s A-
M i .asp'f - A noAi'wriVf'
lone Roinbow Girli
Sell Hotlond Dulbt
M. mlxis .-I lone Assembly ; H
k ta.r t ltl'l-'W lor .iU,
aiH.ns.tf Uie Mle f lil"
r,l ..llsnd lt..s. r hullss duiliiK
the r..nin w Money !!.
r, Hum H e S- wUl I d.-.all
in Ihe tirtn Male .Hi hm.l f
the lllh.l f U- I' ed
The Imilxs, o lie
per t. lrHwi choli tf
lulipa. l.)S.lntl'. M1U. 0t
(.Hiits ii.s-us and musiatl. ami
aie all graded as KM lll'lnin
WutMntf on the iximmlllee are
('.! niwrt. Tnesa ler
rumnie Mot a an. Teresa Mrlanl.
IJihI Itowrll and IWwnle AKeta.
who may be tmlartrl for wdeta,
,k Uvd Mh Mis. PhUI lnert.
Thi tulls will also Ik on sale
al the- oi Garden Club show on
Food Solo Slated
I.! sale on behalf 4 the Cub
Simla will be held at Central
Mi-t on Irlday. (Mulift 2, at
atMtui 10 a. m. Mothets t4 Ihe
Cubs will ovlde the f.ils fur
the sale.
For The Hunter-
Look for this label
whenvoubuv I RED WING
- r
Red Wing
and feel fit!
'-fcjarts)-- 1
CHustratsd f214
Put 'am on. Step out and walk la 'em. Enjoy a new kind of
fit and comfort thai adds spring to your step. Rd Wing
Bhoaa fit your work-fit jrou. 8' Brown Chrome oil-tanned
crepe sole and heal).
Coming Events
County Fair pavilion
Krlilay. Saturday. 710 p.m.
Sun iay. 2 5 p m.
Adinlsaion Nc. rentals 25c
w.tpm:r hicii KxyrnAU.
lleppner -s. Maupln, Friday,
.4pl. B.W) P tn.
Msupln Union High field.
Sutrt the Mustangs!
Jack's Chevron Station
Saturday, Sept. 20. from 8
M . k SI r nr.
Wash. $1: Complete wash and
wax. i.
Old Cltv Llhrary building
Saturday. Si-pi. 2t. 8.00 p.m.
Members) and friends.
Monday. Sept. 2S. 3 6 p.m.
Klks' Lode hall.
Quota W pints
Insurance Agency
P. 0. Bo J47 PH. 676-K2S
Introducing Comet 1965:
Meet Old Friends
The Pendleton Round-Up prov
ed to be the scene of an unex
pected reunion for Mr. and Mrs.
Ed Gonty of Heppner and Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Boss of Vancouver,
Wn., Saturday afternoon. The
couple met by chance as they
were leaving the grounds. They
hadn't seen each other for many
years. Gonty was best man at
the Boss wedding many years
ago, and Mrs. Gonty went to
high school with Mrs. Boss in
Get restaurant guest checkx
and salesbooks, both carbonized
and non-carbonized, at the Ga
n. Tin - . nam .iiiiii.
J, .Ti 11 "' '"''"'"'"-'---" A.TSdalaiWJ ' "MllllaUHI . ..IMCT. . -
""fTf ' ' i, "vr" " imVfMw vwvm,, ,t fjffi i)m mi. an j V"'T " 1 ' """ V" wsssaaaaa i I
livelier, more beautiful
sequel to the World's
Durability Champion
We couldn't make Comet much tougher, to we made it more
beautiful. Made the outside sleeker, portier from every angle.'
Made the interiors' more luxurious Made every engine bigger,'
from the 200 cu.-in. "6" through the hefty new 289 cu.-in.'
Cyclone Super V-8 (225 hp). Made the ride even smoother, mor
olid and ailent. The one thing not new in thia racy '65 aequel it
the stamina that made Comet the World's Durability Champion.
You wouldn't want that to change, would you?, It didn't.
1 -AUicitu Comet
the world' 100,000-mile durability champion
Heppner Auto Sales, Inc
PHONE 67G-9152