4 mn WJ , i SyJ,) 11 oil nM IM1 ' SMWff '! . . i j . r C I . ilvl A...t. . HEFFNER GAZETTE-TIMES. Thursday, Sptslt Id. I Oosiilied Ra!es 44 t rt4 MlUllNIMM TV Inch. cuitjinro deaduke T u unta. u i qwstt4 fas mail M IhsusM I Us IIW. 1 Cards of Thanks CAIUl Or THAMC5 WUh Wp fUU'H I th li thank frlm-ls eM rrUlhr ft Ihrir ranis an-t tl"rf while I vtu a i.iinl - ly l n.nrrr M.it.iul W Sils thanks to tt hMl amt t. t Wuiff fur rtf t . alnlnrw-. CAIill OK THANK wth t.i thank the Rhea (rrk Crani'f, r.uf frUUvr ami many ffiMi.l M the lvrly gifta, beautiful fhmrrs, raf!. and rax vtltli.a rtr.t.v U I HI " nth n-ltinif anniversary. W can rmrmbr this day a 'ne of ur irnt rnJi)aM nr Ktnma and Hay IHake JJH p """" VaIUI OK THANKS Mv ttre-t thanks l "he friends and rrlamra It the fltmrrs, rant an.l prsrr lr my M-ha!f Hhll I H a patient In M. Anthf.ny h'Mil In Pen dleton. All are deeply apprec iated Sam M-Daniel J.HC ( AKI OK THANKS I wish to thank everyone "n heed with thf Il.r- Shw. My l-Ul thank to C'nrkle Nrene. secretary, an.) to Kay An'hrn ami !nn Wrhh tt MiTrtarlal help. Aim Ralph Heamer. row rutting; Kn f'urrin, relnlne class; John l.'uhanks. barrel raring; Jim N'orrne. trail rl, Ihmar.l Hrant. ringmaster, arul One Pierce. nnuuinvr. My thanks to Mr, Cray of Cray's Saddle Shop for hrlp In display Ins trophies. Ucclnji prizes ami contributing prizes. Special thanks to all thoe who cave so irrncrously for trophies for the show. Fred Mankln 2P 3 Lost and Found FOUND In our csr Monday nlk'ht. white and Rrry kitten. Owner claim at Jim Hager home. I'h. 4 Help Wonted WANTi:i Woman to help at lleppner Cleaners. Apply In -rson. 2s c 5 Work Wonted KUIXTIME hors? shoeing for the balance of the summer. Floyd Hutchlns, I'll. 676 9178 24-tfc WANTKD Carpentry, cabinet or cement work. Free esti mates. Contact Bruce Bothwell. ph. 676-97Hfi. 23-2Gtfc For Rent OFFICK FOR RENT. Call Con ley Unham at 676-5lK) after 5 p.m. 6 t'c FOR RKNT 2 bedroom duplex apartment. Stovea and water furnished. No dogs. I'h. 676 9950. 25c FOR RENT OR SALK 6 room house. 520 S. K. Main. Small down payment, balance like rent. Ph. 670-5383. 25-2tfp FOR RENT OR SALE Three bedroom hou.se in Lexlnjjton. Phone 989-8152. 2H-2'Jc FOR RF.NT Larce modern two bedroom apartment, water and carbace service, built-in stove and oven. Ph. 676-9631. 28-tfc 9 Livestock, Poultry MARKET September 8. 1964 Hoes 2; Sheep 2; Cattle 411; Consignors 34; Buyers 22. SLAUGHTER CATTLE Bulls 13-40 to 15.75 Commercial Cows 12.80 to 13.S0 Utility Cows 10.50 to 11.50 Canner & Cutter m Cows 7.50 to 9.80 FEEDER CATTLE Yearling Steers, 800 Pds .' 18.00 to Steers, Calves, 3M to 400 Pds 19.00 to Steers, Plain, TOO Pds 13.50 to Yearling Heifers, 600 to 700 Pds 14.80 to 19.20 21.70 15.50 17.20 Northwestern Livestock Com. Co. ntahway 80. Hermlflton DON WINK, Mgr. Eve. 667-8111 For Rent 1 1 1ft lJ?r I rdMmm hUi to It. ! ' I'h ii.'o VI1 aMer I t m I tilt III NT t ldr.-.m l.MiM lul.is an- water um U.r, t....l tial SI. Hi ?fl- y::: M 'It 1st NT OM JtAIJ'- I-afKe Iwo liit.n tiij in Ihppmr. .rk..il ly plr'1 tall J" iltrW, IViKllrtotl, ' "lS(,. f..ll1 JIX tint :VT-.Tw irlM-in un- furruU.t-4 aiartment. 473 I lri M 1i, t."U '71 27 2He I tilt IHNT-U:e furnished ( fi.i ri.t. cl- In All utll lilrs fulhUl.ed Itt t.7t '.M m Services X m SALK ChlMrrn'a h'rr( Mirtrl rrldlnir tfUtt Marrrl Junes. fc.6 VI.' I. 'U Uc ITUioit AMI Kft; CAKE riulp mrnt fr sale and for rent 1- K Dirk. 70 !W.U. 33 C 9 Livestock, Poultry HORSE SALE Sunday Sept. 20 4.1 MCI.IX AMI PACKS IHli. VSH.MI I1IMI.S and 4 SI'KKO HUH) AITAIjOOSAS Alrrady Consigned head average ra. mo. 11 a m. Northvirst I.lveM'k Co. Ilwy. y llermlston. Ore. Sr-r fvndleton It Up S pt. Itt 19 and stay for Horse Salr Sept. 2). Contact OMER BONNEY Auctioneer Ph. r7T STZ:. It rmMon 28 c QUARTER HORSE BONANZA 7th Annual 2-Day Fall Sale Grade Horses Saturday. October 17. Registered Quarter Horses Sunday, Oct. 18. CET YOUR CONSIGNMTS IN NOW Entries For Cataloging Close Sept. 26. ConUct OMER BONNEY Auctioneer Rt. 2, Box 297 llermlston Tel. 567-5722 12 Furn., Appliances CONSIDERING A TV. Stereo, or Radio? Compare prices and qualttv before you buy. Shop at L. E. DICK, 281 -Linden Way. 28-C FOR SALE New 1963 G. E. combination washer and dryer. Will sell or trade. Ph. 676 9975. 13 Misc. For Solo FOR SALE E flat alto sax ophone, excellent condition. Call 676 9695 after 5 p.rn VACUUM BAGS for most clean ers are stocked at L. E. DICK. We'll order any we do not carry. 28-c FOR SALE Household furnish Incs, furniture and appliances, Ph. 676-9498. 27-28c ROLL TICKETS for sale in single and double rolls. Use for drawings, admissions to events. Gazette-Times. Hepn ner. Ph. 676-9228. 37-tfc REPORT Heifers, Calves, 350 to 450 Pds 15.00 to 17.00 Light Holstein Heifers, GOO Pds 11.60 to 13.10 Llcht Holstein Steers, 550 Pds 13.50 to 14.80 Henvy Holstein Steers, 900 Pds 13.60 to 14.20 Young Stock Cows, calves at side 165-00 Baby Calves, Beef 20.00 to 30.00 Baby Calves, Dairy 10.00 to 16.00 COMMENT: Market was steady on choice quality cattle. $1.00 cheaper on all Plainer kinds. Buyers were plentiful. Sell now before the big run starts. Already consigned 147 Black Bally steer and heifer calves, weighing 300 lbs. Also 50 Hereford heifer calves, weigh ing 300 lbs. rhone 567-6655 EVERETT SNTDKR, Eve. 567-3961 113 Miic. Forbalo Id vnc. ror joio it Improved Elberta PEACHES THOMAS ORCHARDS NOW PICKING Kimberly, Oregon AUCTION SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 12, 2 P.M. AT THE FAIR PAVILION ON THE HEPPNER-P1LOT ROCK HWY. 1 r?-nnr Overhead Heater 2 Tappan Full alze gas ranges I Pule Apt. Me gas range H Kitchen chair 1 Three Piece Sectional 2 Twin Me beds with mattresses and pnrtnes 1 loll ( rib 1 End Table Lamp 1 l'k 1 Floor Furnace 110,000 BTU C Sack of Cement 1 Coleman exceptionally AUCTIONEERS NOTE: ah ..rrhjinti. will he sold ditlon which It Is at the time of All merchandise must be removed from tne DUiiamg prior to 7:K) P. M. Saturday evening, September 12. AUCTIONEER: G. R. 'Gary' Van LUMBER SPECIALS 2x4. RL, Fir and Larch. Econ $15M 1x4. 1x6, 1x8. 1x10. RL. No. 5 Pondcrosa Tine, Common, 4S J20M 1x12 - 25M 2x4. 2x6, 2x8. 2x10, 6 ft lengths only, standard and better fir. 4S J45M Kinzua Corporation Heppner LUMBER FOR SALE 2x4 STUDS Ranch Pack No. 5 $18 per nlt $5 per M SHAVINGS You load $2 50 per load FREE WOOD 4x4 Posts 39c ea. 2x2's 10c ea. Open until noon Saturdays Heppner Lumber Co. Ph. 676-9440 14 Automotive Phone 676-9921 Call FREE to Pendleton Say "276-3611 Collect" Authorized V. W. Dealer Cars Galore New Volkswagens SEDANS (any color) STATION WAGONS PICK-UPS PANEL DELIVERY $395.00 Down (your car paid for or not) $47.95 per month WINTER MOTOR CO. INC. PENDLETON. OREGON OPEN SUNDAYS 9:00 a. m. to 3:00 Ik m. 2728c 1 CamD Stove 1 Camp Oven 1 Drill Press 1 Hi It well Davenport 1 Biltwell Lounge Chair 1 2U Inch Boys' Bicycle 1 Double Bed with Mattress and springs 1 Babv Crib 1 Serving Cart 2 Snow tires Many other Items too numerous to mention. Camp Stove fine condition as It Is shown and In the con- sale. Blokland. Route 1. Heppner, Oregon Clerk: Mrs. W. Van Blokland 14 Automotive FOR SALE 64 Yahama, Trail H). under 1000 miles. Like new. Phone WE 4-2525 after 6 p.m.. or write Bob Rasco, Box 143. Monument 28-P FOR SALE Mercedes, Model 190. First class condition, good tires. $1100. See at Fred Parrish garage. 28-31c FOR SALE 8 ft. cab-over pick up camper, plus Jacks. $375. Vernon Cecil. Ph. 676-5553. 28-30p ONE STOP SHOPPING L O-O K at these Deals! Used Cars 1961 Chev. 4-dr. Sedan, air conditioning JZ150 1962 Chevrolet Monza 4-dr. $1650 1958 Pontlac Starchlef, 4-dr. hardtop wim air conditioner. 1958 Chevrolet Bel-Air . 1956 Chevrolet Station $1200 $1000 . $650 wagon 1957 Ford 4-dr. sedan 6 cyl., auto, trans. $600 1956 Chevrolet 4-dr. sedan $495 1957 Oldsmobile $400 Commercials 1963 Chevrolet 2 ton truck, 20 ft. bed $4,500 1963 Chevrolet ton pickup, heavy duty canopy $2350 1961 Ford Falcon pickup $950 1955 Ford Tickup. Heavy duty 400 1941 Chevrolet pickup $150 1941 Dodge pickup $100 See Us For TRAILER PARTS, BRAKES and WIRING JOBS All Sorts of Trailer Parts FULLETON Chevrolet Co. PH. 676-9921 FOR SALE V.m Ford Falrlane, rlean and In good condition. Under 50.000 miles. 7V). Ph. C7; MC2. 27 tfc FOR SALE '55 Volkswagen, good condition, call alter 5 p m. Ph. C76 5573. 27-2Hc FOR SALE '56 Jeep. H cab. good condition, call Clint Agee. Ph. C76 5833. 27-28c FOR SALE Trailer house, American model 8x35'. 1 bed room, bath, kitchen and living area. Complete Inaulatlon, birch interior. Refrigerator, range, oil stove, bed and dav. eno with trailer. Vtu 676 9"-W7. 18-tfc CLOSE OUT on all 1964 travel trailers, pickup campers, trucks, and mobll homes. Over 90 units to choose from at Freddies Trading Post. Ken newlck. Wn. 25-30c FOR SALE 1948 Chevrolet pickup, 4-speed. Good con dition. $250.00. Ph. 676 9930. 19tfC USED CARS 19G2 Buick Electra, full power. 1958 Packard Station Wagon, V-8, full power. 1957 Station Wagon V-8 motor. 1957 2-Dr. Hardtop Bulck, power equipment. 1953 Chevrolet 2-door sedan. Used 4-Wheel Drives 1954 6 cyl. Willys 4x4 Station wagon, one owner, exception ally clean. This is a real buy. 1961 Scout half cab 25,000 ac tual miles. 1959 Willys pickup 1953 Willys pickup. 6 cyL Used Pickups 1954 GMC pickup ton. This Is a good unit 1950 Ford H ton pickup, very clean, with new paint Job. 1951 Chevrolet i tn. excellent rubber, combination bulk and stock rack. Ideal farm unit SPECIAL All used cars carry Guaranteed Warranty plan for one year. Number of good fishing and hunting cars. WE ARE YOUR FRIGIDA1RE DEALER Good choice of used washers and dryers. 1 used refrigerator. FARLEY MOTOR COMPANY Pontlac Bulck-Willys-GMC Rambler Phone 676-9116 15 Real Estate FOR SALE 3 bedroom home, wall to wall carpet, furnace heat, $10,000, with $1,000 down, balance like rent. Grace Nickerson, ph. 676-9449. 28-tfc FOR SALE Large 4 bedroom home in lone. 14x27 living room. dining room, large kitchen, bath. 100x100 corner lot Make payments like rent, or financing can be arranged. Phone Heppner 676-9278. 27-tfc FOR SALE Oma Cox property. Two homes on one big lot. Good location, all for the at tractive price of only $8,500. See Frank Turner. 26 -tfc FOR SALE Herman Howard home, 1050 sq. ft. Lot 55x100, two bedrooms, wall to wall carpeting, new insulation, new hot water tank, new furnace, new wiring. Priced for quick sale $7500.00 (appraised at $9,500). Terms can be easy. Turner, Van Marter and Bryant 9-tfc FOR SALE Sutherland home, new, two bedrooms, two lots. $10,100, with $1,000 down. Easy terms. Turner, Van Marter and Bryant. 18-tfc FOR SALE 2 bedroom home with furnishings, $4500. Con tact Lucille Parrish, 676-5517. 23-tfc FOR SALE Two bedroom modern home with full base ment completed, 2 baths, large lot with fruit trees and berries. 615 E. Cowins. Ph. 676-9954. 26-29p NOTICE Or FINAL HEARING, Notice l herrby liven that the undersigned at Administra tor with the Will anneel of Ihe estate of Annie Hinlimtn, de. ceaiu-d, has filed his final ae. count and report In alsl etata with the Clerk of this Court and that the Judge thereof ha fUnl Monday, the Mh day of Ortohrr. 1'jM. at the hour of 10 o'rWk A. M.. aa the time. In the County Courtroom In Heppner. Oregon as the place for hearing ob)rc. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Auctioneer G. R. (Gary) Van Blokland AUCTIONEER Livestock it Ilouarhold Farm Merchandise ;:KIX IT AT AUCTION THE MODERN WAY Ph. 676-549 Rt. 1. Heppnet Building Construction Groves Construction RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL. REMODELING All Types of Building Wm Cmn lloln You With Plans Let Us Modernize Your Kitchen Free Estimates Ph. 676 5546 Heppner. Ore. H&M Construction Co. Builder of New Homes And Remodeling Henry (Hank) Pedersen 3216 S. W. Jay Ph. 276-7776 Pennlef on Chiropractor Dr. John F. Sufalko QIIROPRACTOR- NATUROPATH Office Hours: 1 to 5 p. m. Weekdays CONDON, OREGON City Council Heppner City Council "-"JTJZ4" Citlzeru having matters for discussion please bring them before the council Ph. 676-9618 Electricians PendletonElectricCo. Bonded and Licensed Commercial. Industrial. Resi dential wiring. Electric heat Wiring supplies. CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATES PROMPT SERVICE 1802 S. W. Emigrant. Pendle ton. Oregon. Phone 276-2672. Exterminating Service Ayers Pest Control Insect and Rodent Ex termination Termite Control Grain Fumigation Cattle Spray Fogging Clayton Ayers Ph. 676-9953 Dobyns Pest Control Rodent tnd Insect Exterm ination Termite Control Bird Control Grain Fumigation Guaranteed Work John Jepsen Ph. lone 422-7180 or 422-7244 Farm Chemicals Bi-County Chemical Fertilisers of All Typea Spraying Farm Chemicals THE GREEN TOUCH Convenient Locations t jiv, Tr rrs Lexington, 889-8423 Condon, 384-3SS1 Floor Covering, Heating M&R Floor Covering and Heating Co. Williams Furnaces Complete In stallations Carpeting Linoleum Oil Buruer Refrigeration Service Domestic and ' Commercial Free Estimate All Work Guaranteed Ph. 876-9418 Heppner Insurance C. A. Ruggles INSURANCE AGENCY Ph. 676-9625 Box 347 Heppner. Oregon tiuna !i aat. final arownl 4 the ariilement thereof. Everett llirthmin. AdmlnMratof witr thi Will annriel Mt hooey an.J Ahrarrva Atlornos fr AlminUtat llrpprwr. Oregon 3 Jit Yet. tha Gaietta-TIrn print th form you nr1 l r- or ranch um. ITor :- Insurance Turner Van Marter and Bryant CENERAL INSUKANC! Ph. 7 9CO Monuments Wylie Monument Co. Represented by JERRY SWEENEY SWEENEY MORTXJABT Mortuary Sweeney Mortuary Licensed Funeral Director Ph. 676-9600 llcppnef Optometrist Dr. E. K. Schaff itz OPTOMETRIST Next to Hotel Heppner Entrance Telephone 676-9465 Physicians-Surgeons Dr. A. D. McMurdo Physician and Surs-aoa Heppner Ph. Office 676-9942 Bom 676-971A Dr. L D. Tibbies OSTEOPATHIC Physician A Surgeon 1st National Bank Bldg. Res. Ph. 676-9210 Oft. 676-9616 Dr. Wallace H.Wolff M. D. Office Hours: 10 to 12, 2 to 5(30 Moru Tuea., Wed. and FrL 1 to 5:30, Thursday. Ph. 676-9253 Res. 676-9620 Printing The Gazette-Times offers complete Printing Service Dealer, Moore Business Forms Ph. 676-9228 Rubber Stamps Rubber Stamps made to your order All sizes all types Prompt service Gazette-Times Ph. 676-9228 Heppner Title Insurance Morrow County Abstract Gr Title Co. TITLE INSURANCE Office in Peters Building Ph. 676-9912 Upholstery A-l UPHOLSTERY Awnings, Seat Covers, Truck Cushions 613 S. R Emigrant Ph. 276-4781 Pendleton, Oregon Watch Repair Peterson's Jewelers Latest Jewelry & Gift Goods Watches, Clocks, IMamopda Expert Watch and Jewelry Repairing Heppner, Oregon Ph. 678-9200