1 7 cxim ro" o t- " - ' 2U tWvttt CitflM) lot I K. JT -.. .1 tat. Nollx, ib pwlt.M lt TbrY w Ki. jMlf) Bo6noa. ttttn, o ! ( f'. ' .-,' j. j." '- '4 "" Y farm news County Agent'i Office State Seed Program To Assist Wheat Men SHE Or THE 601b. fleecs shown br Harold Peck at M" county fail can bo determined in comparUon to nln' youngsters In this photo. Anothor smaller Omc U . J, behind. riNC. largest over known to bo produced in "T prored to bo ont ol tho good spectator attractions at hJ . I . r K. C AKDCRSON Tr ii-w Mhnl standard and matteiing iiiMnutM fnMuic tiUh rnt iniu rtiv oil Jun I iufn out !. I ' ' Gt'iAen n. Burt ii-tirt rr. uxl in i!ituni hlfih It,. irr .uhrl trliminr ur- f lhl iHlminatlM I fr- .u!r t'f ln tl"lwn rtJ ilurt U t vrtnuHi Tftt ut our Krvwrr. r iu!4 f rtvl krrnrl contamination, n roav tw 'n, time to mi irl!i tf o((ttv vartelMMi anu ..-rn i. t.uin.t t m hrat traded jjn aain in iWX nt, anl to uVmonMrai r.e r- atun in quality o( riat ..t kiiii u ,li li ha iwn initiits! in hioh Morrvw iuntv cri'urra mav ulh ta par tk"Han Th frocram U wt m to tnclu.le aamHtrn: vt mhM whrat khlch HI uJ '' er.fru tM (all ti N cruwn at trw fonalli and rrndinon r. jTim"nt Sialion for true no. H.a count ct offtj whrat ulll rx maiit In Mav ami Jur- of 1 itV.V Sample of thi lutnl lot tll 'e analyzed tot turitv in the Orrcn Sfd Lab oratiirv. The" prorram I atmt-J at rrr.ihaizinj: the nccfity t uini! clean M-d. a a h'lp Mrentthenintf the cTeal certifl ration pror-im and to aid In l.K-atine briter wd -urce lor the VMA plantinc. Mornnv cuntv ram nor who would like to participate In the program should contact this of fice. Tana Exports Moko Cains Of lr.teret for the past year has been a Foreign Trade Report which reaches this office per- l, ..l, -..!!., r,iihll.hi.l hv Dr. Harold Honann.s, AjEnruiiuwi t.ulfiur plant and ha itrnel an arfvH)ent with the Acency I.,iriinll,liil tVrliM1trnt t' tunrv tit,lli" "f '"it mH to retail P-! ttiMiU.n ivu-m in Column. "' Anu-nca. roroatry Coot ! Towl riannod lor Slith Godi Ananirementa have txvn otn l.lried with irt;iam nhtnlule and han.!lk mtvt t tfa.le teacher in all th h.d in M-'irow, llilliam and S heeler ..tuniie fr the Sh"'l rrrtr Cttnenalion Twur. lh mv- ond annual. tur will If h-d atain at Hull llairie on S Hem ber will) an alternate of b-4 temlnr '.M in cae we are rain"l oul a lat car. ,,,, At a revent wofk dv held at Hull Itairie. repteentalivea of aiUu acenciea who will If niannlnc the ari.u nations planned made ntn.'r Improve ments for ihi ear bur. I he program will If much he aame as ll -r with Ihe appro! mat.lv 2W bovs and emblintf al Hull Prairie al 10. A. an earlv lunch and a two hour tour of station which include KoreM SoiK Kangc Manarcmenl and Conservation. Hre rroiec ...... .,i.l.w,r t.inner. Tlmlnr Stand Impmvement. tVunnierctal KoreM Management, iree lut-im-fieatlon and Wildlife. Participating In the lour will If t.th grades from lleppner. lone. Condon. ruaail. Mnua. Spray. Mitchell, and p.o.iiM) Arlington, licpreseni.tuvrs oi n"- S.iil Corwnatlon Serlcv. Mate ll.ard of Koretr'. rureM vict. Kinrya corporation ; r-mr Came CmmKlon and rJiien. kion Sen Ice w ill asit w ith the days program. rinUhed Market Prices I Encourages Foodina Out Kertorts have come to uie flee that there have been -me contracts for sale ol weaner calves at 19 and 21c. however, we have not been aMe to 'track down" who has made the sale, anv we have talked to. how ever are quite Interested In the possibility of feeding out their calves this fall If feeder market prices do not go mcner. jm micht be desirable especially Agricultural i i ..V" ,, .hit thev Econombts. OSU. A recent issue j ior fa,ves wpfC. e coniaineii ...... i v. CENTRAL MARKET, represented by Clint McQuarrie (right)owner, neth Wright at the livestock auction sale at the county tali last Tnursaav niant, rne sieer weignea oj iu. If? ffJid i ' t II; s II A ,i " '- t" 1 " " ' I .ou.i af'thit nffire contained this citfminf "Farmers depend more heavilv on export markets than anv other proup of Amer ican producers. In value, 15 of our farm output Is sold abroad compared with only 8 of value of indusrlal output." Witherrites to Host IFTE Boy from Italy Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Wither rite. Buttercreek ranchers, are anxiously awaiting the arrival of Michele Palazzo, an Internat- Csrm Vrvilth VrhjnP( del- egate from Italy who will spend almost three weeKS wun mem later this month. firhi. i one of the live cur rent IFYE visitors to Oregon who Includes. Yoram Zer, Israel; Dorothy Ellen Evans. England; Antoinette Reuter, Luxembourg, and K. G. George, India. Yoram Zer who Is now visiting the Wal ter Jaeger family in Condon vis ited our fair one day last week. Michele Pulazzo who will stay with the Witherrites has been visiting In Missouri and is now with the Kent McGruders In Clatskanie. He plans to work with agricultural cooperatives upon his return to Italy. IFYE is a "people-to-people program administered by the National 4-H Foundation on be half of the Cooperative Exten sion Service. Young people in the program spend about six months in their host countries IS.rlns ..rl l-k rural fuTTlitiPt In &YI effort to increase international understanding. Bulaur Eiraorts Doubled For Overseas Peace Use Riilorur the nmressed Wheat Fi ' -""- I - fnrA rr.lativ1v npu; to this coun try but thousands of years old in certain ioreign countries, ima become a popular food item in lata vnarc Thia wai illustrated recently when the Farmers Co operative Commission Company, Wutphinenn TCans was reaueSt- ed to double its Bulgur process ing capacity. ' The co-op now processes about n ryiillirvr nnnnHa rf RlllpilT A month, most of it for the Feed fnr Poara ch i nmpntc to R COUn- trioe Thp fVI (Wl member CO-0D is doubling the capacity of its 1,11., tf Vinai'lnr welehtS. While sptKulAtlon on the fin ished market prices is always controversial, the present market Is highly favorable toward fin ishing out Recently In visiting with some or our growers nu fed last years calves tney wi-ri- quite well pieasea wun un.- l- ri tnr uinui were a Dlt ni ,'.r,o, tiLiih hli?her prices for fat cattle this attitude was nu ck v changea. vismnc u mil U'mii hopfnrd who fed OUt 90 head of last years calves, he was enthused over tbe outcome and riehtlv so. Joe mcnois i njiniAn r.min flrowers who provided the feed, gave us the lollowing ligures; ic were on feed for 100 day average ..uh trn "tallenders" being i no h.-jvs Thest yearlings that were wintered n hiu rwllets were of real good quality and went Into the feed lot in me ngm ijv-. ing the full period of time, they made a daily gam oi o.ij fonH rnnvprslon Ol O.J.l. The cost per pound of gain was slightly over 18c, carcass yield slightly over bivb ana nuc ... celved averaged $22.81 per hun dred. All graded choice. McMurdo Children Compete in Tennis nnH John McMurdo MArrn r,t Dr and Mrs. Bernard McMurdo of Burlingamo, Calif., -nl rrranrlrh Mrpn or DT. aiu a n MfMnrdo. are enthu dactir. tennis nlavers in (heir home town, according to reports received by their grandparents here this week. Both young people were re cently entered in the San Malo Junior tennis tournament, near their home town, and did very well. Mollie, age 11, won first in her age division of girls 12 and under. John, age 14, won in boys singles for agos 14 and under, but was edged out In the finals by a 16-year-old junior entry. Both enjoy their favorite sport -rA ua r.nmrwtitinn. according to UllV. L-J - ' their proud grandfather. SEED CLEANING NEW CLEANER r TREATER AT PLANT 20c Per Bu., 40c Per Sack 25c Per Bu., 50c Per Sack at ranch, 300 Bu. Minimum. Additional Charge For Less Than Minimum. BARNETT RANCHES of Boardman and Condon were Judged premier beef exhibitors at the Morrow county fair and received the award from the Morrow County Livestock Growers assoc iation. Making the presentation to Leo Barnett was Queen Shannon Mahoney. (G-T hoto) Heppner, Ore. HAROLD ERWIN Call Collect 676-5806 Farm Bureau Hits Stale Inilialive Tb Mwtw IVhihI Taitn Hutrau I-''" ttvli U wtMK l.i wiK l.war. Ihe .Ul-al if le initiative tt om luloty VtkHH' lli'4 ii n. tdiii ! H-n H!H trll rt'tlHIV ltl'lll lt H Ultlve l Uinif n.irU I'V ii. Alt. t1 UU' union an4 Mill at'rar "'l I'1 'vrnl-i llt.-f "lite mcAMiie wul l up n !... lute tte n'n.-,dy n w..km.-n, t.n.rlitl'il M'l-uiiu- all ntid.vt-. M biding li iii.i . wul. ! ffl l cartv w-knrn" itinit-iialUn ii ih.nt Ihe Slate lndutittl Act i.t. nt iVmnsiun." Hlfllrll "Vnilrr Ihu i;rlv unfair meaure. Cictf.'" wvuld U Ihe only ll whrff iin'i.r.i wtull le f.tttNl ! uv lnAtltn ovnare nm inr tae al wnaievrr t-t .tuiated 11il initiative would .Ic.tr.n' Ihf m-hl 'f !' -n plovrrs . h-i U nunifuuve maikt-t l..f the lf-1 ivt-r.r avallaMe. It would al In. h-4m farm laU-r ' bt.ut l.' V; " bf t-mphan.l j,-. ii thrt-.'ii Farm Hur-u fiel.lman. rp!aMM-.l lhl curienl Farm bureau du V fv..r art option of cMVeMf with 8IAI . private rartl.r. M-lf lnuraiuv .-r Citut lnur.m. ." H ktat thai a budi."! 'l l"ant-r nu lion dollar l iiet.!.-.! rnrry oul Ihi campaign agalnM Ihe meaure. Tii.. n.untv Farm Fur. au voted to contribute $-S br the campaign and plan tt M.luit fund from ln.tivi.iuai urmni m ih iwir luturf. Anvont In- tereKtd in omtributlng hould ronts.l Terry Thornwin. -vunty Mvrctary. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell ChaMf. Suvan and I-iura. rt turned Mon day frtm a vacation trip cit to vun relatlvt and enjoy klght of lntert-t. They were gueM t i t'hallv's nirentv Mr. and Mrs. I L. t hally In Mratror.i, ua. vivlte.1 other relatives In Iowa City. Tht-y loured several naiio i a parks In Ihe mid wrM and lr (. anada. a it ns la mmt. Ifca Nivw Caf C.tmi OwM Mi. 4 rl twi.ru Vio.t I tv -1. dini fi--m Itr'i I l,i t fwid putnitg lv ! I .!. I H? lil K..:nt:.- p . i itiuim l o.ljr ,, I t '.'!i.. wfwir ! I.nle . t-ii''-l a H'IW .f fcrvtll ' W d flMlS ! tt Hajne lliln h-r r(f lw n-l Mi If r I I td K. f r.n land an! Mi Hill llutii'lg an. duit.'i, It tt4a, t4 bkrf College Invites Class Requests m-t . . ........ .ii.ivi.ni i t IMur Motif.tain I ttti.m.ir My t ll-e Mill. iMiig f.u.-t fom ' " .ti. 'ii and lifliv MuaU f rveiunir iUo 1 tM" tTf. f. !.- If u- rouf4 will rnaile thf ll.-ge l. fffff t "i I--- tf.t . . . .... ..... I . an, I llilrlrl . adult In Ihe tliM I ."ii rtueu mav I " " Mount-tin li.tiimuntty odlcge. I' Il lo !' Ivndletoii, f l' deU'nat. tviitrf Vin Hv i.,.. m ii. ll.m imii-n aira mV rorita.t llf-fge lla'. ll N..7. in t'se iirpi"" ' Ihe t.fti.e of county li-"'l u r Intendt-nt will a.t-ej da nut-t Mliton Krtfwater area ri.i-rit mav inniail Ihe t l .iiiH-rintendfiifa t-lfif ' Wall) Wtdin Tv.-rv rff.-it will f milH lo rfMi.l anv wuru- of study where there I an eMl--i nred and inti-roM anvwh.rr In the Hhie Mountain ttitri.1 Mm ... ..... ...... II.,, ..i, l tit 10 I tr- nuir.-d In operate a cla Further Information may I Hired lv hning lVndleto.i 26 TYLAN'200 "Irtlrtntthiol c lor Vbtf wwj-w HUMPHREYS RtXALL DRUG n BSfflW TRACTOR CAB f I ;' - s I - ., if i- . .N - MODELS AVAILABLE FOR o International Caterpillar AllisChalmcrs John Dccrc Wheel Tractors CABS ALSO FOR ALL Makes and Models or Combines BACK AND FRONT WINDOWS BOTH OPEN TO INSIDE Full Air Conditioning Or Blowers AVAILABLE ON ALL MODELS We Will Stock The One YouJIeetJ We Are Prepared To Supply You With: Custom or Factory Truck Beds Straw Dumps Hid Hoists Hitches Cat Walks Steel Call or Contact Potto Upsliw B P. O. Box 591 WELDING SHOP SAM and DEAN Condon, Oregon Ph. 384-6481