nttrntM cAirnr. times. mrdar. tt IM4 300 Increase In 4-H Agricultural Awards t ... I r i i . i -.."," iU ,2 MEDALS -lf- 3fZ AWARDED' r r.V'l I N MtiAS IV4 lJ i J4 14 i j u ajt v nan i It mill moh awards time la 4 H. and this year should see tarty J. wlaaeni added U the steadily griming list ef top rated afrlraltural clue Bembera. Fifty of the 800.000 boys and cirls enrolled in the national 411 Agricultural program will win a free trip to the National 411 Club Congress in Chicago next November. Six will re ceive a 1500 scholarship and the remainder will merit county tr.rdals. Delegates to the Congress will help to celebrate 10 years of sponsorship by International Harvester in this particular pro gram. However, the company has supported 411 In several areas since 1919, according to Agricultural projects under taken by 4 H'ers throughout the state help to improve the home farm and to prepare the way for future jobs on and off the farm. Local 4 H Cub leaders, county and state extension workers, parents and residents of the community all have a share in helping the youngsters select and complete one of the many projects in the agricultural pro gram. The county extension office can supply additional informs- the National 4-H Sen-ice Cora- tion about foining a 4-H Club nifte. J or organi7' new one. Pendleton '100' Air Race Offers Thrills, Sfunfs Deafening rvar cf combat flrhlcf I'tanes am th com par ativr putt putt cf rarly day plant, breathtaking Munis. rarnvnlartr transfer. rrcuUrly rrs1uUsl landing of but rtm- mml atrlinra, pleasure rlts n hflUMiiers ant a mult I rnfiine aircraft all trwt ar part of tht array of entertain mrnt awattlnir siwtators at th IVnulcton "Uaj . International Chamnionnhlp Stk Airplane Itacea surttne. Saturday, June 27. at the Pendleton Municipal Airport Tod pilots from amw this country an.t Canada tll gult their hurt line hlpn, about W feet off the ground, around a four-mil court, keeping onlv a hairbreadth away fnm tfu pylons that mark the tertmeter trie rioMM pour. Spectators will view the en tire race, and all other artiv. lues, from start to finish from their vanti,: point tight in the center of the airport where parking has been arranged 'for 4..vo cars and l.iXX) private planes. In this aerial classic, which U comparable to the Dayton a stock car race or the Indianapolis "SOO" except tnat these are planes and they follow the same circular race course but in the air, entries are Indicated from 13 states and those already re celved include four of the top pilots In the U. S. and Canada. But, back to the spine-tingling air show two P-51 Mustangs said bv many combat pilots to be World War li s best airplane. will rev up their mighty en gines and put on what's been called one of the most outstand ing acrobatic demonstrations in the country. The Mustangs will appear both Saturday and Sunday. Fri day is the day set aside ex clusively for the qualification and timing of the race pilots while Saturday and Sunday will feature the heats, the final 100" and the thrilling air show. Gates open at 10 ajn. each day. MM,rtMiifl.ji Ms, -a. i iir 11 1 if i : fin Inn He's Gone To Get Ready For Heppner's Sidewalk Bazaar JULY 10 AND 11 Mr. A Mr. ImX HU ! tm Un.t spent the week end al the b.Hive t.f hr parrnis, Mr. and Xlra. A. t. neper. Tliey were ae tvntpanied by their son, tarry, and bv (iary lkk i4 f.valli, UKh 4 wh.-m will st-riid the uinntrr at the bunve 'f the grandparents. Points of Interest Visited in Pendleton On Mtndy the K-neef C4o errttr nkinit rlob nk a tup t. vntletn. We Ultrl a bakery, the windeti rt'lll. a furn iture fiii t or v and watt he,! planes at the alrixxt. We did miiic chopping d had bieakfatt and lunih III IVndlrtofi. IIhmk- takln the trip were Judv Ban lev. Tana Itaurh. Diana Cutofoilft. Muhrlle Miller anil our leader, Mrs. Mary 1H hcrty. Michelle Miller. rrptrr Houso Trailer Use Climbs in Morrow Oregon counties are ruw i. rrlvlnit rhnka with Ihrlr share tif the l'.i tutu trailer lac. tt-tHtliKK bi Vern U Hill, dire-, tor of the lrwiitment f Mtir Vehicle. tlitt said eiHintle will recrlve SI,taMJ (M jear. an Imreaw i f ovrr the I kVI dUtrl button. Miwrw nniiilva alter if the collix tltnv, baM-tl mi Xl hnuMt trailer appllratlona. U fMrmtt. Hi In roittpaira with tMJ9 re relvel lant )ear for 174 appll ratlima. Tlte fee la mile, ted by the de. bailment In lieu of a lft-rrty tax on houae trallrra. alone with a flat $i llrrne charge. Ihe fee a baed on twit rr tent iif the ttiaikrt value of the trailer. JUSTICE COURT Art Crawford Goes Back to San Jose After several weeks in Hepp ner, during which time he at tended the annual Morrow coun ty Memorial picnic and visited with relatives and friends. Ar thur R. Crawford left for his home in San Jose. Calif- Satur day. He accompanied Frank W, Turner as far as Portland, the latter oin to the Rose City tor Father s Day. While here. Crawford was house guest at the home of his sister. Virginia C Turner. ora mae Ferguson and Mary Schwarz are also sisters. "These wonderful June raJns are certainly out of this world," commented Crawford, who add ed that the rain followed him into Morrow county and contin ued to follow him as he left He wouldn't admit for a minute that he is any "rain maker." Mrs. Jim (Madge) Thomson registered Monday for a two week summer school session at Oregon State University, Corval lis and will reside at West Hall She is taking an education course in techniques of study,, adding credit hours to up-date requirement for her teaching certificate. . .... .vr :-:?7: C 2f5Sh 'S. TO . ttTJxVd MnilMTAIM .feKKS i June ft Lucille Proebstel. IVn dleton. v E. L. Litfr. action tor forcible entry and detainer. Writ of restitution was Issued against defendant on June 12. June 10 Jim Valentine, chare- ed with larceny by bailee on in formation of felony filed by Mer vin Leonard. Bail set at 500. and date of preliminary hear lng to be set. I June 10 Buddy Dwain Tay I lor. charted with giving aleo nolle liquor to persons under years of age. Sentenced to six months in the county Jail. June 12 Armin Richard Wlh Ion. Jr.. charged with giving ale oholic liquor to persons under 21. fined J250. June ia Paul Garland Petty John, Jr, lone, charged with giv ing alcoholic liquor to persons under 21. Fined $100. June 22 Donald Lee Hunt, non-resident angling license, fined $100. Suspended upon re linquishing fishing license. June 23 Myron Luther Hus ton, charged with giving alco holic liauor to persons under 21 years of age, fined $250. June 5 Joseph P. Palmer, Lexington, disobeying stop sign. Bail of $15 forfeited. June 5 Franklin Mitchell, Chapman. Spray, defee 1 1 v e equipment, fined $10, $5 sus pended. June 5 Vernon E. Prock, 3200 lb. group axle overload, $64 ball forfeited. June 12 Marvin Amundson, Improper passing, fined $20, $10 suspended. Mav 31 Buddy Dwain Taylor. violation of the basic rule, fined $25, $15 suspended. May 7 Lewis L. McDonald, no stop light, $10 ball forfeited. June 6 Keith Wlssel, Carna tion. Wn.. obstructed rear vision, bail of $10 forfeited. June 7 Lavern G. Hams, lone, allowing, unlicensed person to drive a motor vehicle, fined $15. M,rJnirfhhnre Ala J tliigUilVlfl 1 ' era . rr i i We Propose... We rMMe that U-fore VOU lro l, you start a savings account to rovldd what It take to pay for rlnga, honeymoon, furniture and every thins; else that goes with weddlni; bells! The marriages moat likely to suc ceed usually have a sound financial foundation. A well planned pro gram of systematic saving m&kea the going smoother and happier through the yearn. 4 OPEN AN ACCOUNT TODAY FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION BOX 739 PENDLETON America's Most Thrilling Spectator Sport! mm 'Somebody forgot... ENJOY YOURSELF On The Fourth of July with all of us IN CONDON MANY INTERESTING EVENTS SCHEDULED SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE . . . FROM 1 to COMMUNITY BREAKFAST -GALA PARADE- GAMES AND RACES FOR THE YOUNGSTERS - RODEO - Y t?'4 l r "$'' I Y VVJ lyi ti International Championship IOO Mile Closed Course in every litter bit hurts" Gigantic Fireworks Display RODEO DANCE (Saturday Night) COME ONE COME ALL See You There 's Sun SpotlMS uyr. KEEP AMERICA BEAUTIFUL 1 &'"Y, ' I I PLANES FLY FROM 50 FT. TO 300 FT. ALTITUDE AROUND A 5-MILE RACE COURSE MARKED BY PYLONS ALL ACTION RIGHT BE FORE YOUR EYES I $4,500 PURSE DUANE COLE, Producer STOCK PLANES PENDLETON Oregon MUNICIPAL AIRPORT 'PEMDLETON BOO FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY JUNE 26, 27, 28 FRIDAY Qualifying Heats Tims Trials Admission Free Banquet Victory Party Friday and Saturday, 1 :30 p.m. Preliminary Heats Pendleton 'IOO Finals SPECIAL RACES Admlasion: Adults $1.50 Children 75c Queens Ball Parade l FOR INFORMATION Cowboy Breakfast Aircraft Auction CALL: 276-2742 PENDLETON Sponsored By Members ol Umatilla County Chapter, Oregon Pilots Association