Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1964)
liveslotk Enlfies Up al Stale Fair; Horse Show Gains :s- I t"l ts Ole .! a U'i ' ! ti I t- ,. .,.. I lifff kin tr l It M lit Mr N ) '' l t l4 t..k It Hi ti tat lrl rt4o. I I mr t ' I M t iv, I : lw I ', l II it l-vlll l , Si t-.r.. "l Ml tl .--.-t I l. I I . I 1 .i,.iinti l V iHt HkXlxl I t u'jiil It,.-,'. S. ! tirr4 i-umi t . I .- --. ih I. J f I ,t j ut ( I' "H 41 ' . hil M ! u" nMl lot ... a ii r,-4,tf t.n :. itt r i i i. ( u ll N, j tf(i.l t 1 J i ix it ilm li i ti M H.H.H Hh IIS Ulrt :( M a r Hpi Ilt-lvlriri nti r4 Ti lr' fa i.i lil M t'.u -r, ai.l lwM ll M fU'WI J t' II l l, r .fl A'j I . r. liiMit II iw l-t-la I. i!h VI ri 'ii TJui't lid, M. h iM Ml Hi'M rn I. f , . uf a( ti ?J M iu f!f aM M"fM H fjn IT In I'M l .U ! trri rh tittrm tuit.r l- rtiri t-4 Hii ri 1i itiafl !."- f.hp ! Ar (.. iml tf I I ft ,n Ki a l f !' "'J (nf f tilM f.w IU I.X ! '' la Jilt Al. . "Hfi 4 11 lntw at.l n.inn ll lrfl ril iluiiMg t!i Ur U J ll.r I. I a l'V I'Ul llirlr fti.jit It l'di h It.rif lr In 4 II b ( n l.ip Um r.'il.ii rwtiu 1 r 4 II ntilp fun l,t..n !!' txf. llsr t-l ( the (aii t 'ii i.lnin KL-lii. Hrfp.n St I'nUriMiy 4 II rt'.rtfn ae-M. ui- f.itt rrMi al ln-lil. t f. TTiUflay, Srirlwf 3 Tin' 4 ,.,fM- lm Hill omtliiup Vlrii..rf 4 anl ri. tls firft' Iriif .f S .t.-n,i r 5. lhi .lav ( t!i- l'f m. ir 4 ii bt hfw hi V.Uv In. fra- .l In krt ! Inc ;th IK' !' ih t Hir l'P yf i"l"l 'Hii -f. niilv 4'ii vu.ii! ni- l aff rnrollcl In ll K't-raiti. 'iie of lh" fa!rl 'l"Vkiii(! har tit ll" (It I! 4 II r!u alion foffam. t-or l!ii (ITI HiDf Hit Kaf. ihami'l'Mi 4 H hnfM-im-n liav trn Invift-.l to t-nt x-' driiiolwtfaltoni (if U'ir kkliU (Junnif Hi' first thf" t f if -mati of Hip Mt Klr rnti-) ml hufM' uliow on S plrml r 4 anil S. Park Hearing Gets Favorable Court Support By UVEUX MRTLOW IICHU N Juit:c Osrnr IVtT aoii of lli'int'r irsiil'il over n fit'jirlni; at tM' lirljjon athool gymnasium Frl'lny aflrrno u i) . miirrrtilni; tl"' fnrmatlon f a I'ark and Kwrratlon Malnti nuncc DIMrlrt for thi nnnniuiuty of IrrlKim. Also prcM iit w.'ro Oiunty t (immlssloiHT Wal I ' lljiycH of Hoard mil n and Ct'ii" KcrKuson of llejipruT. ixAg.c rclorsruii prrsontiHl tin jx'tltion which had lrn flli-d l-y citiw-nH of Irrlnm rffUi'stlii(j i.u formation of tin district, and a I. so read tin law unvorriln;?, antne. JuiIk'' IVtrrson htatcd tiut the jictltlon had bi-on prcsi'iilfd exactly according to the letter of the law, and highly commended tho people of lrrltn for their gesture In taking the Inltlaiive to provide funds to maintain n recreational nren for their vicin ity. It Is anticipated that forma tion of the district will he voted oil at the general elecllon in November, and one more hearlirj will be held prior to the election, ditto to be announced at a later time. LaVcrn C'hrlstensen, president of the Irrlnon Lions club, stal.'d that their club was prepared u provide some of the playground equipment for the park, and also suiiKcsted that the Lions club and other civic ornnnlzntlons co operate In the maintenance woik, In order to keep expenses at n minimum. Altlunich no final de cision was made, It wns kurbcjI ivJ that a tax levy of 1 mill would brlnu In $H31 annually, based upon the statement of taxes for 1!M3-1J(M. Individually, this would mean If n person's property was worth $1,000,000, tho taxable value would be $1,000.00 or 25, and a 1-mill levy would cost tho taxpayer $1.00 per year. By following llilu ratio, the taxpayer can ascertain his individual cost. Mayor Chester Wilson explain ed that application had previous ly been made to the State of Oregon through tho Highway Dept. Park Bureau for assistance in forming a park, but they re plied that they were financing only parks with significant his torical sites. Judge Peterson mentioned that there is a county park fund, and a portion of this could bo channelled toward the Irrigon park, but this amount would not be sufficient to ade quately maintain a park, hence tho necessity of forming a park and recreation maintenance dis trict by the people of Irrigon. t i - f t - rmNCCtS MART ANN HANSEN. Qun Honqr Hinahow and Prlnca Jaonatt MUct. ahown from ' . ., i tv.. u.iiina mrvana from their i.;h!,in, tommunlUaa to ott.nd lh 40lh onnuol Hariwy County rair. "f1 I U h.14 m Iuiim on SepUmbar 101). SploJ attractlona Ineludo a thraa-day. sroB-tvtnt Mha Cli. AXXIH ICA1M orpoi-d bortel lacing, P-n h.tI1 Hk N nd op. tltna fma caml.ol; dancat; fo bl pat odea; chuck wagon 'f.ViVt.nd! al an4 oa alt th. A good lima ond mt thing lor ovarybodT or ptorotaod to all who attend. Show Has Fine Entries If MART LCC MA BLOW IwHIU'MAN Tlx nmiiil I'-ir liiiaii (iitid.-n Jub Ilovvn l.i.lav attriri.a.ll. Au ul al Hie K'an,'e hll t-autiful flowi, Ix'Hi ami pU'tic, on rtiitH. lnt?y antlti' "'! Iiobt'li a. Mm ti attraction wa drawn by II .- Uanlitiil hand t 1 1 ! t 1 plr tuna by Mf Kf"k parlin. ui a InuM laoiiM i wnn inoswn- im t made by Mr Arthur Allen. ir ptlM" winner on lie flowrri were: Vl'lenv lt't, r..., Hofrme luii. g'adiolu.; Mi Krai.k Sparlin. i-tunln:.' marifc'ohN, pansier and r - tlun.. Mr Ltnier .M.-senni'.-. w.-t ih; Mm. AaM .iue.ji.e. n. ntal. 'iii 'in anil cneti.H ...hlus; Mr Zi-arl tWllehpio. ir.nlaa, Mia. I'd Kubn. dwaif marii'old. Mr unls- Larwi-xi, OKtmia; Mr hd Kuhn, najhiia p..n Mm. Zearl i;i!!le, rtuy at,tb.emum; Mr I'eier Ma-, cainatlon; Mta. II a el Carpci ter, foll.n:e plant; Mr. tJeoiK'' Si. aril, live arranefiu nt; f.'rs. II.!. I arpi iiter. plaMle arran);i' ment; Mr- Itollln Hishop. ribbon flower anaiiKenient, anil Mrs IJillevple, mixed buUfpiet. The general cnnimltte wad Hael Carpenter, Florence Hoil am. Mr. Itollln Bishop; hotmiei and antique. Mr. Arthur Allen. Pouring nt the ten table were Mr. Karl Hrlgg and Mrs. MeMsengegr. Tlie Bonrdman Commun.iy church held It annual picnic Saturday, August SI, on the lawn at tho Hazel Miller home. Fol lowing the picnic dinner at 12:30. twiih voiiin? and old enjoyed playing a ball game, and those unable to play were cneeru s from the Kido. Mm. Setli Kus-i II entertainiHl the wee ones hiding blocks. Pastor Hoi Bur i' and daughter Carolyn returned home Saturday after a week ont at C'anno.i Beach conferenc'. Carolyn ui leniled the senior high camp ami Paster Burn was one of tne teachers. Claylon Allen was an over night guests of his parents, Mr. anu Mrs. Arthur Allen on Friday, returning to his homo In Gran ger, Wash., from Tho Dalles. Week-end visitors at the home of Ixiuiso Karwood were her son- in-law and daughter Mr. ami Mrs. William Califf ond family nml 'nllff's mother. Mrs. Golbeit Callff all of Kstacada, and FrcJ Kdwards of Hood ltiver. Saturday iim tu-,1 l;wlli Heneo and Vickie Callff attended the Community church picnic, also called on ol her friends In the later after- mum William rnllff and sons Steve, Matt and Mark and Fred Kdwards accompanied D o n nml hv sonii Wnvno anil Jerry to the mountains South nf Ilepimor. The Callffs returned homo Sunday, Mrs. Larwood ac companied them as far as The n.-illi'M where sho will visit W'l'.h her brother-in-law and sister Air. and Mrs. Dutch Stram. Snnilnv visitors nt the Zeail Gllles)lo homo were Mr. and Mrs. Marlon vanMoier, ine Dalles. Tho VanMeters arc form er Bonrdman residents. Mr. nnd Mrs. Harold Ganger, son Glade and daughter Celeste, Vnlietn fallf.. whilo vacationing. called on friends In Boardman t h it. past week, making calls at the Wayne Kuhns, Claud Coats, nml tlm Unliprt llarwood homes. Mr. Gauger was a former Board- man school teacher, ana nas been in Vallejo since leaving here five years ago. Mrs. Frank Marlow was called tr. Moftfont this nnst week to bo with her daughter-in-law. Mis. Harold Marlow, wno was to undergo surgery this past week. Mrs. Claud Coats and Florence Pont motored to Arlington Sun day visiting with Mrs. Beatrice Scogglns. Sunday visitors at the nomo oi Pnu nnrl Mrs Rol Rnrc were ROV and Mrs. Richard Dewsnap and family, Touchet, wasn., anu uev. n;i;tinn' mother. Mrs. Margar et Gravely. Rev. Dewsnap deliv ered the sermon at the Board- man Community church Sunday evening. Arthur Allen accompanied by Flank June. Vancouver, Wa.sli.. litt M'Veral day last wi--k In Hip muuntiiln. returning Friday. Wl.lU In l.a(iinde they htopped at the Clyde Tannrhill home finding Mr. Tunncblll Improvid eniHigli to be hm from tlu lofc pllal. tKfWever H1 bedfafct most of th time. Mr :ten Cann-nter Mx-nt the wvk rnd In Umatilla at the hi-tnc f Mr and Mrs. Marvin Ciirjurit'-r. Oregon Road Rules EDITOR'S NOTE: Many drlv era wrm to have neither the time nor opportunity to udy recent changes In traffic laws or to review older ones. This aeries cif articles Is designed to acquaint drivers with recent changes and to reacqualnt them with other important driving rules. A motorist, for example. Hhould understand what effect the adoption of Uie Driver License Compact mnv have on his driving record, and the meaning of a 13 law that allows arrest or citation for a traffic violation on "reasonable grounds, ti u n freniient and annoying experience to wait at an Inter section behind a driver who does n't know that he can iurn on a rn,i iiirht nr often. If the driver doe turn, ho will turn into the wrong lane. This type oi muiuii'i driver uninformed or neglectful of turning laws is common In Oregon- In r.Hi-' ne was invoiveu In nearly 12.IKX) turning acci dents. Many of these accidents ivnrn Pfiniuvi hv ipnorance of the turning laws that apply to dif ferent intersection situations. Most Oregon anvers Know posted or cfllclally directed, drivers may turn In thn rinht without Waiting for the light to change. But few drivers seem to khow ma, j may, after stopping for tlie red light, turn left from cither a one way or two way street onto a one way street without waiting for tho green light. Unless otherwise designated, oimc ihn riMir should be made from the right-hand lane into the . . . m 1 lnf right nana lane, turning from a two way street, the driver should always start the turn in the lane next to the center line and end up in the left lane on a one-way street or in tho lane next to the center line on a two way street. Put simply, tho laws on turn ing at intersections basically state that a driver should cross as few lanes as possible in making the turn. In turning off the street you are traveling on and in positioning yourself on the inter sccting street you should cross a minimum number of lanes. With each lane of traffic that you cross in turning, you confuse and slow down traffic and increase the chance of having an acldent. Leaving hero early Wednesday for Portland were Mr. and Mvs Stanley Cox and David. Mrs. Cox entered the University of Ore gon Medical School hospital Thursday, where she will under go several days of medical exam inations. Mr. and Mrs- Duane Alderman and three sons, David, Denn;s and Danny Jo, were here from Milton Frcewater for the week end and enjoyed the Rodeo on Sunday while visiting friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Darrell McLach. Ian, Delbert, Dianne, Jimmy and David, returned Sunday from Portland where they had spent three days visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Warmouth. Walker Relatives Here for Services Recent visitors. t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Chapel and other relatives In the area were Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ward and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mor ris of Townsend. Mont. They were here for the funeral ser vices of Kslie Walker, son of Mrs. Ward and brother to Mrs. Morris, on August 19. Also coming from out of town for the Walker services were an untie and aunt. Mr. and .Mrs. Thomaw of Walla Walla. Wn, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Steers nnd Wayne Balrd of Klamath L-.lla nH Mr Ralnh AubreV of Medford. Thcv were guests at the roster couins norat. Mr. and Mrs. lack Locke. Zt . came from their home in Wood- hum Prlftav to enlov the week end rodeo festivitu with their son and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Locke, Jr. The lak-kcs maKe their home In a retirement aica near Woodburn. Burial Service Here For Emma Gcmmell, Oregon Centenarian Wvie fr ti t4 Or few iritrnrlrw. Mr. .mm Ann Omrnrll. wrrr lirld Tue day. AugUft 23. nt th IlarrUk Mortuary In Salem. lth ffa. aide service In lleppiw-r Ma aonlr cemetery n .Kaiurday morning. Mr Gernrrwtl wuM have i.-en 1UI m in it-r l!i Offl. Uilnr at th .al'-m -r. ii. u... IL.-V V 1 1 a I '..S. I l.vrnan. with Mrs. I Waldfop a vloist. The Itev. Brurf n rer. of All inia t-i','i'i rhurch. off i.tai.-.! at gr"- Side M-rvlc here. Mr ;akill wm U'rn cxfH-r 1 !;i In A'larna Oiunty, to Tliomas UuKh iktll and Mary Ann llll-i ;will. th nlnih of a family of 11 child ren. . t . married JM-ph lluch flemmell on Ixfrmlx r 22. To them were nnn eight child ren. ,f whom two aurvivc. yvrinur vi.' ..I V.-n.-i.-. and I'aul M. of Salem. There are 14 grandchild ren. X great granKiniiren ami II great great grandt hll-lrrn. Mr. ami Mrs. (irmmcll pion eered In KaMern Oregon In the ') and were always ranher Mr. cmmell died in l'Jjti and In l'12 Mrs. fiemmell went to Salern where she made her home with her on. I'aul and wife, until entering a nursing home five months ago. She was a member of the I leppner Christ ian church and was a devoted member of the "Willing Work ers." After moving to Salem ahe was affiliated with the Court Street Christian church. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Alderman and Dovie spent Sunday fc.J Mcndav of last week In Portland and Hiflsboro. Returning home with them were Mr. and M--Cene Lovgren of Scholls to spj.d the remainder of the week vU J Inn frinnrU and relatives. While here they were also guests of Mr. . and Mrs. Victor Loveren a.-.d ; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lovgren of Portland came after them on Sunday. Wheat Growers Conlest Staled VAI in lf .verday d rrv-tat-n M MiHir f Me n Wt raf All ttdiWe ?..,J. I l d 4tl j .4 f "rn t h at l tu e virrt I'x-d H i- . -,t a-- i-'-r "-4 if t(s Jf MM'I atudrrtfa will a-n e-' tr.e ( tr -n W heat ir wrl I-rasue annua I r 'N a. n I r,-wtairr artKl ' Any tud-e r-il' I ' h Kra i r .i. tu-.i ia u t : I ttt cntet irn.iif r A m - . - - . IHnlrr 31. ry '!' ' 'J refrrrrr may lamed I V wilting to tie JH?l" Wheat t.rifrt Uaju-, Prndirtnn. Oreg'inu Studefita have !t;elr fh"ira 'f t ..l a "i ahull t write a mulmum JVO w-rd rav. TT s La ' i i m mi - w- Tl" Ce.l wlM..r. Will ! at M nn f rrrg in I t.tarvie n lrrml 3 5. Mrnt tU will I- glvrn to the U-t " ' i w m . m m av i m m m V lil-kf J II isMT I " " ' -1 i ' 1 Open A Savings Account ForThatSccurc Feeling! m (kick the worry habit") The ben -tranqviUier- In the world doesn't come in . bottle, but in . .tidily pwtal account Nothing IJce t to give you that deep. Mil fying nse cf security that with knowin you're financially ready to take .U emergence In stride! OPEN AN ACCOUNT TODAY FJKST FEDEKSL SAVINGS 4 LOAN ASSOCIATION PENDLETON BOX 739 ,'a ltd Ktm ae . -: rV 1 fHOTO 8 HOi.O HAUM What boy hasn't played at, or mountain? Children-yes, and all too many Jura to find security in imagining themselves J blem in the world" . . . able to vanqmsh all comers. With real maturity comes the that we are t quite "the biggest thing in the world. For faith foundation of true maturity is .Xn"tners. but asks not that we be "bigger and better thJn J1' v, ovorlsistine'iv for tne very rainer uuii c woivu - -ai.i ;-.r;n!ta have in us. that we, as uuivmuau., . ... .... . -.,ftr life? Seek your Is "something Dig missms luT WorshiD faith. Help your children to seek theirs. Worship - . . .- this week at your church or synagogue. Contribirtad to RelTgton In AnetlcanLifa by: Heppner Gazette - Times Jl Worship this week