. t J ' ' ! 1 0 o ?J2JL iVT"' 3 CORDON GRADY of lUimUto. wht hot ha I pad Hunt 1000 tui people ol lb liaimutow cua to dattlop that, ewnoteur tolaata. ptoaa-ntad torn a ol hU Start I Toinoitow at the 0ea Coronotloa prarara Sotuirtay sihl. With bun hr to totm an ocrofdion ,la or Dan Wa.tmaik. 13. and ob Wa.tmai. IV. brother. Co Jon UMd a mlntatuio accordion at hit part I the act. (GT Photo) 1 . t s " I , I - .- ; THESE WERE a lew of the youngtters com pa Una in the sack race at the Quaan't Coronation program Saturday night, which brought out tbo blggett crowd In years. Owen Drake, daughter of Mr. and Mr. Douq Drako. won thU raco. Sho It not visible in tho picture. CT rhoto) WANT TO SELL SOMETHING? USE A GAZETTE-TIMES WANT AD! Irrigon Alumni To Have Reunion by UVEU.C Mrrtow IKI'.IGON Th annual ifU'n Aluixi.l jr t t .rU rr Will t l.rl t f iidty, Aiiru.l l at A t H4l I n laill..n I tin at : in IU..N with i--ImiJ tini nrr at I tl in lh r ' i akrt Will M alt .' ltl 't rf cm iMl llw Kt J ' Ail iturt ln-l r . 'lrl,U tt ai l,r t.l !Hl)i- ! Ml lrI I t lfrltl AH lr bills m !..! Ii1uit 0il rU 4I Folk Milng Noat Wook A lirallM ll lli!lh l. I I i'l raik "'I It" froti I'l lil.t ! It krr t Ihf lift rv t'lrfiiinuitlty l'ih. Mill Iw i.M at I lie Irifi'oii lilil- m!iI i J Hi ii m . 1 1 v..t. llifir i'1'iiiioii riu.rf i.r i iii'alnM mUhlUhntrnt r ih,. I miH tn'l iru.n litvitlit. Mr an t Mr V. I. Kli'lti f I nit-, I in IrrU'im Salurtay mxn Ikj of'rr fciwiullrijf a 3 va laiion In lna V Ii I In Ml. 1'lrat.afit. Ilir-y tirlw1 t Ct-lr. liraif Mr t l:iM fathrr I. .iid. lay Tt-y viin I luln't Mk't llif iUtnen i;iflnt. ati.l i.lhrr rrlailvi-, anI atlnulnl a (j fully nun ln. Mr ami Mr. Krtit Fi.fifm t.f Jum-au. Alaoka. lito at Ihr Iikiih' f KajM'rnlrtnn'11 broihrr In law and it-r. Mr. anl Mrt f'l-iiiiT VU-Mri and lam 1 1 y lliwroday, rririnitr t CalifrnU. Mr Clu-lrr Wilum nd Jim ac (.iiil4tiit ihi-m on ihrir trip. Moiling at Santa (ru. to mmi Mi :va Kar-ttrorn. Thiy uit nl an Kajjiivtroni at Mont ii), ami Mr and Mrt- lav !.iui-r and family at Walton- Mr and Mrt. F.ugt ne M'orkl ltiinli-l I u rural wnlin for M- oikli-'t aunt. Mi, Kit Sur f.i.r, at the Carrol Fum-ral Ih mi in i;n-ham Wiilni-twlay. Wi lli- Ifu-rr. they VMlivl Mc-Ci.ikN-' hrothir. Ion.ild Mi-Cor-kl'. and other H-lativt-h. John Knni-, Jr. b, i-onvi-N-sc-In at lilt himif after lM-ln h-piialii-l at the Umatilla hoj.pl I ..I Mr and Mr. Krvln t'hapman nrxl Mrt. I"hl.i llrowm-II of W..U. i Walla. Mti-d ri-latlvit in lnu;nn Sunday aftcrniMin. . Mr. and Mrt. Bill Cn-yN-al ac n mpanied Mrt. Max UralN-al of I'm itill.i t TIt'. w tn ri thi-y l-nt th wt'ik frill at the Gray- Im ;i rahin. . i Mrt. Jami-t Mills. Ricky. Randy and Sti-v Mnt. Myrtle Markham, I Mrv Allx-rt I'artlow and Shrry ' : drove to I'ortland Monday, where ihev visited Mr. and Mr. Russell ' Mi-'ov. Mr. and Mrt. Jay Berry and Mr. and Mm. Wayne Rosen iranl.t and Dianna. Mrt. Frell Reyner and Ron D.ivtd sH-nt a few days with Mrt. Rey tier's brother and sister In law. Rev. ami Mrs. Georje Hash and family. Mrs. Nora Wilson, who hao been visllinir her .son in-law and daughter. Mrr. and Mrs. Milo Htnkley at Ontario, arrived In Irrlnon Friday to spend som; time with her sons. Chester Wll son and family, and the Charles Wilsons before returnlne to her heme in I'ortland. TMswS Jibe the shortest held! e?er IT'S A FACT- OUR '64s ARE THE BEST-SELLING FORDS EVER! NOW WE OFFER YEAR-END BARGAINS ON 'EM... SO OUR BIG SELECTION WONT LAST LONG! SEE YOUR LOCAL FORD DEALER! HE'S A GOOD MAN TO KNOW! Reunion Scheduled For Irrigon School TT.0 fourth ornual lrrljfn i. t.a.l tinn bat tKiwiJ . urMly. Aufu.t .). I mat A. i Mn '' ifrii luiw Vuittp.jr arvt mral dr.aiattn will alail at IJ . with luik itinnrr nbrtMlr, t VI li.U--.lu. Il-o.t a -' l attrakrr bat tf n a ' l 'i n ilso iioi-ftm at 3 "'H ) r n U Malli'nrfM at 3 All lir.rr HuliliU, faieni ti3sJ.fr ar.J rn jJo.-r too ale or.l In bllf rf to h I 1 1 Imrt ami rr Annr ll)l iiuril.-nt It a-d tt itrlio lt,l I rul.lofl tl.flilliHtrf, lt -l. Iiiitfon Mr and Mr K I IM1 ami an I Malla hai rMtr. U It.-iitiUlon Mr. and Mrs. Jail Siuti-ttg and lainlly have liMrt-l l th - 1i and home In lrrlrn. Vtttaaa Cothar tot Firaic Viterant of WoiM War I. Iu trlil 6. If Id a I-lik J-li il.- al Fii k'rant I'ark Saturday. atiriid.nj; fnun lrrion -r M mi Mi rni H'.a-ll.-y, jjr and Mrt Amlrrw Skill-. Mr ami Mrt Roy V. Allen. Mr. ail Mrt Frank J.w.nw.n. Mr and Mrt. lie- Mt eaii The Male llmpital nr ln-nia 'iael inutie fr tfe .r..t-ratn The Hitluk mral and enter lair.ment were hrld In the pavilion. Mrt. RiiartMt i.k and Al!n returiiel In Ihrlr home in Roil- li.nd follcmtnf Mrt. Cook's liot itiliatin In the kjl Shejier.l hokpllal. Rhonda Cook n-malnel In Irrlenn with her trrandparentt, Mr. and Mrt. Dan Mill Mr. and Mrt. James McNamee and family vUlted at the home of hit mother. Mrt, Myrtle Mc Namee lat werk, McNamtt. an entlm-er with the State of Ore. eon. It tM-lnff tranlerrel to (irantt I'aa. and he and his family moved there Wednesday. MIMEOGRAPH PAPER GAZETTE-TIMES Th. 67G-'J22S Pvr. Gray Finishes Rccruir Training Marine l'rl4ti Mrrrtit II tlray. Jr. n .f Mr. and Mrt. Mmm II irav ft if Wt Miem st. Ilej.pnrr. reeentiy mmplcted rrtruit trainlnf at the Martre Corjit Ii-crult l" San Ineeo, Calif. Marine rrTiitt undergo more than lfi hours f i-hnal ton ilitionintr. end more than hourt iearninjt how to drill, and drvole three tterkt to rifle and (ito markmanhiti In their 11- rrn iratiMiii -i--.i iii. j rollowint! eratuation, ne re lrted to t amp ivndleton. Cal.r. (. advanced infantry tralninc- Picnic for French At lone Cancelled A scheduled picnic for Giles Frirwh Morn ICetiuhliCan Can- dhlate for state senator from this rtllrl(-t hit txen cancelled. Don Turner. Itepubllcan central com-miir- rhilrmin atatet. The plcnle was scheduled for Sunday In lone. The cancellation Is due to the fact that It comes so close to the time of the dinner for Tom McCall. scheduled In lleppner for Tuesday. Aujrut 23. French will be present for the dinner. Turner , said. i Mahon Gets Servlco On Transport Ship J l.n T. Mshon. rtnemn fireman. I'S.N. -n ft Mr Mi live Mal.'-n f tlgln. It enllitf auarl tho Navy AiU.k trtnt lt I H M n.tr. ti-ratin;; with the l a. fl.c F3"-t Arr.t hib .--j I trfre, a4-lir. ! a re rrfit Sv-tvbe rlra ef lrd t hi rt it?.rr M.ti"M ti.j-rl!i r"rr.h"t tr lt and ttrir weama t- all Wr!ern Farilie theatrrt f.f l-p-erationt. Itie Mp rvrmaily 'j etatea out 4 San ltr(. Cal.f. TMt w at trie ar-cr.nd uv ertrtt aifnmrr.t Mahon hat received Mhin It the r'tmiwn l Mr and Mrt Sam Mil'antrl ut lltr l man and makra frriurnt iitt with the erandparentt and othrr relatives when on leave. ROIi TK Kim for sal In tlnclu ar.d double rolls, ffT drawings, admitted to tventa. Gajctte-Tlmei. llepp net fh. 676 37 tf c KINZUA NEWS Mr ami Mrt WI1IU WiiM. Sr. went ti He ml lilday even. t pet their dtuehtrf Susan wlw had tf-rnt M-vrfal Weeks there with Mr. nd Mrs. Herbert Ik- TT. Autiliarv card club was rntrrtin-d liidty rvrnm by Mrt, Marl twin at her tutne li.fvrr of hlfh t't .lrbl wst 1 r;.r.ajl. low and lKalmr by Vircirua Krln and tho mhrr fl.tm by 1111 llulrtt llirh bridge was wn by Mend. I Wham. At a late hour fruit talad and crackers was -rvel by the hmtett t tho wlnnrrs and Tat Hys". Margaret M. Cunnoll. Tattl hvll Mario Wall. Arli-re St hreler. Joiine Gulnn. and Dm ltuk. Mr. and Mrs. Wlan4 Hyatt accompanieil bv Mrs, Winifred llyatt of Ftl left Saturday morning for trtland snd on to Sheridan to tiit the llarol I Hyatt family f-r the weekend. ril cards and Rutdra. 3 4t nd 5x4 at tho Gaietle-Tlme. IF VOU nee a rubber stamp for any purpose, call t the Ga-letto-Tlmes office. All style of tpe. all tii t of stamps avail able prmptly. We'll Sec You AT THE Morrow County FAIR August 25-28 Lots of Good Things To Eat at the 4-H Snack Shack FATBOWIZE XT EWJOT IT SUFPOBT 4-H PETTYJOHN'S FARM AND BUILDERS SUPPLY HEPPNEB ft W m f I M August 25 - 28f Fairgrounds, Heppner You'll Enjoy Visiting With Neighbors, Seeing The County's Best Produce, And Admiring The Craft Work of Our Talented People. WE URGE YOU TO SUPPORT THE 4-H and FFA THURSDAY EVENING, AUGUST 27 Get Yourself Some Real Good Meat For Your Locker. Encourage The Work of Boys and Girls In Livestock. SEE THE HUGE 2500 LB. "BABE'S BLUE OX At The Fair Wednesday juUUxJaiyayi Henpner Auto Sales, Snc MAIN and CHASE PHONE 676-9152