Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, June 25, 1964, Page 8, Image 8

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    T.e Casualty Count imyM
I n
fC, i -Myites
i 42700 parson died in highway 1J.
Fielder, Johnson Elected at Meet
Robert Fielder of Heppner u
elected vice president of the
Northeastern Oregon chapter No.
169 of the Society of Real Eatate
Appraiser at their meeting
June 16 at Emigrant State Tark.
William H. Scharn. Jr, Pendle
ton. past president announce.
Bill Johnson of Heppner was
elected a director of the chapter.
Other officer chosen are: W.
S. (Bill) Thomas, La Grande,
president: Robert Wilklna. La
Grande. secretary-t",surt,r; an
Jame Aylward. Pendleton, and
Max Stevens. HermUton. directors.
Tax Research
Specialist Talks
To Wheal Growers
(.Continued from p l
..K.nl trf effsettln "1ft) tie.
tensive rvlltuiUU" In city
Oi.t:ir.lni U aitMlU-
of the rortland ih grade tour.
he presented a picture aiuum
hrm-hur which tell the tory
of agriculture which will be pre
aented to the 33 bova and ctrts
who spent the week end of
Atnll 24 '. in Morrow coumy.
rvhinv. chairman ff
the Youth Activities committee.
reported a sueveiui jmi
Llvestork show, sponsored bv
the IHecon Wheat Grower
leacue. at The Pa Ilea recently.
He urfed that the association
favor this activity In teaching
the youth of the state the Iue
of wheat as livestock feed.
Chairman Taul Tews preside!.
He railed upon Pick Wilkinson,
president. Morrow County Live
stock Growers awovlatlon. stat
ln that It Is necessary that the
wlu-st enmm association work
cIum-Iv with livestock Kroups.
W.Iklnson pointed out that the
present caitle situation Is not
cood and that forvtcn Import;
are r.oi only provldinc a lot of
competition for American crown
meat, but are taking awav a
market for muion ihwuh w
feed train annually. He further
emphasized that beef shipments
iHi,ili rfiirinl? the Dlt
few year have Increased -u
thousand percent, while New
Zealand shipments have increas
ed 16 hundred percent
Juvenile Cases
Involve Eleven
Good Selection ! !
Simmons Mattress Sets
SPECIAL -$99.50
Ph. 676-9432
rt.-ion tnvpnll are involved
In two separate Incident being,
1 acted upon In Morrow county I
Juvenile court. County Judge Os
car lterson states.
Six were In custody following
a recent party at lone. Beer was
Involved and Buddy Dwaln Tay
lor, an adult, w as charged with .
I giving alcohol liquor to person
iunder 21. He was sentenced to
six months In Jail when hei
pleaded Entity in Justice court
jof Oliver Creswick.
rtna nf th aht was remanded
'to the parents and the driver's
I permit of another was taken
ifrom him. The Judge assigned
the Juvenile to a worn aeian
in lone under the supervision or
Police Chief Eldon Tucker and
to WTitlng of essays on the sub
ject. "Why are Alcoholic liq
uors Prohibited to Juveniles.
ri. nfhor ari in aoDear In
Juvenile court in connection with
.thf ir.HrfpnL Thev are ac-
incr into Jack Van
Winkle's mountain cabin and
beer allegedly was invoivea.
Myron Huston was charged with
ii.,iiMi Dihriir linuor to per
sons under 21 years of age in
connection with this case and
was fined 5250 on June aucr
nionrttnp euiltv in Justice court
of Oliver Creswick.
Cancer Crusade
Tops 1964 Goal
Morrow county ha surpassed
t r Cancer Crusade goal,
the Kev. Ken Kbirun. county
chairman, reports.
Goal, set hy tha Cancer Soc
lety. was fcaal At the present
time. JUJ ha been received,
he ld,
-.. l.k Annm bv all
Crusade volunteers In the April
campautn In mT.T
hoped that the literature Klven
with regard to the "Seven Panger
Signals' will help save someone
Condon Invites
Public to Attend
4th Celebration
It wont be necc.irv fr Mor
row county residents to take to
the crowded Mghwava this
Fourth of Julv. There will be
big celebration nearby, safely
accessible by highway 2 to
It U Condon'a annual slam
bang Independence Pav celebra
tion, an event o popular more
than fM visitors attended the
Cilllam eountv seat last year.
Condon Commercial club. spon
sors of the fiesta, expect an even
greater crowd this year.
This year's theme will be
necrcatior I'nlimited" accord
ing to Jerrv Schrvlner. chairman
of the businessmen's committe
making anangements. The Idea
Is to show lsltors how much
variety there Is In the Mid-Columbia
area In sports. All organ
liatlons enterlnar floats in the
hie parade on Saturday are ask
edto u-e one of the outdoor npurt
as a theme for decoration. llepj
ncr organizations are cordially
Invited to enter floats and other
wise take part in the fete, said
A rodeo, sponsored bv the Gil
liam Wheeler Bit and Spur Club,
will be featured this year. Events
will be held at Gilliam county
fairgrounds on Saturday and
Sunday, July 4-5.
A full day of events ha been
scheduled for Saturday, the
Fourth. It will begin at 7:00 a.m.
Mrs. Neill Receives
Membership Jewel
A pleasant honor eama to Mr.
I. IK hl Wednesday evening
..t. ii nmhr uf Han
n. iwLih i.tiitf Nik 33 cam
Jo her home to present her with
a 25 vear veteran )ew for mem-
tilp In in organisation, Mrs.
hUI was III on May IS when
'jewels wer presented 10 ther
mem tier. Presentation t4 the
siireial (eweta was made ti aev-
J fia! other Inritibeta,
Refreshment were furnlhe,i
bv Mrs. lna Kelly and Mr.
Kuth Itergstrom and pleasant
octal evening wa enjoyed.
lpBdla rothars Dot wsk-
end at the home of Mr. and Mr.
U D. Nelll were their son-ln-Uw
and daughter. Mr. and Mr.
Seal Knighton of Kennewirk.
W. On Sunday Mr. and Mr.
Kenneth lUttv and Gall were
callcra at the Nelll home.
When you patronize Garette
Tlmea advert Iwrs, ou help
make better paper. Tell them
you saw It In the Uacette-Times.
'Dearer Burger'
Party Scheduled
A -Buret-r lir
U hedulcl at MM ti. W. Ing
tarn Ave.. Vrulletn, lrtrn i 3
and 7 lm SuihIsv tvl f
NKjnd student, especially thie
L,.k if.taie who are
Interested In attending tHegon
State I'nlversltv. n itxuru.
IVndletoa announce,
rt. . I. insl under the
"OopoilunUv OU" prociam ai4
OSU student parti. Ipatln will
be Itmh tlornlng. iienrv i-oirn-ten.
Kill M'Hae. Jan M.Oidy
,nd Mise ration. 1 n;
dleton; Nancy Itugg. I1M
Jan U-segang and Ie
MHh of llermlston: and laul
Thrne. Ilella.
ihin.iu nt the oartv I ta ac
quaint students with the oppor.
tunltle available at OSU and t
. i. - .t.i.iortt an lilea OI
what b ee1 at college lur
ther Information mav be obtain,
ed from Mis MeCurdy ll'h. i'.o
01TJK IVndleton.
Tell th advertiser you saw It
In the Gaiette Ttmea
patients who hat tctvt
medical rare durtn thm paat
week, then dismissed wera th
Mlowtnt: Walter lekrtt, llepp.
net; lanir Van rHlfk. H'l'P
ner; Janwa Farley. Ileppiter; John
Joy, rusall; lansy Vtronv
lone; tilen-la hheltuft. Klniua,
and Ully Marlln, Itrpprwr.
lltu admitted and si 1 11 re.
rrU tna rare are IM f.lkwlni;
I larvrue Ibmewall, lleppnefj
iintfh isatrr. Ite: Kar ltamt-
Mh. C"n, and lee ttatu
i lone.
Justice Performs
Two Wcddingi
Two marriage reremonle have
been performed recently by Ol
er tieswik. lleH'ner Justin
of the eaoe.
He otflrlaled Saturday fdht
at the wetblln of Kenneth Carl
Couture and Judy Mart Grosh
en In the home of ber parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Victr Gnwhens.
On June 9 AMn Ivltirrt hr
hw of 1 u-htmile and l-ucy Ham
ilton Hrre of lne WTre married
In Ihe justice f Itte ace cham-lM-ra
In Ihe nurthoue.
-nA-s'iie f rrr
- -3e " V V JT..
. : uEKlM eATZZjCv,.i j r--
JOB pROvro
Mountains. marshea. snnd or snow-nothing faze the 4-wheel
drive 'Jeep Universal! The deep-digging traction of 'Jeep'
4-whccl drive make its own road to your favorite flahlnf
pot no matter w here it is ! And for fast, economical highway
driving, just flip the lever to 2-w heel drive. It been use tested
and abuse tested over millions of mile of rugged ervlce.
Come in and ee the incomparable 'Jeep' Universal tooayi
KAISER Jeep CORPORATION rouoo i oh,o
s;i;etv;KcU,,,THE greatest show oh miff' (Tues., 9 P.m. ch. m
3 to 6x
S M law
Such a tiny price for machine-washable
sets. Prints,
solids. Assorted weaves
and colors In quality
combed cotton.
sizes 7 to 14 1.44 each
Sleek fitting stretch nylon
tops to top off all your
skirts, pants and shorts!
Exciting collection of neck
line styles . . sleeveless!
8-18 r
Hurry to Penneys for big
savings on these sprightly,
color-matched, two piece
combed cotton knit Ja
maica sets. Short have
full cotton lining for shape
retention with side zipper.
We don't fly airplanes,
We can't train elephants,
We're not good cooks,
We don't build airplanes,
We'll probably never go to the moon,
We don't raise wheat,
We don't practice law,
We can't set a broken leg,
We can't hang wallpaper,
We don't sell clothes,
We're not painters,
We can't fit shoes,
We don't fix TV sets,
We don't sell furniture,
We don't know jewelry,
We can't fill prescriptions,
We don't savvy hardware,
We don't sell groceries,
We can't make lumber,
Ph. 676-9228
Dealer For Moore Business Forms Mailwoll Envelopes