safiiicrFNta cuxrrrcTwts. Trunr. jf t. m -Oil! i mi ini rr mA.limtmm i r LACING THE mCSIDENrS UN of th Heppn.r SoroptlrnUt club oa th nw pi.tid.nt. Mi. W Shtrman, U Mrs. Jim Hnr. president ol th club for th pat lo Years. Iiuiailimf elltcvc was Mis. Seattle Can ft Id. tlqhlj assisted by Mrs. Opal L. Dull. 111 both ol th Hood IUvr club. 1C T footo) Elks Hold Special Flag Day Service The Elks' temple was the cme tf an ImjwcsMve ceremony at Thursday evening, honoring the American VUg. Itat iHtrk dinner, ctiokcd and served by the Khca Creek Grange, preceded the Klajt Day Service. Winners at the Ladles Nl rani party that took fdac while Itxlfe was In session were. lor bridge: Mrs. BUI Collins, high: Mrs. C. C. Carmlcharl. low. anl Mrs. Klalne George was winner of the dr prize. Miss Carolyn Iterystrom tallied the highest pinochle score. Mrs Vern Mall was low. and Mrs. Vern Kelthley won the door prize. fur the ten tahl rf cards in play were Mrs. fat O'Brien. Mrs. f.cne orwic. .Mrs l .. - iL'.r.t Mr. Marshall 1-nV orn Mra J.TfV DaPPCtt and Mm.' Clint Agce. Barlows Honored At Wedding Shower Krnv trt,n,u fathered Sun day evening at 6:30 at the Valby Parish House to nonor rur. nu Mrs. Alvln Bnrlow with a din ner and wedding shower. On the tables and about the room was a colorful profusion of old-fashioned bouquets of summer garden flowers. Following the potluck dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Barlow oiened many beautiful and uneful gifts. Agisting were Mrs. Clyde AH stott and daughters, Barbara and Cyde. Hosts for the event were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Bergstrom, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Carlson, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tews. Mr. and Mrs. Don Peterson and Mr. and Mrs. William Rawllna. Willows Grangers Have Sunday Outing, Push Park Interest Home Economies rlub of lone Willows Grang held its annual plrnle Sunday at the mountain cabin of Mrs. K. C Ileliker on Rock Creek. More than 30 Grangers, their families and friend enjoyed the beautiful weather, and two fried thicken dinners. Another txilnt of Interest was lh A n.n XVrli.hi Mi-morial I'urk located at the lnt where ... . . . & - i. i napin i rec loins iwk k t.m Thl. M.irtiw I'owritv narlt h Ix-rn of special Interest to the Khea t reck residents lr severa vi-nr Th momlx-ra Imvr lesr ed the grounds, built three ret. nwimi tiiirrrmu.,1 fcfnvea. ant niacle other improvements. Other organizations are invited to neip with the clearing of debris, more Moe. and especially tames Natural grass covers the hill side. This park belongs to Morrow countv. The land. JO acres in 11 as' ai at 4iinitil Ku lhr Crmrui father Wright heirs who settled In the community in 181. ana by the Klnzua Co. Pnnntv funda fnr establlshlnS and maintaining parks Is lim ited. Anv assistance by other organizations or Individuals will be greatly appreciated. U'ltlmva (".ranee Home Econ omlcs club Is donating the cost of a fireplace-type stove. Next meeting of the club will bo at the home or Mrs. iiarvey Ring on July 17. with Mrs. Earl McCabe as co-hostess. Soroptimist Officers Installed at Dinner Meeting Saturday M, mA Mrs. Phil Smith. Susan, Cynthia and Brenda, of iprin g 1 1 e 1 u, were wren rna cuest.s of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Smith. Susan remained here to upend a week visiting her grandparents. Nothing Could be More. .Welcome Than This Elegant Gift in GORHAM SILVER $12. so This attractive bowl in finest sllverplate moles a perfect gift item for weddings, anniver saries, birthdays and other important occasions. y THE WORLD'S LEADING MAKER OP FINE STERLING "Something from the Jawslsr'a. la always something spedaL" JEWELERS Stora Hours i 9 A-M. To 6 P.M. 177 MAIN ST.. KEPPNEH PB. 678-9200 ORlEN STAMPS New officers for the llcppner .InroptlmlHt club were InMalled at an ImpreMilve candlelight mr Icf Saturday evening, June 77. after a special dinner meet ing In the Methodist church social rooms Oath of office was given the new officers by Mrs. Beatrice (anfleld. Installing officer, of Hood Klver. AwlMlng her was Mrs Opal I.. Duff. treaurrr of the IIo(k1 River ciuo. Mrs. an fleld based her Installation M-r-vice on the SorrftlmiM Pledge with officers pledged to uphold ih. Mont. ,,t "ainccrltv of friend ship. )oy of achievement, dignity of service, integrity or pmiession and loe of country." Ifh was pinned with corsage after be ing Installed. New officers are Mrs. VVes Sherman, president; Mrs. Jim virt president: Mrs. fart McDanlel. treasurer; Mrs. Charles Starks, recording secre tary: Mrs. Wavel Wilkinson, cor responding secretary: Mrs. BUI Collins. 2 year board member: imtt iiiirhi 1 vear board member, and Mrs. Fred Tarriih, regional representative. A no hoft turkey ainner was served buffet style, with hus hands of members as guests. Special guests were Mrs. Can field and Mrs. Duff of Hood Klver. and the Ilev. and Mrs. Melvln Dixon. Tntia decorated with r,iniimini of summer flow ers, carrying out the club colors of blue and gold. Serving on the decorating committee were Mrs, Kolce Fulleton and Mrs. Harold Pi-ooMlntr over Introductions and program of the evening was Mrs. Ed Gonty. As each member lioreoir and her PUPSt. she reviewed her classification tnr mimhorshlD and told the way she had made her money, outside of her business classl finilnn tnr the RchnlarshiD fund. Winning In this contest was Mrs. Parrlsh. Anotner awara weni io Mrs. Marlorle Worden for 100 at meetings since Inln iiif h rlllh last VOflT. Tim llatrnr nrrwldent for ll. " . - - ' r the past two years, repress r.rniniinn for rooneration of members and omcers ouring nrr terms of olllce ana preseniea rriff. tn nfficprs of the Dast year. r.'lrls serving as waitresses during the dinner were Susan nH i inH.i Starks. Rita Petty tohn and Paula Siewcrt. In charge of kitchen duties were Mrs. Rill Faira ana Mrs. Lin coln Nash. . Becker Guests Return To Michigan Home fr and Mr Albert Burken- blne 'and their 1V year-old son. Michael Lee, returned to their hnma In Alnpnn Mich., last a flow cnpniiincr two Weeks visiting with Mrs. Burkenbine's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Becket. uhiin hprn the Burkenbines celebrated their eighth wedding anniversary June 16 by enjoy ing some of their wedding cake, urhlrvh urn a still delirious after remaining frozen for eight years. Their visit here was also the nnoenn tnr a famllv nlrnle At Ked Bridge rarK on tne uranae Ronde River with Mr. ana jurs. J. K. Charlton and Mr. and Mrs. Merle Becket. all of La Grande. Winners Named In Duplicate Play Four tables of duplicate bridge were in play at the Elks' temple on Friday, winning high vere Mrs. E. O. Ferguson and LaVerne Van Marter. Mrs. Terry Thompson and Mrs. Gordon Pratt scored second high, third went to Mrs. Hank Hamlin and Mrs. Bill Collins and Mrs. Mar lorle Worden along with Mrs. Ola Ruggjes were fourth. Regular bridge sessions will be on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month, begin ning at 8 p.m., July 14. Mr. and Mrs. Roice Fulleton and Ruby left Tuesday for Vale where they will spend a week vlsitinc at the home of Fulle- ton's mother. Mrs. Edith Fulle ton, and also attending the 4th of July rodeo there. Already in Vale visiting at her grand mother's was Becky. Daughter, tOT ItASLSIJf. 4HW Rclotivcs From Wide Area Attend Reunion Tl, rur! AMhual rruni'H) held laM Sunday by tr ffirmts In th UJfr hall In Itardman was wrll attended and iraftei a rreat ucrra by 14 were on hand, while tMt rar hm firur ttr " antmng over alrnl" the ruet rcg Utrr. telatlrs and fllrrtd ram from Waihlrii'ton. Calif wi la. Idaho. I tab. as wrll as various parts 4 trpon for th reunion. , Wr e Icathcr. at master of kriil th audience well rntrttalned whil the din nrr was In pf-irrrsa Wotkir.g on the rganli-n f a family Irro Mill t llullie ratbrrt and Juanlta CarmUhael, Mrs, Aud rey Allen favored the rrup with a w.ln and the wung f-ik aided In the program to make the amuctner.t complete after the dinner. Visiting and the sharing i.f old and new acquaintances were rn)oed. The ret reunion will tie held the third Sunday In June, Queen Dock from L A. hkft"n Mh'fy ft the Vm.K Mi'iuw (uuntv Fair and lut returned last Thurs day frm L Angeles where h had been vlsltinir for week with her aunts. Mr. Vera Ma honey if Ix Angeles and Mrs. t latum heaver of falm Spring. Mlaa M honey mad th trip south with Diana Fulleton and te-r rramlmothrr who llew to Hawaii tnr a vacation trip. When they returned from lh Ulanda. .Shannon met them In Lo An reles and they rame horn to gether. Lutheran Churches Schedule Picnic Annuit t.irrlr- t.t V'albv and lon Lutheran churches will be In Cutsforth rark unaay, it is announced. Devotional sen Ice win re at it mm t&tih ih riro tern rastor in rkro an,i iviilurk dinner will be a't noon. Visiting and games will follow. All are invited. Vcnardi Moyo In Mr. ani Mr. Juhn Vr.ard p1 to mov In to tfi rrl Lvans hou, formerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Wayna Rm barhrr and family, Friday, Ven ard. wh trffuially bream man arer tt th lUlfner branch. Urst atMJnal Hank. Wednes day, left on that day for Mad. ris to get ready V th rtvis-e. Th truck was to load l'tay (Thursday! anC unload Friday. rwkM1 Mi. Lta Tbm Vts iMt-y n(rf t fwrtland on Monday 4 Ut week whefa th .aited bey m-n mr4 ttn lite. Mr. and Mrs. Faul 111 tit and Mr. and M C. H. fvnem. returninf horn h Vft 1 h "en as tm IhurvUy. Mr. H-tf re turned to her bom at VSUUm IU View Marwr. Iofiland. after I tltit her. Mrs Thorns. r rntly rurnl Irorn indir th winter in ArUa. will mak her horn her until fall. I WILL PAY YOU $1.50 EA. FOI THE FOLLOWING C.f. COWS I vcit good'oi irmi coiDmoi ivnnies Mckels Dimea Quarters Jlalf Dollars fsn? 191M 91CP 191ltandlnfl l91Utandingl i-jiisiimn JyiiH M'-rcury , ivu 191 S I'r.fH Only yxM 191AS J'j.tkH 19HD 1M1D I ! l'JtD 191C3 VJXIU VXiD XZZT THIS AO Many other coina wantad "Oregon Mint" P. 0. Box 422, lone, Ore. PH! I I I SS' 40 Ox. Size BiSQUICC mm- l Lb- 85e 2 1.69 3 LB. 2.49 10 oz. Instant 1.49 QT. size rim r-i nirMnn nn fl fl r?" saaaaWaBaaaWaaa i 5UNSHIWE -V-y, OZ. SlZt APPLESAUCE Reg. 49c 39 SHREDDED WHEAT 2 for 49 Potato Ships 68c Cantaloupes 4 for 79c GRAPES Lb 29 LEMONS Doz. . . . 39 CORN, 6 ears ... 49c BBBBBaBBBBBBB aaBBBBBa BBBBI BBB1 TJ -VTTUT F . TT P f i ll ill I IJ IJ.l.U J'l-i-J BAB-S OR OREGON CHIEF HAMS Lb 89c BONELESS FULLY COOKED WIENERS 1 Lb. Pkg. 49c ROUND-UP ASSORTED LUNCH MEAT Lb. 55c Fresh Fryer-Roaster Belts Turkeys and LynJen Fryers Available FrICES GOOD JULY 2 and 3 Phones; (Groc.) 676-9614, (Meat) 676-9288 ltt nice to save twice low prices and S&H Green Stomps MARKET """T BN Diana. Plans to make the trip j I later In the week.