Soroplimist Club Repeals Parade Sweepstakes Honor (Culitlllilf.l f'i Jaj II f tattle a(tUlwr Mi Ilie itllirf rtvl ( Hit lb-. ll-M t tw'r a ai thai 'f Uii iiiitl"i t lianlwr i.f riiMiiMK' a 91 Ml Mu-f. l ttlOi I ri't i -all Malikrti, lutl I'li'lmr tHMH With a ittian al a iii.tiin Mhrrl nl a fmiitii iiiim Mlih till at iradv S-f'iii In Hit 1iUli il tti I'malllU Ihilnalx aMt float ahoAn .f irait with a Kfi ratio hai. .llv uii'Vr a ia'tliiif rny wMI run n Hit Imnl rrailv for l friiM t'ntatllU V.U-r a fcr HU a lli- il'llnij rluU an. I tin lltii'iM-r WtanfiU-ia rt Mitthil Willi a $1 I'll. - itiountrl family I'Mmi-i, Iimm f.r a 17rl fl a lli 1 1.. it Kulilhwn family. Mirrry Cur If v I'n1ffl I" ' mKint-l 0. vn-lrl an. I wuii IT! lt"V Qia krnl'U-h Mil lfl mmjn'fl iimlMiy aiil rrolrl J7'J, OMi-t rxmrlil In the ji'ifait wi ;mm I tt il an,! .h won $A, Frank rikt rrrrUr.1 tV Ui ilct cA'V. apparffitly ha!lnt' the grand marklial. Frank Turtvr. Hatch lU amif an. Iiy llarln. Willi tlulr ffonllrr Wfl'llng irnf-n liuri-lni k. no l'. w-r ulKt trl mmloa .nt llluh a w.n 'l prize f.-r tian.l. and llrppnei llli'h mIiI umiii'l. Kftilnu Sia IriH:i'a Lion rlu wn Jio for fnt In the rr rnirl. Ilmk IJfuallfn of IVmllHon again raHurv.l fltl for aurreya, iiniilftlni! the award in tl adult illvIlon. A K'1ly mntlnC'Tit .f child ren took. lart. ami rl winners ATM aa lullima: Float b ll'-nry I lU.lK-rt ThI.I tlitl.lM-n. $7fX; a"- 1. ncl. Iulv An.lffwm. 5; Ihlr.l. Arnold Raymond rhlMrrn. 1M. lUiling rlut flft. Two Tra k ers. J7; iMTon.l. 4 II .SadiiU-ltca. . IVt fnrlf flrt. Hubert Wil son children. $7N; twcond. IJa S.rrnn. 1; t'Hrd. Harry O'lxm rw ll rhtldnn. $.15. Yountrft nwrlrl. Janla StoK all. Uxtncton. Youni!t oAlMiy, Frankk Moyrr. llcrmMon, ji..V. Blryrlc dlvMon. ChrUtlna IJniMrom. S7 M; ind. IU-v. Bill AUup rhtldrfn, $T. Trlorl. dlvlalon first. rhlldrrn. J3: wcnd Molly IMfrrr. J.1M. B4.t luvcnllf ciwbv ctumf flrat. Mark riwr. $3; Tond. St-tt Shrrrr. . !lt juvrnll rownlrl coKtume Ann. VCIIin S). '11111, ' . .. hii of th parade was th mlnlaturr Union Wclflc ...i. ui i.ti inni which came wain, ni - - through arran;fmfnti of hlmer St-hmldt. u. r. K-nv. - man IVtcraon. It ' driven by 1 Oxner. who mx-nt much or Friday irrrfdlnc the iinrntK Klvlnn younKHtfrs of the com munity mt Ion rldfB. Aenln. out of town floats and rntrlca ddvl K"'at d'l to the paradi. The Pendleton Junior Drum and Buul- 'n P1 followlnR the parade after tak Ine part In the line of march, and It also oppeared at the ro do grounds prior to the after noon ahow there, l'endli ton and other out of coun- Many floats from I wraWnn, ty communities added to tne parade. ZIP CODE RUBBER STAMPS for Heppner and lone on sale al the Ciazcitc-umes 4-H. FFA Stock Winners Receive Special Awards ' -a. . - a a.a.a af . I a a I K'uiillnuH itn t II lidlintf wat artlve nl fl"r K--l at the annual 4 II and )FA litrtik al. fW-IIInK weia 13 ho,:, jrj atnip, Urf and 4 dairy hrlfitr ?li tr inland atul irrtm cliamplon ariimala rtf rtn frm lM )ar. Sue (.-rtiuii if r anil champion amh oil fur ' tmnpalrd lu I lie I'a.l pil nf Ikic, fifthfl Uvr. klk ritiMlkn Coirtiany l-.util the irtand ihamplon a'ain. at In r..l UM-r.e thannn 4 II lamb m.1,1 f r 4V l. ie Turfln. ,iaii, 1anip"" "l'' i,..ii ly Jtiry r.irrnai "H t Crntial Maikrl while the rrr f hafi-,iln MA Hunan by Tuny Ifc.hrriy ri! .r ite ii l-ne puiPicr Nupi'iy. (;and rhampi-n t n ""H ii nhirvkll 4 II U'Mdofth f.,r 4k to Billy l-rrny. ir. re irni (lampion hn ty (ail irvi.uM if 3J t' ti T (lirmU ala. TJi K'' hamploii Iwl, an W) lb- eh-.. rrrf..fd. ehitMHl by Ial Van Hl..klaiid. ald fuf V lb ' M..U.W tiury tJram tlturtt iaIdi have t-4i?ht the tup am- ml t ,r fr,"v 1fi FrA rrand rbamn. an K71 lb rh"l llerrfufd. rn.ltjit-'l by KerrnHh. Wright. a-dl f .r 4V to OMial M '' lertai Markrt al- jrtian 1 4 II rnn rhtmplon ttrr. rhlb Itfd ty Maurrm !.lwrty. at 3V lb. Vrw ( tHjnty ;aln flmw rrt l-i;l.t thrir mti1 animal. th FA rn i hami 41 if Itj. i hoi,. ltrrtfi1 it--T. li"n by WaK-.t'lt t Irrryl Cwnuu ynrVz ll..l.fln tiflfr Irt ll'iwal Kelltl" try f. Il'jil while lran Itobin- llrfrfufd. 3 mofttha v4 hull calf, f, fl'al t Hk Wllalnaon. n Wlfilt uf ,Nuthr.t Ue. ii.a Ccmmlaalun and Gary Van jftluldarul. f.mer 4 11 merr.brf who rerr fitly r'aduated ffffl aurtiortrtf b'l. m1 the aab. Suft" fr, l! - ' fhoUf arvl ;V f r'"t trr a !.! by parlfw Meat Company u i(jfila4. FarilM? Mat al ui lif4 hit at 1'- while ji k ( itnpany. Ilerm. ;...n. iuri"fr tima anj rnnin iami at r. m" " ariimala wm t. alaufihter It ( lakrra. wmm. nat .undo "t f EYIRY CUSJNESS f.7FD Ja 4. r-. . "t,i "V iav; v -r v 14 At show-pen's iee wesTerners. Out on the range it's Lee Riders. But around the ranch on payday, or headin' for town, all hands break out their "White" Lee Westerners. Same authentic Lee tailoring, same Lean-legged cut but in Westweave, Lee's tough Sanforized polished cotton with a deep-woven strength that won't wash out. Has a great look! Lee, with the authentic branded label. 106 $495 NEW YORK STORE Silhouette Spcciol! Half Price Sale on Bexell Vitamins Phil's Pharmacy Silhouette Spcciol! SWEATSHIRTS $95 and $295 ALL STYLES. SIZES. HOODED. LONG SLEEVES. SHORT SLEEVES. WATER REPELLENT GARDNER'S MEN'S WEAR (ronntilr WUaon't) Silhouette Spcciol! WEEK-END ONLY TOR BACK TO COLLEGE REG. S3.95 KIWI Shoe Polish TRAVEL KIT 2 Daubara 1 Polish Cloth 2 Roraabalr Brush All la Naot 2 Color of Polish Troral Kit $295 GONTY'S WE GIVE SSH GREEN STAMPS Silhouette Special! HALF PRICE SALE on DESERT FLOWER Hand & Body Lotion Reg. $4.00 Now $2.00 Reg. $2.00 Now $1.00 HUMPHREYS REXALL DRUG Silhouette Special! 3 DOZEN ASSORTED THROW ROES ea. $349 27x48 CASE FURNITURE CO. Silhouette Special! ATLAS THESE SMJZ GET YOUR TIRES AS LOW AS JH35 y PER WEEK .. JACK'S CHEVRON STATION Ul UTJ MAfll TGf M ;l A WIMM You'll Find Them in "OUR TOWN" Businesses Check the specials lhes merchants have in the boxes around silhouettes NEW BARGAINS EACH WEEK KNOW EITHER OT THESE PEOPLE? IX you think you do. clip the silhouette snd take It In to the person you think it 1 If yi have cuessed richt and are the first Person to Identify him Saturday you'll win a S5 gift certificate from that merchant The second person to come In and identify him or her will receive a S3 gift certificate and the third person will receive a $2 gift certificate. CLUES . . The only clues we will give you are: Each U a merchant or employee of one of the firms listed in this advertisement Think you know the Heppner merchants and their employees . . . then give it a try. What have you got to lose? RULES You must be 16 years old or older to par ticipate. No owner, manager or employee or their families, whether of this news paper or anv of the cooperating retail stores in Heppner are eligible. Silhouettes can not be taken in lor identification un til Saturday after they appear In the paper. Clip and take to the person you identify SATURDAY MORNING Grand Prize The Grand Prize will be given away at the close of the contest. Saturday, September 26. The grand prize will consist of a 5 gift certificate from each of the stores shown in this adver tisement All you need to do is register free and as often as a. you wish at any or ' all of the fourteen participating stores. No purchase neces sary! Register Often - At All These Stores FOR THE GRAND PRIZE! Q C"3 J I? Ml Check These Ads Every Week And Win Valuable Prizes! NO PERSON MAY WIN MORE THAN ONCE IN THE WEEKLY IDENTIFYING CONTEST. HOWEVER. WEEKLY PRIZE WINNERS ARE ELIGIBLE FOR THE GRAND PRIZE. o o o Silhouette Spcciol! '64 Ford, Like New REPOSSESSION LOW MILEAGE Assume Payments HEPPNER AUTO SALES Silhouette Spcciol! TOR BACK TO COLLEGE C. E. ELECTRIC Alarm Cloc!$399 nd This Tot Tboa CCJock OosmsI f.'X-, v -SomtMflj from th i M JIM Mr I rW -W mr M id J I ."ft Jewtlm U always omrtMn? spodoi." Silhouette Special! For Labor Day Week-end Fresh Lynden Fryers ... lb. 43c CUT UP. PAN READY Bar-S. Oregon Chief. Bonelesa, Fully Cooto-d Central Market Silhouette Special! USED Spark Oil Heater 70,000 BTU Special This $l95 L. E. DICK Silhouette Special! Now In Progress! BOYSEN'S ANNUAL Scale SEPT. 4-30 See Our Ad Elsewhere In This Paper TUM-A-LUM LUMBER CO. Silhouette Special! BONUS of $5 per 1000 Watts WILL BE PAID YOU WHEN YOU INSTALL ELECTRIC HEAT Thus. If it takes 10 KW of Installed electric heat in your home, we will pay you $50 towards the installation. INQUIRE Columbia Basin Elec. Co-op -MiwMMaj'" ' n ""f" H mm MtL. LI KSU 4rg H M . mwm Liii.milliiii.llll..l..Jlllll.llL 4 (o) 0 mm rM IB mm IrlmL us i 1