VALJT IWTWtlUit cnvMOt Jtrv. Kenneth iUblnort. tatof Sunday srrw. and worship t W " mmmmmmm CHURCH Of THE KAZAXCNC J. 11. Writer. I'aatur Hum C7S 3 Sunday efMrr; humUy r luMil, 10 ro. Morning wothlj.t, II a in. H VTA, f, 4 i tn. Kvrning ivlr. 7 30 pro. A55EM1LY OT COD CHURCH Itrv. Kill Alaup, paMuf Sunday im huol. H45 a rti. Morning worship, II ui am. r vrnln rtiiv 7 fxi m. 11iurMlav evrning, family aer cr. 7:30. IT. WILLIAMS CHURCH lorV Raymond rVar1 Matra, 9 13 in. Itrv Sunday SAVE Time and Money Shop HUMPHREYS Rcxall Drug 1st EVTHTTHIHa noM Hound Collars TO Lenox China S&H Green Stamps all saikti rrucoML . CliURUt Trw Itrv I. b;nrfr, ttr1if Holy ( iMrutiiriin !lly trirrjt M.tdayil 7 . A M , MM 7 , a ii . 10 ij A. XL MOfE ttmttRAJf CJJCBCH KcniM-th lioMntain, aiur Ailalta Mtrrl f hurrh Mhuol. t) O am Mould Mffi,ip at ii. no am SCVTNTH DAY ADVENTIST I.Iwimm lbiviL iatof raiuriy arm,-. iabbaUi lia,, a m. triurth. M-n I., , 1 1 m. V"'r li"ur radio rca4iaM ovrr KMJ r-yrty Sunday, i ( rn THE METHODIST CHURCH Itrv. Mlvln W. IHmii, aktor Church Kho.l, II 41 a m. Morning wi.flilp H.uo in. IT. fATMCaVS CHURCH Itrv. Itaymnd lu-ard Heppner Wrt kday Matte. T.M am. Sunday MtM-i, 7.3J and 11:00 am. LIXIKGTOrf CHURCH Of CHRIST Karl L, Soward, Pa?or Sunday iWl. l(J:0u am. Worship I1;UU am. Thur., 7:l p m. IONE UNITED CHURCH OT CHRIST Itrv. Walter B. (rowrll. pattor Telephone 422 7530 Summer schedule: Church 5-hKl and Morning Worth ip, y.M a.m. ill' x'-l t-S y (;." ft I Monument News ly MARTHA MATTEIOIf MO.Nlnlir.VT Mr. and Mr, ftutw U 7 MipUt ard "f, Itirh. arl. Iarrrll and Urian A Wal. KCffHtR CAfETTt TTME1. TlmMtey. faa IS. IK4 Son Visit! Dedfords Mr. and Mm lJ.n W. I BUI I IU-.j.d arxi thrr rhtlavo. f-mrly f AnrUtt. AJataa. Ijtmff. family "'f'' a yr.n.)d. Wn, l wt lr hmm 15, Trmplra had J"? (rrfiia. A f rwlogut f .r T- I""" V.tfih,n.,,'L!h 2'Itl"!'l l.i U & Calif, Oj-. KUi. tt.,vra hrr IM family will rnaka ita fririid, 1 y . ' IJ jL , ri rVmf. Tl.rlr horn al Anrh.. ty a nrphew. I m ard Trrnij ,lr damagrd In lh r uin jf &!r. and Mr. lirn T-rrs4 " . ". .. ., CHURCH Or JESUS CHRIST Or LATTER-DAT SAINTS Amaikon Lanioa Hall Arnold Raymond, Br. iTnldent rrlethxi mertlng at 9;J0 a jn. Sunday arhool al 10.30 a m. .Wramrnt arnlc at 11:30 a.m. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH ( harlrs V. Knox, mintitrr litble achool at W:45 a.m. Murnlnir worahlp at 11:00 a.m. Kvrnlnit worship, 7.1W pm. CYF mrrtlnK, H OO p.m. Clil Kho mtM-tinjj lt, 3rd Tliura.. 7:J0 p.m. NWd acratch pads? Get them at the Gau-tte-Tlmea. GOVERNOR MARX O. HATH ELD allpa a card Into a brack! on on of tha hundiMa ol talapbona trucki now eupiajinq uia ism thama of Oraoa Wtlcom. Inc. A. V. Smith (right), ganatol commarctal raanagar for Foci lie Northwoat Ball and ptoaidant of Oroaoa Wikamt, ald tba "artra doy tbama coo aubataatlaUy booat tourUt rovonuaa tor tha atata thia yoar. Boardman News 'CALIFORNIA VISIT DISNEYLAND Attractive accommodation Juit mlnutca from Diane y 1 a n d and Knott'a Berry Farm. All units have free TV. alr-condltlonlnfr and heat. Spacious (rounds with heated pool, play and recreational area. (Hi ld mrr from lant wetk) Mr. Ronald Black rnttiialn ed at hr home Iat Thurnday with a lunchron for thi faculty of lilvrrKldf llich uliwd and Boardman Grade achool. Guct wrre Mr. ami Mr. !tpr l-roiix. Mr. and Mr. Iton Daniel. Mrs. LaWrn fart low. Mr. Ity Part low. Mm. Zix Billlnc. Mr. Ruth fov. Mra. Dtlla Llnday, Jim Harper, Dante Daltri, Mm. Tel Talhott. Mr. and Mr. Kotn-rt llarwood and Mr. Ralph Skoubo. Thoe attendinff the Memorial ervire at Hepjmer Friday for KMher KirmU Included Mr. Ber- nard Donovan, Mr. Karl Brlges. Mrs. Arnold llollman. Mr. Claud Wurden and Mrs. W. G. .Seehafer. Grfir liedord aceompanlefl Tommy Olln of Irrigon to C'teur d' Alene, Idaho, to visit at the home of Tommy's crandparents, Mr. and Mr. Jim Preston, for two weeks. Mr. and Mr. Claud Worden and Mr. and Mr. Gene RIsley and children Butch, Melody, Bobbie and Tnmmv. Rent the weeit end at Payette. Ida., at the Home Loan Funds Made Available To Rural Areas Rural HouKing loana ' are available through the Farmers' Home Adminl-fratlon to farm owners and owners of other real estate In rural area and com munities not over 2,500 population. Funds may be used to con struct or remodel homes that are modest In size, design, and cost. Hv.entlal farm service buildings may alio be financed. Rural housing loans are made only to applicants who arc un able to obtain adequate credit from private lenders. Rural senior citizens who are 62 years of age and over may use loans fund to buy a house already constructed or buy a site to build a home. funrta ronnftf lw tiwt tn home of Mr. and Mr. Dallas ,inQn ,ik, :.nM k, ronnman. .Mr, msicy ana mci ody, Bobbie and Tammy remain ed Here to visit this week. A Excellent restaurants and shop pinj; centers nearby. Credit cards honored. POLYNESIAN Motel 641 S. Brookhurst ANAHEIM. CAL. FREE! Will, t llil ml mw ItAVtl OLflPf tilling fln lolt Item cooil M tomt, Iimt M W aifMvd by Cwa'u a' Miiiof Hoitli. Mrs. Iktnald Herrlnl and Mrs. Alvln Haman entertained at the Herrin home with a double pink and blue shower In honor of Mrs, Milton Barron and Mrs. Larry Kenny. Guests were Mrs. George Ardry. Mrs. Dclbert Ball. Mrs. Bill Barcer, Mrs. Jim Chatfield, Mrs. Kenneth Gamblin and Mrs. Orvllle Kstcs. Those unable to attend who sent RifLs were Mrs. Fmmctt McKenzle and Mrs. Jim Henry. Mrs. Donald Sledce entertain ed with a party at her home last week in honor of the eiRhth birthday of her daughter Sherrie. Guests were Linda Ball. Billle Bedord, Becky Banzer. Melody Rislev. Ronda Corriell, Aria Thornhlll, Marlon McKenzle and Frankle Flock. In games played prizes were won by Becky Ban zer and Frankle Flock. Graveyard services were held at Boardman RIvervlew Cemetery Monday at 2 p.m. for Ray Olson, who died May 28 at PrlnevUIe. He was a resident here over 30 years ago. Week-end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Sicard were Mrs. Sicard's brother-in-law md sister, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hoi- singer and children Jessie, Jennie and Bob of Grants Tass. now built unless the applicant is 62 years of age. A applicant must presently be without a home that is decent, safe, and sanitary. All loans must be adequately secured to protect the Government and a sound repayment plan must be developed. Additional information may be obtained at the Farmers Home Administration office at 105 S. E. Byers Avenue, Pendle ton, Oregon, each Monday. IRRIGON NEWS Complete Line of PGQG0CJALIZG ffi" ANNIVERSARIES, COFFEE TIME. WELCOME, OTHERS FOR ANY OCCASION thai PcnonaOzsi Wedding and Guest Books, Match Books Monogrammed Playing Cards GAZETTE-TI THE M ES (Held over from last week) Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nice of La Grande. Kldon Hobbs and Donna and Mrs. Floyd Willis of North Powder and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hobbs of Baker were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hobbs and iamily. The Assembly of God Junior High Sunday school class had a barbecue Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Partlow, honoring the 8th grade graduates in the class. Following the barbecue, the group played crochet, and concluded the even ing by attending the youth ser vice at the church. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hill left Fri day for a month's vacation. They plan to visit relatives at Cov ington, Kentucky and Clncinatti, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Koch and family have moved to Redmond, where Koch is assistant manager of the Redmond Safeway Store. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Clark of Parkdale and Miss Janice Parker of Seattle spent the week-end visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Parker and family. Mr. and Mrs. John Swearingen and Geraldine drove to Enter prise Memorial week-end and visited Swearingen's mo t h e r, Mrs. Maude Swearingen, Mr. and Mrs. Truman Poulson and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Poulson. The A. C. Houghton School Library will be open during Jun and July on Tuesdays from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. The library will be closed during August. Mr. and Mrs. Bui Graybeal held a family gathering at their home Memorial Day, with the following relatives attending: Mr. and Mrs. Max Grabeal, Gary and Jerry, Mrs. Doshia Brownell, Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Chapman of Walla Walla, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Berry of Portland, Miss Snow McCoy of Hermiston, Mr. and Mrs. Jack McFall and Cathy of Kennewick, Mrs. Max Graybeal, Sr., of Umatilla, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Graybeal, Mrs. Ruth McCoy, Warren McCoy, Mrs. Myrtle Markham, Mr. and Mrs. Al Partlow and Sheryl of lrrigon, and Mrs. Letha Chand ler of Toppenish, Wn. The group had a potluck dinner, and spent the afternoon visiting. r.f John Day. Howard will apt-nd tho aumnvr vacation on the WaMfiwa ranch. Mims Sandra and Linda Seattle tit I'rrnllrton are nd Ing two wrt-ka with their fc'and mother, Luia f-att!r. A bridal hwrr wa held Fri day rruinjr at th horn of Mr. and Mra. l:t-rt lort-r ! r Mr. Walter William, lb" former Ruth Stui t.t Lung Vtrrk, and riauchtrr of Mr. and Mra. John .Siutkl. Me rerelved many lovely Kif". Mr. and Mra. Io Flowrrt drove to Hepprwr Monday for medical treatment, Lmorv M'"re accompanied Wayne Leather and Ben Spain, manager of Columbia Power Co op, to coop meeting In Bur. ley. Ida., Iat week. Ml ItSZY Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mr, lwt Aimer of Klmberiy. wu united In mar. rlage recently to logrr An mead, ann of Mr. DorU Ash mead of Fossil. The ceremony took place In Altura. Cal.f. Gene Hunt accompanied them. They also visited In the home of Ms cousins, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Matteaon and family. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hill and daughter Glenda of Lexington, and another daughter, Mr. Bob Sweeney of Pilot Rock, spent last Friday visiting friends. They came for their daughter, Stella, who had been visiting at the L'lzy Emory ranch. Lldon Deardoff. government -"fwr Irft Tuesday morning for SUters to attend a convent ion. He Is being transferred to McDerment, Nev. Mrs. Harry Scott and two sons, and Mr. and Mrs. timer Matte son drove to Pendleton Monday for medical and dental appointments. Ray Davis, Jr, passed his test for the Air Force at Portland 11 &t wocDc Several new decorations have hm added to the Interior of the community church. Beauti ful red cloth hangings add to the beauty, donated by Maynard Hamilton, with sewing done by Mrs. Ethel Leathers. Other ad dltlons are new curtains, new pulpit and table covers. Applegare Makes Straight 'A' Marks Shan Applegate of Heppner, son of Mrs. Gertrude Applegate, has concluded the second sem ester of his freshman year at Carroll College. Helena, Mont, with a straight "A" record, the college has announced. He was one of 18 in the col lege of approximately 900 stu dents to achieve a 4.00 record. An additional 218 made the honor roll bv accumulating an average of "B" or better in their course work. Shan, who graduated from Heppner High school in 1963 as an honor student, is now at home and working In the Heppner Ranger district of the U. S. For est Service. wdd It. Mr and Mr Jack ed ford are offer in thrlr homo t ! hero teauM of Ma trans fr to Portland with !ru Flrt National Bank. II l eapnted to M on duty iher after AuguM 1 after concluding Ma work a manager of the llrppner branch of the bank. Roroat visitors ot tho of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ayrrs were a nw-ce. Mis. Leslie Prulit. of Korfncfieid. and Mr. Ayer" trotter, William Fur 4 I'rndleton. They arrived Jun 12 and taved until lat Thursday, Crd Marl and Barbara All ttott. daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde AlUtott are homo from (pending two weeks In Grrsham with their grandmother, Mrs. Dolly AlhttotL Mrs. Rasmus Takes World's fair Trip tt ftatnk ftawnu Uft Wl, iwaay on lui'hem l'c,fi train from Pwlland f th Kcw Yoti WotMs lair on rmdue. trj u-vt. Tt tout wUl $ ttirourh OiltV then WiMh. ton. U. c, ltKt!m4 and Wtl. HamttHirf. Va, tarfur gwinjt on Nw k City. ftors win b rr.J at many hUtwW-a lcr of lfitrtrt rn rmito on tiiO thrro wrrka tr it. Mrs. Raamua drwvo to iNirtland arty this w for th d. parturo. f i t M4fe4 . - " 5 1 Null I rr Hi GAZETTE TIMES nifUlfll M ty PIPE jhILIX 2 A lb JMES D1B1BK! fmmm .. 7"- y. ? . 'it ' y ' X V : 1 J V ' . ;- ; N :, ; ! LV:K ' " V : -V The tonic of hearing this young fellow's voice over Long Dis tance cured his lonely grandmother of the blues the other eve ning. How about you? Have you shared your voice with distant loved ones lately? (It's even more fun when you dial your call direct.) Why not call this evening after 6 PM when lower rates begin? PACIFIC NORTHWEST BELL New Ford Mustang . . . sportiest buy of the yearl The hot line this year is the long Ford line! And the hottest number in the line is Mustang-a runaway success car over night! On top of that we've got the sizzling track record of our big Fords to celebrate. So come in now for the hottest trades in the West on Fords, Fairlanes, Falcons . , . even Thunderbirds. Trade now and save! i on o o FORD HAS THE BIG RECORD IN OPEN COMPETITION! HO. fort m m II 1 to! U Nf H-i IIAJCAI M n4 Wet M-tol fOROS I F0R0S DATE TRACK FINISHED DATE TRACK FINISHED H7-U CrariotM. N. C. I.UI M-3 Clwloltt, . C. t.,?,ll UMI Atoim.01. 1.1 " Dll-t UJJ ,,,, rwita-ta. it ill ll-U-CS Aml Gi. 1,1, "J MM U.I, 5,1 l 41 liwaJt, ClM. 1.1 J 23 M brttM Buck. fL 1. 1 124-U D,ytM Ittrt, Ti. 1.J.S,(,!,tl SM Allwla.Ga. 1.1 H7-H MU.St H CmrtHti,W.C .I.,H mmm mm sal Heppner, Oregon