uzttnt caxcttc nutx Tuidr. At ta. mi Graveside Services Held Hero Today For Leo C. Perry Cfatroui trnim wer held illiur.ll lo L lVn rf vrr' vt I Hrtl.Uultf. Wn, l the H-i-r Mtttu cemetery I i i m !e lmhf l j Mi Ma UiUiro, llrn-urr Mr IVirv d;e, Sunday. Aug. ui Ifl. tr. r.k t.j.ii to, ren He hi recently re lued frotn a r caterf in th law. and hrlJ hle rnui. un mat rtm& Officiating at th arnle was Father Jrkn t"- Gilliam, Church of th Incarnation, Crrat l alt. Montana, ait unci of th (in-rated Military " held bv th tleppner Pt of th American Wjion Dorrotts Arc Honored At Hawaiian Luau tn a lr ileal aritine. Mr. ami Mi. HU hartatt rir th K of hon.f Saturday eetlni: at a faiewril Hawaiian luau, w-ned on th iuj cl th Kotc Iuli4in i ne, fuirvi by th Harold r Mtht and in wtW-loit Th Hawaiian them wa car ried out m miju deviation iu in the amnrr pirparrxt ty Mr. Irwin and Mi vilru.i frvm Hawaiian recipe. Cunll prrr. to honor the FnaH Unladed Mr. ami Mr M harvlay and family. Mr nJ Mr l:od Murray and lamity. Kl o tUr.r. Amu 1111. Jr, Ivan I;, button and l;Mn N)man. Mrs. Ellis is Guest IVrry a lorn February 1. 1 VvVHHinn Shower 1.'7 at Ui Itovk. leeon. He AT UCOaing OllUWCl u a vetcian of Wot I J war il iiu nd mother, two .rVr and a II U urxued bv h wife. Joanna if l!Unbue: two t trr. Mr. Gilliam. H-pnr. and Mr. Unn t"lPl. IVndtrlon; one brwlhrr. LJurrmf IVrry f laierutniri Legion District Picnic Scheduled District No. 6 pli-ntc of the American Ixglon n1 auktUary will h"M at WalKm-a L stat rarK Sunday. AucuM -J. All Lccin anl auvlllary mem k. .M invito! Tho atlonu- Inc arc aKcd to brine thir own , table iww ana iumn. -nic Is whdulsi to iart at 11 m.. and children of the mem ber art- Invited. "Fun far all Is promised. Mr IMnnmd Hrittw and Mr iU ol liHir ttid Hll wJdini iuw-r at tfte Mfa hi-me. Itonortrtj; the mw Mr. 111. were Mm. Kxrrvtt Kriihlry. ln don: Mr. Ma tlrabill. Mr U Vrn K iihlo. Mr. KoU-tt IUr riHin. Mr. Jix li4Uk!er and M' tattd r.utmann. iollee and iumh t-re t. d with a chilled doM-rt In a relax ed atmosphere enchamvd by ar tanpimeiit of nummer flower atout the rom Mrs. Webb Showered With Gifts at Party Mrs Robert Webb wa honor ed wth a pink and blue i.iu.. r last w-k t th; home of Mr. Pulletun wt:h Mr. L'n Kjv Si-hwarz. Mrs. Lsna.'d Toll. Mr. Jim rhecley. Mr. Murin i.iee.i and Mrs, fuileton the h-wie- loi?-.lSffiff t& After a ten- pleasant evening tnited T of Christ at the of t uning, amn and the ojen L"v Coherence of the denoml. I In, of fiifis. the jrue, u nation belne neia ai nnnm v w ni...i r i; ;.(; ! ) ! : i; man ! ftaitle. Mr Wltlum Wk tl Isatlamt aid Mi Wl Iimt tlatttotd 4 llnmUioit. aunt ft the Mlde, -itrl Ue iHiiMh Taia l"iod ft l ;iaitte and tndr fiawtufil t4 . Mul.t.. -unil rHiii Hi bu.le exl tml rnHi raea and tin Ida ak t4 tbeal. Attending tbe etft ltd ttei iMtie and J 'ttv Ih k iin i Ih (tioKi. and Maitha lv. tHiin 4 tlv et.n, all ol lt melon Mi CUoiee of iUh ltk had iliaiee t ta rtt ii-k. her wedding Hip lb Mi IV. W ch. ta.nn an J taie tii-i th n " rrile ad l HM f1 hrf Uti.url AUrf llli t. hail Juan Und and t ana.U. ii.k oHiiie Mill U al lxr at i aI tf, f.. idai TI.e -w mli l lu' ,.f !.. Huh u.d al i,i.t.d tmr'H . l itei!! ll. Inuei.iiy ft Hawaii. " ha t..Wen Mie at lt- Uiul Me O lirtfe i.,.ird lu.m lrH.rl'" li.t.hir.11. I dial l'td !. V "j f' f t ..litre, ai d t l ' i l. Aunt H ! '" Und. jitl haMI. Mi. i. l Mia I !' Mmi H anlel 4 iiy, l th tb. i h; in U I ' ".""! '.'Ur ttk ?J -"' ami ta lnneUil. 1 HIMM 1 Martins at Confab First Conference tenter ner Seattle from August 17 to Zi. The conference la sponsored by the Council for Lav Life nd Work, and the Council for yrms l.uests were Mr- One Piortt. Kay M xre. Mrs. Robert Steaxall. Shtnnon Ma honey. Mrs. Jero' .-',nwrt Mrs. Archie Munkers, Work and inr ivumu inuoen, it. ninr ci.i Anion of the United, ai Foieh. Mrs. Jim Gordon Church of Christ. j Mrs. Ora Evans. Judy and Robin 1 Nvman. Mrs. Harold Erwin. Mrs. Harold Erwin. Mrs. Eva Griffith. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dtkscoll ood son. Tim. enjoyed W-dV.Wp to Yellowstone National rark and way points while Mr. and Mrs. Drlscoll were on tacation from the Heppner post office They visited friends. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Huit at Idaho Falls, Idaho, for three days and on the return from Yellowstone came via IrRlnla City. Mont., and ih? Lolo Pass. Thev spent the bal ance of their three weeks vaca tion makine improvements at their home and in preparations for the wedding of their son Tom. to Miss Judy Schmidt, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Schmidt. Saturday. August 15. Your Merchant With Charge Account Serrice Is Your Friend! If YOU Keep his friendship, and build a good record for the NEXT RED BOOK. Always pay by the 10th of the month. You do not want the adjust ment Department collecting from vou. Pav your slow ac counts, and keep our Collec tor away. CREDIT BUREAU OF Umatilla-Morrow County 306 S. E. Court St P. O. Box 162 Pendleton, Ore. Diana. Ruby and Becky FulU ton. Youlh Cautioned On Answering Honor Literature High school honor students In the area are being cautioned by school authorities to question any current literature received from two organizations, named the National Scholastic Achieve ment Society or National Schol astic Honor Society, both in Washington. D. C, before an swering it These organizations are being investigated by the National Association of Secondary-School Principals through legal means. Mrs. Margaret Kirk. Heppner high school counselor, says that several students here have con- tartri her. and sougni aavice on literature received from them. She advises them against send ing any money or becoming ob- liiratpd have no connection with the National Honor Society or the National Junior Honor bocieiy oi me iwo innai Acwiatlon of Secondary- School Principals, she has been informed. MR. AND MRS. KEITH LEROT FECK MartlT "ftrto) Couple Repeat Wedding Vows In Pretty Setting in lone Church Public Notices NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, as Administra trix of the estate of William Allyn Duran, deceased, has filed her final account and report in said estate with the Clerk of this Court and that the Judge there of has fixed Monday, the 8th day of September, 1964, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock a.m., as the time in the County Courtroom in Heppner, Oregon, as the place for hearing objections to said final account and the settlement thereof. . Marlene Barnett, Administratrix Herman W. Winter Attorney for Administratrix Heppner, Oregon 24-ZSC Rubb ORDER er Stamp Of All Kinds Dater Stamps Notary Public Seals Corporate Seals Stamp Pads Pad Ink at the GAZETTE -TIMES IONE Blue and white was the color motif ehwn by Mi w.-H.r. i..n for her marrlace to Keith LrRov Peck , n,...ln. n.t son f Mr. a.M r ivw-k of Leincton ..lis. t . i " , . . . - - - - . - . - . ii.. inn t'nited Church of Christ on Saturday. August 8. The five o'clock ceremony was read by the Rev. ttaiier n rmuwll hfore an altar mtA viith white spider mums altar candles flanked hv t.rtra standards of whlto V-Aiii ani hiu either reed daisies and candelabra holding blue tapers, earning out ine color scheme were the window decorations of Ivy. tiw aai es, greens and small blue candlts. Pews were marked with blue and white satin bows. The bride, who is the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Mor gan of lone, was escorted to the altar by her father. She was lovely in a scoop-necked gown of white silk organza with fitted bodice and long sleeves. A sheath effect was created bv a front panel of chantilly lace embroidered with pearls and sequins and was offset with a carriage back and chapel train. Her elbow-lenghth veil, loaned to her by Mrs. John Wehling of Seattle, was of silk illusion fall ing from a tiara of pearls. She carried a white lace-covered Bible, a gift of her uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Craw- ford of Helix, toppea wun ; orchid, steph a n o 1 1 s, satin streamers and strands of pearls. She wore a single pearl pen dant, a gift from the matron of honor, and for something old carried a lace and linen hand kerchief belonging to her ma ternal grandmother, Mrs. W. C. rvo.irfnrH ?h aisn wore the tra ditional blue garter and a penny in her slipper miniea in uie jcbi of her birth. . .leo n - , served as matron of honor and appeared in a floor lengtn gown of French blue brocaded satin with cap sleeve and bell-shaped skirt. She carried a stylized ar rangement of white giameinas, feathered carnations with trail ine ity and roH-s of pearl, bridesmaids were Geraldine Morgan of lone and Pecgy Voor hees of Portland, cousin of tl.e bride, and Mrs. Glen Hatch of Portland. Their gowns were Iden tical to that worn by the matron of honor. All wore slippers and large hairbows of matching blue satin. They each wore a single strand of pearl, a Rift of the hride. In street length dresses of i huwi him stvled as th nthr attendants. Mrs. Kettn Rea of lone and Miss Judy Mer ni i,,rti.inii lit the candles i nam vi . .- ... - - Thu uvtro UTlStletS of white and single atrand ..r warls. eifts from the bride Serving as best man was Gary Morgan, brotner or. me ori"--. and seating the guests were Tom nt.rtir. ,.t lvinifion. Paul Petty. iiai mi v fc.---r- ' - ..." john. Jr., of lone, cousin or uie bride, ana uien o(cii r,n Thfv wore French blue dinner jackets with black ac cessories. Dins Kaaror u.prp Craig Craw ford of La Grande, cousin of the KriH and Joe Rietmann of lone, ...k. u..r rircssed identical to nnv vw - . the men in tne weaaing pany Paul Tews played the ..-oHHinir mimir and accompan V. VJ . ' . , - - - - led Mrs. Glen uieni oi im r.nrfa uhn K.nna "I Love 10U l Q i lt . ' ' " " - , Tn.iv" YWddinir Praver. ana Perlect ixve. The laree wedding reception in tnn rniircn MJmi .vm ti-hirh was decorated with hnuauets of summer flowers. The bride's table was white linen lUVClvU nun Mnion.H uith white tapers uuui, miiv.v- ...... - . and four-tiered weaumK i topped with wedding bells. After th bridal couple cut the first piece, the cake was served by fr Jnhn Voorhees of Portland, Mrs! E. H. Miller of Lexington irihn. rrawfnrd of lone all aunts of the bride, and Mrs Kenneth Peck or ixuiKi", aunt of the groom. ..-i.,. ft1nx wtTf Mrs. llaT' lan Crawford of La Grande, aunt of the bride, ftirs. tnui 4 Ml' .' 'jWj. CAUFORni 3D VISIT DISNEYLAND Attractive accommodations Just minutes from Disneyland and Knott's Berry Farm. All units have free TV, air-conditioning and heat. Spacious grounds with heated pool, play and recreational area. I A Excellent restaurants and shop ping centers nearby. Credit cards honored. POLYNESIAN Motel 641 S. Brookhurst ANAHEIM, CAL. FREE ! ?J t vi,:,. I li(.roljr vA new TRAVEL GUIDE lilting (in mot.ll from cooil to cooit, injptc ttd and eppovi by Conym of Motor Holtli. "I ', Regulation GYM CLOTHING Junior and Senior lllfih S.luH.1, and Blue M"U lain College and St. J.seih Ara-lcmy OffU"l.l gym clothlni: for Ihv and Ctrl. Convene AM Star Athletic Shoe. Bike Athletic Supporters and Rawllng Athletic Supplies. CHUCK TAYLOR "All-Star Model" Men's Converse Block LOW-CUT BASKETBALL SHOES $895 Everyone's Favorite Sizes 6-14 NYLON PARKA WINDBREAECER High Count Nylon Parka Shell, Chest Pocket Zipper Yoke, Drawstring hood and waist. Taper hood seams. Assorted Current colors: Black, Red, Royal, Teal Back To School Specials Men's Sizes Boy's Sizes $4.99 $4.49 Pendleton Shirts and Topsters Always Virgin Wool. New 1964' fall Pat terns now in stock. Choice of either regular shirt models or the new Sport shirts models. Back to School Special. Shirts Topsters $1395 $1895 S-T-R-E-T-OH Levi's and Lee's Jeans Sit, Jump, Twist, Lean. These new Stretch Jeans stretch with you, come back to shape when you relax. Made of Rugged Stretch Denim, Sanforized, 75 cotton, 25 Nylon. Assorted Colors. Mens and Ladies Sizes $098 Open Friday Evenings JV1ARPUL Whito CREW SOX ui.ii.. ruhlon ft. A iwn RUrr nii S'Uw iV. nl..n Mend The ..nfe ueatlntf cushion f.-t Hrrtihle. Back to School Special $1100 JL SWEAT SHIRTS C,, n.nk. ml..n Warm w barking on heavy wHht Ion knit Shoulder aeiinia relnfoed with Plv codlnj; Nhm relnfomd Ld cllar. ruff, and bottom. Wide chol i4 ctlor. Including the ever .opuUr white. BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIAL $98 JL YOUNG MEN'S MARK 1 CONTINENTALS by Levi Strauss The Perfect Dark to S luxd Pant. No Belt. No Pleats. No Cuffs. Man pleasing tailoring and a real winner. Choice of two fine fabric Ml (I wale Corduroy or Mercerized, wash n wear 100 cotton Cornell Plaid. Color, Burnt Olive, or Twilight Blue. BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIAL $98 "J Men's and Boy's SKI PARKAS 1 Bit Stand-up Mandarin collar with zipper con cealed hood In the Inside lining. High count Nylon Taffeta Quilted to 8-oz. batting. Nor ane water repellent finish. Contrast color linings. Adjustable draw string bottom. Back To School Special Boy's 8 $1295 3M6ts46 $14" Young Men's Continental SPORT SHIRTS Regular and button down collar styles. Unl verislty Classics, New Long Tall style, with Slim tapered body. Wash 'n Wear fabrics, completely washable, Little or no Ironing. Wash fast colors. Wide choice of Stripes, Plaids and Patterns. frir A terrific assortment at a Back to School Spec- ONLY ial Price of Each MEW Y0KSC Corner Main tr SW Emigrant, Pendleton HEPPNER, OREGON PH. 676-9228