- mrtnin gaxcttt Tixti. rn&f. ! x in 46 Mustang Gridders Out; 15 Veterans Bade for '64 Play II hra pi wHn uk U .) Among it ttitrtum. Hriiwr llifih m in wiU have turi fAHball ,-aro klni: (ml dally in stiff druU URtU-r it Uimh-i t.m if thru IXKtih, Jimrt 4IT. alrtaf lie at' llvnl attJ Hartc.l Itfai-tliTk uil M nl, Aucul 24. INHirr omrt fwm New Ply mouth, Maho, hrre he ha J lvii )rar cuarhtng rifrirru-e, lrii la that he Hit at .Vw Mcaiitmt, Idaho, fur lo )rarv III bat ball tram n the Miak Kivr Valley i kacue rhamjHonhii Iat tar. an.t the new lnottM'.l mntm at .New riyrtuHith d vrloiw-d f rum turnout (4 II bo t the first car to tii lie will le ttrd by J' lUuktrr. who will handle the Jayvrr. Hauler U starting h fut yrar at Heppner High Iur learning at lone lugn. Coach llcr. m graduate cf the t'ullege of IJaho at CalUl atate that he will ue a mu.a He often, combining a wlngt J T with a straight T and sinhf wins. Among the 46 men out are 13 lettermen. Although th l'ai.i laika eod tn the backficld. the line should be tough thu year. Racks are quick on the getaway but lark overall speed. h mui. Don Munkers, senior vetein. will be quarterback for Uie Mustangs, and he will be backtd up by junior Gene Hehker and sophomore Jim Doherty. Other lettermen backs out are Stuart Dick. Tim Driscoll, both toi performers lat year. Simo.i Winter and Dean liofoinson. Win ter and Driscoll are Juniors and Dick and Robinson are sonio.. In the way of tackles anl yi Among tof rwn letternwn .1 J 'ruHvt ruttsl k.i far by ire omen are Jim jvi ana jun ii.Krfv. r-rih Trrnrrf ta.Kt. and Manlry lUuch, aoj'humH tin man. Others working hard on ttt rif and rH mentioned aho are: N tiior M.ke Warren, Jay run. Junior David Gray. lk-k Halt SiU Harratt. Sam Sua.t Tim Tullu. iU ioner. Mark Hnn. David Clark. Trny Mu china. Nhomore Earl IVrkln. Kick Johnson. Dennl OlVmncl Yhmn Kit Anderson. l!a: Arr. Terry t'uthin. Bb lVbt. Alfred Drake. !.. Id Halt. Kum-'I ki.kenny, Frank Lnvgren. Iul MtLeod. Steve Pettkhn. Jim Sherman. Randy Sttllman. Kill MiKkard. Frank i nrvm ami Joan Van Winkle. Coach rotter ald that tre public Is invited to come anl watch any practice, which it held after hool daily. Season Football Tickets on Sale SeaMtn f o'tball tickets for leH'er llich hr4 are ruw tm aie to il.e '.t lie at a bar gain rate. axtrdine to ivte lllennie. athletic director. Ttey may h Malned by telephoning the hoil. The tlck-"t aril for l for the five home irame. alanine with the IntcriMlM" jrame here N-p- temter II. A vial aetiin in the grandtand will te rerved fr Mn ticket holder. Normal admUion I 91 per rfr,e, o K-an ticket will ret a reduction cvntet, Clennle ald that the lleppner l.te of the field will be Hiu-ex tht vear that none but Mil plavers will le allowed on the i.U-line. thu makinif It ranier fir the public to ee from the und. nHwx who wlh t grt un and ilwn the sidelines wilt te aked to ico to t'-e other aide of the field so as not to ot!w-ure view frvm the stands. Wranglers Serve 400 at Breakfast guards, the coach has a strong continirent oi lettermen. mciuu ing David Hanna. Bruce Spencer. Frank Kooinson. ut uacgirii. David Anderson and Taul Swag gart, all seniors, and Jim Bar clay and Mark Murray, junior. Swaffgart was late in getting to practice because of an injury t" his finger, but the coach sad that he is back this week. Swag gart also was out much of Lie season last year because of in jury. Larry Heath, senior, is a letter man back at the center position and two lettermen ends axe Greg Pierce and Carl Bauman, both seniors. For Your Protecton Turner, Von Marrer and Bryant Answers Your Insurance Questions QUESTION: Insurance agents are always telling me that I should have my insurance checked over. So long as I keep up the premiums why should I have it checked? ANSWER: If you are like most people you've bought your insurance a little at a time over a period of years and there is no method In It Almost certainly a compe tent agent would find that you are paying too much for what you have and that you have some bad risks which are not insured. This public service is our way of advertising. Your insurance questions will be answered without charge or obligation if you'll send or bring them to Turner, Van Marter and Bryant Weppner Ph. 676-9652 Five Home Games On Grid Schedule rive home game. three f them league contests, are on the football schedule for Ileppne High school in the upcoming seM.ton. Opener this year is Just eight oays away with tnrerprise com ing to furnish the find competi tion, lleppner. In a series over the past several years, is yet to conquer the Savages. Enterprise will come here 'or the opener Friday niht, Septem ber 11. at b p. m.. and loach Jim Potter's charges hope to change the trend of the previous sea sons. Another home game comes up for the Mustangs in the ensuing w eek, on September 18. when I they will face Condon on thJ rodeo grounds here. I After traveling to Wascal county for a game on September 23 the Mustangs return to start their league season against Wahtonka here on the night of October 2- Second league gam? will be at home, against Grant Union of John Day on October 9. after which the lleppner gridders go to Pilot Rock for another counting tilt on October 16. The Burns inlanders will travel to lleppner for an Octooer 23 game, and the league season will conclude at Mora, against Sherman Cxmnty, on October 30. Winners Name Heppner Merchants Cold weather that chilled fair ana rodeo week probably caul . me iltt-T Irt the ie 4 V, crowd fcrrvrd at the Wrangler Cowhov Hreaktaot .Sund.tv nt..n ti: at the fairground However, mw iiti pmon braved tlu' bruk wind, and In holiday ilrit. itied the treaktM a much a they would on a bal.iiy d.1V rt holder Mr- t4well UV Grlbl .e. of iW vr 'chairman. .tid that the break ifakt ktarteil tout ti .al a m. and serving (Miituuicl until II a iu . the line pacing by the old w I cook toe to get eggs ham. hotcake. and Hitat' hot Itom the griddle. Tlie butter M hard, the pl.lv tie folk were brittle frm ti.e cold air but the ihI wa 'le- llclou. Mr. and Mr P-arney Mal.vnt SNkiMed as co chairmen anil Mr Grlhhle aked that kp.vi.il thank le given to two ount men, Pat Kullcton and Arc'i.e Hall, w ho put out the table and gave excellent help. Board Requests Impartial Help On Site Choice (Continued from page 1) Ford Announces Football Contest Heppner Auto Sales again this year will sponsor the annual Punt, Pass and Kick competition. Dave Barnett of the lirm an nounces. Registration of boys 8 through 13 years are now being taken at Hepper Auto Sales in Heppner and at Jim Barnett's Chevron Station in lone for boys of iliat area. Deadline for registration is October 9. Boys registering are asked to come to one of the es- tablishments with their fathers. An instruction clinic will be held prior to the competition, Barnett states. Last year about 70 boys took part in the event. ana it turned out to be very successful. Winners will receive football jackets, footballs and ot h e r prizes locally, and they may quality for a trip to a National Professional league football erame and a possible trip to Washington, D. C. here for six years. Originally from Pendleton, he was in IVrt land for a vear before coming to Heppner. In all. he has been atsoriated with Turn A Lum for 10 year, rrior to that he was a cartn-nter in Pendleton. Included In his fine family are hi wife. Laura, who I a secretary in the office of Ma honev and Abrams. attorney; a daughter. Virginia iGtnnyi who 'graduated from Heppner High 'school In th espring and will at tend Kastern Oregon College thl fall: daughter. Marguerite. 15. a sophomore In Heppner high; daughter. Theresa. It, In the ixth grade at Heppner elemen tary: and Bobby, 9. who is in the third grade. Tim is a member of the Elks lodge, of St. Patrick's Catholic church, of the Heppner pst. American Legion. and the Heppner Morrow County Cham NT of Commerce. Van Winkle, who with his .wife Ruth also own and oper ates Van Winkle's Motel as well as th eservice station, has bi-en in business at the service station for 15 years. He is a Morrow county native, havin? been born In Irrigon. He attended business college in Portland and went overseas dur ing World War II with the army. seeine service In Germany. Jack worked in the Heppner branch. First National Bank lor a time and was also employed with L. E. Dick. Standard dls tributor, before going into busi ness in the service station. Like the Moores. . the Van Winkles also have four child ren. Their oldest daughter. Shir lev. is married and is now Mrs. Kit George. A second daughter. Pat. is a senior in high school, and son John is a freshman. Jim, known as Bim, is in the sixth crade. Jack is a past exalted ruler of the Elks, a past trustee of the lodge, a member of the American Legion, of the Hepp ner Wranglers and of the Hepp ner-Morrow County Chamber of Commerce. For the next four weeks, the final weeks of the contest, there will be only one business person to identify each week. Shoppers are urged to check the Silhouette ad elsewhere in this paper and see if they can Identify the per son shown this week. If they can, they should get to nis or her place of business early Sat urday. The first three to maKe correct identifications win win prizes. Three Champions Chosen at Revue Three girl were Judged a champions with their clothing modeled at the 4 II Mvle Re vue last Thursday night In the parish hall of St. Patrick's Cath ollc church. Originally scheduled for out doors at the fairground, the revue was moved inside because of cold weather. Some DO girl took part and a capacity crowd wa on hand to witness the re vue which was narrated by Mrs. Frank Bunny I Dyer, acting home extension agent. The three champions chosen were Arleta McCain ot lone; Merl Lee Jacob, lone; and Jill Padherg. Lexington. All three won the right to compete at the State Fair. Arleta. winner In the senior division, wore a tailored dark brown wool suit. Accessories were a tan hat. tan and beige scarf and brown shoes, purse and gloves. A red wool lumter costume was made and worn by Merl Lee with a blouse of cotton print. Jill made a bulky knit sweater which she modeled as a sKrt ensemble with brown stretch pants. Theme of the revue was 'The New Look." in Hoard of director of Morrow County S.li.n.1 lu.itdi It I at kevil meeting Monday night utiioued .upt. David IVttcr to cngaee rt!Mnal help of a qualified firm t make an Im paitial kludv of fad needed In luinit kite for the new Ruerkide High m hool. Dr. Frank IU-rnett. retired president r r. stern Oregon College who ha kpelit a life time in education, wa preterit at the meeting In a cuunvlling alwicit v and concurred In the recommendation f Supt. Potter that the survey Ih made. For M'verat vear. lioardman and Irrigon have Ui-n compet ing for the Mhikd tite. Riverside High I now located at Hoard man. Supt. IVtter presented a pro- ised outline to guide the firm n making us study, included are the following lnt: 1. Survey Hoard man facilities present achool program, future school program, lioardman fu ture MhiHil ,,11,. (district owned I. and anticipated growth of Hoard- man. 2. Interview lioardman mayor. city council, planning comml- ion, and sampling of populat ion. 3. Survey Irrigon facilities present scluwd program, future school program, Irrigon achool site. proKx-d addition to school site, anticipated growth of Irrl gon. 4. Interview Irrigon mayor, city council planning comml kion. sampling of population. 5. Interview memln'r of Corp of Engineers who are directly connected with thl project. 6 Interview executives of Boe ing who are directly connected with the Hoeing project in Mor row county. 7. Study the entire economy of Morrow county, with emphasis on the uoardman-lrrlgon areas. 8. Interview all Morrow county school board members. 9. Interview Morrow county school administrators with re sMvt to total future school pro grams. 10. Interview State Planning Commission representative. 11. Consult with State Ik-part-ment of Education. Including schoolhouso planning section and the division of instruction. Public Notices nonet or ihtntion to MODirT WATUML mtCJFfTATION if ARTIFICIAL MEANS TO WHOM IT MAY ttNl FHN: Not lit I hereby given mai It I the Intent of the Water lieMiiirce lrvelopment Corpor ation of 4u SfHith Hrimdwav, iVnver ! Colorado, which ho!l l.loene No. 47 of the State of Oregon, to engage In operation to modify natural precipitation bv artificial mean, f.r and on liehalf of MOKItOVY COUNTY WFATIIIJt HKSKAKCH ASSOC. I.VHON, located at F ho. Ore- con. The tlect or ine anoxe pn'gram will Ik to Increase nat ural rainfall. 1. The area to he arrecte.i i IcM-rlhed a lying within .Mor row toiiniv ani nuniikmnn I'matllla Count v. Stale of Ore g"n- The enteral ion win in con fueled through the ue of c round la"ed silver Iodide gen rMtor and located within me count le of Grant. Wheeler. va- co. Gilliam. Morrow. I'matllla nd Sherman. Slate of Oregon. X The wcrlod of Ocrallon will be from on or about 15 tk. ohcr. r.M'.l to on or about 11 Vlolnr. P. HIV WATFIt KKSOritCES DEVEL OPMENT txnmmATio.N Itv Irving P. Krtck Water Keaourcea Ik-velopment Coruratlott 4iii Suth Broad way, IVnver. Colorado, HtCirj Dated: I'll Aucust. I'.HI 27 2V day rVptemlr. V"A. at lha hour of 10 ii u i l h am. aa lh time Irt the County Ct wit room In rpirr, tHrgon. aa the plaice lr htarlntf ob) Hon li aald final account ail Ut M-ttlemeiH their, Mllrne lUrnelt, A-tiuliiUllallU Herman W, VMMer : Attorney for AdmlnUtlalli II. I (. r. tiiegon ' St V NOTlCt TO CBCDrTORS 1 Ntmti: ih iiutniY c.ivin that there ha Iwen apiniei mi Mecutor or me iiaie i GlItliU'UK WinilllMJ-. Ie- ceawd. Ill the I ounlV I un 'i lite Mate of Oregon lor Moirow futility. All rron naving aim again! ald jtat ar hereby reunited to prrorot audi tlaiiu duly verified and wnn loiier vMichei attached. I the - ....... ..... .M .U 'Ml office of MMM . nALioa, - Siulh Eal t'tHirt In I'endMon. Oregon, within l month front the d.ile of this Nolhe. which I dated and llrt published Ihla ;7th day of Augiikl. ltt. MAIi.S IIAICUHJ. I ii uior of the Ektate of tortrule Wllherrll, lecraedj C NOTICE TO CltCDITORS The District Court of Morrow County ha apwtlntetl the un dersiiMied a Ekecutor of the Estate of Anna Marie Part low All tieisor.s having claim against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to me. at the office of mv attorney, within sU month from Septem ber X VMA. Vernon Pari low. Executor W. C. SCmVENN Attorney at I-aw li East Main St. lllllsboro. Oregon 27-.TOC NOTICE Or FINAL HEARING Notice I hereby given that the undersigned, as Administra trix of the estate of William fllyn Durun, deceased, ha filed her final account anil reimrt in said estate with the Clerk of thl Court and that the Judge there of ha fixed Monday, the Hth NOTICE TO CREDITORS NO! H E IS HUtl HY GIVEN that the undersigned haa leen appointed rkeculor of Ihe etata of AI S Huber. dereaetl, by the t ouniv Court of Morrow County and ha qualified. All person havlmr claim against said estate are hereby notified to pre- m the same, duly verified aa bv law required, to the uniwr- signed, within all months irorn the date hereof. Dated and first puhllsneii August 20, I'M.I I.at publication September 17. I'M JOHN KRE11S. Executor HERMAN W. WINTER. Attorney for Executor lleppner. Oregon 2.V2tk NOTICE Or FINAL HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, a Ad ministratrix of Hie estate tf Russell James OiJonrirll. de ceased, ha filed her final ac count and reKrt In said rsiaie with Ihe Clerk of thl Court and that Ihe Judge thereof ha lixea Tuesday, the IMh day .f .Sep tember. !'. at the hour ot 10:00 o'clock am., a the time In the County lourtroom In lleppner. Oregon, a the place for hearing objections to said final account and the settlement thereof. II.A III BERT A Administratrix Herman W. Winter Attorney for Administratrix Heppner. Oregon 25 2Sc We Will Deliver Your Processed Meal jthy Chaiga jr JLI I I Heppoai, .WSi'w. ' Laxingtoo WHOLESALE MEATS CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING SCUEDULEi Hogs Tuesday Laiile wea., inurs. Sheep Any Day Follett Meat Co. Harmlston. Oragon Ph. JO 7-6651 On Harm i ton-McNary Blghwar I BOVS 8 THROUGH 13... . fj FOR ffitfl 1 N CALIFORNIA VISIT DISNEYLAND Attractive accommodations Just minutes from Disne y 1 a n d and Knott's Berry Farm. All units have free TV, air-conditioning and heat Spacious grounds with heated pool, play and recreational area. IP WW" Excellent restaurants and shop ping centers nearby. Credit cards honored. POLYNESIAN Motel 641 S. Brookhurst ANAHEIM, CAL. FREE ! Will for moti and n TRAVEL GUIDE lilting fin moMlt from coart to eoo, irape tti mi apprpnd bf Cong'M of Motor Hot.li. YOU CAN BE A WINNER IN OUR FREE & CM WIN! Warm-op Jackets, place-kicker outfits, and NFL-star autographed footballs are prizes for boys 8. 9 or 10. Boys 11, 12 and 13 can win trophies. All boys can win a trip to an NFL game with mom and dad, put a "Tour of Champions" to Washington, D.C., and to the NFL Runner-Up Championship game in Miami, Fla. Compete with boys your own age. No body contact. GET FREE! A book of punting, passing, kicking tips written by top NFL tars, a reflector for your bike, a patch for your jacket (when you com pete) and a PP&K cap. You must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian to register. Registration closet October 9. Bring your dad and get full details at: HEPPNER AUTO SALES HEPPNER, OR I0NE CHEVRON SERVICE JIM BARNETT IONE, OREGON IBadk orrQDutffQyjD ALWAYS FIRST QUAUTY 100 Mens' sport shirts reduced $1.88 3 Mens' cardigan sweaters 3.88 2 Mens' award jackets s, m 7.88 3 Mens' reversible light weight jackets 7.88 50 Pr. mens' dress sox 28 pr. 8 Boys' wool baseball caps 50 100 Pr. boys' 1334 ox. jeans 1.67 pr. 20 Girls' school dresses 2.88 3 Baby carriers 488 70 Pr. girls' stretch denim ankle pants 2.33 13 Girls' skirts 2.44 50 Pr. girls' summer pajamas 1.44 10 Tie belts 25 ea. 31 Bras 1.44 54 LADIES' BETTER DRESSES Summer Styles Some and off original price 288 f FOROlj 40 House dresses 2.22 6 White uniforms 50 2 Wool plaid jackets, size 16, 18 8.00 2 Pr. ladies' wool stretch pants 1.88 10 Mens' long sleeve white shirts 1.88 4 Mens' short sleeve dress shirts 1.88 43 Boys' sport shirts 88 1 1 Boys' denim western shirts 2.22 100 Boys' better sport shirts 2.22 100 Pr. boys' 1 1 ox. jeans 1.00 50 Pr. girls' cut off jeans 1.88 2 Ladies' winter jackets, size 10, 12 7.88 20 Ladies' fall skirts 3.66 16 Ladies' 100 wool fall skirts 6.00 15 Ladies' matching sweaters 6.00 I DAYS ONLY THURS., FRI., SAT. ALL REMNANTS Vi PRICE 8 Tailored bedspreads-3 twin, 5 fulls 5.88 4 Chenille spreads 2.50 40 Nationwide colored sheets, twins 1.33 5 Ladies' western shirts 2.44 20 Ladies' double knit pants, brown 2.44 18 Ladies' double knit tops, brown 2.44