Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 17, 1964, Page 4, Image 4

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    nt??Z CAimT TlMIt. Tk.rsAr,. laytoasb- IT. I4
Rainbow Assembly Seats
Jean Sicwcrt Crowned
New Worthy Advisor
Red. white and jwil wr th
rolor Mt Jn Slewrt cho
far her installation
advl- nlo Ruth A-mbly
N Order of Rainbow lor t.lrl.
Sundav afternoon In the Masonic
hall when he and 11 other
young ladle wrre abated In
their new cfflcea tor the coming
term. Ml Sirwrrt I th daugh
ter of Mr, and Mm. BUI Siewert,
Escorted on th arm of her
father for th crowning cere
mony, the new worthy advisor
wit presented her crown by her
aUter. Faula. She then spoke of
her deep appreciation to tne
kemblv arid also Introduced
her parent.
Barbara Blake Installed the
new worthy advisor. Her other
Installing officer ""J
Ctnnv Lou Turner, tnsta ling
musician; Bonnie Hynd 'onf;
Installing marshall;
Springer. Installing reorder,
and Candy Rattray of Condon.
Installing chaplaia
The alate of new officers
seated were Ml lew-ert,
worthy advisor: Shirley Wwln.
charity; Jan Hager. faith; IVggy
tJL - r- Nanrv Clove-
Und. drill ieaaer;wup ''-v;
religion: Jill I adberg . n aturc.
Mary Fierce. Immortality Ruby
Fulleton. fidelity; Jeanine Hunt.
patriotism: Kathy Melby.
mtii nhserver. and 1 am I
land, drill leader; pebbieoung.
dentlal observer, and
iiuKiit, wuiu . i
to be t" we
ceremony " 1
worthy associate advisor; Janice
-- irittv i J iiarra,
Baker. . hope; ine , -
-riii-.r cun Starks. love;
Linda Orwlck. service; Christine
i,.r.ki- musician, ana juay i
xinnkers. musician, ana
Jones, choir director.
ones, choir director.
Receivlne special recognition
at ine puouc u""-" ---Mrs.
Harold Becket, grand dep
uty of the international Order
of Rainbow for Girls. Miss Shir
lev Erwln. grand representative
to Maryland; Mrs. Don Turner,
past mother advisor, pro-tern,
ind Mrs. Claude Graham, past
mother advisor. Rainbow board
members present were Mrs.
Floyd Worden. Mrs. Dean Hunt
and Mrs. Tom Hughes.
Mrs. J. O. Turner and Ginny
Lou Turner presented a Vjgno
duet, playing the selection, The
Scarlet Cape."
A lovely bouquet of long
stemmed red and white roses, a
elft to the new worthy advisor
from Mr. and Mr Jim. Hager
were in place in the east. Her
color scheme was also carried
out in an arrangement of as
sorted flowers and red tapers
centered on the serving table.
The serving of punch and
wnirioa was attended to by Airs.
Roice Fulleton, Mrs. Harold Er-
win, Mrs. Margaret
Miss Paula Siewert
Mr and Mrs. Dave Gallo are
parents of a baby boy, Keith
David, born at the Hermiston
Good Shepherd hospital Septem
ber 9- The baby weighed 5 lbs.
9 34 oz. and was 18" in length.
Maternal grandparents are Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Davis and matern
al great grand mothers are Mrs.
Pearl Force of Irrigon and Mrs.
Ruby Davis oi lucson.
ternal granaparenui are u . -
Mrs TOnV liailO OI w ana noiu"
and paternal great-grandparents
an Mr and Mrs Orval Bowers
l?nLtX and Mrs.
Marie Gallo of Walla Walla.
tinuH rnolev. custodian at
If 1 iviiiLuii a. a - .
A C. Houghton Elementary
school, is a patient at St
Anthnnv's hosoital in Pendleton.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sneed are
Darents of a baby Doy,
William, born September 3. Eric
- n A "hf 1 tarn a 1
weignea a 10. vt
grandparents are Mr. and Mrs.
Felix Friend of Irrigon.
Menus at A. C. Houghton Ele
mentary for the week of Septem
ber 21st-25th are as follow: Mon
day Sauerkraut and weiners,
mashed potatoes, pickled beets,
ice cream; Tuesday White
beans, corn bread, spinach,
plums and do-nuts; Wednesday
Beef and noodles, buttered car
rots, strawberry shortc a k e ;
Thursday Pizza, green salad
and cheese cake'- Friday Clam
chowder, toasted cheese sand
wiches, molded vegetable salad
and pumpkin custard. All meals
arc served with bread and butter
and milk. .
School will be dismissed Fri
day. Sept. 18 for students who
desiring to do so, may attend the
Pendleton Round-up.
The first P.T.A. meeting for
this school year will be held at
the A. C. Houghton Cafetorium
Monday evening, Sept. 21, at 7:30
P- ni.
In football, A. C. Houghton will
meet Athena at Athena Thurs
day, Sept. 17, at 2:00 p. m., and
Riverside High school will play
Dufer at Dufer Friday, Sept. 18
an l will play Helix at Helix Fri
day, Sept 25.
The 6th grade will make a Bull
Prairie Conservation Trip Tues
day. Sept 22.
Enjoying Jhe week-end at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Archie
Padberg were her son and
daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs
Edwin Tucker, and son Kyle of
Salem. The group traveled to
Pendleton Saturday where they
enioyed the Dress-Up parade in
the evening, returning to their
home on Sunday.
1 f "
) I
y, ,, a
siEWEKT Dtwlr Installed Worthy Airlu I Rut
MISS I JXAN "T'J -jTlSe CliU. (G T Photo)
Aa mbly No. SO. Omar ol aimow tor w ,
, srr, ?:a. a I
AMiro- Vicitc
Ruth Chapter, uti,
Meetings Resume
HITS. lfflUJ it .. -.
late crand conductress, Portland.
"... f honor of
Lj , 0rder of Eastern Star.
at a dinner and the Initial meet-
, . dinner and the In
jnK 0f the tail season neiu nw
day evening at the Masonic hall.
nv. Jlnnur U'lth 11 tne
trimmings, prepared and served
to those attending by the Three
Links club, preceded the lodge
meeting at which Mrs. Charles
Stout, worthy matron, presided.
Paul Sorenson, associate grand
p,,chw rhanter. Pen-
uauvii " - .
dleton .was also an honor guest
receiving special revvm""".
Coffee and dessert were served
at a social hour following the
meeting. In charge of the dining
room were Mrs. Ola Rugples.
i(..wu vi'nfHpn Mrs. Wa-
Airs, mmjui": - - - -
vel Wilkinson and Mrs. Martha
Van SchoiacK.
High School Picks
Class Officers
Lee Daggett was elected presl
dent of the senior class of Hepp
ner High school in class e ec
i.m rntlv. Steve War
ren was chosen junior class pres-
ident. Bob Harris was elected
nresident and Jonn
sophomore president and John
Kawuns was w
freshman class.
Other officers chosen were:
Seniors Wayne Evans, vice
president; Sherrill McDonald,
secretary; Jill Cline, treasurer;
Dean Robinson, sergeant-at-arms;
and Doug Anderson and
Anita Groves, class representa
tives. Juniors Steve Warren, presi
dent; Brenda Young, vice presi
dent; Karla Luciani, secretary;
"7-k" "treasurer: and
-v-" reeant-at.arms.
- . ,
Sophomores-John Co vice
president; oaiuaia "'" '
secretary: Maralee Murray.
I-,ior. fa Hnskins. sere-
UCUOUl . "
nt.ormc anri Jim JaCODS
B3ssr' cUss wre-
Freshmen Nancy Doherty,
vice Dresident; Merrl Lee Jacobs,
secretary; Russell Kilkenny,
treaenrpr? Terrv Corbm.
eant-at-arms; and David Hall,
class representative.
Carl Bauman is president of
the student body, elected last
spring. Other student body of
ficers are Tony Doherty, vice
president (and student council
president); Judy Smith, secre
tary; Margaret Green, treasurer;
Karen French, business man
ager; Mark Brown, sergeant-at-im
Karen McCurdv.
Barbara Blake, Ann Brindle and
Barbara Gribble. cheerleaders.
i if
For the warmest feeling
Put STANDARD HEATING OIL to work while you relax In its clean,
safe, all-enveloping warmth. Order today, then forget about the
cold. We watch the weather, provide automatic refills for comfort
you can count on. Budget plan? Of course, and no extra charge.
For any Standard Oil product, call
L. E. "ED" DICK, Heppner, Ore., Phone 676-9633
i -ii iiMaw i
Criminal Cases
Bring True Bills
From Grand Jury
Morrow county's grand
returned several true bills
criminal cases Friday. One de
fendant was arraigned the
same day In circuit court of
Judge William Wells, and others
will be arraigned Tuesday, Sep
tember 22.
Sheriff C. J. D. Bauman said
that the county currently has
nine men in Jail, some of whom
In the Umatilla county Jail
and several in the Rocky Butte
Jail in Portland.
JS'eil Edwin Welbrink. former
employee of Rogers Construc
tion Co.. Boardman. Is charged
with obtaining money uriaer
false pretenses in one muiti
ment. He is accused of passing
a bad check in lone. Welbrink
was arraigned In circuit court
Friday ana Dan was bei m
11. .A In tks llmnfllla eoun-
tv jail in lieu of posting bail.
Trial is scheduled for Tuesday.
James Walton, renaieiun,
appointed as defense counsel,
rharees of larceny from a per
son face two men, Ivan C Han
Len and Lamore Anderson, both
'f Hermiston. who allegedly
4nn from Wilbur
tk Mime $400 from wiiour
Hinkle of Hermiston in a Board
man restaurant The two, in
dieted by the grand Jury, are to
be arraigned Tuesday in circuit
court. Bail was set at $2500 each
and they are held in lieu or
posting bail. Bob Abrams 01
HeDnner was appointed as their
Alfred Dwight Worley, charg
ed with burglary not in a dwell
ing, will enter plea Tuesday in
circuit court. He currently is free
after posting $1500 bail. Worley
is accused of taking grain from
the elevator at Patterson Ferry
landing recently.
An indictment returned in
I9fi2. after which a bench war
laill WW ---
Duffee on a charge of forgery,
Sheriff Bauman said. He was ar
rested in Walla Walla on an
other charge and was held for
Morrow county on the old in
dictment. The warrant was is
sued at a time when McDuffee
was selling magazines in Mor
row county. He is in the Uma
tilla county Jail in lieu of post
ing $2500 bail. Attorney Walton
has been named as his defense
Trial of Jim Valentine, whicn
Trial of Jim Valentine, wnicn
was scheduled for September
in Morrow county circuit court ;
urna nnstnnnprt necause lie a 1
confined to a hospital in Pendle
"-JZJr bwi
Irrigon Council
Works on Street
Improvement Plan
ir uvcllc FAraow
IRRIIXXN At Ih September
um-il mrctins. Mayvr ittctrr
WUmw rcHrtcd in ihf ill
rtwtinu held AukwM ;M comvrn.
ln aitrrl lmpfov-ioeiU uitrun
th City of Inltfon, He tated It
k. th Uclr of th majtrtty
rvfnt to frpr tn ! th
evutlnfi gravcUd road dr aur
facing, to ho atvumpluhcd nM
'rtng. fatht-r than la rturfaci
the pirM-ntly lied road. Ttie
vuiull dtucd the mibl!t
tle cl anointing a Uft cm
mittv. wIumm function wrnild
Ih to atudy the Mrnt Ituatum
and arranjie for a long ran-e
procram that wtmld rvenlually
provul. for all the fctrt t to bt
In other council buMncsm, It
wnk announced that the landfill
Commission. omprl"d of rcpre
eutatuea of the 5 participating
croups. City of Irrigon and out
King community. City of tma
lilla and outlying community
and City of McNary. had proj-
t icMH'ing ine mnumi
Ing a charge for everyone mak
ing use of it. Rather than favor
Ing this plan, the Irrigon Council
endorwd an alternate p 1 an
1. u-.ui1,t rvprmlt the laiullill
to fenced, tn oruer io
me control to bring It up to
,. standard, but specified he
Umif, should be oprn to the
publle free of charge, on simh-1-
5, ... j...- t ,. n..w It was the
to be fenced. In order to have
Ileti days of the week. It was the
feeling 01 ine coum-11 -charge
was imposed on eveone
dumping refuse, that the city
should not contribute toward
the expense of maintaining the
landfill, as they now do.
The terms of three council
members will expire this year.
. - .w-irinn tn run for
I ana anyone u-tii"K
the council may obtain a petition
. vd4 1 .A.aaaA nff litSCf
at the rosi cnnce. wu... . .......
I.v .i,tn. nf lical Voters,
ccrrplete the certification of the
n it,, rii.iiilnn and the
acceptance of the candidate and
give to the City Recorder. Mrs.
Maigeurite Houghton, at least 10
days prior to the election to be
coi.ducted with the general elec
tion in November. The terms
expiring are those of Mrs. Louis
Shade, and Mrs. Ernest Jorgen
scn and Donald Adams.
Irrigon U maintaining Its rep
utation for raising good melons,
with two local farmers, Don Ken-
j f inp niacins lirst
and second respectively on their
watermelons eniereu m m
Fair in Salem.
A family dinner was held for
Lynn Hobbs at the home of his
g?andmother. Mrs. Sedalic Dex
ter. last Thursday evening. At
tending were Mr. and Mrs. Floyd
Hobbs and family. Mr. and Mrs.
Dan Hill. Miss Penney I 'osseyj of
Boardman. anl Mr. and Mrs. Don
Leighton and family. Sunday
morning. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd
Hobbs and family drove Lynn to
Pendleton where he took a plane
to Boise, and from there on to
Lowry A.F.B. at Denver. Colo.
The Hobbs family drove on to La
Grande, where they attended the
wedding of Hobbs' nephew.
Larry Nice to Claudine Pfifer.
The wedding took place at the
First Methodist church, Sunday
afternoon. The Hobbs spent the
week-end in that area, visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nice in La
Grande, and Hobbs' mother, Mrs.
Georgia Hobbs, at North Powder.
They also drove to Baker, where
they visited Mr. and Mrs. Floyd
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Koch,
Denise and Shawn of Redmond,
spent Sunday evening wun rar.
11., nnH kio novt nicht with Mrs.
o.ii novtor TTipv also visited
Koch's folks, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin
Koch of Hermiston.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Zehner,
Melody and David, accompanied
by Mattie Zehne of Portland,
spent the week-end at Mt. Emily
and camped at Grandvlew For
est Camp, where they went
archery hunting. They were met
there by Gene Andrews, also of
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Graybeal
ln the Hen
th were
pn vie inity wn. r y
Taylor, and then drove to Fossil
and Kinzua, wnere iney nau
Friends Honor Boardman Girl
llOARn.MAN Sandra Thou.
brio rltvt vt IMdle Utothman,
wa himiirnl nr a rni""
eiu khowrr lTuilay rutin w
lakt wrk at th tlret-nfirUI
Grange hall. t.tckM wrte M.
m k a . . I .Ilia
Ik-moid iKinan. u.
Hfdien. Mrs Crctl If amtJton, .Mr.
Su-ard, Sharon Ktiui an. I
Ml Her. fill' MiVU. IH-tna
Wit and rat I'artU. 11ie
were 4J prcM-nt.
Guekta from out of on !
rluthnl ,Mrt. Wayne iWch of lU I
lltiiiham. Vah. Mr. Nathan
Thoitw and daughter Tiea.
Mia, Paul Smith and Mrs. Ufiy
Thoiivof IUrmuton: Mr. !'x-t
Smith. Mr. rloyti iiooua.
Ma June. Sun M'oy. r lnma
rptH-nhaih and Sheryl Wtther
puvn, all of Urlgoii.
Mr. and Mm. George King have
returned hum trtni a we-k trip
to Katrbanka. Alaska MUng
their nw and daugtit. ru In law.
Mr. and Mr. Wayne King, and
Mr. and Mr. Wenley King, who
have the King Trucking Corpora
tlon there. King U vice pteMd. nt
gtMKl mwi chucker hunting.
Mr. and Mm. Albert Partlow
an". Slieryt drove to VaiutKiver.
Wash-. Friday, where iney tn
overnight guei-t of Mr. and Mr.
Russell McCoy. Tliey were Joined
ihr- bv Mr. and Mr. Khhard
Cochran, Raymond and Robbie of
Tillamook. Saturday morning.
Cochran and the Partlw drove
to Ilwaeo. Wah, imw "u
went decp ea fishing. Tliey re
turned to their homes Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. John Swearlngen
drove to Boise Saturday to vUit
their son-in-law arul daughter.
Mr. and Mrs- Gary Pillock ami
Pati. While there Swearlngen
were calUnl to Orland. Calif., by
the death of Mm. Swearlngen
brother-in-law. Mr. Harry Schul
ty They attended the funeral
service on Wednesday, and re
turned to Irrigon early Thursday
Mrs. Edith Oliver was released
from the Umatilla hospital Mon
day morning after being con
fined there for 22 days, following
a fall at her home, which frac
tued her left arm. Mm. Oliver,
who was brought home in the
ambulance, makes her home
with her son-in-law and daugn
ter, the Clarence Howell.
Mi. and Mrs. Marcus Foster of
Hawthorne. Calif., visited at the
r,t hu hother-ln-law and
sliter, Mr. and Mm. John Swear-
ingen and Geraiuine uurmj;
Jack Hlgglns of Kellogg, Idaho
Is visiting at the home of his
sister. Mr. W. C. Anderson.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hill spent
the week in Portland, where
their daughter, Mrs. Roseoc Ctxv,
unclerwwent surgery. Hill returs.
ed to Irrigon Sunday evening,
and Mrs. Hill remained in 1 ort
land to care for her daughter ancl
.r.4.MMron Rhonda and
t f ", Z""' '
(BlMt" ------ WX-'i ,
1 iU
V S3
-MM if
IWr 'i.- 't.W a' " Alt? a
Wherever your work takc you. inc jccjj jiauii. ju .muv. inAnsnnjiun ainu inut.-
,.u..:,..!i.h.;nu ! the first 4-wiieel drive truck PENDENT FRONT SUSPENSION. No other
r.. .... rar moothnett
lurc-iooled jeep traction vn o- ...... ... w.uu.a.u.
vnwFD The oiilv overhead camshaft engine In any base and 7-ft. box. or 1
It .U
. : ,r,v it ivei vou
lllll... ...... . o . .
iiector knob make, shifting simple, VOUR 'JEEP" DEALER'S. all WW
r '
t&KISER JOCp CORPORATION World'$ trgt$t mnuf9cturmfot4 wbldrivwhiclo$
Farlev Motor Co.
126 East May
AlkWa t attend mertlog 01
ths luVTHry lH l,y flaw !.
Hie Mother Club 4 Boartlman
tJll--iu-"hcia i.. ''7;M
,a ThuiMlay f''X1
tan k at the wh.-jl. M'-
11,-nKle and Mr. I""
werv rlrtlrd halriun U J
Tear, with Mr. w.l
4l.et inrinhrr of cmimltl.v
Mia- H-rn 1,u'"i V" ."''rl',
treasurer, and Mi Unn I t
l.rtv I M-ctelary.
1 he Teachcm KHv.li.m wa
dii--ul and a leniatltr date I
act lor S picintH r TX
plan weie dtu I f.
the O H A. dinner which will
heie tV-tolier -Hi.
ll.e c lub N.n.ied a '',
fju h.u to Ih- given at !'
cho.il JWpleintH-r IV
Mi Harold Haker t.t
that a lolal of 4H hlld.rn fmin
:ti famillc Uk the awlmmlng
1,-sM.n in ILrmlMon thl sum
mer. Mr. Hon PanleN wa h.les
for the lU.ar.lman Tlllu-um rlub
TucMlav n':ht "f ,a',, W'H
her home.
Mm UVern Parllow 'r-VM
an arlUle an Helen Killer. Our
UiiM-ctng Ke!."
The ChtNtma doll ha l-'n
MMecled. and mcmlH-r are wik
log on clothe for It.
Mr II. M. Walker and Mm.
Honnld Blk attended the
inMrlit U'ortlandl American
Cantvt Solely m.Hting In Herm
iston last week.
Aiivone wishing to purchase
the key ring l lng wild '',,rlM,
mnev for the Hoard man lun
tHr Kire department may get
th.-m at the gr.nvry More.
The club will nave another
rummage nl and baked fod
s.i!e IK I. 7 S at the grange ha t
The next meeting will he held
itt Pendleton at the home of Mrs.
Hay Gronquist Sept. 22.
Mr. Joe Tntone wa hoMes
for the Home Economlm club of
Greenfield tlrange WVdnesday
at her home, starting with lunch
eon at 12:Jl. Mr. Arinur wu
wa co hostess. Mrs. Hoilln Bish
op was a guest.
Mrs. Russell Miller and Jim
and Pat. and Mr. and Mr. Har
old Baker and children Hon.
Randy. Karen and Kristie went
to Sweet Home Saturday to at
tend the wedding of Charles ts
Kxxt and Patricia Johnson at the
Methodist church. Mrs. Miller
and Jim and Pat spent the week
end at the home of her brother
and sister In-law. Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Akers In IHrtland. and
the Bakers were guests at the
home of Mr. and Mm. Dean Grif
fin In Portland. On the way home
Pat Miller entered Marylhurst
fv.iis...n tnr hr fri-shman vcar.
and Mrs. Miller and Jim attend-
ed a Parents Tea hunuay aner
noon on the campus.
Mr. and Mrs. Delmer Hug and
children Debbie. Pam, David and
Julia went to Canby over the
week-end where they attended n
reunion of the Smith family.
Mr. and Mm. Donald J. Hipp of
taaSHssaaafc.4 . ' .
- -r.: . i r a.' J
Z 0 ' II
s,M. . ....m ,,;, -lt
: . . t . vmjmawmmmim " hmm . '
on the highway, 4-WD truck offen
- rhnnu fi,iitnr
lonecr life, lower gas and 8 ft box. with
- , ,
4000 to 8000 lbs. STEP
a I. IIHd A
man H. Hurg.
Mi and Mi PHI ' "
pallea wrf wr.k end tilo at
Ih Immiw. c Mr GHi- pairnla,
Mr and Mi llaiM Kh,
Mi. and Mi U"
to SunnyHde. Wah Sunday ti
.. Mf. and Mm. Will Webber
Mr and Mrs. J- fatone and
m J.ly went to N-llnd hatur
dav for I. union ol the Tatone
weie aUnit f enl.
J.. Tatone U participating In
th Pro Am J"if Touriiaimiit
Wedia-Mlay U thl Week. Ill l"ull
lan.1. , .
Viltom Nt wi- k at the h.M.ie
t.f Mr and Mm Khmr Memn
eer weie Mm Meriigrr's awrr.
Mm Cell Mackrn. and H
Vl. toi id UGiande.
Ut and Mm. Kail lUlrt have
returned home Ir.n a lour day
trio veiling rrlalHcs Tlu-y Visit
p, their on and daughter In
Uw. Mr. and Mr W. l Ma
wcl and ' 1'"f, ,'.r,,"r
Ind isl. r in law. Mr. and Mr,
r C. t'an.gle. In IVtland.
Hru-g' !. ,Mr- T,
S i ,7 d..r In IHdake and Mm
St, Ha ittoma In Taft. and a
not her brother In law and aUter.
Mr and Mm. A. I. Carnegie. In
Albany Mr. and Mr. tMto Mun
ifj s'twinpanlwl them and
Usited their "n and daughter-In-law.
Mr. and Mm. C.n.rce
Bauer. In Sweet Home. Mungem
also consulted a physician In
Mi and Mr. Claud Worden
left Saturday for a three weeks
trip to Joplln, Mo. to visit Wor-den-b
br4hrr and sister In law
Mr. and Mm Clifford Wotlen. and
other relative.
Mi. and Mr. Ro. rt Turner of
Hermiston lHrd Sunday at th'
home i4 Mr. and Mr. Albert
Itene. Kicky and R. na Kly .f
Hermiston were Sunday visitor
at the home of their grandpar
ent. Mr. and Mr. Klvln Kly.
Carl. Dale and Kurt Schrunk
have returned to their home In
M.nin.. Calif, after visiting
their grandparent. Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Schunk. Their aunt. Mr.
Marvin Brltt. and daughter
Sandra and Deborah of l-orcsll.
took them to Martinet
A group of 2t persons from
Boardman Community church
went to Irrigon Sunday night to
participate In a Singsplration t
the Baptist Church.
Menu for Riverside High
school and Boardman rade
school for the week of Sept. Zl--
are a follows: Monday hot
dogs, pickle relish, baked iwta
toes' green bean and fruit;
Tuesday ham sandwiches, po
tato chip, spinach and 'rull;
Wednesday bologna sandwich
es, whipied potatoes, tomatoes,
filled grnham crackers and Ice
cream; Thursday atew, biscuits
or rolls, cottage cheese and plno
apol. solad and cookies; Friday
toasted clnH-se snndwlche.
corn vegetable stick and fruit
Jello. Bread, butter and milk are
served with all meal.
. ,4
. -i
you theie optional feature!.
I ffin ...I.U lOAI U ...I .
wm, wtitn-
- 300 with 120-inch whcelbase
CVVV'i from "
m fnllnPini
(6:30 p.m. Ch. 5)
St Paul. nnn