Council Awards Well Bid During July 2 Meet r MART LCt I Held er from Ul wwhl mMKDMAN It J, Writ fl Purl land -rnlrI ll w Md t the new lily well. It tHng lMl Th onlv other bid wa far SJS.Ono by Charle Juneman IMlUnjt Co. Wall Walla. Th city council met lart wwk ml mad rrvommendatlon to the U. S. Corp f Knclneer for awarding the contract la itra. arr. The bid were iened July 2, Mayor IVwey WcM tald th courvnl ha hope of Reirotiatln th contract wttl.ln the neM Mtvk. After th contract la re rutrd construction t to lv com pleted within 1 day. Th wvll U ta b pptW. matelv S0 feet icp. with a maximum diameter at the top of M Inche and a minimum of 10 Inch at the bottom. The Intention U to have a tII that will produce 410 Ralltmw a minute, , .. In other action the council cud the contract for teniae Ine public Mructurea and factl Itlea in the nrw town, which In elude the city park, boat ramp, city hall and the fire atation. Thl contract, the second one be Uwn the city and the Corp of Engineer. U to be negotiated within the next two week. The replacements are to d in JV 1.' and childten Trrt-n and T.mmi ! I j a. f r,i tr Rill 1UW and chit ren Mandy. Wendy, Judy and i a I . . a. hit. anl Wrm. ftonata I mnri nt IflnMimi' VV n . Mere rrH end vwitors at the home ft j Faulkner' mother, Mr. IVlla raulkner. They left Sunday ti vUU U brother-in-law and au let. Mr. and Mr. Lowell ba. tuck in llermuum, Mr. ami Mr Vrrn Carpenter of I'avette. Idaha. were werk n.i at the home of Mr Carpenter mother. Mr. Kucll Miller. KumcII and Tommy farpenler returned home w-ah their parent after iH-rtinc a rvk with Ihetr grandmother Mr. ami Mr Harold lUker went to Kodmond lat rtidav to attend th Slate Itural Mail Camera contention. Mr. Florence Kool left nuuy for Wmx to vUu at the homi ,.t K .m arw (iauehter-ln-law. : " Mr. and Mr. Vernon Rot. Thev all ter.t the week end vWiunu relative In lrtland and Salem. Vuitor Ut wek at the runne of Mr. and Mr. and Mr. Barcer da of llxdrort. n.. arvj tneir cranddauchter. Denise Moran of Shelton. W n. lvrtthv IUh. who u employ. ! Mr. and Mr. and Mr. W. K I . ireer were their aon-ln-law atd I I uchter. Mr. and Mr. Sid An. J 1 r.n and ort RJokle and nalei a... a tl'n at f el In Hrtland. M-nt the wee I1TW tw ia nrovHon of Section IU of rublic Law st dcw. . Joe Tatone. chairman of the city dump committee, reported the dump fadlulea hd been cleaned and filled, and ax again ready for use. The council passed rnot on approving notary fee for Shirley Ziellnskl to make pcUcan toT a notary eL Crania Picnic Plannad The Home Economic club of Greenfield Grarure met Wednea day afternoon of last .eek at the home of Mrs. Harold Baker, with Mrs. Hussetl Miller M hoa tesa. Visitors were Mrs. lorah . i i rkAi.u Mr rinvd Hubbard. Mrs. Don Cmmorvd, Mrs. A. K. ronnrr tiu iin Bishop. . Plans were made to have the potluck rrange picnic August 16 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Seehafer after the morn inz church service. The Boardman Garden club will meet July 20 at the home of Mrs. Glen Carpenter, with Mrs. Zearl Gillespie as co-hostess. Mrs. Calvin Hunter and daughter Janice spent four days last week visiting at the homes of her mother, Mrs. Helen Case, in Salem, and her sister. Mrs Fred Farmen at Albany. Mrs. Georee Schrader and erandson. Bobbie Schrader of e..Antn r-niif visited two uaincukut - - - . days last week at the home or her cousin, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marlow. , , . Mrs. Flora h Schroeder of De iva vteitpd Last week at the hmrhpr and sister lULlUC VI - - " , iM u. xi and Mra. Farl Briff?S. Visitors last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard eeaora included Bedord's stepfather and .v.. (r nnrl Mrs. Mel De lliuuicii . , . Beck of Frenchtown, Mont, his hmthpr Albert eeaora, anu Mabel Lee, both of Missoula, c hlo cicfAr Mrs. Alma Davis and son Dennis of Cut- bank. Mont. Also Jus. ueaoras sister, Mrs. Vern Moe of Battle Ground. Wn. Week-end quests at the Bedord home were Mrs. Bed ord's cousins. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Meyers and daughters Lynn and Wanda of Belling ham. Wn. - Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Blank of Richland, visited for two weeks at the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. JoAnne Thorpe of Henpiston is visiting this week at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs! Cecil Hamilton. Visitors last week were Hamilton's cous ins, Mr. and Airs. Harold Men and son Glen of YeLm, Wn. Visitors last Friday at the home of Mrs. Glen Carpenter and Darold LaChance were La Chance's uncle and aunt, Mr. xt- fr llaml.i Ka&ft. ElUen Ely ha returned frm rortland where ne aitenuea co-l-ce Ust year, and i at the home of her parent, Mr. and VI. 1'Mn Vtv Twenty-two persona from the Boardman lommunuy rnunn went to lrricon Sunday nicht for a Sincsptratlon at the Commun ity Baptist church there. Don Downey and Mr. Guy Ferguson were called to Prosser. Wn, Monday by the illness of r r.thar Vrl Downev. who suffered a heart stuck. He was Just recently recovering from a stroke suffered a few weeks aeo. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Houston and children Leo and Arline of La Grande were weeK-ena vis itors at the home of Mrs. Hous ton's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Potts. Guests this week at the Potts home are their son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. How ard Bundy of Arco. Idaho. Sunday visitors at the home it, mrA Mn rku-v West VI aw I. t via .... , t j - were West's brothers-in-law and sisters. Mr. and Mrs. jonn mui on and son Phillip, nad Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Donovan and child ren Jerry, Carol Ann and Jackie, and Danny Kay and Steve Rus sell, of The Dalles. Mrs. W. A. Simcox returned home from Good Shepherd hos pital in Hermiston Monday where she had been a week fol inwinir a fall at her home. Her daughter-in-law. Mrs. Bill Sim cox and children, Portland, is here to care for her. Linda Tatone. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tatone. was a pat ient in the Good Shepherd hos pital in Hermiston three days last week for a checkup. ' V - . 1 : ! s N 1 ; v - f V I II IATCEES SOLD huadrad. of boUocna at tha Sidewalk Snoar at a prtea bard U UaX. Each ballooa coat th.m ISc and waaa. n.uum-,lu. - Huahtt tlaa a balieoa. In bock ground art Jay pldot Croabta. (Uft) and rddU (O T Fboto) Houghton Leads Science Meet On Electronics Br LaVELLE FABTLOW and family of Pendleton Mr. and (Held over from last weeKi , mm. torn wwmib 1RRIGON E W. Houghton I Mr. and Mr. Joe Fdward and Rev. Bernard Kluehe of the Walla Walla Gospel Mission will fill the pulpit at the Boardman Community church for the next four Sundays. ThwmamelM Hit 114 SoturdOT TVmrwratnrps were a little rwilAr hr Julv 6. With the maximum at 94 degrees, after a week-end witn uie uienuum- eter hoverinff around the nuna red mark ana aDove. at. one time Saturday it reached 114 decrees in iront 01 nas Market Five Win Gasoline viva fiistnmers won easoline at Jack Van Winkle's Chevron Station during the Sidewalk Ba zaar. It was given on his offer to make the purchase free if the automatic nozzle shut off on even numbers when motorists drove in to have tanks filled. Twice the numbers came up $5.55, twice $4.44' and once $3.33, he said. son of Mrs. X C. Houghton of ir,i t,-vn u-a bevnote speaker and master of ceremoniea at the Measurements Conference on Pnx-iainn J-"(vtroma uTvet Meas urements held in Boulder, Colo., June 23. rprt rurfrtrm a uniaue ser vice to the world of electronic scientists and technologists and , ih r.tir ancctrum of elec tronically based American in dustry and researcn. More man 600 scientists from the V. S. and ftioht tnrpiirn countries attend ed the 4-day conference which reports the finest tecnniques ana Ideas for precision meuie- merits." ire. rKiitont will recall that IItnhtnn alul nlaVMl an lmDOrt- ni in th develooment of Tel Star in long distance micro wave communications systems. He is a graduate of Irrigon High ch.i rwoivi hit R. S. deeree at Oregon State University and his M. S. at Iowa State Unlver sity. He has been associated with the Bell jeiepnone since that ame. BE SURE TO GET TRIP INSURANCE INJURY SICKNESS PERSONAL EFFECTS HOLD IT, DAD! You've probably thought of every thing, but here's a suggestion. Before you leave, check your automobile insurance just to make sure it will furnish you with adequate protection in case of an accident in another state, among strangers. CALL USI C. A. Ruggles Agency P. O. Box 247 Heppner Ph. 676-9625 Irrigon Mao's Nary Ship In Japanese Port Feitiral Mrs. Bill Graybeal received word from her son. YN1 James nrain that th shiD Oil Which he serves, the USS Delta, was recently selected by Commander of the 7th Fleet to attend the annual Port Festival at Mojl, Japan. During the 3-day visit at rwlta rvrsnnnel hosted over 14,000 visitors, participated in their festival parade by ent ering their drill team, and con tributed 34 pints of blood to the Nippon Blood Bank at Kitaky ushu City, Japan. While at Mojl, 75 crew members volunteered to h. nniir umrV at the Tenshien Orphanage. Their tasks includ ed painting of playground equipment, furniture, two wash ing machines, a TV set. two rtumnc uinHnws and a fire U . ( . ' escape. The volunteers were en tertained by children of the or phanage by Japanese songs ana dances. .. While in Moji, the tteita hackothaii toam pxhibited their tact hak" Ktvlp of rjlav in de feating the Kokura City team 69-32 before a very appreciative audience. The ueita, a repair shin, is due to return to me States soon. an si Mro Jim Cameron XTXl. 1J and famUy of Portland drove to Irrigon to visit Mrs. cameron s brother-in-law ana sister, m.r. onH Mrs Warren McCoy and fomiiv Thursdav. Mrs. Cam &A..J . - , , prnn Mrs. McCoy and their children drove to LaGrande and nvamtaht with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Villines and family. and also visited me wuies mother, Mrs. Millie O'Rourke. tu rnmomns cTwnt the week- enrt visitinc friends in Walla Walla, and drove home through Irrie-on Monday, to get their daughter Karen, who had re- itiCllli&V nil Mr. and Mrs. uon uimscneiu and family of SL Helens, visitea friends in Irrigon Saturday, and drove on to Weston where they stayed overnight with Olm scheid's brother and family. Teresa Olmscheid remained in Irrigon and was an overnight guest of Debbie McCoy. Ladies of the Irrigon Baptist church were hostesses for a bridal shower honoring Miss Judy Eppenbach. The shower was held at the church base ment last Thursday evening. Angel food cake with iruit inline- was served, along with cof fee and punch Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fleming of Portland spent a week at Irri gon visiting Fleming's folks, Mr. and Mrs. G. C Weaver. SOG2 and Mrs. Mike Califi and children, presently of For tuna. Calif., drove to Crater Lake for the July 4th holiday and met Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Edwards familv of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Art Kdwards of San trancisco and SA Howard Califf. son of Mr. and Mrs. Llmcr Zchner. now stationed at San Francisco. The Edwards were also former Irri gon residents. Mr and Mrs. Jhn Swear lngen and Geraldlne spent five days at the coast near the Dopoe Bav and Winchester Bay area. They spent some time deep soa fishing, and came home Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Cook and children of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. LeRov Bunten and children of Hermiston drove to the coast near Ocean Park for the week end. The women went clam dig ging, and the men did some deep sea fishing. Thye returned to their homes Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cayman. Ronnie and Vickie drove to Pros ser Sunday, and picnicked with Mr. and Mrs. Andy Cayman of Prosser. Mr. and Mr. Bart Gay man nt Konnewlck. Mr. and Mrs. George Corliss and three daugh ters of Maniieia ana Mr. ana Mrs. Harry Bratch of Ddlard. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Meeker and Miss Janice Parker of Seattle, were week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Parker. Mrs. G. C. Weaver returned to Irrigon after a 2-week trip into Silverton. where she visited f ui Kfm I. If. Kprzuson. Linda and Laurie. While there, they went to the coast near Otis. Mrs. Weaver brought her grand daughter Linda home with her to spend a week, and the Fer gusons and Laurie came for Linda the following week-end. Mrs. Myrtle Markham, Mrs. Albert Partlow and Sheryl spent Wednesday through Sunday at Kiw nf Ood church camp held ta Brooks, Oregon. While there they visited with Rev. and Mrs. Leland Morse and family and Rev. and Mrs. Ward Honey and family, former pas- tnr-a r.f th Irrltron Assembly. Also, they visited Rev. and Mr. Carl Alquist, former Irrigon resi- dents. Mr. and Mrs. Don Stocks and children of Tacoma were week end guests of Mrs. Stocks' cou sins, Mr. and Mrs. Don Leigh ton and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Frazier and family of Milton-Freewater visit ed friends and relatives in Irri gon Sunday. Mrs. Nora Wilson of Portland, who has been visit ing at the Chester Wilson home, went home with the Fraziers to spend a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hill and LeRoy Bunten drove to Portland and brought Mrs. LeRoy Bun ten and children home. Mrs Bun ten and children had been visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Cook and family. , . , Rev. John H. Kenney and his daughter Mary, accompanied by Barbara and Glenda McCorKle, left for the Assembly of God Dl,, Mtm!ii Vnnth Cair.D U1UC " - " Monday. The Camp is held at Dixie Mountain, near nn City. , . Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Parker and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Coleman drove to Hood River Monaay, urhsM thou aitorpri praveside TT 11.. 1 1111-J -..-- -- services for ParKers Droiner, i.i. Dude Parker. MclnHv Zehnof Mt SundaV tO spend a week in Pendleton visit ing her sister's family, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth tdwaras auu children. During her absence. lorn, linctona enn tit MTS. J&rl Sonsteng of McNary, spent the week with David Zienner. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Coy and Staria Rae and W. F. Coy spent the week end at the Pilgrim Holiness church camp in Clark ston. Mr. and Mrs. Arlyn Pember and son Richard of Springfield, Mo., arrived in Irrigon Sunday afternoon, to visit Mrs. Pember s folks, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Warner. Roy Pal flew Mrs. Hank Me Glnnla to IVrt Orchard In his (Yna plane Sunday, where she visited her son-in-law and daughter. Mir. and Mrs. Mike Ward. Mrs. McGlnnls also (sit ed her two daughter. Kathy and Crystal, who are standing the Mimrner with the- Wards, her folks. Mr. ami Mrs. Jame Caw. and several of her brothers and ulster who live In the area. The families all got together at the Caje home Sunday afternoon for a barbecue, and later went wlmmln at orvhe Lake. Davis flew Mrs. McGlnnls home Sunday evening. IHughet to Coach 111 C ..... a UiMM William A llughra. mm t4 M OII llushra. has iwu'lf '' r,l trahlrta- o.rlia.t lani h. ulrwe ad braltn InMiuttof al hwl VnUH MwH h-l ! th rtni '. aUin l. nd lelel vf Ins riMtthrf. In Ms lUn th, ha will te autat t am mity. f.irmrr trU niSlrce star. mw .-..! h llutira had txen ih traihtng atatf at i atltun 1 1 1 IT ti attxxil me pan in w ,n ihrn, h lauftit two ears Ht.ila HalMwU In tk-ttnany. ihi.inrf iha atimriu-r r I at' wnKlu.p in P'itland. and work. In at the illand a'r ba. nh hta wlfa and two ba. he will nur to hwl ILttw In Auk'Ukt Residents Enjoy Vacation Travel lv V1ICIN1A ICLSO lllrl.l rf ffNn lat werkl kivl'l klr mrs.i lira WaV lin.i IK all wrnl lt IViftland t il tlav attrfnn la fH Jauftilrf. 1rrr. Wtv had Hvi.l lit rtuui wiin hr-r riandpairnta, Mr, and Mis. Mr. atvl Mrs. David MttUn tviuniiHl toaiia lltdav flm a w rrkl llt ( Sn iHeen rut Newman. Calif Mh Hue. wh.i had rrn taJtmat with Mr. and Mr lull Kidrfia and fam ily al Newman rHurned with Ihrm. Mr. and Mr. Clay Phillip went lo Walla Walla Thurday for m medical rhecaup fur Clay. Mix IMn llu.h and ihlklrrn li-.t Weilncfclay aftrrmam In ILndun having ienlal wwk diin1. Mr. and Mn Iw-Mn McarleU and dauthtrr. Karen, of IVn dletun ined lliurdy with Mr arwl Mrm. Il..;rr ll4limon an. I Mtu-t frleiHl. Mr. Joe Itrwnln and dauch ler Joan were lumo Wtt to ivndleton Thuraday. Mr. and Mr. (Veil Mai and family went to Heppner lat Tuesday for Cecil have a rhtHkup, Mr. and Mr. IloUrt Krlo pent Tuemdav In The Dalle Kiting an optonntrUt and Mr. Krl having a feliwt removed a 1. I - tin... f r .n,i i Rm-fr llollomon Mtlnff ii ' i v. ::. " . i.r. wn nr. iiui lrnf ui? nuiiuajr ai Il,il1.nun hum In llrt'pnrr. They were Joined there by the Bruce Hoiiomons or nermiiom. Mr. and Mr. Vernon Perry went to Ung Creek la week end, taking home Ml lU'vrriy NeAM-lrodt who had ent tne pat two wrrka here. Mr. and Mr. C !- Hark were hualneas Usllor to Heppner Monday. Proud owner of new cars are Mr. and Mrs. Mark Jelllck and Mr. and Mrs. Don Sllnkard. Both have new ImpaU. Mr. Jack Sltton and daugh ter and Mr, le Bailey were In Condon Morulav for medical treatment for Mrs. Sltton. Mr. and Mr. Arden Ttlpp r.n.iiw i...t i k aratlon at CHall iw-arh, Wn. where they did som dam dieting. it. . ...i ttm Im nilev went , I 1 . W ' ' - to Heppner Fllday whet I" hal a c-M remmcHi irom l.a.-k of hl head It.. I.I Ciftnit Kta-nl l.tkl We-k .M...a ......... - - wlih Mr and Mr. Nor- rtuin l'uitt arvd ln at M" Wan.. Ulirn h rrturtMHl home. lh,n ran with Mm a iend a WTfk. Mr. atol Mr. Robert KeU went to Burn and on U Wlnne- rnucva. Nev., IYIJy. rrtunung home Saturday. Unite Lorrngel and William xHensel U Nelarta aprnt lat ai rucmaiui, tirererl ami chll.lren and Mr Troy Carey re turned home Monday frtm a month trip t Albany, (Kla. where thry vUlted Mr. and Mr. II. J. UriKon, Jr. arwl family. They repted a having mmti hot weather on their way home. Mr. and Mr. Arna Sllnkard were ruJne vlaitor to Pen dleton Tuesday. Mrs. It G WalUt. dmibtr. Judith and Suaan of Heppner. and Cathy Crum of lone, are pending thl week at Plnelo Camp, Deer Lake. Wn. a N girl in grade 4. 5 and 6. Mrs. VYrller I serving a a counselor at the camp. Turn. "Tirsasli" Info CasEi with GazeJfe-Tiimes WAMf Ai YES! Unwonted articles around the house that you may consider merely "trash" can be sold through a classified ad in the Gazette-Times for AS LITTLE AS 750 (20 WORDS OR LESS PER INSERTION) FOR EXAMPLE: An ad Ilk this costs only 75c OAK TABLE, six chairs, buffet excellent condition, $00, or trade. Phone 676 922a 47c TURN "TRASH" INTO CASH Um th following form and mcdl your ad tot The Gazette-Times P. O. Box 337 Heppner, Oregon mi m-Ti mm Heppner, Oregon