Ceremony Unites Kinzua Couple iV V1IGIN1A iruo lui'inf iu..w In II. 1IU" 111 ratUI iliunti ar- i 1 t" after Mt H llu- J-n tu.tian. tUiMtKUf 4 Ml. Ml Watte hun tcm I t-M f 1. sn, 4 Mr. ami Mr, ja MiM Mt O.annlan Attn. .! famait St- l.t.k.1 ! tU'l-. pin P Mi fllt m wMI li 'lr tlir it?t w Mir Uc ' After n t b-HUli.1 llir I nuns' omiI'I" U el hww In Kin ma wl.eir lal. Mttffcln .f Kl'uua l'KrtU"ll until lall lrn thrv W r ! N-Asn n. il. lll nrr nll Juan Hiriia left Ul Mn tv I v t-r iiltu, j.4in li l.itit Mn Banrna l th fulled .Mate !l Una la lr. rnaln In Maln until after lite (fillktina m-U Ib aii-t then Ihrv wtH i""1'' I" Klftua t.urt of Ml !' Mr 11 U-t t lun- ! family this i-al Mn r vnr Mr a"l Mim J hn jiuiltn an. I Mi X! Imii Shrrtev ami "f l"' ArV .. Wn. Al UHtnif herr M week Tf Mr an t Mr I.)W IrVrr.mrr ant family ff Hate. MIm VnU Ann (Winn. ilAucMrr i.f Mr. an1 Mr Wrlln ('unrifl, a iuhrt tn llejl.ner lat Vliie.lav eninif fchefr-hi- rMflr.l I ho llr m iiilal to bf her all-rii'li fmirtp.1 -l t.aieM I louKhl Iter hme .Vun.Uv Mr VI Slinl'l ws hito V-1rwtav rrnlnif In Iho huhlolo'k luh at her hmo IliCh f"C the rirnlnir wa wun l.y Kathlll Hark. I'" I'V MIC arrt Mnnrll. aii'l floatm by VI .Sll' karil nii.l Voimlo tr..Nn lnJ. IMhrr . Irirf urrr Al-l S.I.. tl Vn(K.i KU. MHn i ! . Viijina MU..H ll'Uii W II, I.I. M.i. r Aln. Ml lf lif an. I w.iiuo ( ii.illl Mi atxl Mi iiii.ii II I lltU).'l.llll I. II htuil rvt iilfrf on m i k nu ),( It will lko Ihnn In Aii'l aivi Si IibihIm'i 124 1144-V .Ul4lM4 . M l.a.f imlt.U l llilrlrtl ui h litMUaifl, KlMIU Wliy laltn atl Mallitt lalxl Mia lxtiU Ixiriifrl fel ftn 11 v n. Mi Tty Carry ajipnl M ria l I il i-i k l!Uii irUlr al :li hlaii l, Vn Wl.llr Ihrro l-0 jtlrlifi I tMTUrd wv rial tut an. I iMf4)tili- Mhrn m' m hlrl lit a lil)tlo an I ili nl Id ha I ! hat i U'lili i ll .J tM till lUll Oil III Mr anl Mi Tin M ''-fmlk f (i-f-no nl wirfal U)t In to lt Ur k a II f liiMIM- curt i. Mr. il Mt All.it i.uii.n lUikv an.l Rally Nhr!ir, iall I kiidii I. i an. I Km Wham who In John Imv atunlay l r km hi ha iHinio ih-tiial oik Julio, Mr rut Mf 1'aut Clor. Mr ffc.n Minkar-I. ! Mr Ihmard Ki.o aiio in Tlio allr SVm lav f.r Mr Sllrkarl In k ft n,-'liial aiitiitrn-rit. Mr Jit-c ll-imin ami fam ily, Mr VI Mitikrl, Sallv . l-.r.vtli-r ati.t Aljr.a l.utnn Ai-ni In Manfu l. I Surulay In IU with Mr. an. I Mi Manmi K Mr Va.ml Hvftlt wt-nl lo Nrtlamt r'lhiJV rwrilni? lo hrl ttauchtrl IT.rlo Hhn H'l jlil wrral rk hrro aiiii hrr srarnlparriiia. wruio un-ie ll..-ii4 hail Iho rhUki-itl. Mr Wlllum KaM it or Man- flihl I lUlni; ihi wn-k with Mr anil Mra. Ja.k Hall an. I (.iniilv. County Court Proceedings j 37 181.91 ... 1.56 140 22 ... 3.00 .. C3.KH 131.91 .. 15.00 10. 40 County lourt mot In rojinUr M"ikliti on July . !'. Tlio minute of tho rol'u tim Arro r-ait an. I ai pr'ivo.l, Hio ci-it laln-r of Iho Koad Drpftrtmoni ialot 14 hour l-hllllp C-kUII of lrrlcn ma hlrr.l n a iUI l..uty Shrrtff. mUiv " IT5UI cr month. lu nill-ac. faclfU" .Northwi-! IU!I w Ciantod rrmlln n rsrallrl a ii.ufitv im. at .s.inilh"ll'w with hurli-.t who lo Iho Fritz I'uKf.-rth Itaix h. Th followlivi wanonta Uu4xl on lb Cnral fundi Wiilti-r II. !!. Comm. Mlli'ajfo Itorman Wlntor. D. A., flir. Illt 11 2 50. Hrnt li.MO. Ti l. 4 41 Jlojnor Calotte Tlmia. In CI ZJ.W. Off. iii. .1i:4 Stan-lnnl Oil Co.. ShT. Car 2'H Rlchfli-l.t OH Co.. do 10.59 Ford a Tiro S-rv., do 31 10 (. J. I). Itauman. .KhiT. Inc. .Sylvia MrDnnlel. Trci. Inc. 3 60 Standard Off. Fxjulp.. Aa.HOHa. Inc. 50. Just Ct Cth. Now Kqutp. 2-TI50 234.70 Humphrey Drujf Co.. Aam-m. Inc - - I-38 ItodrrUk ThomHon. Ajkmvui. Fid. Wk. 63.RI, Inc. 4.40 68.21 Heppner Auto I'nrta, Cthw. Inc Col. Ban. Klcc Co-op., Cthso. 131H. Surp. Fda. Exp. 89-1 Herman (Jrocn. ClhtM Just Ct.. Juror. Cth Inland Chem. Stv. Rural Flro rinnomy Mkt. & Lockers, !nd. Fund Kllham Sty. A I'rlnt. I I'll... Ini Shell Oil Co.. Sher. Car 9-53 I'hira rharmncy. bner. Inc 1-w Thlllp OrMidnll. Sher. Sup. 141.00. Car NW.00 .... 701.00 Cltv Water Dept. Cthse 7.50 MAR Floor Covering. lo .... 2i.7J WaKn Wheel Cafe, Jail Kxp H-co James DrlNColl, P.M., Sher. Stamps A Env 17j.OO Maude Huches. Tax Coll. Exp 600 Ernest JorKcn.wn, Just. Ct.. 5th. Tel 37 02 Heppner Cleaners, nnn Jail Exp 2.99 Standard Oil Co., Cth.se. Fuel : l.hS n,.l.l t.'l I'lnrlr QlinT .. Jail Exp - 3800 1 Fulleton Chev. Co., 0n) Sher. Car 8 20 , N. W. Hosp. Serv. Sal. 119.80, DA Misc. 11.45, las. 56.00 I87-23 Col. Basin Elec, Comm. Fd. Exp v" 38,95 CommTrnnix, Inc. Sher. Car Fxp 107.50 Burroughs Corp. Tax Coll 3.80 Jaynes Hus. Mach., Inc., n Trcas. Cal 2jC .00 Friden, Inc., Assess. Inc 101.00 Thormo-Fax Sales, Inc. Assess. Inc ou.jj Pacific N. W. Bell, Cur. Exp 100.JJ N. W. Ind. Laundry, Cthse 4-40 Consolidated Paint & ... Varnish Corp.. Chse Rep. .. 6.41 Roy Johnson, Sher., Jail Exp JJ4-7 Heppner Clinic, do Mary Bryant, Co. Reg W-w Turner, Van Marter & Bryant, Ins 'J-'aA G. E. or Mary Nlkandcr, Surp. Fds. Exp. 15UU Harold Moore, Soldiers Ind. Fund 600 Mary Bryant, Dep. 276.51, Co. Ct. 33.33 84 Elvira Irhy. Dep Phillip Goodall, Dep. Sher. 71.66 Lorraine Ball. Off. Clk 232.32 Edna Chally. H. Nurse .... 231.1;i Alma Green. Off Clk 92.23 Dnrl Hudson. Jan Margaret Jorgensen, Off Clk . 5th 85 IS I. D TlM-le. I'hy. 2 09 ( harlo V. Kno. Juv. 00.52 VV. I". Drlnroll. Sher. Comm. Fund . 4737 .Nancy H luxon. Surp. Fd Or. Help 3123 Maurlro Byrd. Ct. IUirtrf 115 V Th following wairanti war laauad on tb Cnrol ftooda rund: Heppner Auto Part 71 47 Si hrtky Fiulp. Corp. .... 2073 si) Howard tooix-r Corp 53-'H Peter di l-aet. Inc 21 63 H.-ppncr Aut Sale 27 41 Foni'a Tiro S-rvlce 43.70 If. C. Sherer. Petty Cash .... 33.12 Pettyjohn Farm It llldr. Sup 8 .6 hli H;mln :lie 13. i l Stone Mach. Co. ... 329 3H Jack Allen Sup. Co. N..75 Cornell (;rern Feed . 6.14 City Water Dept. . 5 ' Howell Union .s,.r'. .... 370152 Hill Uarratt Irrigation 3f0 Ixlncton Imp. Co 102'i William K.-ehafrr 7.53 Industrial Air Products Co 7l r Arrow Trans. Co 402i, Guv Ferguson 7.53 DavU Eautern Supply Co. 73.89 BealMM, Ta Standa'r.i Oil Co . 13392 Tum A Lum Lumber Co. ....32.95 N. W. Hosp. S-rv 141.8o Col. Basin Elvc. Cooperative, Inc - 850 Paiiflc N. W. Bell 13.75 N. W. Ind. Laundry 4"f!? Arrow Trans. Co 11?42 Shell Oil Co. ... 572 40 Sena Krlstensen Laxr 4i?n'1o Set Salaries !i)4? Roailmaster 4.11 Tha following warrant war iMuad on tha Mic. Fundi: Robert Abrams. Alcohol Enforcement ,15; Oregon State Police do ........ 15 00 Humphreys Drug Co., do 1jJ.7J Heppner Auto Parts, Weed Cont 1013 Stephen Thompson. Dog Fund - 210.00 Ekstrom Farm Chem. Weed Cont 1615 West Publishing Co., Law Library 500 Bender-Moss Co.. do 19.o0 Weed Control Service, Inc., Weed Cont 14.86 George Rugg, Dog Fund .... 160.00 James Cason, Weed Cont. 336.17 Mi luiM Ul.itwtl nt In faM itauctttrr Dall I.lrlle ! tlnltilttf In I iriiU at IVlidlo- h'lt anl ii uiaunit fnin hu Ii4t-ii iil,;i l . Mi Inu lliitk rr.trilaliH-d to litrii.lt i4 l.rl tl.lo llutl n)lr.lay altrlli-ain at Itrf Initi.o I'll lr rlO Hull t y WI4 Mario Wall. irJ.rji rrJ'T I ar lh fiH-. of laid M.ii.hl Wham. Z4-Ha Pfln.llo. halw llrr.1 Maiy Miller. Je5 1 1 tr a It, a i.l Malair DuKiK Mr l4irtrl Miarp. Mr Fiai k I mm I a n I Mi M'l Nm urro in llorrr Wo1foa. day f.l huMoo. ltiM..lit. ftnd Mir.li. al raio fi-r Mi. ImrL Mr. Irin l wrm on In Hiilaml Sun day fnf fuithrr modtcal eta. Mi Mim Choion. Mi Red Muliil. and Mr. Twnmy SihooL i rati wri.t In l-nd Wnlno.lay 10 lake Ml S hiK.U laft mother. Mr, .itia W4 ley lo lo Iho ho In lnr hi.lt.e In I'.etlJand. Calif. Mio had i-nt the ft lv, i. I a half ikl befo. Club ! Au. 11 tunic lltf Camp 1 women nun nan it refuljr moling WelneUay renlnt at Iho Community hall with .M.. Ida Kerrrl a hoiei. i.. iho ernuri. Ttioro wer rlcht ir.emtM-r and orw ruel i.trarnl. Ihl n Mr. Jephlno IhmrlL Plan we.-o made in have the annual di ide AuguM 22 follow e. y a raid pally at Iho hall. Mr. Narn-v lljwk wa t-une.i In Iho off.ro of S-rgeanl f- Arm lo leplai Mi. J"n Michel who h nKcHl The itnor iile wi. won by Shirley k'vl.4 mi.l ll rinm t.llj- WelO taken homo by Carol Norrl. Eva DoMerritt. Ann WaMian. jw rhino Howell, and Barbara M4tlrr.oro. Mr and Mr. Fred Norrl and family of Pnnevllle irnt Sun day lulling with Mr. and Mra. Earl .Virrl Mr and Mr. William Mcwr- uhmldt and family of P"t ll Mulin rami l-fl'lav IO Ull wlth Mr. and Mrs. Rusty Mrdloik and family. State Asks Bids On 80N Bridge Among bid to be received by the State Highway CommUhion on August 23 In .Salem will be those for construction of a new 3 W foot Mructure over WI.'Iow Crwk on InterMate 80N (Colum bia River Highway! at Heppner Junction. Tins U located In O.I ham county. Te structure will have twi lanes to carry i-astbound traffic on the freeway and will be locat ed about 11 mile east of Arling ton. Completion date Is Ret for the summer of 195. CHOP-WEATHER SUMMARY Foi wk anding August 7 Compiled by tha Oregon Crop and Utock Reporting Service. U. S. Department of Agriculture. Portland). Harvesting In full swing, again, alter week's la-yoff from showers. Rod weeding, too. Spring barley harvested In lower elevations with 1.S00 to 1.800 pounds jitld. Spun J wheat la looking fair In higher elevations. Fall grain harvest finished In lower areas; in full awing In higher eleva tions. Yields spotted, depend Ing on precipitation pattern. Wheat vield will be one-third above lata Mot predictions. County average 24 bushels ol high quality, high tet weight grain. Second and third hay crops being put up. Some rain damage lat week. Watermel ons being harvested In Board-xnan-Irrigon area; need hot weather for faster maturity. Cantaloupes to com next week. Umatilla's Fair Expected to Draw Record Entries Official f Iho CmatlUa County Fair, to b hr,.J Augu. I 'Jd 2J In llermliton, rt-it jitatt i trtir-tj,Mt'jn than rvrr by i"iu? In Iho rai in ml muihoin iaiu of iho rounty wrll from ou'i lo the (uurity. De Wallarv and GmH Tows ler, alvl"f 'f Iho llluo Moun tain lln-f rlub. MUton Fn-waloi. rriwrt that 'heir 3M meintx-rs dan to brine ori) anlin. lav Bufkhait, L'matlJia fun. ty rstrnalon agent. Milton Frer-wli-r. M) 4 II Hub In Wrton w ill partM ipato In the fair fur the flint time In a long while. Linda Shumway. .Miltun Fre ui.r 4n-rrtarv of Iho Oirtroil Junior Hereford Aw latlori an I runenOy a Vrm Foilval irln rru, will show one of her ani mal. Mr. Altha Klk. ui.rlntrn-ih-iii of Iho hoiM rlub fame and loriieni. say atrial cluh froi i ih Yikimi V'allev and the Mor row County Wranglers have writ ten mai moy are coming. nrr ronta are all ojn-n and anyone wUhlnv to enter mav obtain a program and rntry blank from Storm Hiti Power Ui'htr.lf-f atoim In thai Walla Walla a a Wrlr.e.lay n.iilng rauM-tt aovrial bilrf wrf out air on lines t-f Columbia Bm IJeitilc Coop. In Morrow coun ty. Ilarloy Young, manager, said. Il. i.i , ..r IMiia ef Urr IV ill. Oil f;uhriinit iMs nd hl out- ).-. IlielO wa h local tloUi'irf, Vuuntr Mid All the dUturbaiw Iuu4.l fium tha main liari. rriMion lino In th ivndleton Walla Walla ftrra. Htttnin CJtltTTt TIMtl. Taud4iT. efst It 14 hir by writing to tha offlco. Tho queen and court will I"S ami dance during h Kollle Friday and Saturday night ol tho fair. They will attend the Muiiow County Rde later in Iho month. Mr Robert Woodward. suj-r-Intendent of the flower show, caution eshlbltor to reeUter their flowers rly on Friday morning. AuguM 21. H-r staff will b on hand at seven o clock lo take rare of peoplo on a fn come bal. Ul year a few i-o-,o crowdoil Iho 10..VJ deadline and their flowers could hot be entered. Kern Tellcfjiort. chairman of the fair board, reports the exhibit buildings are ready for u and the new Jy erected cattl show- barn I now being wired lor electricity Visitor Sees Changes During Pair 25 Yeort M J no tClawford) NVrvo anl Ihrv thildtrn. tWHo. ( Miatino and Irarn I, of Ileal. U burg, Calif, h" lri a buy week inline relative and ro new If a. ouslntar.ee, Tttoy haio l-en h"U4"'urt lf Ml NrrWa ftunt, Mr Vnra Tufiwf. al4 tnad al4l iiiia to other towns In F.atrrn Oregon whore ihoy have raited on relator. Mi Nero. daughter of Art Crawford, now of San Joa. Calif . wa ralaetl In Heppner and haa lowed with lntere tho rnany chnce be i sine leaving 'n eai ago, including it tiareite Time plant whole she pent much tim when her father was puhliher of 1L paper. Mrs. Halea lakar at CotvolUa. uter of Mis. Harold Laird, and Mi Baker's daughter, Leon, vuifcd Friday Mtht throueh Sunday In th Laird homo herr. If - U . la m lrlpf in Cof- .i I VMH. I . ' - - . valhs and Leona. a graduate vl Oregon Site t'nlvermity this year, is employed a a secretary In tho University of Orepon .Medical School. I'ortiana. mo I.... mnA .Imwhler Mr. un in iw ' - and Mr. Rcn Daley of iv.rtlaml. snt the previous Tuesday through Sunday with them. 1 HOSPITAL NEWS Patient admitted U 11neor Memoiial hoat.it at the tal week and still rerrHing mettual care aro lh foiiowmu: imni rrn. Heppner; Ijr.ma fcioheM. Unmct. n. Well trMVara, lone; Velma Phillip. Klnru. Helen Colin, He peer, and John Wil son. Ileiinrr. Trujsa mha rrct-Kr J ra. then itumlsaod were lha fotkiwins: Manton llsdley, camlon; LIU Chapman. Msy, and Uod Giay, Roarbuiff. A s-.n was born to Mr. and Mrs. Wayn f-noy of Condon on Morxlay. Augu.t 10. The -oung weighed tf H. 12 ol. and has born named Michael Leo. Mr. and Mrs. Konncm Crtfflth, Noiman rhilllp and Cherl. ar rived here Saturday from rort larnl for a two day vllt. Along with them were Daxld Cox. son of Mr and .Mrs. Stanley tot. and .Mrs. Jele (;riffith. both of whom had nree wtnks visiting In Portland and In ltK. Wn. While in Pjnl" Mr. Jeie Griffith attended the annual Morrow n.unty picnic, held last Sunday at l-"Jp'huI Park. Mrs. orfnth reported I nil many oo .. .. - qualntancea she hsd not years. Around 100 former Mof. row county resident attended. Overnight guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Loyd on Saturday were Mr and Mrs Larry Dowens, Janice and Gary, of Placcrvillc, Calif. The Dowcns were on vacation from teaching duties at Placer vllle. where he Is coaching. lie served as basketball coach in Heppner five years before going to California. They were able trt renew many acquaintances when they played with the Wil low Creek golf club Sunday. The 10th of the Month is The Business-Professional Man's PAY-DAY Alwavs pay your bills by the 10th of the month. Remerriborrthe way you pay today. U the way you ore building your credit record for the next RED BOOK Credit Bureau of Umatilla-Morrow County SLOW AND PAST DUE ACCOUNTS ARE COLLECTED BY THE ADJUSTMENT DEPARTMENT. PAY YOUR SLOW ACCOUNTS NOW AND AVOID HAVING THE ACCOUNT TURNED IN FOR COLLECTION Only 12 Days Away! Time To Get Ready For The MORROW COUNTY oToC 25 28, Fairgrounds, B I Merchants! Organizations! RESERVE BOOTH SPACE Now Call The County Agenta Office For Information PREMIUM BOOKS Available From Office of County Agent SCHOOL EXHIBITS Invited From HEPPNER. I0NE. BOARD MAN AND HOUGHTON SCHOOLS LADIES I ENTER THE Wheat League CAKE BAKING 'Contest RECIPE PRINTED IN PREMIUM BOOK Get Your Fair Exhibits Ready! FFA AND 4-H ENTRIES LOOM BEST EVER. . Boost Moriow's Agricultuiol Products With Groin ond Hoy Entn. Show Your Livestock With The Best In The West! . Women! "repaie Your Conned Goods, Flowers, Ve9etobles, Needlwoik, and Clothing. rn.rune AooiiT tuf:f SPECIAL FEATURES AT THE FAIR: TUUK e i d a 7 Pet Show Aug. 27 Pig Scramble, Aug. 27 4-H Style Rev.ew, Aug. 26 ffa Tractor Contest 4-H Livestock Auction, Snack Shack Dinner by Rhea Cree Aug. 27 Open Aug. 24 thru 28 Dinner by Rhea Creek Grange, Aug. i ONLY 16 DAYS UNTIL THE MORROW CO. rjC 4 Je3" l3'st 4; 1. 1 xXjr &sfit4V m ' iai iwj simps' svME-r wear u 1 iiiiiiiiisii1! ft C 1 Entries Close 8 p. m. August 27 c.4.- u..e. R. PniH Bv That Time entry rwc it - c lsfnrmnf,-Qn Contact Jack Locke. Secretary, Heppner See The Pride of the County At the Wranglers' mm FRIDAY. AUGUST 28 CONTACT FRED MANKIN. SUPT., HEPPNER Plan To Attend The Wranglers Cowboy Breakfast Sunday, August 30, and the RODEO DANCE Saturday Night, August 29 ffni v...- Erj-r Pnr TI-ia Grand Parade ' ridll I UUI k-ll-.IT wa - U 4-.4. av piniarPP SATURDAY, AUGUST 30 -- OVER $40U in