m . V Classified Rates it per wrd i Inlm una 1U pf Utia. CmnU ! Thanks Il-SO dotal fled DUplay tOe p Inch. CLASSIFIED DEADLINC Noon Wednesday Te ovoid billlBxj. rush U re quested lot Mail ala whea Ueugbt f U elite. 1 Cords of Thanki CAIU OF THANKS With d"rp arpmUtlon, I lh t rirrM my thanks 1.1 all threw ho rn)in))H-rn mo with ran!, flower. rifts and other klndrrf-K-f during my recent tpltalUatlon. Alt wrro ve mwh aitifrclatrd Mis, Betty Rood 22 C CARD OF THANKS V with t. take this rnrann bf etrrlng our thank and appreciation to the rulghboni ml friends who rami to ur aid In controlling and putting out the whrat fire on our ranh Monday. All help was gratefully aiiiirprlalrd. Mr. and Mr. Dale Brown and i'rrw Ti e Notices BY REQUEST of our DWrlrt Manager. I am one again serving a your Avon repre sentative n the North llrwmer area. Oma Cox. ph. 676 JO5. 21 22c 5 Work Wonted WORK WANTED llteh whonl rlrl want ) hou-work baby anting, etc. Ewrl-nrod, dfix-ndable. Thonc 676 yuW 2P WORK WANTED Trc trim ming and landscaping. Tay lor General Work. Avery Tavlor. ih. 67C MK5. 4 tic Wanted WANT13) Horne khoc-lnif, at your olire or mine. C ontact Floyd Jlutchln. l'h. 676 917H. 11 tfc WANTEf All around carpentry work. Tavlor'a Conttal Work. Fh. 676-5K33. 4 tfc For Rent FOR RUNT FurnUhed apart ment, Rultablc for one. Call 676 !Hi73. 22 tfc FOR RENT OR SALE 4 bed room house, remodeled and re decorated, large yard with garden apace, pump. 1- I ftobblr. 23-K) Cth St., Raker 523-4-191. or contact Frank Turner. 22 tfc . m at FOR RENT Furnlshe.1 apart ment for rent, aciujih omy. Centrally located. Fhonc 67b-9tW-l. 22-.fc FOR RENT, with option to buy, 2 bedroom house, $-15 month, $T0, furnished. Clean walls nnd woodwork. 405 Linden Way. across hwy. from Barratt Sales. Fh. 676-5517. 21-tfc FOR RENT Small house, partly furnished, for 1 or 2 persons. $25, Including water and garbage. l'h. 676-5563- abU'Uv FOR RENT Large modern 2 bettroom apartment, water and garbage service, bum-in siovw n,l nven. AJSrt one muiwin nnrmnnt mmnletelv fUm Ished Contact Mrs. Hnzel Hamlin, or ph. 676 31 . FOR RENT Two bedroom apartment at Heppner Clinic. Water, heat and laundry fa cilities furnished. Ph. 676-9114 or nights 676-9208. C. M. Wag ncr, It. D. 20 22c FIVE ROOM HOUSE for rent. Electric heat, nice yard rand garage. Call Mrs. Alex Hunt, 670-5894. 19 tfc 9 Livestock, Poultry MARKET July 28. 1964 Heifer Calves, Hogs, 18; Sheep. 0; Cattle, 341; Ufhtf Holstcin Consignors, 31; Buyers, 25. Heavy Holsteln Heifers 13.00 to 14.00 ct a trrHTPB CATTLE 70 SLAUGHTER CATTtt. Bulls 16.00 to 1900 21 i.i n..,a tonn i.i.m Utility Cows 10.00 to 11.30 Canner & Cutter Cows 8.00 to 9.40 111 MV I V in I - FEEDER CATTLE 50 Yearling Steers Actual 710 Pds. Plain Qfnnra 19.10 700-800 Pds 15.40 to 16.00 market before the big run starts Steers. 500-600 Pds. 17.50 to 18.40 Get the top dollar for your live Yearling Heifers ....14.00 to 15.80 stock. Sell the auction way. Northwestern Livestock Com. Co. Highway 84 Hennlston DON WINK. Mgr. Ee. 867-8111 For Rent ii mil HINT On rflro..m f urnMinl hmtM. Call (', f: M Qumnw rn. .... 21 tfc itlt RENT 2 ltn!f'fn mlrfn hmt ! nmrilh Available Auk'unt 15. I'h. CVtiSMI- 21 22) r'OH RENT Two i-lrxim houe fr irid In tU-'fi-r. Iruiuirt at rrar ti iiiiusf, v an M , or rail 07t V wii k ! or 670 tH3 earnings or r k rn.U H Ifc OFFICE FOU KF.NT. fall ton Iry Unham at C7C '.) aft. r 5 i.m. 1C l.'c 8 Scnriccs FOR SALES AM) SKRV1CK of hratlnir. floor covering, paints furniture and other oWoratlve neHi. wh MftlC lompany l'h. 676 Ml 8. 22 c 9 Livestock, Poultry FOR SALE Children' home, ' aorrrl irHdln Contact Marc Jone. i.h. 6V6 M2I. 22 tfc FOR SAIJ: Good saddle hore, with lot f styl. One paia mlno or mml, W. C5. Sechafrr. Hoard man. 4H1 22H5. 2221c WII-L IX) Masonry and tile work Averv Tav or'a funeral work. Fh. 676 MS3. 4 tfc FLOOR AND RUG CARE equip mrnt for ale and for rent. L. E. Dick. 67 WM. 35 tfc 10 Farm and Garden FOR SALE Loral Red Haven tx-arhe for freezing. Al, t ant. 4 for l. Vincent Melon .stand. 1 ml. wmt of Umatilla Fh. 922' 3362. 22 c WANT TO BUY Wheat nult abl for poultry fe-d. 1.WIO bu.. more or lo. iTrier airw from field. Walter J'4n. lone. 22 c FOR SA!J-Co op Molel SPE 112 Combine with Chrysler innus trial enclne R4cent complete overhaul TjO0 or bent offei- Call Salem. Oregon rolled area code Ml, phone 362-4147 or write R. B. True, co P. O. Box 3137. Salem. Oregon. 21-23c 12 Furn., Appliances FOR SALE 1951 Wctlnchouse refrigerator, 9 cu. ft. freezer arroHM top. AIko. TV cable hookup. Charles Knox, ph. 676 92IW. 22 c 13 Misc. For Sale WANT TO SELL Extra long box fiprlngs; metal iioiiywoou bed frame Call alter bunaay, 676-9'.r5. 22-C FOR SALE 12 volt car cooler, like new, $15: 2 in. ceniruugai pump. $15: 17 ft. older model ramn trailer, as is. $90. C, Nuttinu. call 676 53-10. 22-c STILL HARVEST TIME AND ITS SELLING TIME HEKE! SEE US FOR: Plywood Sheetrock Lumber Nails Taints Roofing numbing Insulation Stock Salt Fenrtna Wire Steel Posts ALL AT REASONABLE TRICES! PETTYJOHN'S Farm and Builders Supply Ph. 676-9157 REPORT Light Holstcin biecrs, . 1410 Heavy Holstcin Steers, 14.30 Baby Calves, Beef 15.00 to 27.00 Actual you i-u HOGS Sows Weaners per head 10.50 ..5.00 to 7.00 COMMENT: Market was steady with last week. Now Is tho t me to eet your cauie 10 Phone 667-6655 EVERETT 8NTDER. Ere. 567-3961 13 Misc. For Solo LUMBER FOR SALE 24 STUDS Ranrh Tack No. 3 SIR if wntt S3 per M SHAVLNCS You load S3 50 l-er load FREE WOOD 44 PoU 39c a. t2a 10c a Open until noon Saturdays Hcppner Lumber Co. fh 670 M40 14 Automotive FOR SALE Trailer house, American model HxXf. 1 bed room, bath, kitchen and living area. Complete Insulation, birch Interior. Refrigerator, range, oil atove, bed and dav. rno with trailer. I1J. 676 9207. 18 tie ONE STOP SHOPPING L O-O K at these Deals! Used Cars 1961 Chev. 4 dr. Sedan, air conditioning J2150 $1650 1962 Chevrolet Monza 4 dr. 1959 V-8 Chevrolet sedan 1958 Tontlac Starchlef. $1300 4 dr. hardtop with air conditioner. $1200 195S Chevrolet Bel-Alr $1000 1957 Ford Station Wagon - $900 1956 Chevrolet Station wagon $650 1957 Ford 4-dr. sedan 6 cyl., auto, trans. . . $600 1956 Chevrolet 4-dr. sedan $495 1957 Oldsmoblle $400 Commercials 1963 Chevrolet M ton pickup, heavy duty . canopy .. . $2350 1961 Ford Falcon pickup $050 1965 Ford Pickup, Heavy duty w 1941 Chevrolet pickup $130 1941 Dodge pickup $100 HAVE A MARK IV air conditioner installed In your car. $349 installed (any Amer lean made car.) See Us For TRAILER PARTS, BRAKES and WIRING JOBS All Sorts of Trailer Parts FULLETON Chevrolet Co. PH. 676-9921 Phone 676-9921 Call FREE to Pendleton Say "276-3611 Collect" Authorized V. W. Dealer Cars Galore New Volkswagens SEDANS (any color) station wagons pick-ups panel delivery $395.00 Down (your car paid for or not) $47.95 per month WINTER MOTOR CO. INC. PENDLETON, OREGON OPEN SUNDAYS 9-00 a. m. to 3:00 o. m. 14 Automotive FOR SALE 19 H t l.evrrt plikup. 4 red l run dltlon. tTJUM. Iti. WWft 19 tfc FOR SALE 19J Ford 2 dr. Fair la ne. SUk, clean. gwl tires and A l condition, l'h C76 after 5 pm. 20 tic FOR SALE '51 Jeep. 4 wheel drive, heater, air rofr.preor. good top, n-w iilni. pM. Scott Barratt. h. c76 9671. 21 22c DID YOU KNOW... That you can buy a LeMANS Sport Coupe for $2550 giving you a full sized car on a 115" wheel base with 21.6 cu. ft of usable trunk Fpace. FO B, Factory USED CARS 1959 Used Lincoln Premiere, full power, 33.0U0 miles, excellent condition. 1957 Station Wagon V-8 motor. 1953 Chevrolet 2-door sedan. Used 4-Wheel Drives 1961 Scout half cab 25.000 ac tual miles. 1959 Willys pickup 1953 Willys pickup. 6 cyL Used Pickups 1956 CMC pickup 1954 CMC pickup V4 ton. This Is a good unit 1951 Chevrolet ton. excellent rubber, combination bulk and stock rack. Ideal farm unit , . , SPECIAL All used cars carry Guaranteed Warranty plan for one year. Number of good fishing hunting cars. ana WE ARE YOUR FRIGIDA1RE DEALER Good choice of used washers and dryers. 1 used refrigerator. FARLEY MOTOR COMPANY Pontlac Bulck-Wlllys-GMC Rambler Thone 676-9116 15 Real Estate THE END OF THE RAINBOW If you've dreamed of a "beautiful" 3 bedroom home, "high on a hill." dream no more call 676-9152 at once, only $16,500. Panoramic view from spacious living room, oversized kitchen. paneled family room, the most modern quality built home available anywhere. Low down pay ment on F.H.A. 22-c FOR SALE Herman Howard home, 1050 sq. ft. Lot 55x100, two bedrooms, wall to wall carpeting, new insulation, new hot water tanK, new iurnace, new wiring. Priced for quick sale $7500.00 (appraised at $9,500). Terms can be easy. Turner, Van Marter and Bryant 9-tfc FOR SALE Sutherland home, new, two bedrooms, two lots. $10,100, with $1,000 down. Easy terms. Turner, Van Marter and Bryant. 18-tfc FOR SALE 4 bedroom home, price $6,000. Down payment, balance easy terms. Frank Ayers. Ph. 676-9272. 14-tic FOR SALE Large house with rental apartment upstairs. Two bedrooms down with lots of room. Large lot. Only $9,000. Call Albert Wright. 676-9734 36-tfc FOR SALE Pearl Devlne home. 3 bedrooms, basement, covered patio, fireplace, wall to wall carpet, oil forced air furnace. Very reasonable, $13,000. Call Albert Wright, . 676-9734. 36-Uc whatever In the world you're tor, 9228. Public Notices CJTATE Of DELLA M- CORSON Ucaad. Ma. 1)11 nonce or mkax. account Notlr la hereby riven that the undcrtlgr.ed. as .-cutru of we or iv a M. Cirwri. a rriu-.l rial filed her Final Ac- rtiufit In the County Court of the State of Oregon for iurr-rt County and that Wednesday the 12th day .f Aurut, 19M at tt hour of 9 30 o clock in the rore noon of aald day. In the court room of said Court has been ap pointed by tald Court as th time and plact for the hearing of objections thereto and Urn u-ttlemenl thereof. Dated and first publuhed July 9. 1904. Date of latt publication. Aug utt 6. 1904. FLORENCE MAY 5WAJ.t, L'xecutlx Pobert L. Kecken. Attorney U3 Z3ci NOTICE TO CREDrTORS StmCK IS HLlt;UY GIVEN that the undersigned have been appointed exeoutrlces of trie es tate t,t Lurllle B. Wilson, de ceased, by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County and have qualified. All persons having claims against said etate are hereby notified to oresent the same, duly veri fled as by law required, to the undersigned, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published July 16. 1964. Last publication August 13. 1964. SIUKLKY BI-AKK. DOROTHA J LAN BARRATT, F.xeeutrices HERMAN W. WINTER Attorney for Ex ecu trices Heppner, Oregon ORDINANCE NO. 42-1964 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT Or AN OrriCE TO BE KNOWN AS THE BOAHDMAN RELOCATION OFFICE AND FURTHER PRO VIDING FOR THE OFFICEK THEREOF TO BE KNOWN AS THE BOARDMAN RELOCATION ADMINISTRATOR; AND DEFINING THE DUTIES OF SAID OFFICER Th rtAonle of the Citv of Boardman do ordain as follows: Section 1. Establishment of Office. The office of Boardman Relocation Office Is hereby es- Itablished. The officer in charge I of said office shall be known as the Boardman Relocation Ad- ministrator v &eciion juues. n snau ok the duty of the Boardman Ad ministrator to be in charge and arimlnistpr all tho relocation ae- tivities that are convenient or made necessary by the dlstur bance and relocation as a re sult of the John Day Dam pro ject. That it shall be the duty of the Boardman Relocation Ad ministrator to administer the re location activities under the di rection of the City government pursuant to the charter and ord inances of the City of Boardman, and the Contracts to be entered into between the City of Board man and the United States of America providing for certain re location activities. The Board- man Relocation Administrator shall appoint such additional assistants as he may from time to time require. Such appoint ments being subject to confir mation bv the City Council, Section 3. Appointment. The Boardman Relocation Admin istrator shall be appointed by the council pursuant to Article Section 1 of the Boardman Charter. Section 4. Salaries. The com pensation for the services of the Boardman Relocation Admin istrator shall be the amount fixed by the council from time to time and shall be designated In the minutes of the council. Other salaries for the em ployees of the Boardman Relo cation Office shall be set by the council in the same manner. Section 5. Vacancies in Office. The office of Boardman Relo cation Administrator shall be deemed vacant as provided for vacancies In office, Article 2, Section 8 and 9, of the Board man City Charter. Section 6. Annual Report The Boardman Relocation Admin istrator shall make an annual report to the city council during the month of January follow- j lng each calendar year, which report shall contain a financial1 statement of the year's activities and a statement of recommen dation and suggestions for the coming year s finances ana ac tivities. Section 7. Oath of Office. That Drior to taking office the Board man Relocation Administrator shall take an oath of office and before assuming the duties shall be bonded in the amount to be determined bv the council. Passed bv the Council and ap proved by the Mayor on July 22, 1964. Dewey W. West, Jr. Mayor ATTEST: Ernabel N. Mittelsdorf Recorder Seth C Russell E. T. Kuhn Arthur A. Allen Vernon L. Russell Zearl J. Gillespie Councilmen 22-c Yes. the Gazette-Times can print the form you need for busi ness or rancn use. rnone to- HUtntn GAirrrc TiMti, TWdT. Mt ix 1H4 IN THE COD NTT COURT OF TrIC STATE OF OREGON fO THE COUNTT OF MORROW NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Matter f the folate ef Leander .mith. d-ceiM-d. .StriCE 1H iiuRiuy GIVEN that the undrrlfnrd has been at'iointrd t' adminUtrf the atxre entitled rutate by the atxve entitle! Court and has qualified as the law direct. AH pemms havlrg claim againat the said Liate are hereby notified to prearnt the BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Auctioneer G. R. (Gary) Van Blokland AUCTIONEER it Livestock JlouM-hold it Farm Merchandla -S.L IT AT AUCTION THE MODERN WAY" Ph. CT-Wt Rt. 1. Heppner Building Construction Groves Construction RESIDENTIAL. COMMERCIAL, REMODELING All Types of Building We Can Help You With Plans Let Us Modernize Your Kitchen Free Estimates Ph. 676 5546 Heppner. Ore. H&M Construction Co. Builder of New Home And Remodeling Henrv (Hank) Pedersen 3216 S. W. Jay Ph. 276-7776 Pendleton Chiropractor Dr. John F. Sufalko CHIROPRACTORNATUROPATH Office Hours: 1 to 5 p. m. Weekday CONDON. OREGON City Council Heppner City Council Sack Month Citizens having matters for discussion please bring them before the council. Ph. 676-9618 Electricians PendletonEIectricCo. Bonded and Licensed Commercial. Industrial. Resi dential wiring. Electric heat. Wiring supplies. CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATES PROMPT SERVICE 1802 S. W. Emigrant, Pendle ton, Orpgon. Phone 276-2672. Exterminating Service Ayers Pest Control Insect and Rodent Ex termination Termite Control Grain Fumigation Cattle Spray Fogging Clayton Ayers Ph. 676-9953 Dobyns Pest Control Rodent and Insect Exterm ination Termite Control Bird Control Grain Fumigation Guaranteed Work John Jepsen Ph. lone 422-7180 or 422-7244 Farm Chemicals Bi-County Chemical Fertilizers of Ail Typea Spray big Farm Chemicals S Convenient LocaUona lone, 423-7631 Lexington, 989-8423 Condon, 884-3651 Floor Covering, Heating M&R Floor Covering and Heating Co. Williams Furnaces Complete In staUaOona Carpeting Oil Burner Servfce linoleum Refrigeration Domestic and Commercial Free Estimates All Work Guaranteed Ph. 676-9418 Heppner Insurance Rnrrul C. A. Ruggles INSURANCE AGENCY Ph. 676-9625 Box 347 Heppner, Oregon rr.a to m lth f-n'f vou.-hra ar m cu.i f my iumwy BfirwEX SMALLMON Rrcla. matton tlii. lUrmUfm, Otrgn within U months of th date of the frt pubUfatlon this notice whirri Is the XA day of July. VJd. f.trU Gurlry, Admtniatratri of the Catate of turandrr .Hmlih. Deceased BREWER at f MAU-MO.N Attorne) for ltat Reclamation Building llermiaton. Oregon 22 264 Insurance Turner Van Marter and Bryant GENERAL INSURANCE ph. rr 9ca Monuments Wylie Monument Co. Represented By OLIVER CRESWiaC CRESWTCK MORTUARY Mortuary Creswick Mortuary Licensed Funeral Ph. 676 9600 Directors Heppnea Optometrist Dr. E. K. Schaffitz OPTOMETRIST Next to Hotel Heppner Entrance Telephone 676-9463 Physicians-Surgeons Dr. A. D. McMurdo Physician and Surgeon Heppner Ph. Office 676-9942 Home 676-9718 Dr. L D. Tibbies OSTEOPATHIC Physician t Surgeon 1st National Bank Bldg. Res. Ph. 676-9210 Off. 676-9616 Dr. Wallace H. Wolff M, D. Office Hours: 10 to 12. 2 to 5(30 Mon, Tues., Wed. and FrL 1 to 5:30, Thursday. Ph. 676-9253 Res. 676-9620 Printing The Gazette-Times offers complete Printing Service Dealer. Moore Business Forms Ph. 676-9228 Rubber Stamps Rubber Stamps made to your order All sizes all types . Prompt service Gazette-Times Ph. 676-9228 Heppner Title Insurance Morrow County Abstract Gr Title Co. TITLE INSURANCE Office In Peters Building ' Ph. 676-9912 Upholstery A-1 UPHOLSTERY Awnings, Seat Covers, Truck Cushions 613 S. E. Emigrant Ph. 276-4781 Pendleton, Oregon Watch Repair Peterson's Jewelers Latest Jewelry ft Gift Goods Watches, Clocks, Dlamonda Expert Watch and Jewelry Repairing Heppner, Oregon Ph. 676-9200 7