KcrmtB ci.irnx.Ti xr a. ruwut. tfab t. mi rMiuif wd u Coiniilclcly HostyltMl Corvnir IMw. a r r SGflD ' - - I tUu: i . -!()rzjr i - -4 I ' ' y l :. : -J n A. U...V mm A -.-.. Ilk. Irruil furl Kaomf lr (.i t up U IS rr rent kat b acbloed l lMlrf.Hr reeled rd laW.. f.r IMS. Mr "J"1 Mvrt mala Wr.rl.ft f.r added MVHxMhoeM ciW wild Ihwspeed CruUe-O-Matl r tbree-six-ed manual transmits! far the eamy and prfarmaoct impr mral. New Inferiors and ew instrument panel mammf atUa; Mew lew.preftU tires; lmrel steerlnC resao" aivrarts; allernatars and mti cbkes a all eniiaes; larger fuel tanks ar (her IMS Fairs features. TK 13 mtw ralcM mwlrU larludlar the Falcaa Futur 2-sW IIar4tB (abeve). U1 be introduced la lard dealer harms m Friday, September 2 J. a mt nJ motion la combined la I he IMS Falrlane, ml) 14 frwn bumper U bumper for the frl time slnee its Introduction three years ago. Although new kljlinf makes th mlddlrlfht Fairlano look blcr, It remain about the sire of the I IS! lard an the oulsldo and the If St lord an the lnide. Improved ride and ceon my; new low-profile lire for greatrr directional stability, belter traction and lonjrr life; slf'nlfleanlljr Improved In terior quielnevt; alternators and automatic chokes standard n all engines; and a complete Una af options Including low-coat air conditioner ara features af all ItCS I'alrlanrs Including tha falrlane Sports Caupa (above). Fight Falrlane models hardtop, station wagons and sedans will be introduced la Ford dealer showrooms Friday, September 25. BUICK WILDCAT FOR 1965 - .. r-T" aOT ii i mm,, l on SISJII I IJ. I II Uj - j - : 1 - "r 'b-t - J -v Hie semi-fastback styling1 of to-door models in Uuick's 1965 line is epitomized In the Wildcat with its longer hood, lower, lonjjer rooflines and short rear deck. Three inches have been added to the hood by in creasinjr the wheelbase from 123 to 126 inches for improved riding: and handling. Overall length remains approximately the tame as last year. A new cross-flow radi ator desigrn permits lowering the hood line cn all models in LeSabre, . Wil -- and Klectra 225 scries. The stainless steel five- spoke wheels shown on the Wildcat are op tional equipment. The Wildcat is powered by a 401-cubic inch hijjh compression V-S engine with four-barrel carburetor. Option al power plants for outstanding perform ance include a 425-cubic inch engine with either one or two four-barrel carburetors. The Super Turbine 400 torque converter transmission or f!oormounted four-speed gear box are optional on the Wildcat. DUtinetiv profiU aeon in Beautiful New Chevrolets for 1965 i '.." - - - v ' -v, , l.i?aiat friif 1 ""'' ' ,r' 't',' " 1 ' '"' 11 "' 1 " ' m mml Leading the beauty parade of 1965 cart b the elegant Chevrolet Impaia Sport Coupe (above) with new flowing lines, new roominess and a distinctive profile. Stylish roof lines and curved side windows blend with the gracefully contoured rear quarter panels. The new Impaia Convertible features as inward folding top with tempered rjaas rear window. The regular-sue Chevrolet is available in 15 models In four series. The public announcement date for all Chevrolet-built passenger ears is September 24. Reach those remote) Hull ill Jg d I iu i inning OHM.if! 4 1 .... .with a 2TB? Universal ' Sportsmen know that game is often best in areas most difficult to reach. And they know the one vehicle that gets them through everytime is the 'Jeep' Universal. It has the extra ctlon of 4-wheel drive to take men, gear and supplies over the most remote off-road terrai-...througn mud and sand... across streams... up 65 grades-almost anywhere! Then, for highway travel, it shifts easily into economical 2-wheel drive. The 'Jeep Universal is a dual purpose vehicle: the sportsman's favorite and a workhorse in business or on the farm. A6k for a demonstration today! Farley Motor Co. 126 East May CBS EVENING NEWS WITH WAT.TFR CRONKITE (6:30 p.m. Ch. 5) Heppaet I0NE NEWS Mi. ami Mr. Harry rroudfoot visited at the home of tru-lr so: ami family. Mr. and Mrs. John iv. n.H.wit Thov wore on tholr way home to Portland from Pay- cttc UiiK, near .m, " whiro thoy attcnditl Idaho Orand Ltnljie of A. F. A- M. Mr. IroMlfiH)t is Granl Svrtary ot Grand Lodco, A. K. I A. M. In Faul Miller has purchased tho Ocar IVtorson house facing the lone Memorial Field next to Lindsay Kincakls. On Saturday Uiey moved the main part of Uu hoi'f- out to his ranch near Cecil, where it will be used for a bunk house. Harold Rletmann, son of air. and Mrs. David Kietmann. was inducted into the army last week at Portland. Roland Ekstrom and his niece. Vicky Ekstrom of Wcnatchee. Wash., spent the week end here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ekstrom. Sr. He enrolled this week in Wenatchee Junior College for his second year ol college work. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Palmar ...ntiimhtKr Rarhara Pal- i aiiu , mer visited his sister, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Harrison at Cascade Locks on Sunday. Mrs. Alfred Nelson. Jr., and Mrs. Ella Burgoyne left on Mon day for a few days visit in Port land. They will attend Women's Day at the United Church of Christ in Milwaukie on Tuesday. Mrs. Nelson Is the newly elected chairman of the Women's Fel lowship of the lone church. Mayor Charles O'Connor has announced that nominations will be accepted at the next council meeting on October 6 at the City tioii Tha tirm nf the mayor, city recorder, treasurer and three council men, Koy w. unuoim.M, rtmar Rietmann. and Fred T. Martin, expire this year. It is hoped by trie council ini k u. rst ,.lvana uIH show UD at the meeting to mane nomina tions. . Arnica Club met at the home of Mrs. Joe Hausler last Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Gene Rlet man as assisting hostess. Mrs. John Jepsen conducted the busi ness meeting in the absence of the president, Mrs. Dick Sherer. Twelve members enjoyed an afternoon playing "Boodle'. A work day will be held at lone United Church of Christ, all dav Monday and Tuesday, beginning at 10:00 a.m. Both men and women are asueu i help In cleaning, painting and repair work. Bring a sack lunch. Mrs. Olive Hughes returned to her home here Sunday evening after spending the past two months visiting relatives and fri ends in the valley. She spent Ua eiimrrwip uith A HOI and daughter and their families in sweet iiome, jvir. an William B. Hughes, and Mr. and Mrs. Keith Marshall. Both of the men are teachers in the bweet Home High School. She plans to spend the winter months visiting relatives in uaniornia. We Will Deliver Your Processed Meat f 1 Of Charge Hsgv ' Lexington WHOLESALE MEATS CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING SCHEDULES Hobs Tuesday nUK3 " ; J q,,. Cattle weu.. Sheep Any Day Follett Meat Co. Hermlston, Oregon Ph. 10 7-6651 On Hennlston-McNarr Highway .. . .UmmUMHIN b Vrtdfl mm 'Tr,n-.l.ii-.s-L,aJ TW lw farvaif Muaaa Sedans ebaitfrd. hmrt Ma bttrwlurttiia sa IW i baa rHawrd famd Urr- that baa M ?.ull U 1 ubMantiaOy rhanrrd twui uw MtrM m v i y . U hrpi jydei(acfiM i .-! - fVEW AWO DIFFERENT I .XT uCy ' vi3 . ...... T , !Sr- - t . " "' - . , . ,." . -. , - 4 ' - 1 3 j, - -T , i . mi r i - f ' r An entirely new body design is offered on all 1965 Pontiac Catalina, Star Chief, Bonneville and Grand Prix models. An exciting- option for 19C5 is the 2 Plus 2 shown above in Pontiac's Catalina sports coupe. The option la also available in the Catalina convertible. The 2 Plus 2 offers such exclusive features as turn paint stripes running the length of the car, front fender lower accents and all new 2 Plus 2 identification. Under the hood is Pontiac's famed high performance 421 cubic inch V-8 engine. The fat flowing roof line is also a feature of the Honnevill sport coupe. Introduced for the first time with the 196 models is the four-door Le Mans aedan below. The Lt Mans, along with the complete Tempest line, has boon restyled including vertically mounted headlights, increased length and all new colors. There are now twelve models in the Tempest. Tempest Custom and U Mans series plus the sporty GTO. DO YOU HAVE A on or Daughter Going To College? LET US SEND THEM A WEEKLY LETTER FROM HOME FOR YOU- THE GAZETTE TIMES WITH ALL THE NEWS OF MORROW COUNTY STUDENT RATE $3.50 FOR 9 MOS. FILL OUT THE COUPON, MAIL WITH YOUR CHECK WE'LL DO THE REST THE I MY CHECK IS ENCLOSED MAIL THE GAZETTE' TIMES TO: GAZETTE-TIMES . NAME Morrow County's Newspaper BOX 337 ADDRESS HEPPNER