my rt in vi r 4 I ' i V V7 ' if TMOilDAf. lnd- 1 Ilk Ut Wit. lmpU. duiui tM pm. lU4 fey tl4 M ! .LaJ.a. lOOr Wlt MONDAY. aab. f Vr ti na-r-a, Oii -.- GtfU H- holt. ?iJ9 Akxuraa Lii 4 AJHT- w4lMk dutn at tiX p-m. a4tvw4 tor ! MUtfi TUiUiAT. pmba 0ft l MM(, Qautiaa 0d,1 rUHa. lOOr halt. 9 P-a. THURSDAY, rptul 10 tMOfUiuUlk. WirlMI WbL Seven VitU Here, End 40-Year Absence p,, ,uff M t Ulrfi rw ttvtr.jr in i lurfv.1 Irt llrlr wlt to revuii UirU S1 I afire an lrtrm .( 4rt ! II ry f.Kir.4 W. t llf fieally af tr I but a-f If fitir4 1 I t I t H al.ll tit f art- Mt .!rfi Hamilton Wl'h Ihrrn rr f 4 Drake Anniversary Planned for Sunday IllrtnJ (! rlallr if f Mf. V. tHtke ttf txtrniifl an lri4il.iltri .t Ihr I rn !illnj; hhUrrarv li..f ia l Kikrn trt l -ir lir y the lailM-ft f Ihf l;in CM tk Iln fi..ti-n it !annl f f Suiil4', S j'li-n.N-r l, ! !" IWanri ltll l-li--n Ihr l.imM of 2 Jl n. 5 ' m llir nrtj; Ii ii-U)tini; nn Ki(!. A MIL AND MRS. ROBERT . WILCOX (McCurdr Studio) Large Group of Relatives Gather For Wilcox Anniversary in Portland Two liuniUiil frtrmU n1 r-l tlvm thirifl at I'lav llavin narration rrtn In n ml fiii-illn tutiiorinit Mr. rtl Mr. It H Wile.., former rent ilenii of Mrrnw nuiitv. "n tlietr UMh el"lmit anniversary. Mr. Vllrix. Ihr former nhel lkrln. uaii lhi lauj;hter f Mr. an.l Mm. J'' Jj.kel.n. who rami l Morrw cnunty with thf hullilen i.f I hi railroad irarka alonj: Willow Crwk l He.ner later taklnj out a homestead In I'lnrk I'anyon went of Lex ington, and It km there ihc w U.rn In 1KS7. Rohi-rt WIItMX wan Unn on thi family farm near Oakland, iHevon. In 1K7J to Mr. and Mr. Charles Wlleox and thU year the farm. whlh wna ureha!wd In IHi-t. n tM one of Oreuona (Vntury Karma, having leen contlnuoiiHly owned hy the Wll enx family. Tle l-rewnt owner la hla brother, (;orj;e Wilcox and Mn. Mr. Wilcox nerved In the 2nd OreRon Company B volunteers durlnir the nanUh American War. wi'lnir wnice In the I'hll Ippinea. After the war he at tended Pacific University at t f - K.kinrvtja Or. quamted with John Lench of j Invitation Extended Ix nrton and Henry liecket of - . ...... union were lorn ix children: Mr. Fd iKval Hrosten of Ilo Mile, Idaho, charl'-a of llermls ton. Mr. John (IrriHi Crave of ll.udmin, Claud of Jreham, I-sti-r of llermKton. and Cllenn of Portland. Their are H Krantl-i-hlhlren an.l ID ereat-rand-rhiMreri. all of whom were present except three crand children and four creat grand-rhlldren. Other close relatives attend ing wer. ulsters of Mrs. Wilcox: Mrs. William Van Winkle of lcxlneton. Mrs. Krnest Fred rlcks4in and Mrs. Joe panlels of Salem iinH lirolher of Mr. Wll- -x. Ceorce Wilcox of Oakland, aionir witn numerous nieces ami nephews. Many former Morrow county residents were in attendance. The three-tier take was beaut ifully decorated In yellow and Mlver with large silver bells and a silver ")" on ton. The grand- hllrlnn ami crent ernmlchlld ren took turns resldinK at the riwniil fnvil. ln.n Inlfincr or for the swimming kk1, baseball toucn rooioaii an norwsno with vlsitlm? Ixdmr the main e: erclse for the rest of those attendance. Hcppner PTA Plans Teachers' Reception New liahrm In the 1jI MhtNd district will l- rxtend-nJ a nMial weh Mine from niuny p.n. lit and teachers on .. j lay Septemtier VI. when th' lnvh M lnml rnulti puri-Hw riwtn j will U' the Meiie of the annual; leathers' reception, r.oted by thp i lli ppner ITA I The rsi ilon will iK'gin at j K p. m and a program U ben.! pKmnitl under the ilireHioii 'f Forrest Burkenbine, ITA prest dent vt, ai.d ihrtr liurl"s fl . and M Uilariii. HI wltrs of ihe bf'Krrs and f.utband .A Mr lUir.lilon. In lh day t" by. th f.tir wrri" trarrd In the Kurton Valley iSItrit. Mrti'hr llardman Ttey re to take a trip thru'h utri t Ullir..r tirl ie r ntHiUHsif ihtir inn ! Jl-n t iu an o.f friend. Mr r.ul Ki.ikm lltrV particularly er4)ed I'lnjf with Mr. Mr Carry as(ins hrie. Iiavipjf rne t m !..! with Mm W bile many f ti e hu !ln- In Ibipfwrr rhaivced. ihry id that the rturthij was Jit 'he .it,e Mr. and Mrs. Chmtcr Mw'rve wrre rr.arrud In the ctturt house. ITie rroup ha t--n rn an rsii-mled vacation trip and wrr II d on the r I ar riving here. Need extra ch? -ll un-t"! Items arund vour r le. a Caette-Tlmet classified ad. Vheeler Counfy Fair Opens Today Wl.rrlrr rourdy fair !! i iriwkar I.Mi.i n (rl wnlf y IMs srtk III !- irt rsii.ty lh Ihe fair and iW- i peon 4 Ue fstrluhdA. liaMiL lljr ' i i,d .-.' U'iwgn !.! t.-i. ,--j(cuitrr 7. tu ijri.if j ir r if. Iir wi!l ts Qmn Jn Orday fcnd lr i-uM, ru-nM-s 1107 j.iynt nil Vivian Minaa.t. ail A i lay lirsi.'J niarhal 4 l p-ti l hi l"t SumUy wiil be Norton. Mitibell. affr. tl..r,ie,v known a the "Hr4 .f Mit i. " Afona the many s-vrr.ta Mt'h- hi-Mtna this rra wt'm a tU" nHty will t m4ny f4i mhiuit. rle. rlrcus, rupine rat'iri. I.o.e in one if'. I eoi t-l. buktii . kft. daf irg and many Mber attra llr.. W bit-ler nd CUlSarri u-un'l. t have l"0 !- f airviuv for tm- ksr hunting and a favorite I. hundrels of hurtters ra h yrar during bird and dir Kfl!er.t ammmolatlona are In be fund In the area. ItOLL TICKLTS for ale .In ingli and double rolls, use for drawings, admissions to rvents. ;etteTimrs. llepp n r. I'M. 76 tr.-A 37 Uc UtttntM CAXtTTX TJMtl. Tasu4T. gf4smba 1 14 Wealherford Wins Tractor Driving ti.ll Wratheifrd. Jr ut ll-pp-rwr w'i lb ir annual tA trtf 1I1 it in jf ce'rit U We-l-rvrMtay at lb M -iriw etiuniy fair, li'ft'ing a f-l4 i4 10 wn- tr-!r.lL tfm ,rif9 ml ft f r'. m tfv A hv the M"rnw tounty Farm Hurrau and 1 rtvr1 a attrariin at fair I'lana mtm lirln mad tj roriiiruie it rr 1 f vrar and lo otn It al t 4 II club mrm bt-rs. Frark Osmln iT lleppner was kenmd ar Manlry riauch u lnnton was tt.ud in lb con test. Judea wer fn Ma)esV aiid lrvm lUtHh -i Jr'i'" adterg Ma hlnery furnished IK n,-iif and a manure aliiead- rr was l.Minrd by Terry 1hmj. tin. tn CuUforth hauled the etjuipment to the fair, Farm Bureau presented troohy la Ih winner. Let Ui Get Your FURNACE REPAIR WORK DONE EARLY Don't Let Cold Weather Catch You M&R Co. KpPor Ph. ttt-Mll Heppner Extension Announces Meeting It has been announced that I here will be r.o Heppner Ho:n. Kvtension Unit iniitings durir.f th" month of Scptemgcr. The f ir-t meeting Is slated U r early In CVIoImt. the time and place to be named at a lat.T date. is in Hi-noner. returning with them to Kastern Oregon to work In harvest In l!Kr. He remained to teach school nt Social Ridge that winter and durlne the summer of attended nn engineer ing whool In San Frnnclsi-o. In the fall of 19'U) Mr. Wilcox served ns principal of the I.ex Ington Grade school and, seeing the need for a high school there, the ninth grade was started and each succeeding year this class was advanced until the full four-year high school was estab llnncd. He continued In educa tion in Morrow and Klamath county until his health prohib ited his working Inside. After farming for a number of years he retired In 1945. On August 17. 190-1. Robert B. Wilcox and Ethel K. Eskelson were mnrrled at the bride's home at Lexington. To this To Saturday Wedding Marrlaue vows will be c: changed between Diane Maiie Fulleton. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rolce Fulleton. and Arcm V. Ball, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs Archie Ball, Sr., Saturday moip inc. September 5, at the Firs Christian church, at 10:00 a. ui Hie coudIb extends a cordia Invitation to their many friends In the area to attend the ccr monv and recent ion which will follow In the church social rooms. With the start of colleci both young people will enroll In Blue Mountain College in Pendleton, Vps tho finzetre.Tlmes can Drlnt the form vou need for bus! nesa or ranch use. rnone o- 922. HOY TO MAKE MONEY!! SAVE Money Ih "BARGAIN PHOTO" Way!! BLACK and 127. 126. 120 -620 Sir WHITE FILM Deve,Pd & Printed 49, EKTACHROME FILM 35MM (20 Exp.) 127-126-120-620 Size Developed & Mounted 89' KODACHROME , mm (20 Exp ) 126- 8 MM Movie Film FILM Developed $109 I Sans Souci Sets First Fall Meet San SoucJ lUbckah lodge will hold Its first meeting of the foil season Friday at 8 p. m. in the lodge hall with Mrs. Prudy Case-iw.i-r noble crand. In the char. Momltera ure urged to come to practice for the coining conwn lion in Ii-xlngton on M-pu-mo. 19. The president of the kcdck. nvii.mhlv Florence Ball. ! scheduled to visit the local lod;, on Si'ptemlH-r IS. Rainbow to Resume Meetings on Monday Members of Ruth Assembly No. 50. Order of icainnow ior villi convene for the first tii t thit. fall on Monday. September 7, at the Masonic hall, beginning at 7:.T0 n. m . with Barnara iar.? nresidinir as worthy advisor. Mrs. Lowell Cribble, mother advisor pro-tern, reports that one o: the main Items or Dusmess iui this Initial mietincr will be ur. election of officers. Leaion Auxiliary Plans Card Party Plans for a nubile card party on Monday. September 21, aio being made by members of int American Legion Auxiliary. The party, to De nem in me Legion hall at 8 p.m., will be o i-.wini ovpnintr of bridi?e and pinochle, with prizes and refresh- merits piannea. erving as cuai; man is Mrs. Don Munkers. KODACOLOR FILM 127.126-120-620 Size $199 Developed & Printed I Christian Church Sets Planning Mcot All officers and teachers of the Bible School of the Heppner Christian church will meet to night (Thursday) at 7..JU ior planning coruerence in me studv. the Rev. Len Flshback, pastor, states. The iaaies uuna or. uie church met Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. Larry Cook. A stewardship clinic will oe held in Madras on September and 12 for persons interested the financing of the denom- nation. Registration beclns at 30 D.m. Friday, September 11, and will continue through Sat- rday afternoon at 3 p.m. Jack Sutton of Indianapolis will be euest resource person at the clinic. Christian Youth Fellowship of the church will have an organ ization meetinc Sundav evening. September 13, at 7 p.m. at the church. Thf T?rv Flshhnek will have as his sermon topic Sunday, Sep tember 6, "Clouds Without Water." All i.rvic.i ore en an ABSOLUTE MONEY-BACK CUAKANTEE You mull ba 100 toliifiad or your monay will ba promptly ond chaartully rafundad In full. Ralarancai finl Notional Bank ol Brainard ond Brainard Chambar of Commarca. Encloia corract omownt of money with (on Iniida tha olhor for axlro itrenglh). of fraa anvalopai lalar. film In doubts anvalopo Wa will land you plonty BARGAIN PHOTO Box 309-A BRAINERD, MINN. 56401 Purdue Helps Here While Venard Gone Dick Purdue, assistant cashier and general loan officer of the Pendleton branch, First National Bank, is assisting at the Heppner branch. First National Bank, while John Venard, manager, !s at Pacific Coast Banking School in Seattle. Furdue will stay here througn next week. Venard will complete school at the University of Wash ington campus this week and will be on vacation next week. tfO i". i. ii . f i l r.. ur I I HILLS BROS. J COFFEE LB. 70c 2 LB- 51.57 3 LB 52.35 6 Ox. Instant $J0() 10 Ox. Instant $-g Zl erf6 rtAixrrs is or. SPAGHETTI and Meat Balls ij for 89c KALLrrS is oz. CORNED BEEF HASH MALLET'S 24 OZ. 3 for 89c LIMA BEANS o) t (o), and HAM NALLETS ! Shoestring Potatoes 3 for 1 NBC BARONET OH OREO 1 LB. Cookies 2 for 89c BANQUET FROZEN WATERMELON lb. 4 TOMATOES lb. 19 Cream Pies 2 for 69c Fresh Ly nden Cut-up, Pan Ready LB. 43 RED HAVEN PEACHES lb. 19 CORN 6 ears 37 NO. 2 PH1S1 BAB-S OHEOOM CHIEF BOKELESS. rttLLT-COOIED Tfvt r rr?fc3 ii. l&limD io- Co OREGON CHIEF BT THE CHUNK BOLOGNA lb. 39c ROUND-UP BRAND fl A IHir?f IIR3 Paaoc 90 Ik 69rl WMW -------,i,-,i,-,ii, PRICES GOOD SEPTEMBEK and : rnones; vjroc. mw-w. HSl2oz.pkg.Sf4 i zs y It's nice to save twice- low prices and S&H Green Stamps .MARKET