Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, June 18, 1964, Page 3, Image 3

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    Dinner, Picnic
Slated Uy Elks
II.M.n.-r Mlm Mill lu.l.l a
m r mini iUiii . S.iluil(t. J n.'
ill. t llir Hk l. ii.l l.' II..- ilm
hi r Mill kUil mI t .hi i in mill
M-rlii! Mill roiillnut mil. I U hi
I'lll Mill lutvi Ihi-lr
lln.lif IhIMII'II tftt M
Imiil iIIiiihi iMiulhit Mill Mail
I 10 HI luil.
Sun.Uy. Juitf 71. IIio i:ik Mill
luil. I thrlr annual lu.i' ml (
f..Mli I'ark. Tlif I.hU'0 Mill ful-
IhIi ai, I' r I M ain ml luil l ,r
for t ! li lilt' ii(l wii ' Will Im'
traiiim for rrt)"iin. aivi 'linjf
lu ; iii (HMlrk, m lal i l.nliiniii
for I Ik I'-lf- Mi'iiiliiia art urg
nl In attiul I-'Hi luiii'l'ina
Hit ilriili' ami I In iIhim r art
for mi'iiilx'it ami lluir famlli-a
ami mil nf tnn uiU inl.
Degree of Honor
Holds Inspection
Kt- J Vnuni; lialtfi N ". i f
On h-i;nt of lluiinr I1niillr
AhwMlailDti imt fur ulati' UikjMi
II. .11. Juno al tin ( liri'lion
itiuiih Mllh all rnil tit nifln I
.i M ill imNi1lnK I'ffU rr v jt
( lara ll OrNm, Sta' I'lrwiiir.
Anlilh Hunt. NalhahiM' l(u!il!i
ami Kffiy MKf' mim- Itil.ati'ij
Into llu' lml:f. t n- Jui.lof K''J
U.iti-, Mis H.H'af.l lilaki'. Mai
M'i'Iri until
AiMr"N'H miti" i'Ivimi ly Una
II Cirl-.ii il Ma Karl 4 Al
llili Hint II a liMm.-.l lli.il
M( r.crl'Min in !. ii l iil
.fi.li-.l of OlrjriMl SI .lt Kr.l
imal ("oni'ii-vi Kr llii lnnr.
liifl Mrir iri'M-iiii'i in Iht '
tin I.mU: Al-". tin 'I'lll '
I'l rformi il ami llu Kl ' ' 1,1
sank Imu iiuiiili'i
Klll nirnil'iTH of MJkMi"li.i
iiU;i- No XI of ritillili M.n
prvMtii anil llii'ir jr-i i-it t in
vltiil llu im'inlii-f of Kalo J
Yuntf Uf Bill-mi .M.i:iiIm
IimIri Ma' lusmt lion. Juni -M
Tin' MmrtmlU pn-xl'li'tit alv lr
Mtitl tin" I'frii.ti-iit of Kali J
Young wild a gift.
Th. nm Mfto ilii-ornli-il mIUi
lu-autlful floMiM ami fan,
rarrylnc out thr trii-mi' of "fan
nt fatilai-y" with a colorful
anl lastiful f fit 1 Tlw hoiU iw
vs. Th1a Strattoi. lli-mln- .Sash,
ami Joyn Tomiisi-ikI wrvod tin
Kria a ilflicioua rrfn-Nlinu-i.t
of MraMbi-rry shortiaki'.
Ti I'Mlk! will ", ,lt'1
miH-tlni: Juru .H).
Ginny Turner Graduates
From St. Paul School
M. liinny u Turner
iUiii'IiIi r 4 Mr ami Mr !uiialt
K 'lurmr. a-alii;lun. wltsj
lnr itii'liiina fi.'in S. I'aula
Silim.l f .i CliU In Walla Walla.
Wn . M"intay inoinlm:. Juim I
MiMi Turmr fiaa wii-i aa Ui
n l l. tit of tho ktuili'tit lly
1 ur lic tlii )rar.
Amttlii-r lii.l nt of tlti mIkmiI
It I'ami'M llou.lfinil. ilaunhtif
of Mr ami Mra John lioiiilfat.
uiii. Mini haa Just mi'li-lii
lni firliniNii ar
Tin tfiint !-ml CommriM
mi'i.l of tlii m IhmiI Mat al tin
last ion' uii'l.r tin alinlnlstra
Hon of Mis Il.tlMitf 'fli. In a. I
inlstii'sa Sinn l'l.'l. Mlsa ZinH
ha Iwi-n affiliJli'l Mlth Hit
j. I. .m ir rnllrr n-Miratory
Sewing Club Meets
The Tm-n Si-amiTs wi"MlnK
club mrt June U Ire the lone
IllCh whool rnfi-tiTla. We U-usM-d
lilraa for our Ixmth at the
fair. One was wlirled and Ja
M-rre pawntl out among u. The
Iflrls laid out their Rarmenta.
ami Mr. Ilea chinked the Morlt.
June 26 ha been m-Uvted a
the date for the next meetinR.
Karen Nelson. rejorter
Family Attends
Mill City Wedding
In Mill ltv f..r the Saturday
Mi-ihlinn of IIhIm-M Criy of !
ler and Mis ('and Ann Sievena
.f llalra Mere Mi-rl memtx-r
f the eriMiin'a family M"torln
from Iti'i'i'iirr Friday. Mere Mr.
and Mrs M-fritt ;iey ami ami.
I.ivid. Mr and Mr, Mike (.ny
and daughter Susan. Mra I.. K
Kuhl ami Mr nd Mr Skii
Oilier formerly residing In the
i!iiily. Mini atteiuliil. Mi re Ilie
j:rK.in's mother. Mr tlene riny
ami his sislrr. Kl"rrlie- (JrrV.
Im.Ui of ll.rmlsioii Mrs I. K
Mikesrll. S.liiiM. and Mr. and
Mis Ki.it Ciey and d.niKhliT
TaMiile, ..f roi'laml ls.i atteru:
ed the rilrl!l"ny.
Footc-Harris Wed
In Boise Ceremony
Travellnt; lo Boise for t.ie
Jum 1.1. nuptial of Marn t
Kltfihi-th Ko"ti'. loi'. ard
Itemi I. Harris, Ile.ner. Mere
the groom 'a aren'a, Mr and
Mr. Mike S.illnj; ami tl.elr
(laughter Paul Other attend
ing the Boise Miildlng Included
the groom'a grarnlpnrert. Mr.
and Mr A. T. Ilarrl. Mr Lena
Kelly. Mr. arid Mr. Creston P it.
Inw.n ami children Vlrkl and
IVan and Mr. ami Mm. Darrell
Ilarrl and their wn.. Boh and
John, all of Ileppner.
Attending the ceremony from
othiT Hilnta Mere these iwrvirw.
all well known locally; Mr. and
Mm. Ion llevener. Portland. Mr.
and Mr. Harold Hill. Coo Bay.
Mr. Lcland Mi-Glrr. Jr.. Fox. and
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Healy of
Mrs. Dick Borman. along with
her daughter and grandchildren,
Mn l.vmla Dunlan. Dvrk and
Lorl. jant Saturday and Sunday
at Lehman Spring.
iwliiiol Mttlill Ma foundtnl In
IKU during Waidilriftoii Terrl
li.ilal ila hy an l'la-oal
mUslonary, the Itev. Umu' l H
Wi ll. A .ro,:n kUe adiiiti.ltra
..r. Mlsa Zal ha hen liead of
I ha hiMd klme 1'JlX
foiintieiaiiieiit Mee k . 0 n d
atarted with tla fay rcr
rlsra on the a hool campua. May
y) sholatle honor Mere an
noumH and varied program
(4 drama, dancing and f.hyaleal
educa'lon aiUvltlea hm pre-
sented I'arerita. faculty, atuMriU
and friend of the a luml attend
,i the laa Hay dinner In the
evening Mlsa Zofh Ma tu
fi-aiured Meaker. Ttie M-nhrf
ilas preM-nted the achool M-lth
an oil i-irtralt of Mim Ztith,
Tii HiiImIi? 7irb Ieselopmed
Fund Ma announced Mhlch Mill
1. i,.ri of the i.rei.aratlona for
the IfKHh anniversary of the
m tiool In W72
Baixaluareate aervlce held
In St. Paul' Fplvopal church.
May 11, Mlth the lit. IU-v. I(um-II
Siurgl Huhhard, Bishop of Si-1
kane and lU-elor or the acni.
delivering the M-rmon.
Ilahtd Fmanuel Itose of the
Congregation Beth Israel In
I'ortland gave the addreaa at the
Commencement exerclhea alsx)
held In St. Paul" church on
Monday morning. June 1.
N.nt fall Mis Zorh will he
almlnstratie asslstarit for St.
Hil.la and St. Hugh co edu
1 .lav m Ik M.I In New Vork
City. Mhich I conducted by the
Community of the Holy Spirit
of the Kpiscopal (hurch. Mi
,.rh plan to maintain lier
lrmanenl home at Hurricane
Creek In the WalloMa Moun
tain near Joseph and to kjwnd
her nimmi'M there.
In July. Mis Catherine Cole
man. Mho ha been head
mlMrc of the llanah More
Aiademy at Helsi-rtoMn. Md. for
eight year. Mill assume the
administration of St. Paula
Leathers Reunion
To Be Held Sunday
The IOOF hall In Hardman
Mill be the acene. Sunday. June
21. of the annual leather fam
ily reunion. Friend and rela
tive of the family are asked
to convene at the hall at 10
a.m. There Mill be a potlucK
dinner at noon and each la re
quested to furnish his own eat
ing utenslla. ,
IF YOU need a rubber tamp for
any purpose, call at the Ga-lette-Tlmea
office. All atylea of
type, all size of lUmpa avail
able promptly.
Coming Cvenls
rilOAT. Jum II
Amwtroa U9m and Auxiliary.
olat iuloUatuA 01 nw l
IUtvii. Mall. pja.
flatkoha. 10OT ball p.m.
Bb4 Cik Ciao'j Bootr Nljht
tiaft. Grarj hall. Dot lurk
dlaaer al fiM paw, IUowad
Vy apactal program.
fUHDAT. Juim 21
rtakaf'a DdV
Annual Clka picnic at Cuttforth
f cuk, atartlmj at II a.m.
MONDAY, lun 22
Ordar of Ecu Urn Star, Maaonlc
halL I D.m.
Chamber of Coinmarca, Wagon
WbML noon.
Odd rail. lOOr ball, I p m.
Sacood Clka' Lodla Nil, dlnoar
ard al 1:30 pa, apiol
riag Day 5enrtca will pit
cad ladg and card party.
Mr. Wonl Wllkinaon rttura-
eil Saturday from a month
vacation In HaMaii and M.utlurn
California. While in California.
kite met her brother In law and
hlsti-r. Mr. and Mr. Bay S her-
ringer, and the three of them
flew to Hawaii, Mtn-r.- they vis
it et the various Islands.
Week-end Visit
Planned at Hayden's
A family gathering at the Mar
km 1 1 a) il.-n horn thl week rnd
lmlu.4d the presence of all four
of Mi llayden'a aona and their
farnilie From out f town for
the get together Mere Mr. and
Mr Allnrt Burkent.lm and
Michael, and Mr and Mm. Merle
liurker.blne, l.inda. Terry. Nicky
and Wayne, all d Al-na. Mich..
!r and Mm Lloyd hurkenblr.e,
l.ynn, Jy and Ann. of ort.
lad. and lteee Burkervblne and
Mm, B.bby, of Medical Lake. Wn.
Couple to Wed Sunday
In lone Ceremony
Mis Judy Morgan and Gerald
Allen Davidson, both of lone,
Mill exchange marriage vow
Son d.i v afternon. June 21. at St
William Catholic church In lone.
The ceremony ha been n-t for
1 00 pm. The couple will git
those aterwllng at a widiJliii: re
ception at the American Legion
hall In lone Immediately acer
the ceremony.
The eounle and barenta of the
bride to be, Mr. and Mr. Lloyd
M. Morgan take thl rneftrs of
extending a cordial Invitation to
friend and relative In the arei
to attend the Medding and reep-Hon.
Httttttn CAXCTTCTIMC. Taumdar. jun.ll IK4
rbona 7f StaS
Legion Plans
Joint Installation
To Seat Officers
U-elonnalrea and auxiliary
member are urged to turn out
Friday evening for the Amer
ican Let Ion Post K7. Installation
of officer Frank Iteyberg. Ma
iHt A Commander, of l"endle-
ton. and Dwirlct 6. Legion Aux
iliary prewident. U'l Kogera or
1 Crarxle. will Mat the new
officer at the Joint Ins'allation.
Immediately following the In
stallation, that Mill get undr
u.mv at M n rn. In the Legion hall,
thoM attending will enjoy a
aoclal evening. lUfreshment
Mill In? aerved.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hutch on
ar. anendinc this week at the
coast, visiting frlenda and rel
ative In the Taft vicinity. They
are expected home this Meek-end.
Rhea Creek Grange
Booster Party Set
Granger, frlenda and anyoim
Imerestiil In grange, are cord
tally Invited to attend the Uhea
Creek Grange BooMer Msht
party. The affair will be held at
the grange hall Saturday. Jure
20, Mlth a potlu k auppcr at
p m
Many plana have materialised
t the fun filled evening. High
light of the evening m ill In
clude a -elal musUa! program
and special honor to dad In a
pre-Fathers' l)ay obsi-rvanre.
Mr. and Mrs. Boa Cray and
their daughier. Tawnte. have
tntAt-A hark to Hcobncr for the
summer from Portland where
Grey has been attending Mult
nomah Junior College. He Is cur
rently employed locally and
they are staying at the home
of hl parents. Mr. and Mrs.
MiTrltt Grey.
AUAMYa IW8T ouautv m
2 DAYS ONLY - JUNE 22 ond 23
! Rj 'fth . &
i I It! g' . , 'JT I' S"p, .
' H Mi I
krv ,Xa
Beautiful 5x7"
for only
Do your baby-bragging with a beau
tiful photo . ."worth more than a
thousand words." Get a completely
finished photograph for only 59f
You will not be urged to buy but if
you wish the remaining poses they're
yours for 1.35 for the first, 1.25 for
the 2nd and $1 for any additional.
arc IIMIT R vonra Onn or two children
" TTownv at pfmncy'S per family will be photographed singly
PIXY PIN-UPS EXCLUSIVELY AT PENNEY 5 P for firgt picture Eftch
PHOTOGRAPHERS hours: additional child under five, 1.50.
Large flfi Jepsen EGGS--3c Doz,
Sunshine Bisquit Assorted
Large Hi-Ho
Tomato Onion
Large Checsir
Sesame Cheese
No. 2Vi Can
Dundee PORK and BEANS 3 for 69c
LEMONS . . . Doz. 49
ORANGES . . 8 for $1
X fnr nVc cube steaks
T-Bone lb 89c
SLICED BACON, 2 lb. pkg $1.19
-10 for $1
-,.rrc r.f.nn IHNF 19 ond 20 Phone,; (Groc.) 676-9614, (Meat) 676-9288
It's nice to save twice
low prices and S&H
Green Stamps
9;JU UUi aw tr'