Choti With Your Homo Agent Notional Week to Observe Four-H Work in County iy DON HA CCORCC Many at.lMliea Involve the rtirtinlon Ih.iiw rriMiil ant 4 II i-toi'iama at Ihla tltie of Neat Wek 4 H Wee IYrhi Hj'll l ijri'ii-' to a- im le, ! ami flrl In aoiti f trie uptown atni. Miriiinwa Hit mi k i,'t, llM-y'ft ih a rww aHi'fllirtiK Klmmii k um-. iy mi-riliarit i I KMttott fttlte -4lal tlui taMill rur thai "healthy" 1-x.ktl Oiarue are tliry Mill m .ii.y making dll)a to trll the t..rv uf their 4 II eiprrleme lurlrtit National 4 11 ( lull Sn k. If hm fly l.rl l In March. 4 II llub Wrrk thl tear I Jw-itenil-r ill thn.inh (MiUr .1 At thla lime 4 II n ttiei a ful filaf and other friend if 4 II In Mrnw n.utity Mill make .elal rUmta ! Nip other ur'lrrtani the i.f).Hlw ami achievement vt the 4 II program. Memhcr t4 the 4 II l.riler Council mt In on the National 4 II Club H'tH k committee lire Mra. lUittrrt Ahrama, rilrman; Mm. Itotfcr Campbell; Mra. Jim Pettyjohn anil M-. Harriet Kvan Tlila committee haa o orillnated activities of Individ ual 4 II rlub and provided fur publicity of the rvrnl. Officer af Rom Catenates UaUta To Meet Tuaaday Officer elected lt aprln ti rrprrarnl each of Morrow coun ty a all home eterulon unlU will meet for orientation Tue day, 5rpt. 29. at 10:30 am. (A letter will be aent to all offtrrrt announcing the meeting place.! A inricram la belne planned to a-lve them apeclal tra iramina i In undrrvtandlns Ihrir role aa officer and the role and need of other member. Recommen riatluna f the Orenon Katcrwlon llnmemaker Council leadership Workahon held at Corvalll In Mav will be reviewed. Particular emthaal will be Klvrn to the Importance of group parllrlpatton and anion inn inr Influence It nn upon gaining mntrnsua within a Rroup. The offlrern will apply these and oth-r hint for effi-ctlve leader hl In outlining plana for tholr aal unit which win wcin mi-etlnK In tXtoler for the V.A IA program. Horn Extanalon Unit Woman To rvnlora Seoaonlnu Shelf "Kitilorlnir the Seasoning Rheir will le the letuwin topic for Murnw county home extcn Ion onlta durlnff C)ctoler. Ilimoae of the lesson are: To InfrtMhic new aeaaonlnrs: to im prove family mral by the use of dlricrrnt riavoring proaucu; to aave time, energy and money by ualng miMlern prepared was onlng mixes: to make Inexpen alve fixKl more attractive. rteclpc featuring some of the new product uch a powdered or mushroom, be'f flavored Reasoning base, onion flake, mushroom aoup mix or chip dip mix will be demon Rtrated at each mwtlng. IroJect leader from each unit will re ceive training at either of the two meetings held by lnna George, county extension agent, at 10:X) a.m., OcIoImt 5. lleppner Fair Annex and October 6. Irri gon achool. Then each project leader will present the lesson to other members of her unit at the unit October meeting. Membership In extension units In open to all Interested women. If you arc Interested In the pre sentation of seasonings but do not belong to an extension unit, contact the county extension of- Other monthly topics for the 19-l-f5 home extension program will be announced soon. Work Smarter Not Hard "Stretch fabrics" are certain - m- a CALIFORNIA VISIT DISNEYLAND Attractive accommodations Just minutes from Disneyland and Knott's Berry Farm. All units have free TV, alr-condltioning and heat. Spacious grounds with heated pool, play and recreational area. WW" A Writ for litorahx orj m TRAVEL GUIDE II, ling fin boiIi how eooil (o eoml, liwpc m4 br Congrwi f Motor In l Mart t't berk li fhol arw. In ihole thla rnMh. hrw l many eopl. Ilira are Itkrly In l- tlua -imrril M a Matio .f iiw.-v uHlf .tlflv, Krwmintf a lw ahurt tula ran make the dilfVfeiw le liarrn lunrM and failure. Ie rarrful n"l ti IUWf1 the fal.rlr lirn mi pin on the pal Irrn r while rullinjf. The wiiM of Iht-ae tratineiila have ! "tflve." I'. a tt'klurrd nylon llifad or a amall UK fair uuh. ! n"t hanrf rarmrriU lahlrh have vrrt . airrhh. f'dd Ihrm flat tt inrai;e. rooda and Nutrllloai tail tarn rtrkU MaillBd Tlila time of year e find many llrppnt-r area nooir - makrra huv prewrvln the pr dui of Ihla year ifar.trn I n k Ira and M-llira vlde a popular way of ualn home tnmn vri'riaiiii-a to ami a ira on a I touch to rural the ar mund lTe kind of aalt U"wl In mak n tdcklra make a difference In the quality of the nmtneq lifiMlurt. Mtinta out VOKirua U'rlM-r. Orrcon State t'nlvrralty rtrnlon nutrition MH'iaiiit. Trrmi much at "ilalrv aalt. Mi kiln aalt" and "rock aalf may purzie im proa-nvo u k le maker. Theae all mean t'HK aalt. or more technically, uulium rhlurlne. I'lckle direction invanaoiy rertimmend ualng pure granu lated aalt Table aalt can be ued but A . , . .It. you may not gei kih n-ui. Table aalt haa material added to prevent raking, or lumping. Theae materlala are carbonate or bicarbonate of aodtum. cal- , . -.( . ! mav riuta a mm- I ru !- f - - eral depoalt In the brine or tne llnlahed pickle. Thl la not de irable quality. Iodine in table aalt ciuvn plcklea to become dark . . . n othrr reaaon for not ualng table aalt in making pickles. You can obtain a free copy of the L'SJJA bulletin G 92. "Mak Ing Pickle and lU-luhe at Home." fnm your county ex trnalon agent. It Include Infor mation alxut Ingredients, equip, mrnt. and prtxfdjre for suo cenxful pickling. Examiner Coming A driver license examiner will he on duty In lleppner Tuesday, September TJ, VMA. at the court house between the hours of 9:30 a m. and 3:30 p m. according to an announcement received iroin the Ivpartment of Motor Vi-hlcles or tjregon. persons wisning onci nnl lliM-nses or permits to drive are asked to file applications u.,.11 ahead of the schedulecl closing hour In order to assure time lor completion oi in quired license test. re KUBBER STAMPS made to order, also STAMPING PADS In black, red or green. For buU nes or personal use. Orders filled promptly at the Gazette Time offlc. We're your local supplier for TYLAN'200 Wantibiotic for HUMPHREYS REXALL DRUG 0h m 3 Excellent restaurants and shop ping centers nearby. Credit cards honored. POLYNESIAN Motel 641 S. Brookhurst ANAHEIM. CAL. FREE ! Thy ;'.;.', 1 ? . , - L - CZ - '!' " aaaaaaBaaal ....... .ra Thar.!! nrrar U ararna ra'M oa areouat f r!a la Oa 14 1arrat dml atadium taking ahap. In llou.lfl, J.TU i'hi. fully alr-ronddioft! aa4 roy,r4 If arrrt f t-L U .10 ft ldi. and UU tnouh U koua- aa litoryboiir,,. Its 43-f4 ,lon- will riw an unol-trurUd t 4.0OO f or Uarball fr football ami 66,000 for boxing. Baaua of kirh trrrtA tii, onlr 7J eolumna ra nd4 to aufport ", fwt fcih. lop ph ahow atl framing of Immrna doma Uing put Int p lat, , Utrnn phot-. hw bow kor will look Ua ; mi't4 in tima for omelal cptning tllKI National Uru UU1I an. Mr. end Ma. Laoard Scbwars returned Iat Wednesday from a werK oi varaiioninx in wit Wallow a Lake vicinity and. alo visiting In Joseph at th home of Mr. Schwanra auter. ir. Margaret I'aye. -" - 1 "' 11 t From a new reversible key to a brand-new luxury scries, the '65 Fords are so new you just have to see them for yourself. New world of elegance ... 17 solid, quiet Fords, including a new super luxury series the LTD 2- and 4-Door Hardtops. New body, frame and suspensions give the smoothest, It Cool! Vlltl at to Wrrat Harala home la hi mother. Mr. Bertha arin. who ha been for the past fr nd a half In Denver. Colo. Tell in.- a.lvrnirr lOU MW It In lha Cazette-Tlme. I Now... look into the many worlds of Total SEE THEM AT YOUR f .:w vjj-'-wi-1" ii i. r iiui" -j s. J .affX... .i. ;?WaVueT" -r -r.r-yi.jMiMiifiiMiwiiwiia itii.iiiiiniiWm. imamHtmmi)IU0lm" """ " tum mm - . ... x- gjgjg&j "." urrrvjmmtmmmmiiamuimi m . it mmm auto sal Heppner, Oregon ntttntu CAirm ttmm. Tw4t. il i4 Farm Bureau V tCOTT UNI Iatoaft4l fxiaata aiMCC ANO ACftiCULTUlC at I farm ia!a data U f n'rlr-l -i1Mtl I )! (lan.a M !. r trll' srwl A tiMiU tuwtlr .iit s n rry t4 Morni.oia 4t;r in faf.raaiw r--f ir. i a'a writriU. fi-m tiir l ttn aM thw h at rapid. y l.arrsi tr. arrituKural tn- r I far rtv u,an gefnn-r.t pn.fart.a, "Hi irft t.f a nrw riant frfuUW f.w-h .aa bm l.trtt ar. f drtt l'pr.-f!t ittl In rteatw a)tan iriil frjm 10 t ;i i-f rrrt t diverting rroiain ttt-m !) rar 4 !! TaM ti tlie rrf. The lani frjrulator 1 c!M llH.I ,l-f.l..W r arn 1 ap-l-l.r.i aa a iHay. Tt J"l -i 1 will r..t l aaUabI t4 at Iraal thfre )raf A h i miK fantattic U a new arl. fwlal n eat rww bring mada i from r r-J'!r at-ar. U-iita rlaim the fake meat I l mrat. latr I;Me and hrw Ke meat Ther la no fat or bur auarited ai'h II and ro(ir)urM)y it haa aoma attrartjon fo tliow arrhing a Iran mrat prtxlurt. Th rrralct market tea kith vrgrtarlana and hralth fod addict who fret atut fhb-trro and other ml or Imagined objection to ani mal meat A large food prorraa Ing firm I now going Into pro d urtlon on lha artificial meat and rampalgn will be adopted to sell the public on the new product. In England a group of arlen flat are perfecting an artificial milk which supposedly haa all the attribute of the real pro duct. The aynthrtle milk is pro duced from vegetation with Performance -bestyearyetto go quietest ride ever. New wider tread, new spa ciousness, new Big Six engine. New "cool" world of Mustang . . . Fastback 22 joins the Hardtop and Convertible Many luxuries standard. New options include front disc brakes. New world of value ... 8 Fairlanes, bigger. THE TOTAL PERFORMANCE FALCON FUTUFiA HARDTOP NEIGHBORHOOD FORD Furrow a I la aM thrf iMm.l wtM-ewaea .ijti-alrd it aM.rttal mran At t rr1 If rr K.I UII I I i.) r'ak to the fit tr r4 but Xt ac lentiiti wr tMjuietii tt graa tat t prtTM-e4 Mtun una ) have lrf liM rm tr.e ir aatating rt ria tt Mhrtia and with tr...H and rrat H'n ,h P rade t.f arwntifie adanr-a. tne futi.1 4 farming ran be hanf cn1 rrr rrrre. There t one thing that d-r n4 tf arge. however That Is the fact tr at law fnatrriai mui t.ftte irtfn ine eann. wjvlnf will cr.aMe and auerTaalul tarff.rfa wtil rhange with the r-na rr-etnuia ivrrnmrni rrxr.i will alwak l far brhind .r tr hrwlgk at change, and twrauae f the runibrrnne il- tttral ir.fluenre t f tnrae pro- gram, they will r.rvrf catrn up. Texas Refinery Corp. Industrial Roofs METAL BOOrS SHXXALTT AH Exterior Coatings ntt ESTIMATES ROBERT GUILD, ADVISOR FEKDLETOH. 01ZGOM rn S. MAIK Tmc 1211. pcaFoaMwce roao CALAXIC 600 LTO 4-OOOa HAR0T0P for '65 THE TOTAL PERFORMANCg MUSTANG 22 THE TOTAL FAIRLANE 500 Ford! handsomer, better buys than ever. A livelier, smoother new Six -2 hotter V-8 options. 3 speed Cruise-O-Matic optional. New world of economy ... 1 3 Falcons with up to 15 greater fuel economy as a new livelier Six teams with optional 3-speed Cruise-O-Matic. New battery-saving alternator. Best year yet to g) Ford! Test Drive Total Performance '65 FOMB MUSTANG FALCON FAIRLANE tioc wait aisarrs mmic skyway at tw roao eoro COMf ANTS 0N0CI K)TUN0A-N( 0 WOnVI FAJ DEALERS TOMORROW IS !4 H Club Names Officers for Year The Country ("uttrr 4 If rluh met at the home of I J ml fvtty yjn -n Haurday. fctrmtef li, at 2 We eieir. .n.Tr for l he tomlng year. Thry are Mary K t'aitij !rlf, preatdenl; M.nly irkett. Vice president- Linda frttj)hn, aettrlary; lirt.hy War Irn, rtew rritrtrr; Sarulra Carl-n-n arwl Kutine ivtrrMon. rerre-atii-r Iradrn. U (llMUtMSl hw to MM out cor own rtd brki and al l!k-. attoul our 4 II wrrk. tefrrahmenta were aervea oy Linda Kriitlne prtermon, rrfmrt.f Roe r. Smith. Cntte-Tlma at re t va. e Kauiral Haatllf j JI 1 1 1 1 I ( 1 " " ------ lay working on hi foreign car. He I teln asaitel In thi pro 1 )ni bv tlareme Baker, mrdi- anic; ivte MrMurtry, lleppner lAuto Part. ullrton Chevrolet. Wr lUchflrhl. Wetern Auto and Sheriff C. J. D. Bauman. They expect to have It running Oiortly. PERFORMANCE SPORTS COUPK FORD -THUNDERBIRD