A V Classified Rates 4 iw wxa- wwimi tw B IHtt Cwd l Tfca JI.M cutn4 ptpUr Uar. CLAtsinro DLADUHK T arU MUia. teas U t wae4 I at aa.U i 1 Cards of Thonkt caw op thanks We would U publicly than ' "' tt, Morrow county flf trd for their support and irat Ion wHh the M"ow tuniy Iti.llrf KH.h. Th farllttlea ru lrd rtw than hour recreation during lh past 10 month. Mr and Mr. P C tShortyl jtutan Mr. ami Mr. Clen Wart! 19 4 Help Wanted INTERVIEWER WANTED for part Urn telephone aurvey wutk Give phone number. Prefer private I'n'- N?' arllinif hb. Air mall letter including education, work ei pertenoe and name of refer erne to: American Research Bureau. Held Staff Depart ment. Beltavllle, Maond. 19 P 5 Work Wanted WORK WANTED Tr trim rain and landscaping. Tay. lor Oner a I Wurka. Avery Taylor, ph. 676 &3K5. tic Wanted WANTED Horse ahoelng. at your place or mine. Contact Floyd llutchlr. 1'h. 676 817. 1 1 -tic WANTED All around canntry work. Taylor's General Worka. lit 676 5K.13. tfc For Rent HVF. ROOM HOUSE for rent fcicctrle heat, nice yard and rarace. tall Mrs. Alex Hunt. 670 btfJi. 19 Uc FOR RENT Two bedroom house, floor furnace. Good lo ration. Frank Adkln. Ph. 676 5,275. 19 tfc FOR RENT Two bedroom house for rent In Heppner. Inquire t rear of house. 2fi0 Water St.. or call 676 9944 week day, or 676 9-W5 evening or week emdit 8 tfc OFFICE FOR RENT. Call Con ley Lanham at 670 5KU0 after 5n,m. 16t.'c 8 Services I AM NOW aervlng your Avon representative in the 1 xlnjr torS area. Emma Perk. Ph- 8-135. 18 l t)c WILL DO Masonry and tile work. Averv Taylor's General Worka. Ph. 676-5385. SAND and GRAVEL, delivered. Also concrete work. Harold Martin. Hermlston, Ph. 57 6293. 17-20P FLOOR AND RUG CARE equip ment for aale and for t--E. Dick. 676-9920. 35-tiC HAULING SAND AND GRAVEL, Call collect. Sue Hams, Uma tilla 922-3503 or 22-3755-28.tfc 9 Livestock, Poultry FOR SALE My farm lease has expired. Have 20 head of ewes for sale, mixed apes and breeds but Rood lamb and wool producers. Will scl cheap. Also John Deere Model A tractor with InteRral 3-16 plow, In excellent shape. N. C. Anderson, ph. 676-5392. 19-c MARKET July 7. 1964 Hors 15; Cattle 575; Consign ors 44; Buyers 31. Bulla "",;rXa Rnllfl $17.80-$190O nuiia -r M ,Qq Young Standard cows ilJXX Commercial Cows ?3.00-15.iO Utility Cows . J1-5S in w Canner & Cutter Cows 8.50-10.5O FEEDER CATTLE Yearling Steers 0nnninn 600-700 Pds. 20.00-21.00 65 Steers actual 720 Pds. -JU &0 100 Steers actual n 7RH Piin .20.411 Yearling Heifers 750 Pds . . mst SW n.lo 17 80-18.70 nj'nn.iom WStSSSSSXn-Sm Northwestern Livestock Com. Co. Hlgkw&y 80, IIermiton PON WINK. Mgr. Eva. 667-8111 9 Livestock, Poultry ion fun: onu ! 1S km tn hrt tr fraftaM-4 an Im Rf B .iff. I f m met I I I m 1 1 a lt .fttt fcilt Vl 19 p 12 Furn., Applioncei I f SIHI A TV. ilrlm 4 Milii t'mie iitir mn uuaitty bef. yu buy hi top at I. II lilt K. 31 Un.trn Wav IV c CXiNSOIJ: SMNirr MAM!. Want rri n.ll ! l arly ta um mall rnn tta. Alao IJi Olti. AN Write ft ut)n nedit ltr . t-X 2 'Jv-.l Ki.r.lrr . (imiidril Mmt. 47J L'niver aitv Wav N. I" Seittle. Wah IT)H SALE FtHjf burner. i K range la onditUm l-ru m lh. t76 19 13 Misc. For Sale MHt SALE C:E teleUIn wt lu msll clm-trte heater wnall table radio, atereo record Plaver and record. flor lamp Alui ("hevrolrt atatl" nairon. excellent condition. N C Anderon. ih. 616 W.'i. 19 t)R SALi: Old atyle treadle Mneer wwlrvc machine, and found licht oak dtnlnc tat.le Alo a Tote ;te mot' rvcle. Call 9K9-M71, or write box 574. Lexlneton. 19 p VAri'irM RAflH fur moftt clean era are atorked at U E. UH- K We'll order inv we do not carry. 19 FOR SALE 14 ft. outboard motor boat, complete wun iraller hotut and new motor Sj- t'rvA Harrison. I'h. 676 !wa. 18 19p t)R SALi-Tah burner In ex relknt condition. Alo airticni "Kreaky Buccaneer"' heatlne atove. like new condition, lai G7fi!kV4 evenlnca. ll tfc LUMBER FOR SALE 2x4 STUDS Ranch Tack S18 Per nlt No. 5 .. per m SHAVINCS Vou load S2.M per load FREE WOOD x4 Poata 39c a. 2xT 10c ea Open until noon Saturdays Heppner Lumber Co. Ph. 676-9440 14 Automotive FOR SALE 1948 Chevrolet nrkun. 4-aneefi. uooa con- Hllln t?rjl)n ph. G76-9930. 19-tfC Fhone 676-9921 Call FREE to Pendleton Say '276 3611 Collect Authorized V. W. Dealer Cars Galore New Volkswagens SEDANS (any color) STATION WAGONS PICK-UPS PANEL DELIVERY $395.00 Down (your car paid for or not) $47.95 per month WINTER MOTOR CO. INC. PENDLETON. OREGON OPEN SUNDAYS 900 . m. to 3:00 p. m. REPORT Llftht Holsteln Heifers trtM 500 Pds 16.00-17.00 Heavy Holsteln Heifers 700-800 Pds 15.00-16.00 Licht Holsteln Steers 500-600 Pds 17.50-18.50 Heavy Holsteln Steers 800-900 Pds lb.uu-if.uu Old Stock Cows, calves 15 Bf side 150.00-160.00 Baby Calves, Beef .25.00-45.00 HOGS Fat Hoes 17.60-18.20 Weaners per head ... 7.00-900 COMMENT: Market as a whole was steady to weaker with buyer resistance showing all the way. Buyers were plentiful and mo'nu nrdpm went unfilled. Sell your cattle the auction way and et the too dollar. Consign a Toad next l.y. rhone 567-6655 EVERETT SNTDER. Eve. 667-2961 14 Automotlvt I or kaij: nv. i4p, r,mm eHU'. , hau.a. ilrry M rdr man )' Ilaa rt '4 '! '' t, H C-.u iVtl. 1 I'M lOlt XAU: Tiailrr ho"-. Attrit an rnWI a a XV. I nmin, path, kiiihrn ard llv:n ra t i.rti.lrle r;ulalKn, .lifh Ir.lrrii. lU'tiunatur, I a r ire. .(! aim. Id iM dav. rtui with trallrf. ph. 176 W Art. Id tfc ONE STOP SHOPPING LOO K ot these Deals! Used Cars 19C2 Chev. Imp la , . 19C1 Chev. 4 dr. Sedan. air conditioning , - 19G2 Chevrolet Mora 4 dr 12000 19C1 Chev. Sport Coup $1700 1959 V 8 Chevrolet sedan $1300 19M Pontlae Starchlef. 4 dr. hardtop wim air conditioner. $1200 1958 Chevrolet Bel-Air $1000 1957 Ford Station Wason - $900 1956 Chevrolet Station mMA wagon . 1957 Ford 4 dr. aedan mrM 6 cl.. auto, trana. ow 1956 Chevrolet 4 dr. aedan $495 1957 Oldamoblle U0O Commercials 1955 CMC W-ton pickup $750 1954 Chevrolet Pickup $595 1955 Ford Pickup, Heavy duty - - $400 . $150 $100 1941 Chevrolet pickup 1941 Dodge pkkup tllUT A MARK IV air conditioner installed in your car. $349 installed (any Amer ican made car.) See Ua For TRAILER PARTS, BRAKES and WIRING JOBS All Sorts of Trailer Parts FULLETON Chevrolet Co. PH. 676-9921 15 Real Estate HOUSE FOR SALE 2 bedroom, modern. 57.500, isu more inrnrmnflnn rail 676-5D(R 18-19P itmicp vnn s AT. P. OR Rkisr UVUifU v.. ' . Small. two-oearoom nuuw, f..rnichwt wired for heavy ap- .III . . . - , . r.timo TV. washer. Nice fawn, lots of shrubbery. See at aiz t iniiin wv. Reasonable. Poll fi7fi.R!U7. 17-tfc FOR SALE 4 bedroom home, price 6,ouu. trown uuvmciii, balance easy terms. Frank Aycrs. Ph. 676-9272. 14-tfc vnR rale-Larce 3 bedroom home on 145 x 146 rt. ioi. a electric heat, fireplace, built in range with ventilator, wall oven, fenced yard and covered patio, 14 baths and shower. Drapes, refrig-freezer, washer and dryer may be Included. Home is 7 years old with State Veterans' Loan. May be seen by calling J. VV. Norene, 676 9656. 9-tfc FOR SALE Herman Howard home. 1050 sq. It. ud ooxaou. two bedrooms, wall to wan carpeting, new Insulation, new hot water tank, new furnace, new wiring. Priced for quick sale $7500.00 (appraised at $9,500). Terms can be easy. Turner, Van Marter and B84 FOR SALE 2 bedroom house, full daylight Ilnisnea Base ment with room for 3rd bed room; picture windows with beautiful unobstructed view; 14 baths; concrete patio. Will sell below FHA appraisal. Jack Bedford, ph. 676-9161. 17-tfc FOR SALE Large house with rental apartment upstairs. Two bedrooms down with lots of room. Large lot Only $9,000. Call Albert Wright 676 9734 15 ReolEttote tR JUl J" Frrd tilrt- t! home, Utll"in. frawrfialjl prunl. ..-. l.Malifl i.i(rt Xtwt Flaflman. pti. 676 W31 aftrr 4 P rn. 19 FOR SALt: FuUierland home, r.rw lo lirdrvm. lo iMa. Iioi'l, with ll.w d"n iv term Turr.rr. Van Xlarlrr and Uosr.t. 1M tfc 3 8fTl:Of)M IIOfSE 2 IK dian. ranee. rrfiiefator. dull Makhrt, rartr dal. 2 trdruim art, TV and rwhup. t.,M rr iwnaer. U pal oil drum and fwirt. trrma. hede llerachrll, 3h3 Linden Wav. " P FOR 5ALK Wlr.alow home; 14 arret, ck in. m'tem two Mrwm nome; my waler plua 1 welt, prir J6.a; dimn ayment SJffi. taL eaav. Sr Turner. Van Martrt fcoart. U-tfc FOR SALE Pt art Devln home. 3 bedrooms. Paaernenl, covered pailo. fireplace, wall to wall carpet, oil forced air furnace. Very reaaonatle. Il.irm Call AJkert WrUChU 76 9734. 36-lfc Cow Ranch Ideal 150 cow apread to fit In with wheat ranch; W acr. sprink ler plus well walered range, priced to wll quick. Investors Ideal for man thinking of re tiring, good home and few chores. OFFICE BUILDING A FURNITURE STORE, both on good leaae. plus other Income. New highway 30 will join thli man's property, which will In ereaae value of additional 24 acr. to be developed. Located In good college town. Contact C W. "SWEDE- FOX. Realtor, ph. 265 1253. Pendleton, or Andy Aichele. Hermlston. 567-8C56. See us for choice listings. 19 c Public Notices ESTATE Or DELLA M. CORSON. dKMMd. NO. ISIS NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, as Executrix of the Estate of Delia M. Corson, de ceased, has filed her Final Ac count in the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County and that Wednesday the 12th day of August. 1964 at the hour of 9:30 o'clock In the fore noon of said day. in the court room of said Court has been ap pointed by said Court as the time and place for the hearing of objections thereto and the settlement thereof. Dated and first published July 9 1964. 'Date of last publication, Aug- "Florence may swanson. Executrix Robert L. Recken. Attorney ROLL TICKETS for sale In single and double rolls. Use for drawings, admissions to events. Gazette-Times, Hepp ner. Ph. 676-9228. 37-tfc VALBY LUTHERAN CHURCH Rev. Kenneth Robinson, pastor Sunday school and worship 9:00 a.m. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE J. G. Weiler. Pastor Thone 676-5529 Sunday Services: Sunday School, 10 a.m. Morning worship, 11 a.m. N.Y.P.S., 6:45 p.m. Evening Service, 7:30 p.m. ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH Rev. BUI Aisup, pasior Sunday school, 9:45 a.m. Morning worship, 11:00 a.m. Evening service 7:00 p.m. Thursday evening, family ser vices. 7:30. ST. WILLIAMS CHURCH lone Rev. Raymond Beard Sunday Masses, 9:15 a.m. ALL SAINTS' EPISCOPAL rutniCH The Rev. C. Bruce Spencer, Rector Holy Communion daily (except Mondays) 7:30 A. M., Sundays 7:30 and iu:uu a. m. HOPE LUTHERAN CHURCH Rev. Kenneth Robinson, pastor Alfalfa Street Church school. 9:45 a.m. Morning worship at 11:00 a.m SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST Elwood Boyd, pastor Saturday services, Sabbath school. 9:30 a.m. Church services. 11:00 a.m. nnipt Hour" radio broadcast Monument News ty MAITKA MATTXSOW MONUMENT r""1 'fe Wnelrr and Mrrlln C. TuM-a were Mr 4 " marrlaee frldav. July 3. In th Method tt churth . if i ......... i ir.- a NrV.. IteV thapln Krf med th wtnldinf rrrrmony. iney rrurn-u Monument Saturday earning where they will make their h'm In one of Fred McWUtia' hur. Tubta la employed at the rsudl tr-k ranch owned ty Harold E. Waller vt Stayton. Mr Claun llrn arvl daugh ter Julie of "rndleon VUlted at the MtWlillt home June 29. Mr. and Mr. Bob Ganger have nAt their ranch on Cottonwool to Ben Spain, mm In to their . t xii Wrnon July 3 and 4 They will be mlaaed. ai Mr. Giengrr orwe me acn bu and waa head cook In the school lunchroom. There waa a big garnering on the Fourth or me w""1"1"' Dutriet at the hwlhoue where they meet for all apecial pari lea and dance. Xtr. and Mr. J' Cooney and three children of Corvalll aperit aeveral day here visiting her mother. Mr. Joe Wheeler. Spending the Fourth at Ri Hot Sorlngi wer Mr. and Mr. Lllburn Hunt and three children. Mrs. Barbara Gienger and daughter Brenda. Mr. and Mr. Joe Wheeler, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cooney and three children. Miss Sherry Ward and brother Tony are .pending two weeks with their uncle. H- W. Scott and family. They are from Vale. Wayne Leathers. Jr.. Is work ing at Bend for the summer. . .-,4 if r Aaron Ingle and their' son and daughter of Port land arrived Friday anernoon visit friends and relative for the week end. Thev stopped at th Mattcson. McWlllU and B. J. Hunt homes, among thfrs. Bob Gertaon was here for the week-end with his family. H Is going to summer school at Portland State L'nlverslty. Lula Settle drove to Fendle ton Monday, taking her two grand daughters. Sandra and Linda, home. They were here Verrind Don McCartv drove to Heppner last ) av where they got Paul McCarty. w ho had spent a month at Jack w.nvllle with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Kernmin Mrs. Maud Johnson of Bates was among those attending the Fourth of July dance here by the Empire Builders 4-H group. Far rows furnished the music. The dance was held after the town had fireworks by the river. Jack Hall of California visited u-wk vL-ith n is aum. xurs. T" iinu--n inn nir. iiuwcii. -..i i ir.nh nt Portland SDent Sunday at the home of nis uncie, Frank Howeii. . i- xr Marvin Howell Air. bi iu ... - . i enni at SDrav. ana Mable Howell Pn. .f 0,J utoii rreelc with Mr. and Mrs. Everett Howell. r i m a ripson UL iAlVvra- Saturday to i kA .-oLr.pri(i witn Ills nant Mr. and Mrs. tuner Matteson. Mr. and mjs. arry ix-vn, Robert, and a nephew, ipny Ward of Vale, drove io uuve Lake Saturday morning: xo u.-rj Mr. and Mrs. wire pun. rhildren of Pilot Rock for the week-end. Miss Sherry Ward or Vale and Kooin icou mhjcu with the Elmer Ma Mesons. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Ogle and daughter were guests of her folks, Mr. ana m. , Leathers, last week. Gummor vnr-ntion Bible SCflOOI u hoinff held at the Monument church this week FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Charles V. Knox, minister Bible school at 9:45 a.m. Morning worship at 11:00 a.m. Evening worship. 7:00 p.m. CYF meeting. 8:00 p.m. Chi Rho meeting 1st. 3rd Thurs., 7:00 p.m. THE METHODIST CHURCH Rev. Melvin W. Dixon, pastor Church school, 9:00 a.m. Morning worship 10:00 a.m. ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH Rev. Raymond Beard Heppner Weekday Masses. 7:00 a.m. Sunday Masses, 7:30 and 11.00 a.m. LEXINGTON CHURCH OF CHRIST Earl L. Soward, Pastor Sunday school, 10:00 a.m. Worship 11:00 a.m. Thurs., 7:00 p.m. IONE UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST Rev. Walter B. Crowell, pastor Telephone 422-7530 Summer schedule: Church School and Morning Worship, 9:30 a.m. CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS American Legion Hall Glen P. Mecham. Br. Fresiaent Priesthood meeting ai v.w Sunday school at 10:30 a.m. Capromont sprvice At lXou HtttntM CAXCTTC-TIMtS. TawradaT. JaJf H4 Public Notices NOTICr Or FINAL HTAUHO Nolle Is hereby given that the ur-lrr:gnfd. as Executor of the estate of Anna E. Llndatrom. C ceased, haa filed his final ac count and report lr said eatate with ti Ckrk of this Court and that the Judge thereof has fued Friday, the 10th day of July. 1964. at the hour of 10 (X) o'clock a m.. as tha time in th County Courtroom In Heppner. Oregon, as the place for hear ing objections to said final ac BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Building Construction Groves Construction RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL, REMODELING All Types of Building r. u.ir. vrui with Plana Let Us Modernize Your Kitchen Free Estimates Ph. 676 5546 Heppner. Ore. H&M Construction Co. Builder of New Home And Remodeling tnfi s. W. Jav Ph. 276-7776 nrmr . - - City Council Heppner City Council Citizens having matters for discussion pleas bring them before the council. Electricians PendletonElectricCo. Bonded and Licensed Commercial Industrial. Resi dential wiring. Electric beat CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATES 1802 S. W. Emigrant S1: ton. Oregon. Phone 276-2672. Exterminating Service Avers Pest Control Insect and Rodent Ex termination Termite Control Grain Fumigation Cattle Spray Fogging Clayton Avers Ph. 676-9953 Dobyns Pest Control Rodent and Insect Exterm ination Termite Control Bird Control Grain Fumigation Guaranteed Work John Jepsen Ph. lone 422-7180 or 422-7244 Farm Chemicals Bi-County Chemical FertilUers of Ail Type Spraying Farm Cbcmlcala S Conrenieiit Locations lone. 422-7531 Lexington, 989-8423 Condon. 384-3661 Floor Covering, Heating M&R Floor Covering and Heating Co Williams Furnace Compieia In stallations CarpeUng Oil Burner Service unoleum Refrigeration DomaBtio and r?nmmArcial Free Estimates AU Work Guaranteed S7-94t8 Heppnw Ph. Insurance C. A. Ruggles INSURANCE AGENCY Ph. 676-9625 Box 347 Heppner, Oregon Turner Van Marter and Bryant GENERAL INSURANCE Ph. 676-9652 Monuments Wylie Monument Co. Represented By OLIVER CRESWICK CRESWICK MORTUARY 7 count and tha settlement there of. Altert U. unusirom. umwr lUrmin W. Winter Attorney for Executor Heppnrr. Oregon tzlZZS Mortuary Creswick Mortuary Licensed Funeral Directors Ph. C76-9G00 Heppnaw Optometrist Dr. E. K. Schaffitz OPTOMETRIST next to Hotel Heppner Entrant Jelephon 676-9463 Physicians-Surgeons Dr. A. D. McMurdo Physician and Surgeon Heppner Ph. Office 76-9942 Homa 678-9718 Dr. L D. Tibbies OSTEOPATHIC Physician at Surgeon 1st National Bank Bid. Be. Ph. 676-9210 Off. 676-9616 Dr. Wallace H. Wolff L D. Office Hours: 10 to 12, 2 to &30 Mon, Tue Wed. and Fri. 1 to 5:30, Thursday. Ph. 676-9253 Re. 676-9620 Printing The Gazette-Times offers complete Printing Service Dealer, Moore Business Forma Ph. 676-9228 Rubber Stamps Rubber Stamps mar! a tn vour order All sizes all types Prompt service Gazette-Times Ph. 676-9228 Heppner Title Insurance Morrow County Abstract Cr Title Co. TITLE INSURANCE Office in Peters Building Ph. 676-9912 Upholstery UPHOLSTERY Awnings, Seat Covers, Truck Cushions 613 S. R Emigrant Ph. 276-4781 rencueton, uregon Watch Repair Peterson's Jewelers Latest Jewelry Gift Goods Watches, Clocks, Diamonds Expert Watch and Jewelry Repairing Heppner, Oregon p 676-9200 36-tfclover KGO every Sunday, 2 pjn. a.m.