Wedding Brings Many to lone If CATHERINE UNDUROH RNK Many iul a lawn gbt-l Wrfr lurip lt Mrtk rt4 I IU0 r. l(i.t' i.r Matihtl J it M.4n Uii. .irr f Mr Hr JkS i Jltui .4n 4 l-.Jw, i "n -f Mi Jitiv flallry .f Krti ttthAii, Aia. anil tl)'1'"' IVik i ( lklnfc'ion, tiirt rrf-rnnt at 11.0 l'nllr.1 I hull h Aui?ul H Ntlan. rr Mr suit Mm t;irn rtih; Mr Mi t'harlrt Mm haul mi. I ilaui'tilt-r July; Mr. unit Mr John ViMtrhtT. iVtirv ri .sunniir; Mr. Han Mr William lVk; Mr Contort Wlillr; It A ( raw l.'i'l, f hio rawf.rl ami I(mI nry (raf.l Cutis I ru ff'in Ki'trhlkan Wat Mr. Jrrry Ilallry. inhttt wrt Mr nt Mr Wally lull, Tlw lMll; Mr anil Mr !aymrm1 Ikiwnlnff anil Carol) n. and Mr, r l n llvkrll. IIo.nI ;ur; Mr. ami Mr l-rnxr KaM-iMr an. I I'tamlilaurhtrr. Small SMlr, Wart; Mr. Ml Mr. Innrli Mark. Tamms; OirMvn nd Munm Iw-niMin, "trada; Mr. YVani I'irrt-c of lulintit. Mr. Ilarrlrl Judman. Arthur Hatirry THE WBr . GAZET .r HEPPNER TE-T1MES Hcppncr, Oregon, Thursday, August 13, 1961 Sec. 2 - 1 poges n. Chartl M 1:111- Id and Mr. John Wrhllntr. all of Nrattl. Oll.iT l.rrwnl rrt Mr. Jran V-k' l "l ilaucritrr ('firry I, Mr. ami Mr lr (irfrr ami Mr. Ida Mill.-t i.f I'mllrion; Mrs. tktg0 of lllol luk: Mr. and Mr, ivlmrr Crawford and family if llirm llon; Mm. Wrn Crawford of llrlli: Mr. ami Mr, (ilmn Ilichl ami family ami Mr. and Mr. Ilarland Crfnl and family of I -a Crandi; Mr. and Mr, Iaac llli.imrwin of Aurora; Ml ( or I In l.urnU-ll of ItolM; Mr. John ArmlnL'ton ami Jerl and Mart I of Hollywood; and Mr. and Mrs. ItolTrt Hlcr of l'wu Glen Crlfflih a honored on hi M-vrntli birthday with a party given by M motlnr. Mra. (;HfKi Griffith, In Ihe Woolrry Memorial I'ark on Saturday af trrrxxin. Curtii who rnjird faitu- and rrfrnhmcnt wrre avld Tuckrr. Mlkr Warrrn. J-ff Trima. IxRoy Rra. Jlmmli Huyr, Paul and Jorl IVtrrson. I'aul MiKlllRott. CJrrjrory ChrU- tii-hrrvin lft. Mr Jhn ArmliiM"n and ilauL-htrf. Mrtl and Jrrl. arr itiaklntf an ntrndnl IH at tb lump 4 hi-r inKlliir Mr Pale Itav ami Mr, Hay. Irx-y ll In AImiuI 4t Crantri (jiiiIII.- and furki attrmtrd liM-ir annual li-itii In III' ooUT) ,Mrnitiai 'ark on J-uinlay. Aiiv'u! Mi inlx't rnjrd in g whll llm young -oj. rnj)d wim lurlv ram ( rTti-l. IUcular mrtlni: if Wlllu liiansf will tllrrll, oni i" njor" on N.iTnirr Mr. Cordon Wldl- f l'rt l in.l ami lu-r itau-hti-r, Mr Jotm Wt-htlnif of Sttl'. iwn mrk nut herr iUltintf Mr Whit1 and Mhrr rrlatlvr. Mr. and Mr Franklin Und trm lift n Wrdnrmday for UisUM-n trip ! IVrtlan.l. Rainbow ClrU Kara Outing lUlnlMiw AwM-mbly No KJ Irfl on Monday for a thrr day out Ins at Mi Nary Yarhl lu. Ifirl wt acromianli'd by tticir itft In-r advioor, Mr uwn nai- roM-n. Mr, t:. IL n iwin r, wri (mr Klrtmann. Mr Ituy W IJndstrom and Mr. Ilalvorwn. im-tr.lwr of tlii advlmory Ixiard Mr. and Mr. I-rank I.undi'll urri- hrr for I In 'k rrnl from their boini. In Mllwauklf. Thry urr fui'nt of her mother. Mr. A. !. Svanwn, rsnd alo vlMtel M ntu, Mr. and Mr. r It l.umlell. Mr, ami Mr Ja k Iynn and family have mnvnl b lli pjner. wlier Mr. and Mr. In arc rmployrd. Mr, and Mr. lilalne Chael and ('asknir are on vacation In nouthern Oregon and the coast. Waller Itoherts departed on May Wr.tiwoday for ( hrhalU. Wn. to 111 rrlalHe Miv Mirrry ami "hrr'lyn llrnwn ni tho r-k end her from tin-ir i-w home near t lai a. la M.erry lit. vnth M l rin Jem at her apartment aloiiif with liarhara Hikhop. Mho a alf a e'ueit, fhrrolyn wu a 'Ui- 4 llrlofe I melt. Mr. M' lla ( Mrara Mai taken t.i Pioneer Memorial hua- I'lUI i.y Ajr Ijtmi Ifal'lieo on Saturday. Mhere he Mill for a while t' treatment. Hue! at the home of Mr. and Mr V. T. Martin thl witk end were their daughter, Jean, of Orrgon Male, Ml hhawleen llollimay .f Albany, and Al lirae of Oregon Mate. Mr. and Mra. Kranil Stark of Taioma ienl a few day at the home of her parent. Mr. and i 'he Mr. i:aymon! Lundell thl week. Mr. Jerry Bailey and her father. Jak Farrl. left on Sat urday evening for Portland where they t.k a train for .Vattle, From .Seattle they were l flv In the Bailey home at Ketrhlkan, Alanka. where Mr. rarri will viit and enloy aome huntint! and fuhing. CorlK l.undell. daughter of Mr. and Mr. Ilarland Lundell of Boise. Idaho. 1 a guekt of her iuln. huHan I.lii'lstrom thl wii'k. Mr. Vane Pierre and daugh ter of Kedrnond arrived on Wed ries.l.iv fur a few day Mit with her .irerii. Mr. and Mr. Harold Shenr. Mr. and Mr. Herbert Kkstrom. Jr, and family and his brother. Koland. i-ent wveral days this week at Fort Stevens State Park near Warrenton, enjoying a ram pout. (.uests at the Robert Jepsen home thl wt k end were Mr and Mr. Clmn Biehl and fam iiy of M r.ratwlr. Iw-vnly ii,h rrmlnei for a lit with hrr i n on. ii Ann narnrtt Mr rl B-Mrw ar. Ina. ana i.rif...ry itr Merrill of t- ' 'r. ani jwr i-..f4e fJnffnh. pey IMight Charlotte liffjtri e irm a w.k arati at fwiwam riino on ait. n,.-i Air, i la retire nam an.i ..i.i. i ' i-oriian.i on ThutMiay a few day, ' da tvbble, John and Trary Kin raid of Portland are yUitlns thrir rrandmothtr, Mr ,- M.JIer at teril, and Mher relatives ami friend In lone. Cherllvn Srnouar returned on ,.u.i..air ii. n a varailon idrni i lieaeti with her uik . .n,l unt. Mr. and Mr i ii . linker and family of Corvalli Her father. Kenneth Smoue went to foralli on Sunday to brtnir her home. 7 Mr. and Mr. F. T. Martin ml her father. R A. Ihton of '". -i-ni ; rrom .Monday Ihrouirh nday In the Wallowa mountain. They made many kide trim InoluriiniT hibin. M rror Lake a fourtH-n mile hike up the Inline Isiver; drove I'J Hat Point overt,. .1.. Snake Kher Canyon, and hiked up llurrlrane Creek. Mr. and Mr f u. o"e io Boarnmin on Sunday to Vllt an r.l.t fri..n. ii :. Lynn of Salem. a. aft a - . . - '""n"K iKU IIiriHrn AVI rn I ln raWIVav1 a. CitVUPay mrtrlll. ami din. unHiu ir naU and family and Keith n lH-nt lat weekend f.. wlrfc : vlaltlne with Keith', fam! it itounaya. ! ' VO v , , i i it... : ,-r . i Za . X - U ... k . - rv St i ' . .; r , r 1904 - too :NAj; ... I y; Jj visit Onioon CONCRCSSMAN AL U LLM AN (O.Ora.) is ahwa obore right recelvta a i?a and poUr for dUplirf la hi Cooyrekalonol flic pretaeUa tourist travel to Ore?oa. The natertal was preMBted by Jaraes Cres, left executive secretary of the National Aaaoocrtioa of Travel Oranisatioaa. CU tnaa's Reeolutioa autUorlilnf Fresideat Johatea to Issue a proclamation uralna dtliens to "see the Ualted States end IU Territories passed Coaaresa lost week. little granddaughter. Lorl Ann Prwck, lat week while her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Prork of Heopner were on vacation. Mrs Verner Troednon returned from the hospital In Pendleton on Sunday. Accident Boy Gene Crowell had an unfort unate accident on Wednesday while riding his bike down the cemetery road. He and a friend were thrown from the bicycle. when It hit loose grave!, and slon. He spent two days In the hwpltal In Hcppncr and is now confined to home for about Mrs. Lcwla Halvorscn kept her quiet schedule for a week more. 2 0 i fasssassss .. I " '" "' i CktrrelH Jmpnla Sport Coup ' 1 1 Hi ins "r Chtl U Nor Sport Coup FOR MORROW COUNTY FAIR AND RODEO QUEEN X S: . ' , - , V wmwm Corrair Moma Club Coup America's best sellers... Vour best buys ! to at your Chevrolet Dealer's Stands to reason: America's number ono Or possibly you'd prefer the carefreo cars have got to be your best buys. Corvair. Again thi3 year that means your great- So come ahead. Chooso your favorite est buys in any sizo are at your Chevrolet from among the 45 best ways in the world dealer s one-stop shopping center. to go in the number one automobiles. lake your pick. , . Hut hurry. Sponsored By Morrow County Fair And Rodeo Association Sti- . . . ... 1 V I Sua. M. .l.v'.-'-w .. HMTMiiI ' w U SATURD Perhaps the Jet-smooth Chevrolet America's best selling automobile. Or maybe the fun-loving Chevy II so many young families go steady with these days. SCITHI MAN WITH THt NaJ BUYS YOUR CHEVROLET DEALER The way they're going, no telling how soon they'll all be gone. Better see your Chevrolet dealer before a thing like that happens! QiaTotel'CttevcUe'Gievyll-Corvalr and Corvette Nat Cars, No.1 Values, Nxllbne to buy-Now at your dealer 36 3764 Fulleton Chevrolet Company DANCING 10 To 2 SUPPER SERVED AY, AU Fair Pavilion HEPPNER MUSIC BY GUST ADMISSION $1.50 PER PERSON HITCMN' POST QUARTET Hcppncr, Oregon of Boardman