OOETY LOT ItAHSIN. Ldii Monument Couple Take Weill ling Vows In Church Ceremony A il mll fllttf n-l'Mtmy ilif IM llldlll'r h.l.li )i)r MtM-l' il C.ImiI I ( . t-.Hi f. Iti'tiiiiiu ill, lii II. I'm kli li iljil thiifihln M'Miunu'Ml Sl ! rtiiiii(, S'ii'ili r X I in I'H'tldinif mi ( llii nn lli -Iftil ivrininy w tlii It "V iutM ii i k.i. mm (.r mi Vi iii n lrt !h)li-lUn i lilireli 'Jin- IM I Kit tiu('M.T if Mr inl Mi Pmirl K Karff.t ml iiatt t.l ff ll M'm mi Mr in' Mi. i II Co. all l M n umrtit Iivrn In nmiiUj-f ly rw-r father. Ih lirlli" ! r llir lrfi-H 111 loll i lute I.IM- ilf , fal.loftr With lull Kill. Illl.-I lll f . k nllolH-'l intklllii i"l I long ilit-vi'v with IMmminj: f lrtt-iu rnl MHUln nl m il -4rl Hi-r i Ibow It filh M il of nylon m-l f Itmn rwn -f U I1'I mailer lilimoiilim M.r inrrlfl lulUI Im.ihu I ! hrn.fi wlillf tarnation Mi'l (Iji-r lir iithrmums Allrnliif tnUl of lioii.ir for hrt IMt-r wn li.ilnil.i K. Karrrim, ami litlli-MtialJ w:i Jinly t'avrrwlt-r. Ilfi tt Moicj mi nl lUiih wofr luruolH hJui'i Mrii-t li-nKih ilri-kva, mail' with M-tlIo- iiii klliii. aii-l li 'i wofp mali hlriL luniuoUt lim i ;in.l Tiu'v wofi wltlti mio mitt. and cmtnl iHuniui-tt f whlti hri-lll carnation SlTVlIU Mt l anillt IlL'I'ltr. W.'M '. K I Kinti-rU k of SH lloin nmln of i hi I'flili', and lotiiir "o. Monument. ltr of th- LTiH'in, Tlu-lr ilnn-j'. alto in tut iuuI-mv wi-rr fjshlofii-fl nlmllnr to In s.' of othi-r attimlanu. Kitiii wore a wiWt ifirsajct f wm'i' liiii.n llrj with a turquoiM Imiw. Ill ni. Iti-nrt-r wa P.ivl.l MKii, cousin of tin lirl'li1, of Sal m Si rMiii! an l-M mail wai !'.' M.ivls of Monuinrtit. ami u-ti wr. Janu- Ivrrwk of lnK' Cni k; WHIN Farrcn. hrolluT f lh. lirl.li. nml HolM-rt ItaVll. l ilil of Monument For li'-r ilaujrhirr'i wnlitm,: Mr. Furrcns wor a Rfce" mrt.illl.' milt with hl.uk nnvi Mirlm ami an onhlil omK' Mi. Cim. innther of the num..! hoM" a pink Mlk I'tlnt ttil'i while ni-eesotle ami nil oit.'ihl rorai?i. IlininM w.ih Mrs. Merlin June, with Wayne Leather, it Klr.LMni! the nolo. "AIwuvh". cner KW Kuest.i were prrvnt for the renniony and reeepllon w1i Icli follriwed at the church. A fonr llered weilillni! rake, tuiiuej wllh olnk wcddlnv' I'flla Irlni- med with pearl.. wa M'rved hy Mr. Walter Wright. Mrs. Hairy Owen, both aunt of the lrll.; Mr. William Fredi-rhk nml M.m. William Mile, eoiislns of tr." bride. Pouring punch were M' Velnui Jones, nunt of the hrlde. ami Mr. N'wl tVtrley, i-wusln ol thi Rftwim. I'ourlnu coffee wer" Mr. KVelyn Karrrns, uranl mother of the bride, ami Mr. Mike Oirley, nunt of the j.:riMin. Si'rvlnjj were Mr. Lol. Hill. Mrs. frt'oTRe Stuhhlefield and Jeannie Hill. Judl Dnvls passed the Rue.st bMk and Sonjn Sweet and Sharon Mahe had clniree of tne gift table. Rice bnj: were dlstrl buted bv Tercsla Frederick and F.llsn Mile, cousin of the bride, and groom's cakes were distribu ted by Snrn Cirley and Veina Arlt, cousin of the groom. Ftr KII way the hrlde h s rha C7f Hit C'oiiitiir 'mils SUNDAY. SpUmli IS Oiil l Hatnbow u Gill. Kuth Anblr rla. U. mMt In tallotion. MaMMttc ball. 1 pan. MONDAY. SpUtb.l l Cbamtor at CMumir, Wooa WIihI, noon. Old i et CcuUra Star, Maaeitlc halt pm. WtDNLSOAY. Rpt.mbl It (M1 rllowa. IQOr hall. I p tu. THURSDAY. Spltmii 17 SoiofjtlmUt. Waioa Wbcl. noon. i rUE. Btot Hlht Elk Ttmpl, dinner a i:10. Autixiiapli Faity. aulbota cl "Oixja pmiI. tlumpnray. 3 to t Rcbckohs Moke Plans .Rainbow Girls Elect, utttntn cixtm TSHtt. tv?. Uf 11 im IIU III' Daughter Attendant At Mother's Wedding Mr. Tom llii'be and chlMn n VlMleil In ,Ni-wtM-n; ow-r Hie Ijil'iir lay Weik fin! The mur kion Mil i alteiul the Urill i,' of Mr llufhe' mother. M- lli'lolhy F Mearni In Veli.mi 11 Collie of Newtietg at the M.'il. in. 1st iliuich p4loli4.e III W'l l.iim on Suinl.i. Si'i'ti iniH r i Attendant were Mi. 1 1 u f - a matron of honor and Uu I i;ine, brother if the Kioom. i . Ih'sI man. The iiewlyweil will noike their borne In NcwlM-i. AImi prifeiit at the n-reinuny were the four grandt hildien 'I he ttioiichl mi'uretl to the group a they went to the rrre on ny that II inlht be one t,f It." few lime a bride had driven b r ilaii'ber and Krandehlldren t.. her own Wfililini!,, 5, . 4- Vows Exchanged In Idaho Ceremony Mis Ivorralne F. Ilarrden In came the bride of Kddle M. flro. nan at an Informal iiremonv In Couer d" Alene, Idaho, mi August 31 The bride I the d.iuk'hter of Mr. and Mrs Ih Hm-iI llarndeii. and parent of the ernom are Mr nnd Mr. Jerry Hrosnan. all of lleppner. Tlie bride chosi a IM-Iee en M-mble fur the reremony. They rontinued on a weddinR trip to anada. an now make their home In llelinner. where the I'riMirn work on the Huttcrcreek ranch of his parent. The new Mr. Hrosnan I employed a weretarv In the office of Dtslrlct Attorney Herman Winter. She was a graduate from Mitchell HiL-h school and Hrosnan was graduated from lleppner High school. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Hal and their irranddauKhter. Dlanne Mc Lnchlan. left last Thursday for Sunnydate. Calif., where they will Mn-nd a wii-k visiting at the home of Mr. Hale' son In law and daughter, Mr. and Mr. Tom Sullivan. i r k. r far-- ' 1 ' f ' . 'J-..1 TOUGH! The pants that conquered the west! He's a working cowboy you can spot that at a glance. It's the pants. Lee Riders, the real west ern pants. Lean, lanky legs. Low slung waist And tight-twisted Sanforized Lee denim is the toughest in the world. Has to be. Try 'em. Look for Lee with Ihfl iufhontif! ri'" branded j label. 1 me $4 25 NEW YORK STORE 369 S. Main Pendleton blue nylon boude knit two- plete dress wllh while nccc.1- sorhti nnd orchid corsage. Both newlywcds are graduates of Monument High school, and now make their home In Monu ment, with the groom employe I at Seneca Lumber Co. In Long Creek. A pre-nuptlal wedding suppo. was nerved to 40 guests ny tiie rilcs parents immediately pre ceding the wedding ceremony. BONNIE C ZIMMERMAN Miss Zimmerman Gets Peace Corps Assignment in India lUmnle (J Zimmi'ftnan. itaugV tir of Mr ami Mm :iihrd Zrr merman, ilermlston, and grand- lUuj-Mi-r of Mr. and Mr orm Wright, llepner. ha tMi-n ac n fited lulu the V, S. IVao Corp and left Ongon thi week fur oversea assignment, acturding to word received at wei-k ly new release to her grandpu' cut. Afier graduating from llermis ton High school. Mis Zimmer. man completed one year of c.! leee at Oleeon Male I'nlVers.'V .She w a to depart September 9 i nr iniiia wnn -w inner iti.t Corp volunteer. They will Join atwiut I'V other viilunteer al ready at work In agricultural ex tension, rural i-ominunlty actetn, secondary education and health !y developing Irrigation works. oultry and dairy project. these new volunteers will assist In pro viding better food for the Indun Slate of Wi st liengal. A part of It deVelopme.it plan, the Indian government Juir. niUestii peace Corp Volunteem i to extend the work of Mate ou: try farms on the village level. The voluntei-r will Instruct and demonstrate Improved tec U nlijui-i of multry development, such a chicken coop ronstrui lion, pniK-r feeiling anl disease i-ontrol. They will also help ii- eloi iH-tter method to market the chicken and eggs proiuciii The group trained for 10 wee!:. at the University of laluorii'a at Davis. Instruction was pracl cal, emphasizing training in H' ricultural methods and Hengali the language of West Bengal The trainee attended courses on Indian history, culture and local tradition a well as reviewing course on American history and Institutions, and world affairs. The departing volunteers will join the (i,lt either Americans now working for the Peace Corps in -!o African, Asian and Latin American countries, with re quests received daily from these nations for additional Volun teers. For Official Visit Of State President I'Um n n!e by Tu Soul I'iUMIi itg I'nUy rs in 1 1 If I r llie i.ffl.idt tMt f llir A"li't.ly ItfOldt lit llnfrm Hill f JuIkHoii Illy Lit lrilv liritHioii an evening, ptnn U t l 'U;hteen f.i if l r aid e'if-t wrr lirull J..r II. e t,i lav llell'U' fjfl 1.11 !!. trw fall ultedul- Mt ll.lHrf WI..J bm Iwrli lr.1r.J i k dill 11. tin miimirr vaaien bad li"l MM ttfldn In l.onor if the romiMf li' of ttie .l!r pretldi lit. a lei bo-, t tinner I pl i.r-l I r . hi p tu Npiemtir I, wiih all n.ein- ImM .iillii to atlcnd askt-J t i -e lii loeh with Mr, him Kelly. A pia1iie re-tinif wa an- iii.iiinfj f-ir ri'l4y rvenlnj;. S'pteHiter II. tu i -r net lit f'r in itiation ami lvi f..r !). Duirnt C'onvi-ntioii N "i wtuh will be held at l-aington f-ptrn.U r IV at I olk. All inemu-r are urgrsl i. .e pmitlie i-ri the evening t-f S ptemlrf 11. at tain of the drill team It Mr.. Mary Bo''' Labor Day wk-an4 auatU cf Mr and Mi. Clyde Alistott In eluded Mr. and Mi. R I. All atott and family of Pendleton, and Mr. Clyde AJNiott parrnl.i. Mr and Mr. IJ.iward Jkf.mldt of a wiston, Ida To Install Sunday An i f i-ffi at l' r IlillUl f: It.rrtlf.f if f ull A .rn t.iy ? V. 'Ji r tf litf loll. brl'J M l.ttjf tvr'.n HIU r II. t itn .t ri W ,i ! II. lrl WH f Mn-I A-.4 i i h ii.(,:Mii i Mr I I... I 4rrlt Aii rlrinl th tne wne Kt'ty ill, -siifj y m'lt4, Moiiry i ii.i Iftlily, it.im ! r. i'J. IM, i I. f dilli, ar.-l ((f M. ;-. ' treaturrr. f 'I he hrw thy atu. I ( he l4frf Will te Mlr.J at j public i-tnllH..n b t-e l.i I I I HiiiiJaiy, h pirft.i r 11 in t"ie Mosof.ie t.i'A I--, if.l .i g at i p III 1 1 1 lull ai -i li ll.i ate inv.t. t i aiiri.tl mr " j n "ni i l t. i ' 1ID)01S1IK(C -rrrrrrrrmT Former Resident Visits Friends Here Mr ft tl. M'Murtry wa l.o tes l.i an ir.forrr.al f'.t.rtn,g lust Tuesday eee.lrjt bonorirf Mr Krank Ia tl-n if Bkrr, who ieM the week rnl t.r'n vlsitlnif frtenda and formrr lieli-tibor. The Davidson made their home In lleppner f r reral vear and moved to baker alKvl fiv year agf Tl:e evening wa nt In via. Itlng and ii-frehrr.rnt were aerxrd by the lvteik, alted by Mr Kenneth Blake and M i John Brg strom. r - "-'7"" h i i i t I v Tit ; Ji M m V cowteif, ico o m y twJt tlPi IM tt'm. k Wmi m mtW ifArni. IkiMI Kl Owi W1ju4 IWot facOMAt tMH Immm I t-1'.i, '-VIM (ten T Hl KM flAlO tm ' ym HAroAio, ci CWI HfH HrfU iDt iCtltV" Omm lt HiM hm Ua Dwl G HmA Of Ut ' M l is Mratt & mI 'v wmmmsmmamssssTiimm9m. "rmwn'imi a-. I w (yjfj&d&uM vim u&s yy I Birth Announced Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Leonuig are announcing the birth of a daughter, born Wednesday, Sep tember 2. at St. Anthonys hospi- til In Pendleton. The little mw weighed 7 pounds and 4 ounces at birth nnd has been named Ladawna Marie. She Joins two brother and four sisters. PFIlli Wq fllM id 3 ipaC Hi. I LP Minn API mi i ( 'HVAVvJ ? I? 4 4 , r ,i I. N t Ife-w , X x -' - I'- $ ;', '..I The tonic of hearing this young fellow's voice over Long Dis tance cured his lonely grandmother of the blues the other eve ning. How about you? Have you shared your voice with distant loved ones lately? (It's even more fun when you dial your call direct.) Why not call this evening after 6 PM when lower rates begin? PACIFIC NORTHWEST BELL This Week In Our Meot Deportment Buy Morrow County Fair FFA GRAND CHAMPION BEEF Af.Rc9U'ar Bcc OREGON CHIEF s ice A COW 2 lb. plcg. $29 USDA GOOD OR CHOICE POT blade tut lb. ROA arm cut 49c 59c HALET'S BEEfVEAL DINNER PATTI ES IO for 89 i SUNSHINE Hydros Cookies 1 lb. pkg. 2 for 89 HOT DOG RELISH SWEET RELISH HAMBURGER RELISH 2 for 43c CRISCO 3 lb. 69 STANDBY 46 OZ. Pineapple Juice 3for$I SEEDLESS Grapes 2 lb. 29 NO. 1 m fouiicaa ffiixedi Cake Mixes 3p $1 ALL EXCEPT ANGEL FOOD OSO GOOD 4 LB. Macaroni Products 6qc rotaf oes.if 39 MARBLEHEAD QUASH CELLO iCSrotS 2 bags PRICES GOOD SEPT. 11 and 12 Phones: (Groc.) 676-9614, (Meat) 676-9288 It's nice to save twice low prices end S&H Green Stamps MARKET STRIPS Y