1964 Morrow Fair To Open Tuesday, New Marks Eyed lCiitlnu-.l ti"i f II rMMU .! l. itiil. J. if i-in rttill'M thai Mill fln tt iokiio In that iliy lt.n lul, tu-t. Mill ! Il u.U fr 4 II , .. 1 )xrwtnaii' Mi !- thai Mill r Ufnl-f. May " " " "' K"ll arra, Willi i II rt.liif l at ) urn. tfiri Mill I a af. My ' central ilullfijf lhi af Irf mtl Al I ! 4 II l"iliiii' an I f... ittflr iiti il ii,n tmMllnulv Milh lt I II and IrA i' I'MltMiu i.iilu Ihirintf H liitiMn llwvu f ti vrirrall rntllfa Mill km lr-y. (s ao. 4 II fi"in mMmnUt- HM Mill I"' it!K-l Of! V-.l rtrkilav. 4 II ln'iiw tiritnla jd.l.-1 nr Mill MifttihMt, ait Ji. tflfll? Mill UM.rMV I" HHtrtlrii; t aHi-l -n tl lining rurnomlii rkhll'IU Mrll a 4 II li -l h Tliur'ly. AueiiM Tt, Mill hUMv itim''i'lv 4 II lH" ata k alriM-ntiilil i!itt In true inornltu? mIiII 4 II htin nrvurilr l,mfitiali"f are I' Ing held, pat fomda Billed Mr iW-rnard IMirMy Ulj-r-a all mv ti-l Kl'l llir"Ufh 14 ycafi t rnlrr llulr - In the l aliow whltti Mill Im hrl.l fi.im H nv 2 pin. Mllh the I'fi1 t4 " ' f lnnlnjf l 1 1 -.' tn In udjfint; n,n. ThN ha Iwen impular aiirnritnii In the at (jj-rn rl li-MKk Mill l lulfri during the afternoon. Mill 4 II lrnimirlln ttitet. The ever Hiular ye arfamnle Mill ! hrl.l a llvt ly "Marter" f..r the 4 11 nnd rr'A liw-tK auction Kntrlea made ! date for Uu aale are 13 mrkrt hotf. .'10 markrl lamin mid . market rrr. Kn I'urrln. chairman f the llrt'k auction, rrmiiuli rrfvn that thlt l an o..r lunily lT Uetn lo auri Mime chuUi m'a fr lli-lr hnkor Four II. YY aiul ihii fl.xa rxhlbllnra Mill vtrlng tr many inUI aMantt arnln llili rar. In al'lllln l lhi l-'n t la i-rrmlrr l't rhlhln r lrchv rvlir-d hy thr Moriuw l"unlv l.lvrti-k CroMrr aoclallon an. I thr Mc-itnki-i Mhrat exhibit trnphv v .MrrMi Oiuniv i;rnln Crowrra. a w-w trophy mo all".l thu t-r fr rhamln irform.im r hrM. .rovia-l hv J rry Pafik'rtt. sht II dlfiirlhutor. Coka Conteat Slatad rartUlffliili In the OrTn Whrat Jimwrr lx-at!ur rakr hnklne ronti-M Mill rt.miM-tr .r rlifilhltttv fT thr tat ljikr i)f(. In aiMltion to .rrnilum at thr annual rinvrntlm of thr Orrjron Whrat CroMrm I'Kih at I -a Crandc hitrr thl yrar. A Ion! IUI f awarH In Iwlnj: mailr avall.ihh' to I II home ' onomU-n exhibitors M-lih thr Rhra t'rr-k. lone. Hcppnrr. Buanlmin. Irrlgon ami I'lne ntv extension unlla fiffrrlng (rlr for the host demonstra tion In fixxlH. rlothlni. nnd knlttlnr. The Morrow County CoMlelio Mill provide kiktUI awards for demonfiratlona uMnu meat, while the Oreeon Be' Keejx'rs aworlatlon will provide Hpi'clat award for demonstra tion!! uslmr honey. The General Food Corp. and Oregon F.K counrll nlso provide npeinl awards, a will the Oreeon Turkey Improvement AshimIi lion Oregon Wheat CommK'ilon, Safeway More. Oregon WimjI GroM-er. Oregon Fryer Commls Ion. and Spreekle Sugar Com pany in food contests. Trophle will lie provided to Junior and xenlor livestock jiHh'IrtK conteHt wlnnern by Forci Tire Service and WW Richfield Station. Lexington Oil Coop. Morrow County Grain Grower nnd Jordan Elevator continue their livestock show monshln contests awards to Jun ior intermediate and senior showmen in nil classes of live , stock. The grand champion show manship nwnrd will be contin ued by N. C. Anderson for the 17th consecutive year. The American Guernsey entile club. Kkstmm Farm Chemicals. Herbert Kkstrom nnd Sons, the Harold Wright family, Kirk and Itoblnson Hereforcls, Oregon Hereford Association. Oregon Toilettes nnd the American Polled Hereford association will provide awards for various 4-11 nnd FFA livestock exhibitors with emphasis on the breeds which they are partial to. Four-H saddle horse club members will ngaln compete for showmanship nwnrds in the small fry. Junior. Intermediate and senior classes for trophies presented for mnnv years by Central Market and Turner, Van Marter nnd Bryant. Improvements Mad Fairgoers will find new rest room facilities on the grounds this year and a newly construc ted buildlni? which also will pro vide dormitory space for boys and girls who find it inconven lent to be on the grounds early in the morning to care for live stock or to participate in home economics activities. Finishing touches on the new building are being made, racing with the fair opening dates. Exhibitors will also find new modern office facilities which will enable clerks and superintendents to better serve them. Everyone will be well fed by concessions operated on the grounds. Four-H leaders and parents will operate the 4-11 Snack Shack Monday through Friday with the ladles of Rhea Creek Grange planning an even ing dinner on the day of the 4-H and FFA livestock auction. With new facilities, enthus iasm and lots of exhibits, 1904 could be the "biggest fair yet. Rodeo Commillees Prepare Big Show For August 29-30 HWlltiurtt tiutn 1 1 !' He lll I Hue ll.lt rf 1 otfMlo a Nl! Iwhlr f.f IllM In hull tl.Uit? Ih m o Gn n Mill i'iv a Im I hv huikle .J Mti.lwr t-l ll.r Ulla;lr fuU !W llllllf ..Mail KrKltlry. Ilrt i.ttrf wilt lirMHI a llr ur l.j tie ( l.afi.lrtf i.f (itn.rir rim J !.n l ul.ai.ki l. I Thu'feU) tl.at Ihffr H'lr awaidi air cm inn n Ailli'ft"! ?! il.i ai li III .1r.l Amairur 1mii- iMi l-ir m i !.! iwi ao t tuk It i J a. jl.r. arciHaiy. ha I 'i ihal l mMJi l" ,.n.il,il.l l liL'tlli ruliafti l( ll.r l aif.l-f i4 Cm.h-' n.tinjf. ail al Um ri1 ha.iu t i.a.l nu h luik, In li'Hi- itif lul(r-l t ).; ii 4 i.t;; t"t a. ti Mill t raiUt r Ihla f l'n rtrl U III W.lrr ! IIHI tn.1.. lima ! itMimr HMin i f .oc.m arvt SHaU m.h t IHra Mill 1 1 - al P ltt .ia ita. Aoi;4l ft. ' air I lM ty Hal lime I aim n J I kul ! in "' i4i u it. f It ! arl"M 1M l-tl l.uitay rcftii U n. lnaMtntf f 4 m.II br en. Z.'.rS ii'.rt tn !'r f-V yj.n Van lu " ! MUJt Wr, sin f-' ! f. I t o fuitrA Oiillfin Jvlr ta'r that It U ! iiiril 141 ll rar- at1rfiMx.fi aln In 1 h'-ul fi'i i n.inulra arh Tt Jvalui-Uv nw Mill atari i' Hly 1 -11 i. I I!m f uit.tay Miil Ut at I i i i In a i :.tin. M' r.atui.iay if)l Mill atait at M m A l!itt" l.-r4 in an atriUMriirril tn - i I. ar1.. j l:ar..utl iviriv a i4 V-0 O am hrf li Mirt aal l Uial J tan al t-eiittf tr A l'f lh IVntllr :?r-m r..J t-Z'.e i ti Iprar pfi l ll mwtHt.f 4 lha al4ay af!rir.r aJuna HcrrNca CAirrn TiMtt. Taov. J Ttry Mill l IH HeHrf f.- H rOri tau MtuiiUy nvf i uitrrf itnaiia litrlf H' ai MtSI l (Kin r-r mH "Jf.a I j.iart-pai tl.itrt'h h t-n flantr4 Cii !'' ! I'1 trtrt nti rl Miil 'pt ttxmx M acti . h at a. M alau ian la f nhr (! Kiaf. i(aia mhh r-l.l jnrA anl tMi.rt run- f --! fl A tii.i J.rra 4 Vaiijvrf U1 t icir-a tnnuuhrr aain I Ma year. ar.4 t-- rr:;ta t- Cllf SmM ta Miil l bark ta l.an-J.a if.r utbl irm A t"n. liw Mer.iun l laumrlia-. Wn. h ' fafr4 I' lh htm. A tUml trull rtitm, inr ha hat !h J" vi duitrartin h m44rnl tulU ta tfrvrnl arflnua Injury ta cxswWy h Itai fcr Ihrwn. Klmrt N hrr.t Jl f Chum twf of lrmrfr Mill !..( 4 IttrnH aalr arJ l ii.a mriRi knk kill rrl Ju rrew In hai.4 Ijc lh Silhouette Special! world femes srcciAL ON Stainless Steel GILLETTE RAZOR BLADES $78 Value) 2 Pki. $j50 COTY'S SPRAY COLOGNE, Special $2 Phil's Pharmacy Silhouette Special! Men's Middy Style Pajamas $375 (Reg. $4.25) Sixes A-B-C-D GARDNER'S MEN'S WEAR (formerly Wllaon't) Silhouette Special! For Back to School Tape Recorders & Radios $1495 TO $g995 GONTY'S WE GIVE SAH GREEN STAMPS Silhouette Special! Rcxall 400 Count FACIAL TISS ij, boxes $ 1 HUMPHREYS REXALL DRUG Silhouette Special! Samsonitc Extra Large 34-Inch Card Tables (Reg. $14.95) EASY CLEAN VINYL SURFACE CASE FURNITURE CO. Silhouette Special! ATLAS TM! GET YOUR TIRES AS LOW AS $T135 PER WEEK JACK'S CHEVRON STATION nn LTU mm mm be a wmm You'll Find Them in "OUR TOWN" Businesses Check thr njwcUU these merchant have In the boxm around tllhourttea NEW UAKHAINS EACH WEEK KNOW EITHER CT THESE PEOPLE? If you think you do. rlip the silhouette and take It In to the person you think It I. If you have KucJMd rlcht and are the first person to Identify him Saturday you'll win a $3 ctft certificate from that merchant. The second person to come in and Identify him or her will receive a $3 gift certificate and the third person will receive a $2 clft certificate. CLUES . . . The only cluea we will give you are: Kach Is a merchant or employee of one of the firm listed in this advertisement Think you know the lleppner merchants and their employees . . . then Rive it a try. What have you got to lose RULES You must be 16 years old or older to par ticipate. No owner, manager or employee or their families, whether of this news paper or anv of the coopcratine retail stores in Heppner are eligible. Silhouettes can not be taken in for identification un til Saturday after they appear In the paper. Clip and take to the person you identify SATURDAY MORNING Grand Prize The Grand Prize will be given away at the close of the contest. Saturday, September 26. The grand prize will consist of a $5 gift certificate from each of the stores shown in this adver tisement All you need to do is register free and as often as you wish at any or all of the fourteen nnptlr-inntinc Stores. No purchase neces sary! Register Often - At All These Stores FOR THE GRAND PRIZE! Q 1 f, Ml Check These Ads Every Week And Win Valuable Prizes! NO PERSON MAY WIN MORE THAN ONCE IN THE WEEKLY IDENTIFYING CONTEST. HOWEVER. WEEKLY PRIZE WINNERS ARE ELIGIBLE FOR THE GRAND PRIZE. o o o OTM Silhouette Special! SPECIAL LUBE and OIL CHANGE $350 (TUUr Additional) WITH PURCHASE OT 10 Gals. Gasoline, only $300 (Monday, Tuesday WadaaJay of Nt Wek) HEPPNER AUTO SALES Silhouette Special! Elgin Men's and Ladies' Wcafdies HQ95 "SomatMa? from Um araatUna loadal. JEWELERS Wa dy SAH Grn Stomp Silhouette Special! FREE TEEM FLOATS With Carnation Ice Cream Saturday CARNATION ICE CREAM Vi Gal 79c 16 OZ. (Hag. 75c) TEEM (phu dp0it) 59c Central Market Silhouette Special! Wash The NORGE Fabric Formula Way With A Deluxe Automatic Pushbutton WASHER $34995 Volue, only ?299'5 L. E. DICK Silhouette Special! Aromatic Cedar Closet Liner 1 BUNDLE ENOUGH TO COVER 8x5 WALL, (WAS 11.95) SILHOUETTE SPECIAL $795 Mahogany Paneling From $3.95 TUM-A-LUM LUMBER CO. Silhouette Special! Clean Safe Economical Electric Heat CUSTOM DESIGNED FOR YOUR HOME OR BUSINESS. INQUIRE ABOUT THE SPECIAL BONUS OFFER FOR NEW OR CONVERTED SYSTEMS. Columbia Basin Elec. Co-op rem 4U 4 (2) mm