Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (July 9, 1964)
Holiday Fires Call Boardman Fire Truck ty MAIT LXC MA II LOW ItOAKl'MAN The Vuluritrrr lire IVlitncil a ki I I tiu.V UVrf lit hullttay Mrrk nut. lrlng c m mire lire A trailer fioua inrd by Matlutk vaa rutted attuut 5 ) a. m. liltUy lit family waa nl I home, ml lie had Jut l il lui truth when Hi file dlacov. ntti bv ii.'ltlilH.i. NuMiIhk aavrd In h trailer. Katurday fliinMin the fire truck as called to ut exit gra fire In t k 'f the l()(i SkoulMi iliv II tin about t Iwiuia to vrl II tlllila-r etuttrol lliiee atuk feeders and aevrial poM owned ty Miuubo were destroyed. Jut a the ruW irturnrd I limn ll mi railed out ataln ti mil tiui a lire lit a car parked I nl i,t the llltrhln' Puat Cafe Tin- origin of all three tun was unknown. ton Sera to larioo Mr ami Mi MlHn itarfoit are the parent of a 7 lb, 4 aon. Mltharl Kin. born June i Si Anthtuiv'a hMltal In ! iiitli liin Cramlnarents are Mr ml Mm Waller Wabmurth of Nunda, N. Y, anl Mr. ami Mr I.'lrnt-r blank o( lUchland. Ore Great grandparents are Mr IaA ! blank of Itltltlaml. ami Mm, Mary Somen of Munda. Mr. Bob Sloard wm hoate for the meeting of ihe AHar NU-ty f.f Ki. Mart's Catholic church Tuesday night of lat week ft btr home. ith Mr i.corge rar.l rohoatefca. frlnal arrangements were made in rlran ami Dalnt the altar July 7 ami Plana were dicued fur land waoinir ihe church yard so It timu Irrieatiul ' i omititire lii charge of the rhunh for Julv 1 Mr. (.Unnal Skoubo ami Mr Itonald Han-r. V,,r Aueujtt It In Mr. Lester Lc roux and Mr Bob Slcard. There Mill be no meeting in Jul)', with II... no I tine la be AuB 25 at the home of Mr. Bob Tliornhlll. itfv Herman Burif took group of Junior and junior hltfh iountfiUTa to me loum vomer .m-a mi Cannon llcach Monday They Included lAiann Burc. Jim n I.. I'li-n-e. Kilille McCoiioU.h. Arlinc and lrna lloughtlen. shrrr'. r" Marllon Jlun tr. Mr. and Mr. K. N. Cwynne of Kalama, Wh., were week-end vuiltera at the home of Gwynne'a - a .1. f - Drollier m-Jaw anu liner, ir and Mra. W. (;. Seehafer. Satur' clay the Seehafer'a were hot for a I'lcnle on the lawn at tneir home. Guest Included Mr. and Mm (Jwynne. Mr. and Mr. An drew Skllea of lrrlgon, Mr. and Mr. Karl Brlge. Mr. and Mr A. K. Fortner. Mr. and Mr. Ky Brown. Mr. and Mra. Kollln Blah op. Mr. and Mr. Walter Wyu, Mr. and Mra. Guy Ferguson, Mr Claud Couts. Mr. Louise Ear wood and Mr W. A. Slmcox. Russell and Tommy Carpenter of I'ayctte, Idaho, are visiting thli week at the home of their firandmothcr, Mr. Russell ftiu tr, who la caring for them until after the funeral of their other grandmother. Mrs. Tom Carpen ter, who died July 3 In Spokane, Wash., after head aurgery. She vo.1 a resident of LaOramle. Fu neral wrvlcea were to be held there Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Lee A Bmers AUTM4NTIC WIS1IRN f ANU IN NEW DENIM 75 cotton, 25 nylon A new experience In comfort and mobility Authentic Western cut, slim and trim . Heavy duty, vat-dyed, Sanforized S-T-R-E-T-C-H denim Strong Leeco thread stretches too, no puckering NEW YORK STORE Main and Emigrant Pendleton, Or. I K troll lenrlc TWoday I of tttla !rlrr UrMeUen, 51. reiliil l.f l-.AtUi,n llwl I.iim iiMWillta. i-i j-.Ji.;i. an ai-ii . !"., tied hui..Uv lileht at the IVmlle- . . ............ .. k . - 1 I . I U I ..... he had Ihtii auflrring a heart a'taik June 2X He U aonived by tu Mile, txina. of ikiainan Funeral arrvlira Mere lo be In .Hah ru at 2 p. in. Thuiaday at the Ut.iJ. n lonuary. Mf kmt Kin Jei Turner ar.d UtjKIM'l) I any, oaiiikt, HMi:nir and David or paiu were ovei- nik'ht V Utter latt week at the home of Mr. and Mr Klvln !-!-. The Turner a are member of tlu- CoiM-rvallve BajHnt orelga MiMhnary .suty. anr have Inn H-eaklng at Camp fclkanali Ihey are on their way lo Naj.lea. Italy, lo he alationeil at the Ihrutlan Servk Men Center there. Mr. and Mr lUdtard Mulligan ami daughter of Monterey, Calif, vtMird lat Friday at the hu,i.e of Mr. and Mi Fail BiU'ira on their way home from Uihrllo, Wah. Mulligan, who teache the aulh graUe at Mon terey. I a former reaiueni nere. having atemh-d both grade and high Mhool here. Word ha been received of the death of Mr. Bole Nkkeron, 7M, In Orland. I all! lat .Satur day at the home of her r-on in law and daughter. Mr. and Mm. Virmm Iteeee. Funeral aervlee were to be In The Dalle TuenUjy at 11 a. tn. Mr nn.1 Mra. Itonald Blaik and dat ghter. Diane, have returned home from a week a trip viMiing rtlwtlveit in ToH-le, l'ne. 1'rovo and Ferron. Ltah. While there iIh v aiienilt-il the reunion of iht Uvt-aon family June 23 In Tooele. Mr. and Mr Frank La Chance etiU aon r rankle ana sieve oi An ata. Calif, were week end iiftii.r. i th home of La- Chance' aunt. Mm. Glen Carp- nler. and hi brother, iaroia Lai nam e. Ww k visitor at the home .f Mr. and Mr. D-ltert Carjen- ler were their aons and daugh ters In law. Mr. and Mm. Larry riH-fiti-r and children Cindy. L.irry and Lyle of Benton. Wash., in.! Mr. ami Mr Marvin Carp enter and children Johnnie and Anna Marie of Seattle, Wash. Larry, Jr. remained here thla ii'k. Mr. and Mm. Vernon Root and -miiiron Maiirlic and Jane of Wasco were July 4 visitor at the home of Boot a moiner, ahs. Torener Boot, Mr and Mr. Walter Cameron f Uw Angeles. Calif were over night visitors at me nome oi Air. nd Mm. Frank Marlow last week. Mra TLh Mllli-r has returned home from aeveral weeks visit In C.resham at the home of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. nd Mrs. Carl Gaede. Mr. and Mm. Stanley ShattucK nd children Michelle and Craig of Dayvllle were July 4 visitors it the home of his grandmother, Mrs. Delia Faulkner. Mr. and Mrs. George Sicard spent the week-end and several days last week fishing at Pau lina Lake. Boy Tartlow has again been seriously ill In the Good Shep herd hospital In Hermlston for the past week. Mra CVHIn Rrlstol of Los Angeles, Calif. Is visiting at the heme of her brother and sister-in-law, JVIr. and Mrs. Charles Thomas. Mr. and Mm. Frank Hammell and chldren Blllie, Barbara and rum tinmen uiint, uaiunia EKne of The Dalles were Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs. llnmmcll's father and stepmoth-1 -ti the Werk ni l I'ain. Family Growing Up? If your family In cludes youngste r s, you'll be surprised at how fast they grow up! Almost before you know it, they're ready for college. Can't start too early to save for their col lege expenses! Wo OPEN AN ACCOUNT TODAY F1HST FOEE1HI SAVINGS & LOAN BOX 739 Many Kinzua r viiCiNiA icuo KINUA Willi Ihe annual famlllra have taken lo the high- Ma a In mti.'I their lime on. An on if lhwe lkln l"l l'l Mrie Mr. and Mi llailan hfirtitrf and family mIki Mriil I t 1J.11. llkla, lo tUil frllle Alwi Mr. and Mr llowaid and family and Mr. and Mi i-aui (irr are traveii I'aul tlrr are traveling !; It neroviiie. Kan. lo tuit mrm I . M . . M III Mm. Ja k Kitti and Mi Le Bailey Were Milnra tutor to ll I lnrr latt Tuelay. I.vle Murry arrived home Thuilv lrrn lliorne Bay, Alok, In ma n.t ll.n Julv a- canon He rr.t on to Iteno with Mark Jelllik on trlday evening. Mr and Mr. Dovall HubUll left Friday fr Bainler to vltit with Mr. and Mr. Fail Main and family enroute to laliiornia They atw planned to vit Mr and Mr l-rarik Denton and family at BrMking. Mr .n.l Mra laul MiiJV went to Gold Beach during the week end, taking home Mr Jaik Bailey and her infant daughter. Cher) I Lynn. Mr. Marearet McCormll wa lfti&a W.-,ln-ki v evvnlni? to the tMMible li-ck card club High rr ih wrnlne went tj Vonnle Browning, low lo Virgin. Sitton. and floating to Virginia MUon and Virginia KerM. utnem en- giving thl evening wire Marj luirlng. Lily May Matad. Helen Wright. Bonnie Campbell. Kath rvn Flack. Martlvn Bailey, Marge Aher. nd Vl SUnkard. Mr. Zella Irlndle entertained tr-e memtM-rs of her bridge club Wednesday afternoon at her home. HtKh wa wo.i by Jessie llaean and aecond hlu?l by Bae B.-ei. Other play. nit were Mary Miller Merldel Wnam Marie Wall. Dru Murk, and Jollne (Julnn. Arlo McRobert entered the Heppner hospital last Wednes day for Thursday mon.Ing surg ery. Mr. and Mr Ariel Campbell and Andrea left early Saturday from John Day for Bamtow, Calif., where they planned to visit Mr. and Mrs. JacK William son and family. Mr. and Mr Marvin Haines are spending their vaittlon vis iting with Mr. and Mis. Steve Harrison and family at Idaho Falls, Ida., and on to Laramie, Wyo.. to visit Mr. lUlncs mother, Mrs. Mollle Hine. Oble Morgan left lat Wed nesday by plane from Portland litr ijirwlon Kv. where he will visit relatives. He went to Port land with .Mm. Delbcrt Barzce a n.l ImirhtiT Cheri Who Went down for medical care for Chery l llvi rmmmni'inff Ihr-m KAS Mr Kod Hastings who went to I . .1 -. V. - I . . I . , see iir. iiasiinKs oo is mut Inc treatment there. Al White 1 spending the va cation visiting in Frlneville and at Mllton-Freewater. He was taking his niece home after she had spent the week here. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mangum went to Baker during the week end. They will bring Otie ana Rnhhle (Vxlv home after having spent several weeks there. Harvey Splvey, Mm. Mark Kandle and Mrs. Mark Jellick went to The Dalles Wednesday to attend the funeral services there of Mr. Spivey's brother. Mr. and Mm. Vincent Allen artH (amllv srwnr the vacation visiting relatives at Wleser, Ida. Also going to Wclser were Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Benson and fam ily who will visit relatives there. Mr. and Mrs. Don Mcvonneii and family planned to spend their vacation visiting friends and relatives in Klamath Falls er, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Messcn eer Pat Miller spent the week-end In Portland visiting Dorothy Rash. Mrs. Dlnald Sledge and daugh ter Shcrrie have returned home irom a mree WIH.-KS irip viaimiK relative, in California, and at three weeks trip visiting Rno, Nev. is the current rate on your sav Ings here. This helps your money to grow faster to the total you'll need for college or any other Important purpose. ASSOCIATION PENDLETON Residents On Trip ar.l IVotland Alw lr-.g lo Klamath Fall were Mr, and Mr Mitt Boring. Mr. and Mr Glen ipivey went lo L tiramie Saturday wlkrie Mr. lcy will attrnj turr.mrr at hiad at I'' and Mr Spivry will lalt lelalivr Mr and Mr Verlln Conner hit Friday tnrnln lo vi.U ir- U ml r.k.f. A!- l-Uohlg lo go to Baker were Mr and Mr Mark Kamtle and family ml Mr Mark Jrlluk and il.ilitrrn AImi oll,f la Bake! were Mr. and Mr Jhn Murray and Miilre who will vUll there and at Medical spring hit, and Mr Flvtn &ll and nnm aiirnt tneir vacation in l.t.l... .n.l at Baker. Mr. and Mra. Lell0 Bell Vlklted in IVn- cll.i-.n and at Baker. U'llllam Ixireneel of Aetart arrived rlday lo spend several dav with M son. lyiul. Mr. and Mr. Marvin hddr and a"n, (rge. and .Mr. and Mra ik.h KUnkard left trlday evening to spend aeveral daj In Seattle vuttlng relative Mr. and Mr. Jigg Bowmtn and family left Friday evening on their vacation whlth will take them to Manfleld to apend the week end, then on to Catle Bk. Wn. to vtalt Mr. and Mr Lelihton Strom. Mr. and Mrs. LhiI Canick and family of Salt Lake City. Ltah. spent the past week a guests of Mr. and Mr C L. Flack. Wsmtn'i dub flan f ic&Je The regular meeting of the Camp 5 Women a club was he Id Lit vwrirwatfiav everilr.if. with Joan Michel as hordess to the group. There were ten memoers present and one guest, .Nancy Mini u-r-r, made during the meeting for a potluck picnic to be held In August with Jean Med lock as chairman ana uaro ara Mortimore and Carol N orris as assistants. The door prize was won by Iv'sncy Hawk. Bingo was played with winners being Ann Bastlan. Marie I'.hoton, Shirley Kyle. Lva DcMerltt. Mm. Frank Ferrell and son. Robert, went to Portland Sunday for Lola to have medical care. Coming home for the holiday were Blllie Jean Bastlan from Portland and Kenneth Norrls from Corvalll. . . Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Sharp left Sunday for Ocean Lake where they were to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Hap Gregg. They were to be Joined by Mr. and .Mr Homer Grogan of Weston and go on to Newport to do some deep sea fishing. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Michel and c family left Friday f INtJth. a. ... ..A.,.- Iia. to iemi ir.e weea nn ir. and Mi l.lyd Mr and Mr Farl NorrU went lo Br ml Monday f tiiedical rare tt Carol. lira in. l,r.l M.iiiirnjre and daughter. Karen, and Mr Marie lu.otn were In tomion lueway fr dental car f"r Barbara and 31 ml iv Mr. and Mr Ralph Jame and .n. David, and Mr Tommy St hooht aft were In Condun Ww. neaday for medical care for Mr James. X!r. and Mr Allen Gulnn and family and Mr. and Mr M ia Itirulltt i-nl lh Koorth In The Dalle with Mr. and Mr. Bill Bell. Th f. I. Club wa entertained laat Monday at the Camp 3 Com munity Hall with Carol Noma a hoate. lllch f"r the evening was won by 1'at Hyatt, low by Ann Aher, and the floating by la! Hvatt and Fattl Bell. Other enFylng the evening of cards were Marge Aaher. Marilyn Thomas. Helen WriEht. Hazel Hulett. Ann Bavtlan. Lola Ferrel. Barbara Mortimore. ana Jean Med lock. , , Mr. and Mm. Bud Bird and family left Friday for Oakrldge where they planned to visit friend If mnA Mra Jai k Ball and family left Friday to spend their week in California, returning oy the coai route. Mr. and Mr O. L. Adams ana son left Friday for oriana. Ca,,r ,nd ,hen bm(k to Jack 'jnvU1. ()r., t0 vuit with Ml sonville. Ore. to visit with Mr. and Mm. Mark Sample Mr. and Mrs. MUo Prindle went to Pendleton last week to attend the wedding of Bob My er. They then went on to Milton Freewater to visit Mr. and Mm. MUo Hyatt and family. Mr. and Mrs. James Hulett and sons spent the vacation week at Long Beach. Wn. Vacationing In Canada thla Julv are Mr. and Mra. Don Cory and children. They planned to visit Victoria and Vancouver, British Columbia. Moving to Kinzua are Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fulton and daugh ter who moved into the house re cently vacated by the Leslie Bella. MIMEOGRAPH PAPER GAZETTE-TIMES Ph. 670-9228 We Hope You're Planning On Being There, We Know We Are . . . We Have No Special Commodity To Offer At Special Bargain Prices. But We Do Offer Special Attention To All Of Our Customers, 365 Daysf Every Year, Except For Leap Year, Then It's For 366 Days. So, You See, Every Day Is Bazaar Day With Us. Well, We'll Be Around This Friday and Saturday. See You There!! n no titttntM CAirTTC TlMCt. TwfdTy. J-ly 1HI Hermann Home Scene of Party If BLTfHA JOHCl UIXINGTON A pir.k ami blue shower party wa held re rer.llv at lh home it Mil George Hermann with Mr Her mann. Mr. Tad Miller ar.. Mr lion l"oir.ier a co h-t .- hud. orir.a it:. Larry L. i;r..liv. ffcxar pttfrs were won by Mr Men In Leonard. Mr Wilbur Kteagail. Mr Bill Doherty and Mr. Gene Orwkk. Pouring during the evening were the honoree's mother In law, Mf Koell Llndaey, and Mr t harlea Monagle, Trier were aoout 20 guett preser.t for the affair. Mr and Mra. Gerrv Xfetaenerr and children and Mr Lar.ey of ISirtlamt UHe,l fiver Hi Week end at the Carl Marquardt home. Mr. and Mr Joe Yoeom and children are spending a few day In Portland. Mr Newt OlUrra 1 patient In Oral Samaritan hospital In Portland having undergone ma lor eve surgery there last Wed nesday. Mr. and Mm. Georce Irvin nd children. Valda and Billy, and Mr. and Mr Don Hutchlns and daughter, Wanda, of Bufus were u.M-k.nrt rallem at the C. C. Jone home. Vicky In in, who has been visiting at me Florence McMillan home, returned with thom Vatrta Irvin remained at the home of her aunt and uncle for a visit , Mr nrt Mr Ifirli-v Sarer and children of Heppner have moved Into the Lexington Christian church parsonage. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mar shall are sDendine few days In Yellowstone Park. Mr. and Mr Ken Palmer na son, Mike, were Condon visitors on Saturday. Mr. and Mr. George Hermann are doing some extensive work on their nouse In town prior to moving there soon. Geraldine Lamorrie has re turned home after a stay In Pioneer Memorial hospitaL Mr. and Mrs, Harry S pence of Baker are visiting at the home of his aister. Mm. Florence Mc Millan. and with a brother, John, who Is recovering from recent surgery in Pioneer aiemonai hospital. . . Mr. and Mm. Vcrn Vlall and children motored to Grandview, Wn, on the week-end wnere they attended a family reunion and the wedding of Glenn Bad dley and Kay Sharp. iasiiii ESediM Glenn Ba.iJley and Kay Sharp. Fled Baddlry cf Grandview 1 lilting for while at th Vrn Vlall borne. Mr. Bad dley 1 from froarr. Wn. Dennis Doherty an4 Bobby Da Wtt are tifyUft tht? turr.rrrr In Portland where they am em ployed. The young men are aharlxia? an apartment. LDS Church Member! Have Fourth Outing Member of the Church of Jru Chriirt of Latter day Saints In Heppner enjed combined work and pleasure gathering in the Coal Mine hill are on Sat urday, July 4. Five men and seven boys of the church went there a a work hirt In iha moraine to rut Doles and fence post to be aold as church money-making project. Women and other member of their famJliea cam for th balance of the day. the women preparing picnic dinner at noon. Games and visit Ir.g wer enjoyed during: the afternoon. We Will Deliver Your Processed Meat WBCIXSAXX MEATS CUSTOM gLACCrnXBUCO SCHEDULES Hoes Tuesday Cattle Wed. Thur Sheep Any way FoIIett Meat Co. Bennlston, Ornoa Ph. JO 7-6651 On Barmlstoo-McNary SlgbwoT o o o Vj )Y Chars' TrjdcLiyA Beppoat. jAXawJI II Lexlsftoa