I ' ' ' Mfimtl CAXrrrtTlMtl. TWUT. Aft M. 1K4 gz ForRcn 14 Automotirt H Aucomott ruD"cnoiKs Classified Rotes (4 awt rs ta.lua 1U pi (MMtiMk Crd ! T aMtn4 DUplT Iwk. CtAUinrO DCADUNC T r4J Will. ta r. tu4 l mU t wbm M l la 4lU. 1 Cards of Thonki CAM K THANKS with l. -reM i.piKUtln to ll lhMM who m-M cafdt nd ifta and frmrmhrrrd rne i'h IMU wMl I t'"rn' Monrir Memlal h. I I Thanh. alw. t he hltal taff nd Umlufi f IhHr fln John Fprnc P CAKII OK THANK With alnrrfe IhanM. wtnild Ilk t rtrra our awree. latum t all the fin epl who cam ! our id M'tY even ing and helped fleht lh fir on our place. Through th qul . re Hmr of all. damage kept to ".". BUl 25c fAltn OK THANKS We would Ilk l ! our many thanka In our family, to rrlallvra and frlrnd. f'r the .ely card, cilia and other fe rncmbrancea n the Talon of our golden wedding annlvrrnary. We mtt eiHtllv gratrful to mrmMi of HHy llrlfkah iiKlge lor their efficient help In taking care tf arrangement lor the reception. Th many hind-neaM-a have hrlprd make Hit one ol the moat mrmuf able day of our live. Oalta and IW (ox. 23 c CARD OK THANKS I wtkh to cKtrrtd my alncera thank and PI eclat ton la niy relative and many friend fur the praver, gift, card and art of hlndne during my ''1 Iloneer Memorial hospital. The wonderful care and patience of docis and nuwa waa alo ap preciated. . . ii Lena Lundrll i 3 Lost ond Found LOST White and tan female rocker. "Lady " n Butter Creek area; children a dog. Ph. 376 KV). 25 c LOST Black Terrier female, 2 month old pup. on Wedney clav Call Gerald KnuA. CO WUl or call collect 376 83HV 23 c 4 HcId Wonted - w . JUDY I.KK 1EWFU&. QuW of the I'arty Man. ne-d new inr i ai'T - atylUta. Karn money on e,r time, can or n- Slawaon. Box 3C1. V,'cokP: gon. 2TX 5 Work Wanrcd FULL-TIME horo ahoelnjr for the balance of the Mrnrnijr. Floyd Hutchlns. I'h. 67pJ WANTED Carpentry, cabinet or cement work. Ereo chU matea. Contact Bruce Bothwe1". ph. C76 Sy7K6. 23 2Ctfc WORK WANTED Tree trim mln and landscaping. Tay lor'a General Works. Awry Taylor, ph. 676-5385. 4 c Wanted WANTED All-round "rPf" work. Tavlor General Works. Th. 676-5835. 4 tfc 7 For Rent FOR RENT One hP(lrom Quarrle. fh. 676-9C93. 21tfc i-t-iz-r- mn RKNT. Call Con ley Lanham at 676-5WK) nfu-r 5 P-m. 1G t'c 9 Livestock, Poultry MARKET Auguat 18. 1964 Hors. 14; Sheep. 20; Cattlo. 485; Conslcnors, 34; Buyers, n. SLAUGHTER CATTLE nii . 16.50 to 18.40 Comme7clal "Cows 12.00 to 14.00 Utility Cows 11-00 to 12.00 CaCows 8.50 to 10.10 FEEDER CATTLE yearling Steers, 700 to 800 rds 19 00 to 20.40 500 to 700 Pds 18.00 to 19.30 Steers. Calves nnnfn 21 90 400 to 900 Pds 20.00 to ll.JV YearllnK Heifers, 650 to uu rus v.w 10 IUU w - Northwestern Livestock Com. Co. Hlihwiv a Herrolston DON WINK. Mgr. Eta 687-8111 jUVi: lM liner?!! f.f feM I I In lie lrt. i.i.e aid aM I r'r (all Mr, AUa Hum. !... ! 1 He 1 1 dt l?l NT 0w dMi rotti 1 1 t r I v uinihe.t apaimri 'J. 4. 21 p MK lil NT ailmrlil luinUhrd 7 -..fii itg ! Mmn an-l wa'rf TV He MUt 1.1 NT OK SALt: ,um, !Oi) K 11 Main hnll d.n tmetii, tlic like irtii n t;u ywi 2 2"t IOU BI'NT One t-nJn m hcKiw UcMa and water furn led S.U Gal St. Iti. t7. J272. 23 He 8 Services CHIMNEY SWEEP Chlmrwya I'urnacr Oil Stovea llieplace All Vacuum Cleaned John H. Davis McCabe a Tr. Ct. Tn. 676 OCT KK SALK Children' hor. aorrtl celdtnf Contact Warrel Jone. 4i. t.6 5321. 22 tfc Vv IIX I Mariry and Hie wik. Avery Tavh a General Worka. I h. (.76 Wffl. tic 9 Livestock, Poulery MjOOR AND RLG CARE equip men! for aal and lor rent. L. tl Pick. C76 WM. 33 tfc 10 Form and Garden KOR SALE Cantaloupe, watermrlona. vefetable. honey. Wilbur Glfford. Ily. 32. ml. N. of Stanfleld. I'h 4I'J- 32.V 23 20c 13 Misc. For Sole I HAVE .nr. KlHe. light weicht. new with arahbard. will trade for pump nhotjrun In like con dition. Call 67oT7tK5. Grlb. 24 25c KOIt SALE TV hookup, reason, able. I'h. G76 frfO). 23 tfx Peaches For Canning NOW READY Red Havens, Golden Jubilee U-PICK W. B. THOMAS ORCHARD Kimberly, FOR SALE Used cheat of draW(irg. raw Furniture Co. I'h. 676-9-I32. FOR SALE Mlsrellaneoii houwhold '"rnls:7'r'K"'10oalso fruit Jars. Thone 67t-9-19. TO GIVE AWAY. Have three "ulnea plRs to give away. Make pood Pfts. Call Bobby 1'cck. C76 5X78. 25J WOOD FOR SALE K"t your wood earlv and avoid the rush before cold weather. I'h. 676. 9178. 24-2JC LUMBER rAic FOR SALE 2x4 STUDS Ranch rack $18STD ""fi No. 5 por M SHAVINGS You load .50 per load FREE WOOD 4x4 Posts gg el 2x2 10c ea Open until noon Saturdays Heppner Lumber Co. Ph. 676-9440 REPORT UmTto 500 Pds 17.10 to 18.30 "SeffoS 1 ffrcls. 13.00 to 14.70 U6t Henvy Holsteln Steers. fflves,"Beef 1600'to'30:00 HOGS Feeder PIrs. Large 15.00 to 18.00 SHEEP Good L'wes 3.50 to 4.40 COMMENT: Cattle sold steady, with large Increase In number. 200 head 5 and 6 year old pure bred Rambouillet breeding ewes for next week. Get the top dollar sell tne aucuv" i. Phon 667-6686 EVERKTT SNTDKR, Bra. 667-2961 I m ." 1'. - - 1 " 1 " nK sai r: "I Jft i vri dlle, Irf-alrt. air t'- !" -'! Hit. rrw .ml. I.i f-o4 hHU, I h t".U 'M-U. nj MH SAW 54 Jeep. cab. rmdiuon, tall Hint Aee. 1 nv MM SALE Chevrolet pukup with f rrtel iratonatly. t 'J CUisE OIT H 1 travel Irailrrt, i tikun cam per a. Iru. k. anl riH-t'il home. Over tl unit l rhM ff"m at lletldle'a Tiadlng Nt, Ken. wwUk. Wn I OR SAW: Trailer hou. American model J3'. 1 bed room, bath, kitchen and tivlrtf area. Complete Insulation, birth Interior. RrlrtferaU. tans, oil atovt. bed ad da. no with lrUr. Ih. f7 IB tfC l-hone 676 9721 Call IREE to I'tndlrton Say -276 3C11 Collect- AuthorUed V. W. Dealer Car Calor New Volkiwacrnt SEDANS (any color) STATION WAGONS PICK-UPS PANEL FELIVERY $395.00 Down I your car paid for or not) $47.95 per month WINTER MOTOR CO. INC. PENDLETON. OREGON OPEN SUNDAYS 9:00 a. ra. to 3:00 V- m. 13 Misc. For Sale 24 25c Oregon 14 Automotive FOR SALE 1948 Chevrolet pickup, 4 peed. Good con dltion. $250.00. Th. 676-9930. 19-tfc USED CARS 1962 Bulck Electra. full power. 1959 Used Lincoln Premiere, full power, 33,000 miles, excellent condition. 1957 Station Wagon V-8 motor. 1953 Chevrolet 2-door sedan. Used 4-Wheel Drives 19C1 Scout half-cab 25,000 ac tual miles. 1959 Willys pickup 1953 Willys pickup, 6 cyl. Used Pickups 1956 CMC pickup 1954 CMC pickup V ton. This is a good unit 1951 Chevrolet ton, excellent rubber, comblniation bulk and stock rack. Ideal farm unit SPECIAL All used cars carry Guaranteed Warranty plan for one year. Number of good fishing and hunting cars. WE ARE YOUR FRIG1DAIRE DEALER Good choice of used washers and dryers. 1 used refrigerator. FARLEY MOTOR COMPANY PontlacBuick-Wlllys-GMC Rambler Thone 676-9116 1 -tfiyai 0N STOP SHOPPING L OO K at these Deals! Used Cars 19C1 Chrv. 4 dr. Sdn. lr conditioning 19C2 ChfVTolrt Mora 4 dr. 16j0 17M pontiae Start hlef. 4 dr. hardiop wnn mil conditioner. - . 11200 tiooo . POO . $650 . SG00 IKS Chevrolet BcI Alr 1957 Ford Station Wton 1956 Chevrolet Station wagon 1 1957 Ford 4 dr. aedan 6 cyl. u,n- - IY.A ChrTolet 4-dr. edn $495 M00 1957 Oldimobll . Commercials 19fJ Chevrolet H ton pickup, heavy amy canopy $2350 - $950 . $400 . $150 - $100 19a Ford Falcon pickup 1955 Ford rickup. Heavy duty 1941 Chevrolet pickup 1941 Dodge pickup HAVE A MARK IV .1. MnHitlnnr Installed In your car. $349 installed (ny Amer ican made car.) - - See Ua For TRAILER PARTS, BRAKES and WIRING JOBS All Sort of Trailer Part FULLETON Chevrolet Co. PIL 676-9921 15 Real Estate FOR SALE lrge home, $20,000. J. W. Norene. ph. 676 g;2Gc FOR SALE Large 4 bedroom home in lone. 14x27 1 vlng room, dining room, large kitchen, bath. 100x100 corner lot. Make payments like rent, or financing can be arranged. Phone Heppner 676-9278. FOR SALE 2 bedroom home with furnishings $4500 Con tact Lucille Parrlsh, 676gn. FOR SALE Large house with rental apar'ment upaUlrfc Two bedrooms down with lots of room. Large lot. Only $9,000. Call Albert Wright. FOR SALE Herman Howard home. 1050 sq. ft Lot 55x100, two bedrooms, wall to wan carpeting, new Insulation, new hot water tank, new furnace, new wiring. Priced for qulcK sale $7500.00 (appraised at $9,500). Terms can be easy. Turner, Van Marter and Bryant 9-tIc FOR SALE Sutherland home, new. two bedrooms, two lots. $10,100, with $1,000 down. Easy terms. Turner, Van Marter and Bryant. 18-uc FOR SALE Pearl Devlne home. 3 bedrooms, basement, covered patio, fireplace, wall to wall carpet, oil forced air furnace. Very reasonable, $13,000. Call Albert Wright, 676-9734. 36-uc Public Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed executor of the estate of Alex Huber, deceased, by the County Court of Morrow County and has qualified. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to pre sent the same, duly verified as bv law required, to the under signed, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published August 20, 1964. Last publication September 17. 1964. JOHN KREBS, Executor HERMAN W. WINTER, Attorney for Executor Heppner, Oregon 25-23C nonce or rrwL Ata mm 1: H III iti f GIVt n that lh iiMtrtUfnrd. Aa frr.iulrU (4 ;uril Ulfcrflfwll. o rtrl. f.i-t t.rf final rim and rjrl In it rta ith ! lra if Ihta tuurl and irtl tf, Ja-t it.Uff ha furd 7ur4. ! lth day 4 iV rtr'm-t. 'M. t th h"Vt t loui u'a am. at ttv in if t'ouaiy (wjiii'jum In llrlltrr. If'. th tl1 . hrarinj; oKHJfva final rtvut and the acttlcmrM Iffrtf IIJ IIL'KI'KTA A'tmirtUuatm Ilrrrnan W. Wtntrr Atumx-y f.r AdmlnUtatrti rtoncc or rnorosto imtrr VACATIOH Nona: ls iihuy gi'EN that al lh ntuUt mertn tf the City Council t4 th tlty W Hciirnr. lo be hel'J on SrHcm brr S. l"t. at ih hour erf n jo ft-rlotk pm. Pacific Daylight Saving Time. 1'rution will r prevr.ted lo the fcmmon Coun cil of the City of llcpner. pray In for a vacation of that retain alley way which H unnamed and more particularly drcrlbed -the alley way 16 ft tn width on Ihe North and F-art Boundary of Blork 2 and 3. tn Morrow1 Addition to the City of IPn-rAVApD nxrm HELEN M. hCHAFFTTZ For ivtltloner Mahoney nd Abram. Attorney 23 -2K CALL TOR BIDS Notice U hereby given that th Council of the City of Hepp ner will on Tuesday. September 8. 1964. at the hour of 8 W P.M. of ald day. receive bids for a new 750 G P.M. Class "A" Triple Combination front mounted pumping engine with &X) gallon bdrmter tank, hose body and other equipment mounted on new 19i5 truck chassis. Specifications for the equip ment may be obtained from the City Recorder of the City of Heppner. t the Council Cham- All bids must be In the P esion of the undersigned Re corder of the City of Heppner not later than 8 otiock P.M. ik. iav tit Seotember, 1964. and the Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. , . Ted Smith, niv Rorder 24 25c NOTICE Or SALE OF COUNTT PROF EKTT I will on the 21st day of Aug ust. 1964. at the hour of 10:00 A.M., at the front door of the Court House. Heppner. Oregon, sell to the highest and best bid der, the following property. Lots 6 to 10 inclusive. Block 37. Town of Irrigon, Oregon. For the minimum price ol $100.00 cash. , Lots previously advertised March, 1964. in the Heppner Gazette-Times, as required by O.R.S. 12a C J. D Bauman, Sheriff and Tax Collector Morrow County, Oregon First Publication, August 13, 19Second Publication, August 20, 1964' 24-25C NOTICE OF SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION Pursuant to a resolution of the Common Council of the City of Boardman duly passed on the 31st day of July, 1964. a special municipal election will be held on the 21st day of August, 1964, between the hours of eight o'clock A. M. and eight o clock P. M. at the City Hall in the City of Boardman. Morrow County, Oregon, for the purpose of sub mitting to the legal voters of Boardman, for their adoption or rejection, a new City Charter. The ballot title of said special municipal election shall be: "SHALL A NEW CHARTER BE ENACTED FOR THE CITY OF BOARDMAN. MORROW COUN TY, OREGON AND REPEAL ING ALL CHARTER PRO VISIONS OF THE CITY PRIOR TO THE TIME THAT THI1 CHARTER TAKES EFFECT." A full text of said proposed charter is posted on the public bulletin board located at the entrance to the City Hall, Board man. Oregon, which may be in spected at all times by any and all interested persons. The polling place for said election shall be located at the City Hall of the City of Board- mThe Judges and Clerks of said special municipal election shall be the following: Daisy Gillespie Irma Jean West Shirley A. Zielinskl Judges Florence Root Madge Bishop Clerks Witness my hand and seal of the City of Boardman, this 1st day of August, 1964. Ernabel N. Mittelsdorf Recorder 23-25C aiav? 'usa -Hit m in T7rr cuvnit cccrr ct u t- ai vatx m m or oufio roi at ir- tnw .rny u'rTy wt couirTT Of Moaacrw HHitit a uajJJB-cU; HOTlCt TO ClttilTOU matin ldf , llernvion. Ctrn '"" ' . - wtthin ai 6 mfitha 4 tr- In lh Maltrf of th rtat 6llt0 tJt jSr pblkatkn 4 Lrf'W Mttllh. Armii. (fJ fAU which la lh J0U MntE LH HIKl1f GIVEN ; Jy yMrL that it urHimisned ha t-a M Lu. c-nii led lat by th imjer smlih. lca4 Mitl-l Court and ha .BtJ7,Jr ... . xtnH qualified th dtracta. BREW 131 A SMALLMON atainat th ld IUt r KecUmatUm 1 ButUm 'ifVby nonfled to prrcnt th Hermlatoo. Orrgon 33 260 BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Auctioneer tnsuronce G. R. (Gary) Turner Van barter Van Blokland , 0 . auctioneer and DryonT SnS? wSSindu. GENERAL DCSUIANCI " a rr at auction r rrt &ga THE MODERN WAY" r Kt Hrppner Monument! Building Construction " " Wylie Monument Groves Construction Qj All Type of Bulldlnr OLIVER CRESWICX W Can Help You With fUn rRESWlCE MORTUARY Let L' Modernize Your Kitchen Free Eitlmati MortUOrV ph. 676 5M6 Heppnfr. Or. muil,M'' H&M Construction Creswick Co. Mortuary Builder of New Home ' And Remodeling Ucned Funeral Director Henry (Hank) efc". Ph. 676-9600 Heppne 2216 S. W. Jay Ph. 276-7776 Pendleton Chiropractor Optometmt Dr. John F. Sufalko Dr. E. K. Schaffitz OPTOMETRIST CHIROPRACTOR NATUROPATH Next to Hotel Heppner Office Hour,: lto Sm. Entx.nc CONDON. OREGON Telephone 676-9465 City Council Phyticiani-Surgeoni Heppner City Dr. A. D. McMurdo Council UmUt!TMTm' Physician nd Suxgwo ritlzeiu having matter for Hoppner Ph. Office 676-9942 discusion plee bring them 676-9713 before the council. Ph. 676-9gl8 Electricians m Dr. L D. Tibbies Pendleton ElectricCo. phjiwajgeon Bonded and LJffJ . National Bank Bid. gfadESft Re 6So Of! 676-9616 SLWr'fS ESTIMATES PROMPT SERVICE - rjr Wallace H Wo ff 1802 S. W. Emigrant. Pendle- JV . VVailUCC n. ton, Orpgon. Phone 276-2672. M. D. . . Office Hours: 10 to 12, 2 to 530 Etxterminating Service Mon WeL nd A., arc Poet Cnntrol 1 10 5:3- Thursday. Ayers rest twoniroi p 676.9253 Re. 676-9620 Insect and Rodent Ex- termination Termite Control D-:I Grain Fumigation THMing Cattle Spray . " Clayton Ayers The Gazette-Times Ph. 676-9953 offer complete Dobyns Pest Control Printing Service Rodent and Insect Exterm- Dealer. Moore Business Form tnVtion Ph. 676-9228 Termite Control Grain Fumigation Rubber Stamps Guaranteed Work n. J?g.&P?Sm Rubber Stamps " mado to your order Form Chemicols T Bi-County Chemicol Gazette-Times - n fl render, of h. 676-9228 Heppner II I Iff All Typea , er?en "tflrlTL Title Insurance TOUCH KSrj 8 Convenient " rrLSj io-1 Morrow County SSST Abstract & Title Co. . TITLE INSURANCE Floor Covering, Office In Peter Buildin . , Ph. 676-9913 Heating M&R Floor Covering "P1"""" ttSSliaaf - A-l upholstery st&llaUons if I gSfSfXr tRefrKuon- Awnings, Seat Covers, Truck Service Domestic nd Cushions in EtimateAu'w 613 S. E. Emigrant Ph. 276-4781 GuriStS4 Pendleton. Oregon Ph. S76-M18 Heppner ' Insuronce Watch Repair " Peterson's Jewelers C A RuqqleS Latest Jewelry A Gift Good V.. ,rv. rxuyy Watches, Clock. Diamond INSURANCE AGENCY Expert Watch and Jewelry Repairing Ph. 676-9625 Box 347 Hetrner. Oregon Heppner. Oregon