UttttttM GAXCTTC TIMES. TWlf. J. It It. 1M4 Two Hcppner Girls Moke Trip to Hawoi) if) Jan lUfrr nj Jennie fmttrt returned to llt-vpner tat wk trow a rnortha U4t In Nrule and the Hawaiian Is lands. Jn duft let of Jdr n Mr. Jim titfrf, trti4i.fnirj iennit la the home t4 brt parents, Mr. ard Mrs. imuu ?imm in Seattle, at th mj 4 tttml m J t,r tr girts tr.d Mr. fUwth, UnM fy i.Um to Hawaii whet hry rnk'ied thrr wnrks t4 fun nj Iravrl around the lUn,li. After return lr tit Seattle June the (lili several . the ar rived by i1im la Jv rutin on ihe end ut U week. Examiner Coming A drtecs un kmtiw til le OA rtuly la llr( pttc Tir day, July ;t. at the iuilhui brtanm it.e hour i4 II So am. and 3 M im. the vpMmrnt of M if thklea a n tKi Princess Dewena To Be Honored (Continued from 1) Enters Hospital II B Rice, pner old tltrwr, mm taken to llonee Memorial hp:ul for ohwrv albm and treatment TurUv. lie MM that he felt weak and wanted U r there for r-l, Mr, tilt mm. I Mr. Rhv will h U years o age on AufUil 4. Vocationcri Enjoy Trip to California rvlnts csf tntrrrM In CatfWnla ' iin tup fey Mrs tUtt-M m, dauir.trr SMrlev, and Mrs Irwin utef, Mrs. Wtoma tKi. kttorth of CUrk.ton, Wa. The three fv turned Saturday from trip tuth to iT.iro. Calif, where they Ulle4 a briber n. In Uw, Mr ! ru Mr Chs CTitwn. j tipf, I n t'litHMt. Ttiv J i.l cvntdrM )fihl rrini in lh ("tuna tv4 trul a hlhtiht ' ih trwinif ft Iho lL'e-1 tvUrv rvf cum ituitnif trf r tint ti jtir4 in Itrf i tn Boif lrr itw rrutrf M ht ls h mm hint trul I hrij i4ttT- In hr cul ihlti- uKtiitn a rut u (k ing .-ttaij M krrvin a Hi l-(t-i,i-n r- rr, Hrii m ! kluvirttl Ufctv. l"li !! hi hat Iwa aiv in tirl-u 4 II lur M-r Init ai fciTHr- f If. 4 II II -rv rluh In h-nt.lnn. a Mrll a )Min4 !tiv in tKhrr ilut T rar m the rvit. Old-Time Rancher Dies Here Friday Tuman lleuo. KL far nt.f Mh tarithrr in the (I... Unry aira lr )ri, tltcNl at hi h-nt n llr M r 1iI. July III at II am In Iho llrj .itr I1ni. 11, huih tellh If.r lU-v. t hf U hiu. ttlu lallfAg tuiu i l ii tirfiM-irtj, lilimn. Mr eu at iHun In Dumn U'C M., n Jur 4. Iv llftamo l. Mwrtw ivunii at lh ak' of .u Iran an4 m-iiIisI in Ih Editor, Friend Get First Hand Harvest Lesson iCiMstfnue4 fnm a l,..,t. in ih hi au.tiutum In Santa ' m-riinI M in-- ount- at IK Mkr.u-a. Tnir t national raikt, 'Mat rir in .lm ly rrwMrlitij:. lnJv)Un.t MarinrlanO. Kncxta An -tl.ni IJit ehu-e on hrf PofTy farm, anj nthrrt r rnfv4 by the Uatrltr. ONE FIRE SEASON IS AT HAND. WHEN HITS, IT OFTEN Destroys A YEAR'S LABOR AND INCOME. DONT TAKE A CHANCE WITH YOUR lit i't liit hJtvi U hr jhaiV ri.Imc, tuitfi lartr.. iim 'mit'S and "If arlinj: t I.mm" In 'hind t Afti-r hih -hk tra.luali.'.i. l'rtrur lifta lti to -tUct nurv' tralninj:. KUkff damv, t-nini; IhU rr fcrir if ft rnlo lan.v and honutim? ljutvn vfiaimun Mhirx-v and her tvuri hatur ilav nlk'M ! lh" fair aj!inn. ua attrn.lNl. Thf liiUh:n' t Quann tt IUarlmart fro- j idil th muic for the nay and lurlv r-nlng, riatn fur Irinv IVwrna lane thta Hill be the "Harmonv 5" muicun from lltmUiun. dancirii from 10 P. m. to 2 a with uiht mtv r-J durtnu Ihc renins. Itardmsn arra martins! 1 1 .ia liianm.n In and lhr nl tti ihe (Jui-N it) aica wht he rnca In whral tfcmrunj; until l Mtt iliaj t nw he ha nu.lc M hm in li'('tirf. Sunhlnc ttie the wld..', Mr N'ia llj;ti a Uaiu'htrr, Sir txl Mt laiil .f Ume; a I'atl In i,u; Iho cr and. lul.lfra and m irrral t a n d hildirtv A Uaui,hrr. Mn IU ha ilrahltt. Hfi. him In l-ath Mr ll.vu ti a nu-mlr of Ihr i Jul.tun chun h. Lightning Sets 9 Forest Fires CROP INSURE YOUR GRAIN NOW TODAY! ir TOO DONT HAVE TOUR HAIL INSURANCE GET IT NOW AT TURNER, VAN MARTER AND BRYANT INS. HOSPITAL NEWS Patimu admitted lo nor.wr Memorial hospital durln th pat wevk and Mill rrcvlvlnfi; rmtlical care Irulud Ih follow- Urg: Sally Comb. I'iasiI; Helen Oohn, Het'pr.er; Homer St'hell, Kirzua; and Paul Jewell. Klnzua. Thse rooelvinj: medical care. then dUmivsed Include: L'arl F. LoomK FuksII. and R. B. Kl-e. IHeppner. Alex Huher. Cecil. dtxeal. 11:35 p m., Wetlnesday, Juty IS. Mr. and 5!r. Dnnls Cerlth. Ct ndon Air Force Base, are par ents of their second child, a daughter, Deborah Jan. btrn Sunday. Julv 12. She wcL'hed 6 lbs.. 10 oz. Lithtnlnk' hh aitvmkanie, ktorma early Ihu nrik t nine foM-t firv in the Hcppner I'ine.r iiitrit. ac-r!lng t.t v. S. i Sj m t Miller, tlutrui raniti-r. None of the fire exceeded four acre in area hut they kepi the full reimplement of in-rstm. ne on the co In hattlini; them. All uere out at of Thurvlay and heaA- rain In the forvitrv area ! considerably Improved eondit. Ion. The firea were rouchly Ih1- twtvn Tamarack Ktukuut and Mj.hvin Uutte. Miller aald. Ttie fire bmueht the total for the season to date to 15. A crew of 10 fireflehter from tne rtiMrk-t wa called to Walla aiia one day l.it week to battle a blaze. Jim Sutherland wa foreman of the crew which made the trlD bv hellooDter. , An airplane patrol was uel to pot firea here after the light ning torm. the plane coming from Gar Aviation. Lexington, and from Condon. ltt N. Main Fhona 676-96S3 Mrs. E. A. Piepcr. Portland. was a ruest Friday mcnt oi me home of her husband parent. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Neper. She wa accompanied by ner inrec children. Ricky. Lisa end Ray- lene. who will spend the next few weeks with Ihelr grand- i parents. Ds A Mrs. Max Harris rvtured Wednesday from spndlnji two weeks vlsitinjr at the home of her mother. Mr. Mollie Haves. who resides In Pocatello, Idaho.) l..n wtth liity ' f hand a lid lintiii1( ,.11" ta rt k-ftl All that ta mlMlntf lo ;-:! tt. i;;.u.tt u a raliirttf ule lo the engine ii-m The M-a ! wheal Wimld uftie .r the utn" Mh the l iaitl.ed r f an eelteneil .airter. lie krpl a Heather ee out f. iik and hifc'h ! In the ernin, while the huru'ty heailer iroldiled p tie wheal. He krpl raUintf Ihe N Umt header to a old u h I.k with a enite louch n th ix niiid letrr. While Ihe "tiiblne rare. lwetlull) uphill and rmiiel eailv on the Hal and downhill tertaln. I VI tried In ahoul mer the riifcirw ri.e what he wa 'ti'lntf. al Ihe name lime ral Ine the mat him the Hot land lerler thai he ha had. To u. II keemenl lo want t )aw fhtn lde lo ide tin It ili bouncy lire. I.ul i, t rallv kepi Vr iraUtit rvivpt when he ill betted hi attention to talk lo u. Suddenly he ntoted .tve te- hind the wheel and our valley ftlend grabbed It With both hand with the aame tenacity that would be expected frtm an old lady taking her ftrt auto dnvlnc levMtn. He kept hi e trUtlv on the -road" while lv wn handled the other control. The wheat kept iMiurim; Into the hipper behind us while the header vnraciounly gobbled up the tatk. Two other combine were al work, and M occurred to u how efficiently haret I amiin tdtihed on blir ranche lo.ay In contra! lo the "old" day and not o long ago at that. ! Counting himself. Ivl ha only five In hi crew. Included are hi brother. Kenneth; Gary Van Hlokland; Wayne Kvans; and Kenneth's urn, Kenny. Though only young men. Gary and vane are veteran combining hand, and Kenny drive truck with competence. In lhi year of early drouth. Vield Isn't CimmI at the NVIwin'. fceing far north In the county, with the ranch bordering bomb range country, rain is lighter than in the nouthern part, but the late rata, as In other parts of the county, saved the crop. Del figure hi average In the Gaines to be about 15 bushel but weight has gone as high a HI puurvt. With bis ihatai trtttne cHl mUtle nature, IWImmi id inal rtrn al 1 buhrU bed make out all iihi-u( li lo rut Uwn on rrrte. Ont when Nrln suited Ihe Cairile Tloiea ahoii and u Ihe klrw pUMIiijf ine rat l l.-frinrr. hi er) rpf.rd illd-meii I id ttte things thai lfc ed rmiptu atrd o turn. He mutt hate mth lite aanie liai In iHtr riea when we wcn.Wied at b gadria iM iMnf amajis of lita li rombtn. TTi rdlto ami filmd rH a thrill out t4 lha ttdeh"wd.h or rt.4 tu wl.rn we clariileted town and hrair! fo mme li.t an.t luklr-M ai-lrel thai the iet part tf a day In bar rt w fitting home lo a oi'l thowrf. Itaik h.iui a elaa t4 I lain U water laied !' rtriiar. i'DUBlflffO Aa w M ! aaa tai itf AiWMVS rmsi VUALitV STARTS TODAY CLE 5 only Mctol Towel Polci Reg. 6.88 Now $4.00 23 Wooden Clothes Drying Racks .50 4 Lodlci White Uniforms $1.88 32 Ladies Nylon Sleeveless Shell Sweaters $1.66 38 Ladies Stretch Jamaicas $1.88 DRESSES REDUCED TO CLEAR Group I $4 Group II $6 Group III $8 RE& IS 9 J REG. SLSS RCO. S12.9S 18 Ladies Sleeveless Wool Shells .. $3.88 4 Pr. Best Quality Nylon Stretch Slacks, Reg. 7.95 $4.44 36 Pr. Men's Plaid Swim Trunks .... $1.88 4 Baby Carriers $2.88 1 Tablo Remnants Large Selection 16 Items Notion Assortment $ .88 WHAT IS A cus TOM EU wm To the Farmer, Working Against Time and Weather, Delay Can Mean the Difference Between A Crop and No Crop, A Good Year, or A Lean One. So Accidents Have No Place in His Schedule; They Cost Money, Delay Production And the Growing Season Keeps Rolling Along. Play SafeBe CarefulMake Every Week Fa Safety Week JULY 19-25 "Safer American Families Everywhere" Well, If Depends Entirely Where You Stand TO HIS WIFE He's a big eater, a heavy sleeper, and a worry. TO HIS CHILDREN He's a man who always has a chore for them. TO HIS MINISTER He's a believer in God in nature, and nature in God. TO A POLITICIAN He's someone you talk about during election. TO AN INSURANCE MAN He's a big risk. TO A MECHANIC He's a mechanical wizard who fixes everything himself. TO THE GROCER He's a god-send. AND TO US He is by far the most important man in the territory. He depends on us to take care of his electricity needs. He is always our MAN OF THE YEAR. THIS MESSAGE SPONSORED IN THE INTEREST OF FARM SAFETY BY HEPPNER HIGH CHAPTER 'Future' Firaers ff America Columbia) ISasin Electric "Serving Morrow, Umatilla and Wheeler Counties"