Memorial Rites Held For Alex Huber Iv KATHtltlNt UNDSTKOM lOM. MeMiollal irnlirf f Alctandcr Huhrr, HI, were held I the United CliuMh lf Chttat In Umi on Saturday morning, July IN, at in ,vi It died Wed rtrsday. July 15. at lioneer Mrm OTtal ioplla In Heppner. Where he had lirrn a patient fr real month. !v. Walter B. Ctowrll officiated al I til- service, Mr. Iluia-r wit born January 34. 1HH.I. In Oadem. hwiiicrland. and ram la Ihi) united Male In pail, 1 1 received hi natural luiion iapcra In ivndleton In I 'Ml ami cam In lone In 191ft. It haa wtnhel for Krrh ltr since I Ml. iftttg on of their . m-l devoted rmi'lii)". II a iwmlirr of lone laodg No l) AKAAM. Heppner lliaptrr ho. '.".. It AM an U-Vil l liali tcr No Hi Order l the Intrin Mar. iturv Ivors Include two tUlrrs In Gtem. Switzerland, Mara: arr Hutwr anl Katherlne Hut r. who ha been a mlinary In China, hut rtow retired Mra. ('. C. t armlc haii w a nrganlt fur th service ami ial t-arcra were John It I lift M Krt-ba. Marlon Krl, In Lvana. Jim West. Jimn Harnett, and Roy W. Llndstrom. Crcswick a Mortuary wa In charge of the arrangement and burial n In the 1(N)F cemetery at lone. Graveside service were conduc ted hy lonr Lodge No. I'M AIAAM Out of town friend here fr the service were Mra. Illla Tlmm ami granddaughter. Gavie Tlmm of Pendleton, Mr. anil Mra, tieorir Krrl of Portland. Mr and Mra. Marlon Krrh and ;org. Tarn and Peg. of Win ston. Mr. and Mra. Otto lienlng and liana 71mm of Hermlston. Mra. Howard Mrtralf and Mm. Iron I.a pt-n of Maupln. John Marti of llermlston. and Mr. and Mra. John W. Krrbs and Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Krrh of Ailing-ton. There Vk HI lx iwi meeting of Ih lit In August, franc and flub meetings Will fetuiite In .September. Mra. Milton Morgan drove 111 land on humliv rHuntln Monday. Mii an ecrow pa Med down ty hrr daughter Marilyn, and Marlltn'a guckt, Judy Met- ih a nt of Portland, and Mia. Mc gan'a sister, Mra. John Vnoiheea. Mr. and Mf. ! llausler anl family Irfi Saturday morning f. THE HEPPNER GAZETTE-TIMES Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, July 23, 1964 Sec. 2-4 pages Garden Club Hears (Convention Reports IO.NK The fna Garden dub I m-i on Julw 11 at I till home Of Wallowa I., where Mr. Ilaua. 'M ' i4r1.n oj, v'tl. I. r will aeain t an r..truct :V.,' ui, llr f..r thrr. wr, a. at lh Walhrn. ' ; Mvr"Asr o, sni7 -BK llr..nrr ulll ! III. cuard at J't..,'! .,1. m Mi. vitr I'laioi fi a w i. a Ih Ion awim iol Mr. and Mr. Itay Harnrtt hav rrturnnl from a two wrrka vara- lion, whdh took thrm to th (hrgon tirarhra. jiin MKn or .mii-i. laiir .i afflvnl on Turixlay at Id home I lUilmann. Th VMA f.5 rar lHoka wrr chrii mrrnlwr. rommllti- and . 1-roHt rlwHl. and mi-Hlntf 'ilai and lntrM- namd Mra. Marlin haa tnarg w in . . t.L.k. . a m ti.tht.rl Mil m fc. a - HI" " aaa a . - if ru unci anii num., 11m 1 . - '1. ...1 .i vii fi.n. irf.llon hrld roncutlvrly at ( ralJ! II waa Maupln hy hi WUlowa Cranja Hokaa Plana Tot Rodaa, romlly Mmlc Horn llconomira Club of WU lowa t.rant;c m-t Frldiiv. July 17. at the horn of Mr. Ilarvy Hlnu with Mr. Karl MrCab a aUtlnrf her. SovrnU-iT. nirmln-ra antwcrrd roll call. (iuwt ln-nl wrr Mra. Harriot Itl man of .Seattle and Mr. Lofton of Condon. Tin? llodco dam on August 1 honoring pTlnnM Judy Shi-rrr, and the (.rani; picnic wrr din runM'd. A total orrhoatra will aupply music for Prlncona Judy'a danc. A conci'jision lnMlh I bo Ina planned with Mr. Lrwlf llalvono-n a Knral chairman. Hrr autlttant will b Mra. Mar lon Palmer, Mra. Hcmhal Town and, Mra. Harold Stirrer, and Mr. Berl Akrr. Th Granca picnic la announ ced for a Kt-tocthr at the Woolery Memorial Park (lone City Park) at 4 p.m. on August 9. The aupper la achcduled for "na aoon aa the coffee la ready." The Grange will furnish all table aorvU-e, coffee, punch and Ice cream. All cranscra, their fa mil Ira, and friends arc cord ially Invited. Mr V. T. Mariln. troucht or from whir h had viltrl coo in. John Martin. Mr. and Mr. John Turner of flakrr returned horn after a wii-k end vll with tier aUtera, Mr litor lllrtmann and .Mr. Walter Itobert. fully (rawTord of n.ruan.i i Ultliitf her cousin. I.lnda, Mar ianne, and ItoWrla William. Mr. and Mra. William Ollna nd Tlmmy were week end uet of her parent. Mr. and lr. Io Crahtre. from their home In Portland. 1 Ml Mamie Martin of Orefon City ajent th week end at the home of her brother and Muter In law. Mr. and Mr F. T. Martin. She rod up with Kalph Martin, who will remain her and work through harAet at th Clarence IP'ltx ranch. The Ion Danclnjr club will have a no hot danclns party at th laecliin Hall on HiU Situr dav nlk'ht. July 23. hecinnlnx at 9;i n.m. Mr Carol Miller and child ren returned on Saturday from a few diiya" visit with her par ent. Mr. and Mm. William NfWiton at Helix. Laurie Met 'a be of Hcppner la htx-nilinir thl week with her trrandnarcnta. Mr. and Mra. C. W. liristow. Melvtn Martin ent the week- end In Alnanv vKltlnc friend. Sandra Kubank 'nt the wii-kend her from buslnc achool in Portland, flrecory Sanl-ra returned to Ms home In Portland with her. after aeveral week visit here with hia uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mr. Jnn Kubank. Becky Kubanka also went down with her to visit nwhlle with her mother, Mxa. Ikinnle Kubank. Mra. Harriet Dolman of Seattle I viltlnir her mother. Mm. K. C. Hellker, for a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mra. V. K. Ilauen and family of Lake Okwcro arrived Friday nli:ht for a week-end visit with her mother. Mrs. Klmer Griffith. Their daughter. Karen, went home with them and daughter, Kathy, remained for a week' visit with her cousin. Christina Llndstrom. Th re? onal meeting wa at tended l.v ireldent from Alaka. Arlona. California. Idaho Nevada. Ofrcon and Would net on in conference June 2J and T). Them for the re lonl meetlnif wn "Open the IVx to th Pacific Recion." Many deleL'atea to the regional meeting atayrd ver for th .T7th annual convention of Th Ore- Fon federation or t.aracn tub mei-tlnp June 30. July 1. and 2. Our Valley Reveal It a lu-auty" wa th them for these meeting. Ten ilelegatea from th Hlu Mountain UUtrict fro. 10, of which the Ion rlub la member, were In attendance. Th V.A regional meeting will It held In Seattle. The Oregon garden rlub are looking ward to when they will boat the National Council of State Garden tiuba. Inc. In her report. Mrs. Martin mad M-veral ekcelleni eugt?ea tlona learned at th convention. among which waa lb adoption or in red r a a national flower and the lo,an "I Am Tidy Bur. to replace the oil l'gan lont ! a IJtterbug.' IVraona of local Interest hav ing a part In th convention were Mra. Harry Andrew, of Kcho, and Mra. ftvron Bradkhaw mother of Mra. Charles iJohrrty of lone, both of whom are well known here. Iv. Knight, who Idled the pulpit of th Ion Community church following th resignation of Itev, Shirley, led the invocation. Trie neat meeting of the club will t held at the home of Mrs. Phlll Kmert on August 11. Mrs. Itawllna will hav the pro cram on the theme Tial Wavs With Vegetable," demonstrat ing uses made In Thailand. Vis itors are welcome. Mr. and Mr Wavne Ball re turned from Salmon Lake In Canada on Wednesday. They Mcnt nutte a lot of their vaca tion fishing at thl resort area Tlic Morrow county road crew but a much needed oil aurlace on part of the Kletmann grade this week. Rebekah IKlge member and their families and friends had a picnic In the City Park on Sunday afternoon. Mr. Charles (TOnnnor left on Sunday for Portland for medical attention. Mrs. Harold Snider la working In the post office dur ing her absence. Mr and Mr. Ernest Chrlstoph- erson and family spent irom Friday to Sunday visiting at the home of relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Wlnzlcr at Nampa, Idaho. Other guests present were Miss Sherry Chrlstopherson, their daughter, and her fiancee, Tde Bohn. Mrs. Chrlstopherson went back to Provo. Utah, with the young couple tp assist with wed dlnir titans. Wendv and Greg Chrlstopherson remained with their aunt In JVampa and ineir mother will bring them home on her return trip. Linda 1 own send of Yakima. Wn., who was also visiting at the Wlnzlcra came home with Mr. Chrlstoph erson nnd Connie tor a visit. Word was received In lone on Tuesday of the death of Paul Balsiger at The Dalles. Services are to be at Spencer and Llbby $ mxm P rZ fi " " Yes, because they have the 4-wheel drive family car that's built stronger to last longer. The jeep universal takes them more places over a span of more years than any ordinary car. Fishing spots? The more remote the better. Hunting sites? Way beyond the reach of roads. What's more, when you own a 'Jeep' Universal you suddenly find dozens of uses you never thought of beforel See the 'Jeep Universal at your 'Jeep' dealer's. Available with hard top or convertible top. Fully enclosed or with half top and pickup box. Wheelbases up to 101. It's the real McCoy. VERSATILE, POWERFUL, VIRTUALLY INDESTRUCTIBLE KAISER Jeep CORPORATION See your 'Jeep dealer and take a demonstration drive today. immvim. mtl FARLEY MOTOR COMPANY heppner, Oregon THE GREATEST SHOW OS EASTS" Tucs.. 9 P.m. Ch. 25 Sea 'Jeep' vehicles 11 In action In I ) Funeral Home In The Dalles at 2 p.m. on Thursday with burial In Hood River. The Balslgers lived In lone several years ago. Christopher Eugene, son of Mr. and Mrs Gene Kletmann of Ion was christened at services on Sunday morning at All Saints' Kplscopal church In Heppner. Godparents were Larry Hiet mann and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Loyd. Rev. Bruce Soencer con ducted the baptism. ETA Chapter Supports National Farm Safety NEVER MAKE ADJUSTMENTS COMBINE when power is on ON the A. W mm Cmt'mt AH.'. ent!r1 Wat Nit.tM WVtf Cwol Inter In the obarnrance 0 th 7lt ar.nual National farm Safely Wrek, July l'i 'X la en-rourafi-d tv the V-a chapter ff I'ul.l fittnrtm 4 Anwiica. In Inter-! of belt, f farming practices. Much ttra la placed lhrtuh the vear on thapter mrrnbrra o -nerving farm safety rulr-a. arrording to Gerald Jon avjwm. agrw-uliural ln'rucir liertird are kei-t rf farm acci dents and a apetial program has be-n carried out this year on tractor safety, with Paul Swag rrt a chairman c-f thl tt'A rKtimitU-, Tli .National Farm Safety Week draws national attention to the rural accident situation and promotes Intensive, j ear round accident -prevention pro grama In rural commur.itie ever ) where. Farm, home and rural high way acrirt-r.t are a serious. eoatly problem, accordlr.g to the national safety council, farm safety programs have helped re duce rural death and injuries greatly, but accidents continue to kill tl.Tiii and Injur goon) farm rewtdenta yearly. The dollar cowl la set at about 1J billion, which farm folk cannot afford. nor can the business or commun-: Ity leader. Farm people laid up by accident may buy lew farm machinery. fewer consumer goods and farm supplies. Their income loss Is a butdnefw loss to the community. And no ec onomic yardstick can measure the human aspects of acci dentsthe grief, pain, disruption of families and aspirations. Several particular safety Ideaa are emphasized bv the farm de partment of the National Safety Council. These Include the fol lowing: 1. Take time to take care. Be "safety convious." Correct haz ards promptly and learn to live witta any hazards that can't be corrected. 2. Keep farm houses neat. orderly and safe. Check ap pliances, electrical wiring, pow er tools, heating systems, chim neys, stoves, portable heaters, etc. to reduce hazards. Work out a home fire erape plan. Clear out clutter and rubouh that ild rauae fall and fire. X Keep chetniraK In original container and Mot In sunaoie place; f4onoua materia I should be United Up; dit"- "t rmptr contalnrre and unua4 portion promptly. Head label, use aa it rmed and take nrc rary precaution In usage. 4. Prevent fall. Repair or re. place broken, unsafe ladder; provide handrail and gol lighting for stairway and 'fp; puk up tripping haiards from around house. ard. out build Inr: clean mud. grea srvw. etc. frtim shoes bfeore rllmbii g ladder or on machinery, build ings, trees, other high place. Repair defective floi, 5 CVjurtesy la a key to rural highway safety; adjust speed to road condition. Be careful when entering road from farm drive way, field exit: signal wrll ahead of turn Into farm en trance or onto secondary road from hlifhway. Remove weetU. high crops, trees and shrubs at farm entrance and rural In- tersectiona to see and be seen while driving. 6. Keep ail farm equipment In safe operating condition; keep guard and safety devices In place. Keep small children away from working machlnea. Refuel only cool engines. Keep fire extinguisher and first aid kit on tractors and self propell ed equipment. 7. Safeguard farm ponds to protect small children. Handle and store guns and ammunition properly. Include safety In farm family vacation plans, on ttrr.p Ing. hunting or fishing trips; drive safely to and from rec reation places. DA 3 FOR MORROW COUNTY FAIR AND RODEO Princess mmim QWERTY Sponsored By LEXINGTON GRANGE I V-arr". , .. 1 v S. t - . I. . . . . r-' - v 1 j 1, 1 v' :;v::'.: ' j V - - - - ! - p 4 - -, .41 SATURDAY. ULY 2 ADMISSION $1.50 PER PERSON Fair Pavilion HEPPNER MUSIC BY DANCING 10 To 2 SUPPER SERVED UNKA of Kinzua