Funeral Services Meld For Roy Partlow, 42 if MART UC MA LOW tMURf'MA I -ifwrat M-f. sUtnt ! rr. ft l'..-v Jamrt rlH-r, 4J. al femrta klxtuary In rnviin l II am Naiur. tUv. u'.n, :. IUi II iv t4 Walla Wlla. VSn. Ufl.UHr iMriitrM wai In ItoaMmatt lu rw ! -v Mr Kulm aan 'In i;ar.-hM al 1rtwa f.4ll," itiHliIMB K Mr Mr..l, lUh.r -n ito rlll-rl krt ttittwll ItrMaurM, !alifi Sfculia lil. IUkr hall, it. l"-rv r-l Mtfvatd A Ala-ul ." a CM lt altritilrtt lilt KUiT Mr. rrltw lit a N.r1 Mt. hicital Jul '."I adir an lllitr- t4 two rtw.ntlia He ta. --n n S-ftUlvt a lie waa lrn In Hour-Jinan Srl-trM-hrf S. I'l.'l Ifif n f I'aul a 11. 1 Anna l'iU, mIki wt rr t-lwr ivaMrnla ( H a'l man, n-min hnp In I'M 7 li ua rnani1 In June. 1911, t. :lHh rrtlw In uitiw, ami thry rimf ! IV-aMmaM lo ftiakr Ihrlr horn II aa a rt-mtrf i.f Ut Mir J In . I l.utlirran thimh. a mrniiw 4 trie rmnv AM' t imnitl-. -n th Mrt"w . rountv fctni"l Iwaril. ti1 rrl alM n the l'al Mtutol Uf. tu-vrral )rara. ai.l ai rry ( lUr In 4 11 "fh a a l a.W, j Surlv.r lrl.l.-a Ma l'tiw arc two ilautfMi-r. I'atilt la I- an. I Jan lUn. thrrr an, lty J arm. Jr. Mu-harl I'aul n! Itlchard Kirk, all i f Rartman; . four troilu-f. John anl Virrvn nf llilltxro. Stanley ' Burhank.; lalif. an AHrt i Irtlgon; anl irw atntrr. Mra, Wilbur UVIla i5i,i t4 NrtUml Mr. and Mm. Andre MTnmlrt-a itlauilu ltllryl an-! ilauK'httr Judy of Anchor a , AUKa. Ml a wtfk at the home rl Mr. LaTrti1rrr" prarxtparrnl. Mr a ixl Mra Claud Wordm. and her iarrnr. Mr. and Mr. One Hit Icy. Thrv rni frm hr to Ijirrdo. Tr . hin LaTomlrra will Ik atatlonrd Hh thf U. S. Air Forrr. Othrr vlilr at th Wonlcn hfm vk-rre thlr wn In law and dauchtrr. Mr. and Mr. Dalla Kurthman and dauuhlrr Talhy of I'ayHIr, Idaho. ... Mr. and Mr. Aim l.dward and ilauKhtrr Marnrlla f Ji-nnir. Idaho. vUttrd a Wilc at th horn of thlr n In law and dauKhirr, Mr. and Mr I'hll ijiComlx. IUHrnt vUltora at the home tt Mr. and Mri r trr Mali wrrr ' Malz' alslfri, M William jorrn i4 MollrM. III.. J-an Matx or Hit hlng. Minn., Mm J. J. Jr)l l Santa Ana. Calif, and Mrs. T If IIrr.ii. n nf Portland. Mr. Zor IUltlnK ha returned knmK from monlh'a vlnll at the homM of hrr n In law and daughtrra. Mr. and Mra. Jim Sullivan at San lw, Calif., and Mr. and Mra. imight rarxrr ai Alhambra. cam. . . Mr. and Mm. Merrill Blftrk and children Ronald. Pave, Crejf n.t KhiOlnv rr liountlful. Utah. were recent visitors at the home of Blnck'a brother and ulster In law, Mr. and Mm. Ronald Black. Dave remained here to visit a week. Recent visitor at the home of Mr. and Mr. Glen Moore were Mr Moore' alaler. Mr. Kred r..htnnn .r Ptirrtle Sorlnc. Al lerta. and her mother, Nu. Ida Slpple of Ronevllle. Calif. It wa the first time the two ulsters had seen each other in seventeen UAIIN Mrs. Bernard Boon and son Pnrl of starbuck. Wn. visited one day Inst week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. RoIHn Bishop. Kathy Lclferman of Portland visited last week at the home of her uncle and aunt, Mr. ana Mrs. Donald Sledge. Week end visitor was Mrs. Sledge's mother, Mrs. John w. Anaerson oi wi Mrs. Ruth Jones of Terry, Iowa, visited a week at the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. ueorge jones. v nn,i Mr Flvin Klv and daughter Eileen, accompanied by their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Kly and sons Larry, Gary and Danny of Seattle, Wn.. and Renee, Ricky and Rena Ely or nermiwn, Inur urk At Wallowa Lake with Mr. and Mrs. Eldon i.iilv. who aro spenaing tne DUI1IIOV1 ll.-iv. Dorothy Rash, who Is employ A In Pnt-tlnnr! nnent the Week end at the home of her parents, . .r,4 Mra lfnrnlH Rash Eileen Ely returned to Portland kn tn. ialt thla week. Mr. and Mrs. WlUard Baker were on a trip last week to Glacier Fark. Mont., returning to spend a few days at wanowa Lake. "" i-ranb Parmer former resident here, visited friends here over the week-end. irom meuwui-, 111. He Is on his way to Calif ornia, from where he will go to Korea to Bcrve wun me u. Arm v ri'Ll on,l Mark Callff Of Es- tacada are visiting this week at the home of their grana mnthxr Mrs. Louise Enrwood. Mr ana Mrs. Dean King are ir.A.llnnlnn this ! If at Wal Iowa Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Peck of Pendleton spent the week-end with them there. Mr. and Mrs. Urlm Messenger and granddaughter, Judy Kay Patrick, of Portland were week end visitors at the home or Messenger's father and step mother. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Messenger. , Mr. and Mrs. Berry Brewer of Hermiston, and their son and daughter-tn-law. Mr. and Mrs. Don Brewer and children Kathy, Janet, Christine and Don, Jr., or Seattle, Wn. visited Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dewey West. lt artvl Mm UmalJ Brm ar I ftmll-r. Mr. M Mil XUMn Vlaaln arvj J-Irt lUrtU ht mctl It TfvdlHu t, taturt ) l rrl")H with Families Meel Al Pasco Park ir dcima ion Li U i: lUM, Uilnftufl; Ut M Mr IJcftHl Uav, i4 iiy. jtt Warirn. rttwr; an.4 Ml Of t; y "! taMirf rww t4 Mai. tut I. t.r4 ! it Ji aiva fark In lata, Wn. rjii.l Ihrtr rr)"tr-.l ' 'iir- lit Hat llifl.ttar In n i ,l.u.u,. mt,i farr.ilt (li.rrrt I Mr ar. Mr Hut J.ih- M 4 Yaalma. ant Ut aaj Mi im J4a U ?iiti1U, lit, Hi, vt Mr M U::ra f l.rtrf ar Ut hm4 arr.i t-4 a t4by Uy Ik4o H-iii.iir at ll rrt MrmU I t 'l T? tiiria f. l h r-twl ;4vl AiW-n Mtrc fiai4 ( .) Mr M vtm J,4 nr . 1-afrria Mr M ?f H m liMirikl ait l!f a..! Mi turjrn ' lr-cJl-rHrf alrf R I raMi irM r Mr M Mi KAfwiH UfTf. Mr. AUr illn aM Is- J-Uh KUitf, U b tjttirtitan. Mi A. f, MaWl aurM M .iktay In h rwr Mrwiil l .i .(l iTvtrrtMrii n ar-ir lW 1 on .- tn4 af'.ri M(;al-r4 It in U f tt twnr a llrt ar4 rrr.4 4ti.rt ii4 irrr-4 ra after ik twt in l r. lr a few in C'i . M9Jttr al t l.iAtjt t t an ur Iv an 1 awM. Ml M Mra r-4 net mci cAirm TTMtt. t4t. hi t. mi f Mr. r.4 Mr Gi In I aivl lrn, Vl.y aii4 Hilir. i.'l in lrir(Vn tm ftnV. -ilr" r:n it.ii4 i ( ! tun at U. C C Jirw-i hm, lltartr CU!n un Urw ant rrimf avrjrry in fVrt i"'n tav Um rrli ar4 fs Ur t..r:i-.t t it I-"!! rt 4 M tail Vtr an-4 M Jlw.4it. Vn t4 Tulirlakr lalif. .v trn U it. m ai iK J. -n Ixuna.'. M-:u anl J Vm Murn4 bm Kh lhm ftr thrr ralui U4I, Larry limJcin vt 11 d )rf (rnt Ui -k n4 ltJ Ma trrnta, Mr. an4 Mr AUnm lUndrrton. Mr. and Mr. Km Palmer tU-iwia In Cun4-- on Satvlay. Wold ha tern frrrltrd I ll .lly prlirah ItU ht the khlMW! f SrH-mrr 19 al I pm. 5! Silhouetto Special ! All Sunfan Lotions And Jewelry 50 OFF Phil's Pharmacy niDAT AND SATVHOAT ONLT Silhouette Special! BOYS' AND MEN'S mm Sms ONE-THIRD OFF GARDNER'S MEN'S WEAR (format lv Wllaoa's) Silhouette Special! COWBOY BOOTS FOR ALL TONY LAMA TRY'S ACME GONTY'S WE GIVE SH CHEEK STAMPS Silhouette Special! THERMOS JUGS $2.89 BEG. $198 WITH SPOUT Reg. $5.19 Now $4.98 Reg. $21.95 Thermos Ice Chest $17.95 HUMPHREYS REXALL DRUG Silhouette Special! Reciiciieir Hums (Reg. $149.00) On Brown, On Beige, One Olive Green CASE FURNITURE CO. im00 Silhouette Special! FREE LUBE JOB WITH FULL TANK OF GAS, OIL CHANGE AND FILTER CHANGE FRIDAY and MONDAY ONLY (Offer Not Good Saturday) JACK'S CHEVRON STATION Ul mj 0? NAME TIM WINN m You'll Find Them in "OUR TOWN" Businesses Check the iclal thw merchanu have In th Ixiura around allhouHtr NEW HAKCAINS EACH WEEK KNOW EITHER OF THESE PEOPLE? If you ihlnlc vou (fat. clln the illhouette and take It In trt i hi. rrnun vou think It Is. If vou have rus.r(t rirht and are the first person to Identify him Saturday you'll win a 3 Rift certificate from that merchant. The second person to come in and Identify him or her will receive a S3 lft certificate and the third peron will receive $2 Rift certificate. a.nrj The onlv clues we will elve you are: Each U a merchant or employee of one of the firms listed In this advertisement Think you know the Heppner merchants and their employees then give It a try. What nave you got to lose 7 RULES You must be 16 years old or older to par ticipate. No owner. manager or employee or their families, whether of this news paper or any of the cooperating reuu stores In Heppner are eliRibk. Silhouettes can not be taken In for Identification un til Saturday after thev aDDear In the paper. Clip and take to the person you identify SATURDAY MORNING Grand Prize The Grand Prize will be Riven away at the close of the conies. Saturday. September 26. The grand prize will consist 01 a S gift certificate from each of the stores shown in this adver- tisement All you need to do Is register fr and as often as you wish at any or all 01 tne iouneen narticiDatine stores. No purchase neces sary: Register Often - At All These Stores FOR THE GRAND PRIZE! Q IJ M0 JJ o Check These Ads Every Week And Win Valuable Prizes! NO PERSON MAY WIN MORE THAN ONCE IN THE WEEKLY IDENTIFYING CONTEST. HOWEVER. WEEKLY PRIZE WINNERS ARE ELIGIBLE FOR THE GRAND PRIZE. l(o) ranis 000 Silhouette Special! 58 Station Wagon $50 THIS IS NO MISPRIKTI CHtAPE THAN A BICTCIX HEPPNER AUTO SALES Silhouette Special! 2-PIECE MAYONNAISE RELISH SET ONLY $I.OO LOVELY GIIT rTTMl ANCHOR HOCKING PBESCUT BOWL AND WK. ROGERS SPOOW yj "Socjttlung from tn wtlars U aJworyt aocnathlaa oeclaL' JEWELERS Wa rtr SH Gr9 Stamp Silhouette Special! USDA Good and Choice Pot Roast BLADE COT ARM CUT 49 59? Central Market Silhouette Special! Friday and Saturday Only 1 USED FRIGIDAIRE Deluxe Range DOUBLE OVEN EXCELLENT CONDITION $5995 L. E. DICK Silhouette Special! Black and Decker IVa" Electric Utility Saw $2988 14" UTILITY DRILL $9.88 "Be An Instant Expert" TUM-A-LUM LUMBER CO. Silhouette Special! 14c A DAY WILL INSTALL A MERCURY VAPOR Security Light At Your Home, Farm or Business Inquire Columbia Basin Elec. Co-op 4 (2) rM 1 1 i raccc