Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, August 13, 1964, Page 2, Image 2

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    KCrrXEK CAirTTE TtMCi, TJArf. At II 14
w f
mouow cotnrm KtWlf Af tl
ii . -.i,llhi Marrh JB. Th llrrrnff
1 Li'!.! v....-.!- IS. 1L7. Conavliuatrd rrbruary I
I iltw
toitoe a4 PubUah
. .... tun Yar SineU Copy 10 Onta, Puhllfchod
M Second tli Maltrr.
Summer on Wane-Fair Timo or Hand
It jurt doesn't WW poibl!
'tVtSru day. from
nJSSn Aurt S-lh. Morrow county fair will open for
ISTrSnTto .follow by tho hw oo Aujt
Vand th rcxV-o on th week end of Auut 29 and 3a
28 U thS ol the .ummer when the d.on
Jn to alio bv f"t the houri on the clot. II the time
n?n m l? re.Uxe. that he hun't yet begun to do M
ie thlrhelntended to do n the bright d.yi of ummer. and
.re o?n to -ome busy day. .hd for many perru. It
i. time for all to cet In the fair and rodeo apuit. . ..
QueVn Shannon will receive the tiara of her royal .tandlr
at formal pronation ceremonies Saturday night, and thla will
Mimulate Interest and excitement In the event to come.
Thll teat after a respite of several year., the fair, rodeo
ndom SowwUI aU be in the aame wek. and that mean,
more concentrated activity for everyone. v..imiii at
Committees have been working for some time, buildings at
the fairgrounds have been Improved and a new donrJ tory
Slcture ta nearlng completion. Planning seem, to be well In
hand on all fronts by those responsible for the major
But this is the time that the general public needs to nm
alii and prepare for the fair and rodeo-plan to enter exhibit,
in the fir. plan to have a float or entry In the grand parade
Ut your horses ready for the horse show, practice for rodeo
ients that you may enter. Success of the events depends a
Jrt deal on local participation, and those who take part get
the most enjoyment from the events. . , .
Those who will attend as spectators should Invite friends
wJtTjSn them. Many who have never been to Heppner
Iwuld bethxilled with the color and excitement of fair and
S wk. They would admire the livestock and agricultural
products we have to offer.
The calendar can't be wrong fair and rodeo time Is at
haS Never a year goes by but what publicity reports that
-tlyefr-s fail andeo w-ill be bigger and better than
eV"ut with all the home folks pitching in jd having a good .
time doing it. this year's fair and rodeo con be better than ever.
Thanks to the Creswicks
A family who takes an active part in community life for 15
yean; can make quite a contribution in a small town, and It
isn't right that they depart without this being acknowledged.
Mi and Mrs. Oliver Creswick and their family have reached
into many areas of activity while they have been in Heppner
church, lodge, schools, civic affairs. Chamber of Commerce, and
in official capacities.
Particularly in the past few years, Creswick has been one
of the outstanding voices for progress In Heppner and he has
been one of the most ardent and zealous In pressing for de
velopment. One example of this has been his work on the
Willow Creek dam project This Is still a long way from culm
ination. but the fact that it has been approved by the U. S.
Armv Corps of Engineers district is a testimony of the good
work of men like Creswick and County Judge Oscar Peterson.
Those in the various groups and organizations In which
the Creswicks have been active well know of the contributions
they have made in Heppner, and these could not all be itemized
The Creswicks have sold their mortuary to Mr. and Mrs.
J F Sweeney of Grants Pass, and the exchange will take place
the first of next week with the Creswicks moving to Portland.
Heppner extends a welcome to the new family.
On behalf of the community, this paper expresses a sincere
"thank you" to the Creswicks with best wishes for happiness
in the future. But the contributions they have made in the
various facets of community life will remain in the memories
of those with whom they associated as the best and most lasting
Shermans Travel
To Family Reunion
Mr. and Mrs. Wes Sherman
and family were among the
many relatives who came from
various parts of the state for the
annual family reunion held Sun
day at the Dallas City Park.
Some also came from Boise,
Idaho, for the occasion, with
others from Oakridge, Eugene,
Portland, Reedville, Forest Grove,
Salem and Stayton.
After the picnic lunch, swim
ming, baseball and visiting pc
rnnipd the afternoon. Tentative
plans were made to hold the re
union in the Dallas park again
next year, and will welcome
home some family members who
will have completed two years
living in Pakistan and Europe.
The Shermans also visited
their son, Bill, in Stayton, a son
and daughter-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Dick Sherman, in Salem,
and other relatives in Forest
Four Boys Win Trip
Four paper boys are on a
junket to Wallowa Lake this
week after winning the trip in a
subscription contest. They are
Bill McLeod, Keith Curnutt and
Kit Anderson, all of Heppner,
and Hrbie Davidson of lone.
They left Tuesday and are due
to return tonight (Thursday).
The contest was by the two
Portland papers, the Oregonian
ana Journal, and the boys ex
pected to have a grand time en
joying the many attractions at
the lake.
David Potter's
Father Succumbs
Death of his father in Eugene
called David Potter, new Morrow
county school superintenden t ,
there the first of this week. The
father died Sunday and his fun
eral services were Wednesday in
Death was from a heart attack.
The elder Mr.. Potter had been in
ill health from heart trouble for
an extended period and been
hospitalized for a number of
The school superintendent was
not able to be present at the
regular Tuesday night school
board meeting because of the
State Picnic Set
A potluck picnic for all state
employees of district V will be
held at 1 p.m. on Sunday, Aug
ust 16, at Wallowa State park, it
is announced. Those attending
are asked to bring table service.
Coffee, ice cream and pop are lo
be served with the compliments
of the OSEA chapters.
Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Bur ken
bine and family returned home
Sunday from a weeks vacation
spent camping and deep sea
fishing in the vicinity of Pouls
bo, Wn., with the Herb Case
family, former Heppner resi
dents now making their home in
Chaff nd Chatter
Wes Sherman
WHEN ITITMTS atari flllm
lh air. war tMn rraulla, an4
WrrrtUy that U wht I hajv
frnlne In llcfl'fwr. N-rrnity tf
chtirt prraenwu irm
Jittm to mir eurr. mm
Otambrr of I'ummfW, to
battle ta tu war at h
luert.'s CorvnMJon Saturday
ThU Impertinent iwiir of
fcorvltni rH'utul from th anior
Cnamter of iVmmorv nwmhm
who now are clftfin to a wiur.
drtrrmlned U rrn tru-
iblw there should oe rura
rtwr on hand to see int
thine da not irrt out of control
The Chamber rpectt ricf
artoua procreamits irom m
vounc wrupier-snarpcr in w
dT to ln at any coat Mean
while, the older men are coin
Into a cran fonuiuomnj iw
pram to prepare for the event
Special men are roine to be at.
siirned to see that the jaycees
rf.mt have tractor hidden
around the corner to which they
will tie their end of the rope.
According to the roles Dowry
submitted bv the Jaytre. tn
C of C members are allowed u
Invite their friends.
Surely there mutt pe some in
ihm membershlD who are
friendly with CaasJus Clay. Bob
Xtathiaa. Dallas Lone. Hoks ian-
risht and others of their caliber!
We better be Retting on the tele
graph wire! JJ.O.S.
receiving good wisnes irom
many ;ienas as mey nan in
uilncss in Gardners ien
ar havln boucht tne siore
from the BUI Blakes. The Card
ners are Just as friendly and
accommodating storekeepers as
they can be. and they certainly
are a credit to the downtown
business section, roiics re
going to enjoy shopping wun
them, and their store is gome
to continue to mean a great deal
s thi mmmur.ltv.
We Join all their friends In
wishing them the best of pros
perity in this venture.
iness to aaa io jiepwnri
ntatinn as a friendlv town are
Frank and Hazel Hamlin who
hv taken over Aiken's Sport
Shop. They were in this business
several years ago. anu
never find friendlier peop'e han
Frank and Hazel, as most Hepp
nerites know.
Frank has the idea of build
ing up the business as a sports
center, a place for hunters and
fishermen to buy and banter.
Certainly there are plenty in
Heppner with these sports In
terests, and It Is a good thing
to promote this recreational re
source that we have in this
country. , , ,
THAT TROPHY that Jeirv Dag-
eett has donaiea to me nurse
Show for the champion perior.
mance horse is a thing of real
beauty. It is on display with all
thu nthor horse show trophies in
the window of the Gilliam and
Bisbee building torayrs ;aaa-
lerv). As Fred Mankin says, u
is certainly nice the way busi
nesses and individuals support
these things with their awaros
and trophies.
Pth-r dv from Ailolne Mayor
. ?TU N II lnh Ae. iVHlaml
I J. H ii an rally Mimimie
uture t4 llenrr. biouly
tkrn by th fine rally day
photocraither. t.tl Mitee. ttvm
the hUU on the wtM aide of
tlrtn. lialne t;oee. daughtn
of the Ue Mr MjN-e. haa on
Ilk It and twltetr that it wat
takrn atwut 1914 In any event
It iat rirtor la the ltl fire
Hhd h wiped out many tiuildlni;
In Heppner.
Mr. Maor wtltea that her
rmrther. Ula Vletta IUe. Mha
Mat born in llrppner. Ift her the
pltture. rather of Mrt. Ilaet
was Jrtfenon llae. a well to-
do ran. her In the late WO.
and one of the early settlers In
ih lternner area.
She adds. -You are welcome
to this picture aa a gift frunt
m and 1 hone It may add to
vour collection of folk lore of
the early Heppner days. . My
rrandnarents fled to the hllla
iiurin the Heriner flood and
mv mother often told me of the
terrible danvace the rampaging
water caused."
THE HOl'SE Census and Govern,
ment StatUtlrs aub commltlee
haa been hearing testimony in
lta atudv of ways to reduce the
paperwork burden of Industry.
In that connection, one corp
oration preMdent pnls out the
following examples: Lords
lraver ... 56 word. Lincoln's
Gettysburg Address . . . 206
words. Ten Commandments . . .
297 wwds. The 2Ard Psalm . . .
US word. U. S. tjvernment
order on cabbage prices . . .
26.911 words.
Big Golf Day
Honors Members,
Win Back Trophy
Over The
Tee Cup
AN INTERESTING gift came to
the Chamber or commerce me
Ladies' Day on Tuesday was
a special day. as Hester Creswick
was the honored player. This wa
the last time she would be one of
the regulars, due to her family
leaving Heppner. She and Oliver
are charter members and their
presence will be missed by the
club. Hester was presented with
a going-away gift, and cake and
coffee were served at the comple
tion of play. - '
Winning scorers for the day
were, for fewest strokes on No.
4, a tie between Hester and Lois
Hunt, with Hester winning th
toss; another ball, awarded for
the total scores on Nos. 1, 2 and
3, went to Marie McQuarrie, after
a three-way tie between Helen
Schaffitz, Juanita Carmichael
and Marie. There were li piayers
for golf and 15 for the dessert
and coffee. Hostesses for the day
were Faye Pierce and Marie.
Mrs Ed Contv end Mrs. Alice
McCabe left Tuesday for a visit
with Mrs. Gonty's mother, Mrs.
Stella Hemrich. in Beaverton
and a short time at the coast.
They planned to return Thurs
Kmua flolf rlub member
Hue (in-l on hunday of te
Willow tlerk club of Hri-imef f
a full day of (foiling The day
a aia Unno.1 a rMiut
and .Nan Krown !'". whu-h
made It doubly lnienling M
both club, aa the EUowitt hav
leen ery actle members of
both golfing b-roup
There were 37 men ylelng f
hoitor tf oeln of the travel
lnjt tri-hy. eitner captured It
fioin Kimua. who had won It In
th anrtntf cunteal al Kliuua,
Kighleen notes were ilayed wlih
Ktnrua eolfrrt. Mill rtortng win
ning lat low grou wlih 71. Sec
ond low gnu vent to Way land
Hyatt, ahoottng a " and thirl
l.w to Kd Wham wun a i.iai oi
7 strokes. Lvle (Kirander had
"long drive" on No, A.
Heppner scorers to win lt. nd
and 3rd low gro were Maurloe
Brown. 66' MaurtiX" l.rovea. w.
with IXm Turner and Judire Car
michael tied for ."Ud wlih a 71.
Larry lwen won the ball for the
long drive on the lieppner eam.
Frank Turner a alo an
honored gueat of the day. The
houae that Is now the club houe
nt ihe Willow tTeek flub wa
donated by him to the orgsntra
tlon. A Certificate of Apprecia
tlon was presented to him by
Prealdent Clint McQuarrie, and a
copy was framed and hung In an
honored plae on the wall.
Mrs. Grace Mi-Ouarrle. mother
of nrrsldent Clint and Pan Mc
Quarrie, his brother, attended the
dinner and were imrouuocti oy
Don Turner, master of cere
monies of the day. Mr.
McQuarrie. 83 years old and hav
ing never been around a golf
course, greatly enjoyeu: me uay.
Jan and Larry IKmen. their
son. Gary and daughter, Janie
were also gueaia irom i iacrr-
vtlle. Calif. They are charter
members of the Willow Creek
club and expressed their compli
ments on the development of the
golfing area and were very
pleased with the addition of the
club house.
Women from both clubs also
participated In the morning s
play, being "sandwiched" In be
tween the two rounds of the
men. Fourteen of the weaker t ?
sex were Involved, playing 9
holes. Lavina Conners had low
gross for Klnzua with a 42 . She
also placed her ball closest to the
Lin with her tee-off on No. 4. VI
anham of Willow Creek had
low gross of 40. Jan Dow en had
the honor of closest to the pin
for the home town players.
Don Turner, activity chairman.
officiated the playing for the day
and presented the prtes during
dinner. He expressed the clubs
loss of Maurice and Nan Brown
as members of the club, due to
their leaving.
Breakfast was served by the
J.ii. e Hi P
n, t. muUl have !
of my great treat '
Hotm I wtoie to '
that I rlie l you ia
are quite a radian on le
Anything that yog could lei I
To the I dit.f
vin.liv I ie.vled Ue
I.Miiirf Mler fivtn
rwf. whii Uvea In
-iw-ar Mr Yeairei;
ihamtM-r of fomnwue. me
retard We. .M.ernian. suggeatejl
rh.1-"' rr
greatly appreciated Thsnk oU
a k M tSi'll
Yours truly.
J.yre Heppner
Mr Sherman. I haa tl"J
.end the life at.v of our Henry
Heppner a "on ' rn ,KKr'
t ready I already have the
it..,v of Mr Hen orr written up
in mv IUtorv or ai"vw
IV- J. won't le hard to rum ply
J.tK Kr uiv)ir I have ae.l
her to give me more lnfirmatln
on her rre.t great K'";?r i
Storm When I receive thla I IH
aend the iniormaun on i
old Cohn a he would be a dta
tant relative of Storm.
ran prove the rrlatonhlp v
ilnrw anil Sturm."
Following la a IIM of Morrow
county taxpayers for the year
itfii a taken from the
ileiK'ner Gaiette of that )ear:
R. Coppack. 11.175; M".'?:
.w..t...l iitia iial.l on SI-"'.
M. S Corneal. $10; Mr. U
Hales. $1. !; T. U. Mai hews,
li asi: II C. Thompson. JJ.M.
Mrs L M Tiom"n. $t..'i';
Bauefienld Prothem. tl.liA; Wil
liam le.il. U.2W: C. C J Turtls.
Ili'o; C. T. lougla. S.
W. Adam. Il..iw; K- Alien
S..n U W. loieman.
William Hendricks. II.-
MO; W. K. Kahler. t..nsj; rarner
A Glea.n. $t.1.4; J O. VMI
lunia. SMn. A K. wricnt. .
.T.k: J. A. Woolery. U.TK yv. r.
Ilalley, $l.VO; John Jenkins.
$I.(M; T- W. Aycr. Sr.. I7.71:
Mrs. t J Ayer. H.liTsJ; G. W.
hvner. $1,125; J. V. Brown, $2.-
MO; T II Blshee. S2.0o; r. t
B.rg. $2 270; F. D Cox. $I.C75;
II V. Hark. SI. MM; Phil t'ohn.
$1,225; Arthur Daly. $2.fi5; W. P.
Dutton. $120; S. P. Devln. $1.
400. M're next letter
(). M. Yeager
Box 476
Castle Kixk. Wn.
Elizabeth Hynd
Dies in Pendleton
Mi tltailie ll lKal-eiht Hynd.
L nuMtief tf Twlng Hynd f
lull and Mia Mas theory .f
IVn.llrli.o. dleit In IVndlrlon Um
Wetoeday, Augut 4
luneral setxhva weie filday
at 2 p. m at tl I pi pal
Itturvh r Ihe Reileemei In ivn
dlrltill wlih the Itrv Klii.aid
I'ayite of filiating itleimet an
In tlnry Cemeleiy.
Mr. and Mrs. Hynd lived n
I'kiah U many veals. Tliey vvriv
ltiarilH In INxtland atwiul lUM
Mi Hynd, ktumn aa "Aunt
Ih-aile" la lhuM I lo tier, ta
tHrn (a toWr 14. Itr.. In t'ailule.
England hhe was lei-trd a
a fine lady and wtirtdeftul ht
ra ef huaband la one of the
original Hy nd brothers who rame
In Miwtow county many years
ago and played an In-jiMtaiit
part In the Jeveloiinent t tht
Bealdes the husband. Oiarlle.
he I survived I'V the atin.
iwlng. of Cecil; the daughter,
Mrs. Mas A. Chaney of I'endle
Inn; two grankhiMren. Captain
John Hynd and Klltabeth
Cheney; a great granddaughter,
Martha Jane Hy nd; and a slater.
Mr. U J. L'rdahl, Sr. Alhambra,
Evelyn Jcpscn
In Church Pulpit
host women at 7:30 to approxi
mately 65 people. A buffet dinner
at 1:30, also prepared by them,
was enjoyed by K5 people. Clint
McQuarrie would like to thank
all the golfing gals for making
this day a great success.
A four-ball elgrusome was en-
Joyed In the afternoon by 3-1
See 'is for envelopes of
kinds. ThJ Cazette-Tlmes.
Evelyn Jepsen. daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jepsen of
lone. Is taking the pulpit at the
Heppner Christian church to con
duet services while the church
obtains a new pastor.
Misa Jepsen Is a senior at
Northwest Christian college for
the coming term.
The former pastor, the Rev.
Charles Knox, has accepted the
pastorate of the Dallas Christ
Ian church.
At the Heppner church Sunday
School Is at 9:43 and morning
worship Is at 11 a.m.
Need extra cash? Sell unused
items around your Dlace wlih
a Gazette-Times classified ad
Coming Erenti
Friday, August 11. 8 pm.
American Legion Half
"Lusty Men." starring Robert
Mitrhum and Suaan Hay
ward. Xc per person (on admis
sion for all.)
Honoring Queen Shannon Ma
honev. Saturday, August 15. 10 pm.
Special coronation ceremony
tiefore danee, M:15 p m.
Fair and Rodeo ground.
Noise parade. 7:00 pm,
Baked Fid Sale, Friday, Aug
ust 2M.
Red and White Grocery.
Saturday. August 29
Serving from 3:00 pm.
All Saints' Episcopal church
Insurance Agency
P. O. Box 247 PH. 678-M2S
buyer be wary I make sure you get the real thing I
There has always been only one leader in the 4 wheel drive field -the
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Only 'Jeep' vehicles give you the benefit of years of 4 wheel drive know
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Come in and ask for a demonstration today. See the many
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Mi' i . 4&)?jtfttiyitmw' !":"- -SSHWSt V
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Farley Motor Co.
8sa 'Jaep vehlclaa In action In TUESDAY, 9 p.m.
August May Be Too Early
To Mention Christmas-
Christmas Cards
On Orders Placed By Aug. 3 1
For Businesses
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Wide Price Range
Come in or call
The (Gazette-Times