LOT MAKSIM. IE1ETY " lV' ' I 1 i ' I ! t v r ) Ml Vi ! Km f If t I M i f J r j'ttT'f.'i..... I ' l - f 'I (71 W i and Tlr 7 MR. AND MRS. ARCHIE BALI. JR.. hown cutting thlr wedding raki at th roptKn following thlr wvddin? Sptntbr S ot th rt"t Christian church. Th bitd U th tormtt Diana Moot fulUton. (Lyons Photo) Diana Fulleton Weds Archie Ball, Jr. In Impressive Fall Church Ceremony The marriage of M I i.i n.i Marie Kulltn. daughter of Mr. an I Mr Hoiiv It. KullHon. to An hit (. IUI1. Jr, n of Mr and Mm. Anhle 1UII. Sr . all of I l-f - inter, H4i soiemnien ai an nn ir-lve m'nilntj cvtemony Sat unUv. S liti-nilx-r f. at tin FtrM ChMMI.in thimh, Ilifier IH clutini: at tfie iloulilo rlnj; tvte im ny h thr lt v. I-n U. Hh- tmi k. an all whlli- tinckiTouinl of white t.injriU holillni; wlillf K'''li"il an-rntrd with wliili- Imiw, and flanked hy Mtidi latx-rs In candlrabra. The liride. i:lwn In marriage hy Iht fultirr. wm lovrly in a traditional white floor length cnwn of whitf nylon, with lae tritumlnn the tin kllmi and tlirce qUitrtrr letik'th itleevew. Iler waist Irri'th illuMlon veil tell from a tlara auwn of nerd ix'arN. Shr carried a bridal bouquet of white ruse entwined by trailing ivy. Maid of honor was Ml.vt Vlr elrtla Moore, whool cla;i.smate. N-rvlnK an bridesmaid were Ml Shannon Mahoney, rousln of the KfM,m M'- Uru1'' Moer, both of lleppner. The attendants wore matthlnj; Mreel lenk'th yowni of lavendar hrneadtf natln with net txidkv anl lavendar headdrejo.es held In place by wnnll white rhryxan thnn ii mH. They carried matching nnn bouquets of white spider chrysanthemums. Lighting the tapers before the ceremony were Kuby and Becky I Ku leton. ulsters or the inn Their dresses were of lavendar tafteta, fashioned similar to the other attendants. Flower girl was Rene Flack, niece of the groom, wearing a full skirted dress In light laven dar taffeta. Lonnle Kill leton, of Vale and cousin of the bride, served as ring bearer. Attending as best man was Itobert Mahoney, cousin of the croom. Ushers were Bruce Moyer, (Jary Van Blokland. clnssmates of the groom, and Nat Webb of VVella Walla. Organist for the ceremony was Mrs. VirL'Inla Turner, who also accompanied Mrs. Fred Ilosklns, Golden Anniversary Of Raymond Drakes Marked at Reception bona H I Mr. and Mr. Umnd K. If-ki rh lrU! Il.rir Tin n iUy. Ni trii.Ur li, with a fatnlly ctiiuter in Ititir balk yard and a rittin hi Hie :lia (ink tmiid K'rith Drake and I'rKinfl to liirrinr WrU;M Were n.atfied .NiArtntH-r " H, at liii'h iiim In Kalem. Ori-t'tin. at tl.e l.lldf" hoiri, ri-rnt V) t mi f..f the we.l.linif snd a I to at Ihlf family dinner ai.d -4'.ion weii Mr T. K tJlven, and S II WrU'ht. Si-.kane, Wn , t -1 -r anil I tfUii-r i.f Mr. Jiruke; Mis. Jot Wright. Vancouver, VVfi. Kter In I w of Mi IWake, Mr. Inake'a twin brtithers. ... . a en iae til lone, ami lA-u Mlnke of IIihhI Itlver. ! tHrr inetntei of ttie fam Illy weie .fi-Miit i eat filmic le (Itliliir In the Drake' hark )ard. A tx-auliful nuntiy day and a Jaid of lovely wwinl flow er made the H-rfit M tting for the m i ii Moo that wu attended bv the five (trake ihlldren Nlid In of the 22 graridchlldren. Tin ie Mr. an! Mr. Kaymond iHake. Jr., Keith, Kenny and Match, ('orvallu; Mr and Mrs. Ik.k.iI.I K. !rake, Kevin, Jon, land Kellv. !-to-Mon. Calif; Mr. jsml Mil. Claude W. Iirake, ;( laudla, Judy. Ia nnis, Charlotte and Joc, Kenni'wlrk, Wn ; Mr. ami Mr. Douglas Drake, Sunn, I Alfred, tlwendolyn and Buky; Mr. and Mr. I'aul Warren, Mike. Steve, Matt and Joan, all of llrtl'Mir Other relatives attending from out of town Included Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clauen. Salem; Mrs. J. B Wheir. Hood River; Mr and tM. Ted Mohr. Dick ami Jay, h'ugene; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Furno. Suan and Janet, and Mr. Frank Nikcs. all from Vancouver. Wn.. and Mrs. Tom Hrlftaln of Kennewkk, Wn. A public reception honoring the coldenweds was given bv nt.,nlii.r ,f Ihi Ifhi-.'i f're4K Cnni'i at the (iranire hall fol- I lowim; Ihe dinner. A beautiful three tiered wed ding cake topped with gold hells and decorated with pink and white Icing was cut bv Mr. and Mrs. Drake. A color scheme of gold, pink and white was carried out in the table decor ations, tapers and flowers throughout the room. Serving the cake were Mrs. Tuul Warren and Mrs. T. K. Civen with Mrs. Raymond Drake. Jr.. and Mrs. Douglas Drake pouring the punch, tea and coffin. Others presiding at the refreshment table during the afternoon were Mrs. Donald Drake, Mrs. Claude Irake, Mrs. Charles Furno. Mrs. Frank Sikes. Mrs. S. K. Wright. Mrs. Ted Mohr, Mrs. Walter (laussen. Mrs. Tom Brittain, Mrs. Floyd Bull and Mrs. Cleo Drake. Susan. Claudia and Judy CoihiV Cvvnls FRIDAT. Sptmbr II bakafca, IOOT ball. I football ion, lUppaar -. Caadoa. I p-m. MONDAT. StpltmbM II Chamber of Cotnmtrc, Wagoa WbmL noon. Order of Rainbow for GUIs. Mcuonur haJL, 7; JO xym. Arnorican Litoii fubUc Cud raily. Llon hall. I p.m. WCDMCSUAT. &ntmbf 23 Annual fTA Toachors Rocrp lion, htqb acnool multl purpoM room. I p.m. Odd relJow. IOOr hall. p-rn. THURSDAT. Septambor 24 SoroptunUU. noon. Houghton Entertains County School Heads Tutting aide business whlth Ukually oeeutle the regular meetings of tlie Morrow county m hoi lard. an Informal gi t aciiualnteil party was enjoyed bv the group at the A C. Hough ton w hinl In Irrlgon last Thur day evening. All county Ixtard members and administrators of the coun ty schools were present for a watermelon feed, combined with v in! ting and Ihe opportunity tu tKt-ome better acquainted. Mak ing arrangement for the affair were lion Daniels. Klverslde prin cipal, and Michael Tolar, prin cipal at A. C. Houghton. Mrs. Nickcrson Gives Historical Review Since Club's Charter Tracing the past fiUtorv of the SoroptlrnUt tlub of llrt.pner proved iKth interesting ana no. laL'tc tu old and r.w rttemlera at their uiuhrn n.e-ting last 1 hursday. Pfe rr.rrr.!rr tA tr.o ciwO, ft viewed outstanding events, be. ginning with the flubs firl in ktallation and charter dinner on Saturday, April lo. Wis. In the American Legion hall. There lit',,, 'fi -l,iirl.. r.w.nlki.f . Intl. lated. under the aixmsorshlp of uir rwiM'immiM riun oi iiaurr, with several ktill holding active, lift f.r kiiht tk Inl t if m.fTltf.ri.hiiiift A wide variety of civic and youth irojis-ts were reviewen, urttig ne back tdcasar.t memories and verifying ears of active club memt-ershlp. Many youth pro jects have become traditional. Discussion was held on trans porting the club's float to Ten dleton for the Dress-Up jwsrade Saturday night as public ser- ice. In restwinse t tiartic ltatton of so many lindlcton and out- Ide entries In our own iarale. ( K'enuH-lncf thi IransfMrtrtlr.ff were Mrs. Jim Hager and Mis. keia i7iomas. inc iioai was udged first among service org- nuations entered and me ciua kill receive a trophy s an ward. Mrs. Wes Sherman, president HErFNER CAZrTTC TIMES. Taufsdar. gaptasahof IT. IH4 encouraged a number of mem bers lo attend the annual Dis trict 2 meeting; of th North. wetern leginn In Ontario on September ;i and 27, to b held at the Moorn Hotel. I'lana are underway (or the rlub to ! I soruoring organ latlnn for ttio M-iund Ualo Carnegie Course In lleppner, to mart sometime In Ottotwr under Die leadership of hoft tarh. A course was suc-rssfullv com pleted In the spring with 23 graduates. sme wno were un able to attend the first aessiun have espreed a detre fur sect.nd rtrtirae. Contacts will be made with people of the com munlty to attend an initial dem onstration merting. and anuie wuttlng llilortnution may nn lad Mrs. Mierman. Mrs. Matt Hughes, Mrs ItiiU-e Fullrtun, Mi, hill iollin or Mrs. td tionty, Tell the adver!r ou saw It In the Gatette-Tlmea. AMERICAN LEGION CARD PARTY MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 8 P.M. Legion Hall, Heppner Bridge and Pinochle REFRESHMENTS SERVED "Through the Years," and "Wed du e I'rayer." For her daughter's wedding, Mr. Fulleton hoe to wear a M Ire uit w ith brown accessories and t white orchid corsage. Mrs Ball, mother of the groom, ap h an d In an autumn gold dress with green aitissortes and a white orchid corsage. The couple greeted their many frli-mls and relatives at a recep tion Immediately following in the church parlors. Decorations in the bride's table and about the room carried out the laven dar and white color scheme chos en for the wedding. A beautifully ibi-orated 3 tier ed wedding cake, topped with miniature bride anil groom In Drake were In charge of the front of a heart of lace, centered the serving table. After the tradi tional cutting of the first piece by the bridal couple, It was cut and served by Mrs. La Verne Van Marter. Jr.. and Mrs. Roger Stel cer. I'ortianu. ooin sisters or inn croom. anu Mrs. mick funeion Vale, aunt ot tne urine. 1'ouring were Mrs. James Haw lev. Vale, and Mrs. Fenny Fulle ton. Qulncy, Wn., both aunts of the bride. Attending the gift table were Mrs. One Hall. Lexington, and Karen and Barbara Fulleton Vale, cousins of the bride. Judy Fulleton. Vale, cousin of the bride, presided at the guest book. .... a V. - ...I....I Un.., l.wt with dark lavendar ribbon, and the small cnxim'i cakes were Rubv and Becky Fulleton. For colngaway the bride's ensemble was a dark grey wool suit with white accessories and white rosebud corsage. They left immediately for a wedding, trip to Canada. Both of the newlyweds will enroll at Blue Mountain Com munity college with the start of the fall term, and will be at home at 119 N. W. 6th In Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs. Olls-or Creswick. now of Portland, were visiting Hcnpner friends Monday and Tuesday. During the next two will oe in Mivenon weeks thov taklni? care of a mortuary while Jr., when she sang the numbers, the owners are on vacation. truest book Miss Theresa Tucker, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Kldon Tucker of lone, sane "Oh Promise Me" and "Somewhere A Voice Is Calling." songs that were sung at the wedding 50 years ago. Also during the short program the Drake children ana their families were introduced and asked to stand. For this occasion Mrs. Drake chose to wear an off-white silk dress detailed with a jacket and nlnk accessories. She and her dauehtcr. Mrs. Paul Warren, wore identical pink rosebud cor sa pes. The reception room was decor ated with many beautiful plants and cut flowers from friends and relatives. Friends attending from out of town were Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bull. Milton-Freewater; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bennett. Condon; Mrs. Fav George. Mr. and Mrs Robert Scrlvner and Diane, all of Portland, and Mrs. Bob Run nlon of Boise, Idaho. make good headway When you get a new hair do, you suddenly "come alive" as a new you emerges. Come In and let our staff of expert beauti cians show you the way to new loveliness. Lois' Beauty Shop IIETPNER IONE Ph. 676-9G03 Ph. 422-7234 RENE JO JUDY VERLE ALICE DELORIS LOIS PS h 1 1 AH Couple Repeats Vows In Idaho Ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Palmer, Lexington, announce the recent marriage of their son, Joe, to Miss Kianie Gaarsland of lone on Friday, August 21, at Weiser, Idaho. The new Mrs. Palmer is the daughter of Mrs. Ray Smith. Baker, and Joe Gaarsland of lone. Attending the wedding were the parents of the groom, and his brother, Mike, also the mother of the bride and her brother, John, of Baker. The young people are now living In Heppner where Palmer is employed at the Kinzua mill. Palmer was a graduate of lone High school in the class of 1962. Fulleton Relatives Here for Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Rolce Fulleton and fumily had several out-of-town relatives as guests over the Labor Day week-end, coming to attend the wedding of Diana Fulleton and Archie Ball, Jr., on Saturday, September 5. Coming from a distance wore Mrs. Frank Fulleton, grandmoth er of the bride, Mr. and Mrs. James Hawley and Mr. and Mrs. Mick Fulleton and family, all of vaie; Airs, t'enny Fulleton, Pat, Jim and Joe, Quincy, Wn., and G. O. Barager, grandfather of the bride, of Los Angeles. Elder Glen Mechanv branch president of the LDS church in Heppner attended a church quarterly conference In Rich land on Saturday and Sunday. He was accompanied by Loren Bade of Heppner. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Watkins. Gary and Christy, spent several days over Labor Day week-end boating and visiting Mrs. Wat kins' brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wislev. at W neighborly pendableX important food 11 m mm W ALLEY'S 22 OZ. nv l invosiier Dill P e oaies i 39 hAJB Coffee Lb. 7Qc 2 Lb. $J77 3 Lb. $255 6 ox. Instant $Jj9 BARONET OR OREO COOKIES g pkgs. BISOUICK I r-'v- 11 . A I . V IT X IT."- 40 ox. 39( ian:i mm RED DELiaOUS Arables 6 'b.$' GREEN BETTT CROCKER 20 OZ. Pie Crust illix 39 SEAPAKT 8 OZ. CANS Oysters 3 cans I CARNATION 1 LB. I Margarine 4 for It's Time For Stew! Yum Yum! flew flllbr,. 2 lb- 19c TURNIPS RUTABAGAS CARROTS BONELESS BEEF Stew eat lb. 59 BOUND-UP BRAND ASSORTED Lunch Meaf ' 5 5$ Mild Cheddar Cheese-55c "v rx j ii "sis MORRORW COUNTY FAIR 4-H RESERVE CHAMPION a5 7 BEEF on bALc This Week At Regular Prices Pork Chops Ih. 69c LOIN END Pork Roasf lb. 59c PRICES GOOD SEPT. 18 and 19 Phones; (Groc.) 676-9614, (Meat) 676-9288 It's nice to save twice low prices and S&H Green Stamps I MARKET V A Smmwimh. Lake Chelan. Wn.