Httrtti cAicrrt TiMtt. rfctu4T. N it. IONE NEWS nv and lUtnlecw M t , r tir.irv the rrhman I rl.u with a fatty ',; Notice of Budget Clearing l;n, . HVA. beginning Julv 1. l''l. a detailed Mr. Mm ittrir tonne on xsoftoajr c TW fUlr f party .. i rUumatrtV. Louie tltU c M U mi ir l Oklahoma, arwt lu Jlrj mrr. C.ifl ptecf led to ikm ty in t!ur"! IJnda Howell. UU"1 " .it MaUL fcmr.i II) nd. Sandy r,rt. Vircll !.n. Jerry M.fanl. Motile Cium. rat M''' llUgoU, JaJy l-ubank. karrn .Nrl-m. Jim Jem. Kthy and Louie n hote. Refresh mrnli were -ed Van Hubbard Murned Ihi wrrk crd tmm rendlcton, where he under eel Kurgery 1" a len dl-un hPl Ut W.V at the home ft Mr. and n....i.r r Mr. and John Jordan and chiWwn. Ralph. W.ndv and Jark. Mr. Jordan lunnrily cwach now teache and coache mih roMUnd M-hJ tem, The Jordan were on a wmP' Irg Uip l i Mur.Uir. Member w Ith birthday i month of June were honored during the wclal hour following Locust Charw No. 119 meeting Tuesday evening. All ihe birth day members name were in acnbcd on a birthday cake and In Ihe center Her wat a large 5SS and the name Ma. tor Mj Ida ILsteb. who celebrated her 8Mh birthday this month. Fresh r raw berries and ice cream and coffee were served with the cake. A memorial service was ncio during the meeting and the al tar was draped In memory Walter C. Dobyns. who passed awav on May 27. Committee for the "evening was Mrs. Millard Nolan and Mrs. M. Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Eksrom. Jr.", returned from Portland on Saturday evening. While visit ing relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Roger stelger, little Jan Ekstrom was painfully Injured in a fall hievcle. She tell face tnruiM into loose irravel and hmicA he nose and sustained mint' hmlU and also tore the .mm and loosened her front t.,th During the Portland stay Mr. Ekstrom attended the Grand Lodge A.F.&A.M. held at me .Ma sonic Temple. Roy W. Lindsftrom was ap rirtH District DeDUty of Dls trict Na 28 at Grand Lodge this rvm Turner of Lexington was appointed Junior Deacon of Grand Lodge ana was msi-n. at the session. Dinner guests at the Ray Bar nett home on Wednesday even ing uvrr Mr. and Mrs. Herman Mavnknst of Hermiston, Mrs. svoH Rurhanan and her sister t..ioui Mrs. Frances Smith of irrieon. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mc of Ppndleton. Jim and John Mrs. Grace Rose of liut11" . Cecil, Mrs. Vernon Aune and famiiv nf Seattle, and Mr. and Mrs. James Barnett and family. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ekstrom Sr.. and Mrs. Ekstrom's mother, Mrs. Lester Wilkins of Albany, xihn arrived here Saturday, left on Sunday for a fishing trip to Crane Lake. Jodie K. Morrison returned on Snndav from a week's vacatior cnonr nt .San Francisco, where hp took in the ball games. Mr and Mrs. Merv Thomas anH famiiv. who recently pur chased the Cecil store, arrived this week with their household goods from their former home at Knt. Wn. Thev will assume store operations soon. Jean Martin, of Oregon State, came home on Friday with her randDarents. Mr. and Mrs. t. T. Martin. Melvin Martin is also home for the summer from ure gon State and his brother, Ralph 4 hfr too lor a visit irom ms work at Oregon City. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rietmann and boys spent Wednesday and Thursday in Portland. Mr and Mrs. George Griffith and Glen drove to Portland Thursday returning on Saturday, They brought their daughter, Charlotte, home from school for the summer, Milton Morgan, Oregon Wheat League president, spent the first of last week in uorvains auena ing meetings. On Friday even lng he and Mrs. Morgan were cnipsts at the banauet for the Oregon Wheat League Junior Livestock show participants and their parents. Rev. and Mrs. Walter B. Crowell left Sunday afternoon for Portland. Mrs. Crowell enter pd Emanuel hospital on Monday for major surgery scheduled for Tuesday morning. They will be from lone for about two weeks. During his absence, Miss Evelyn Jepsen, a ministerial stu dent from Northwest Chrisian will fill the pulpit Masonic Lodge No. 120 AF.&A.M. will attend church in a body on St John's Sunday, June 21. Following church the annual strawberry festival and potluck dinner will be held at the Masonic hall. All Masons, Eastern Star members and fam ilies are invited to come and enjoy the day. h thai uwsi in Ht. rar Major .haru-r. it any, and Ihrir J5-rth;w,XJ.73 !rt". l-Vr I hour .4 9 and at itiart.-. Oionn. lnuiamV. A itwUntf f I e i My .v7....... ..i .-. i . t. i .t k bi f 1'itv Hall for ihe Hjtoe cf hohlltijt a puMU nr- U S w ihi budk-rt. Any Htn may appear l ditu Ihe bu.Uel. k an atl li. Ihaitman tC lkvetnlng Holy FINANCIAL SUMMARY rO THE CKSOINO FISCAL TCA1 1CC1NHINQ JULT I. U4 Cnial toad ruad fund Stivet Tlal AU rutvda Tan Ltrf Cotnputatloa Total HudlTt-t IUxjuiftneiil $ 32 S la 15 Leled Tae NHTjfcan' Tt'TAl. TAX1!S Tl PK U.V1KD 3 Aoalnu el Taw Within 6'V Umttatton Not Subh-ct to ,-. Limitation TtrTAL TAXIS TO BE LtVim 'All Tw Watf S'lal . fund UUlltT rund Ltry und $ 1.1 VI 1J 1 fctf V S .1 lUt IJ4 $ ;i.ina;a f lKj.t awn $ IS 111 7tl CRIAL UVT fUWD I'aik Mi tai'i Water )lnl liipniii-iiU IHhi-r nun Tur.U. HI Wl list Mr All. H'M f ;mhh 6i.hi hi f tiiti f .l ,'?! PERSONAL SERVICES Supplemental Information Salaries Paid From More Than One Sourco TOR THE FISCAL TEAR W4 lS - 1ECIHN1HQ JULT I. 14 M $ 46.2(V S 6.3LVHXI J 7.f00 S JUWrtl $ TiWOO .01?.X) 6.O1T.O0 3.017.0O 3,xx).oa 1CMW 101T.IK) S 3.017 tV $ 3.01700 63.VVCM '.62500 reere fund and Htal recnue funds, if any. arc Include. 4,rooo 3.(XV.(M 3,IV 00 3,000.00 3.000 00 rOR THE CURRENT FISCAL TEAR IECI.1NING JULT 1. 1963 Street 230.00 $ 4.570 61 Tax Ltt Computatioa Total Budget Kocuiremer.ta $ Le Budcet Kesourees. Kxcept Taxes To Be Levied Taxes NectHwan' to Balance Budget Add Taxe Kttmated Not to Be Recevled Purine Knsuing Year TOTAL TAXS TO BE LEVIED $ Anal rata ot Taxes To B Levied Within 6". Limitation 5 Not Subject to 6"r Limitation TOTAL TAXES TO BE LEVIED Total AU funds General fund Road Fund 22,672.76 $ 4.S52.12 $ Stat Tax Watw . . fund UUIltr tuna -t $ 8.000 00 $ 3.000.00 17.000 61 3.5S2.12 2U5.1X) 5.S17.12 2.&17.12 3.000.00 2.270.00 2.5S2.12 263.00 S 2.S 17.12 $ 2.S17.12 2.2:000 4.370 61 8.000 00 3.000.00 $ 3.00000 3.000.00 UNriler . ... .... Tnurer Iduv Water Mauler t;ailat.'e Collector I'olUv 1VITAI-S Ha. f Empa. - I t ... I I . I Tola! Cetl fund l.wMO 4 Nl(kl 5 HHI Id II III 1HU lHl l,fnlUl WoUf uuiiir fund 3.:i(w S 3io no Commission Okays Irrigon Park Plans $ 5.S47.12 $ 2.JH7.12 All reserve funds and sptiai revenue funds, tf any, are Included. STATEMENT 01 INDEBTEDNESS TYPE OF INDEBTEDNESS TOTAL INDEBTEDNESS None None PETTY CASH Balance, July 1 None Approved by Budget Committee April 20, 196-L Frederick T. Martin. Chairman of Budget Committee FUND RESOURCES FOB THE FISCAL TEAS 1964 1965 BEGINNING JULT 1. 1964 ' HISTORICAL DATA ACTUAL Second Preceding Tear First Preceding Tear Budget Current Tear ($ 7.865.31 1.513.70 123.66 1,12175 606.34 70.00 28.00 111.00 ($ 4,287.86) $ 1,522.32 556.88 5.583.39 S 7,662.59 $ 2,359.74 4,295.70 $ 6,655.44 $ 7,877.10 4,737.54' $ 12,614.64 $ 4,717.91 182.72 3,146.06 $ 8,046.69 $ 30,69150 (5 ($ 8,066.04) 1,532.65 131.70 1,273.42 723.47 70.00 2.00 25.00 4,307.80) 1,367.01 249.34 6,033.75 7,650.10 2,502.40 613.24 3,115.64 GENERAL FUND Available Cash on Hand (Cash Basis) $ Budget For Ensuing Tear Approved 3,017.00 7,342.15 6,003.78 $ 13,345.93 S 5,013.01 254.39 3,005.58 $ 8,272.98 $ 28,076.85 Purrent Lew Previously Levied Taxes Estimated To Be Received During Ensuing Year Other Sources 1innnn State of Oregon Liquor Fund Franchise Taxes - 42"" Licenses and Permits Fines and Forfeitures Other Sources -- aAom TOTAL RESOURCES - s 4,6oJ.OO ROAD FUND i2-O00 Current Levy 5 Tractor Rental and M.S. Sales ?'m Available Cash on Hand TOTAL RESOURCES $ 6,3jO.OO STATE TAX STREET FUND State Highway Allocation 5 2,w.w Available Cash on Hand - iriinn TOTAL RESOURCES - $ 7,62o.00 WATER UTILITY FUND cnAfim Water Sales - s 8'0oau(J Available Cash on Hand TOTAL RESOURCES SERIAL LEVY FUND Available Cash on Hand (Cash Basis) .. Previously Levied Taxes Estimated To Be Received During Ensuing Year OTHER RESOURCES Current Levy Total Resources TOTAL RESOURCES ALL FUNDS .. ...4 8,000.00 4,250.00 3,000.00 7,250.00 ,..J$ 33,877.00 Includes unappropriated balance budgeted last year. FUND REQUIREMENTS FOR THE FISCAL TEAR 1964-1965 BEGINNING JULY 1. 1964 HISTORICAL DATA ACTUAL Second Preceding Year First Preceding Year Budget Current Year $ 882.43 $ 863.62 $ 1,000.00 600.00 150.00 31.04' 175.00 100.00 526.90 192.12 528.77 45.00 58.92 488.00 3,778.18 226.62 1.402.22 1,628.84 6,042.20 6,042.20 3,600.00 1,249.58 1,761.28 $ $ 650.00 162.50 16.00 195.00 100.00 770.25 153.15 281.28 25.55 60.00 73.14 197.12 11.09 3,558.70 388.97 1,603.40 1,992.37 945.00 945.00 3,900.00 1,286.44 556.03 600.00 150.00 600.00 100.00 195.00 100.00 600.00 200.00 600.00 22.00 60.00 150.00 225.00 250.00 3,900.00 1,200.00 1,100.00 $ 6,610.86 $ 5,742.47 Budget For Ensuing Year GENERAL FUND Approved Street Lighting $ 1,000.00 OFFICIALS SALARIES: Recorder Treasurer Police - - Special Police - - - Auditing Library Donation Insurance Heat City Hall Payroll Taxes League of Oregon Cities Pest Control Fire Truck Operation Office Supplies and Expenses Other TOTAL REQUIREMENTS $ 4,652.00 ROAD FUND Equipment Operation 5 cTnn'Xn Other b.iou.uu TOT All ' REQUIREMENTS $ 6,350.00 STATE TAX STREET FUND vrnn Street Maintenance J i'roST TOTAL REQUIREMENTS STSF -$ 7,625.00 WATER UTILITY FUND Personal Service: oonnnn Water Master Garbage Collector ? Yonnnn Power For Pumping ? inn' System Maintenance 100 TOTAL "'rEQuYrEMENTS -5 8,000.00 600.00 150.00 600.00 150.00 195.00 100.00 600.00 200.00 600.00 22.00 60.00 150.00 225.00 Br LoVELLE FARTL0W li;RH:ON The Irtlon flan ninn lmmivlon nu-l Thursday evening with Jud; I War IVt ervin and I'laremv ItoM-wall, chairman 'f Ihe County run ning OunmlfcMon. The lirlgon IMannlng lonimlwlim, presided over lv ihaitman J.iine Keith, pr. sent il their rord AtK and recreational Manning, and Itoscwall diMl.icd Und ue zoning map approved y ihe Commission. Ihe county couM and the and port com mission. The map nave a U. tailed lct ure of future develop ment throughout the count v. It was determined that there vva no conflict hetween the plan ning of the city and of the coun ty. Petition are currently neing circulated In Irrigon for the for mation 'f a 1'ark and Itevreation Maintenance district. It U an ticipated that Ihe Corp of En gineers will construct p.ttk la cil'.tle along Ihe river, adjacent to the present boat landing, and thev need to In assured that any c-on.structed facilities will I-' proH-rlv maintained. The Iniun dane for the protsed Mainten ance District are the .mie a those for the Irrigon Cenu-tery District. The petition win e ri..,t M.ith the countv court In the near future. Several student from A. C. Hoiihton Elementary school and Kiversiile High school at tended the Junior Olympics Track Me. t. held In Portland Saturday, but due to heavy rain, most of the event were called off. Making the trip from A. t. Houghton were Luann Burg. Anna ON rmeier. Anita Pummel, Donna Pummel. Kay Huson, Mary Parklason, Vicky llohbs. Bruce Buchanan. Bobby Lowry. Kip Nelson. Steve Acock. L? Huson and Art Olln. Those rep resenting Riverside High school wc-re Mike Smith. Terry McCoy and Jim Russell. At the Tuesday evening coun cil meeting, presided over by Mayor Chester Wilson, Mr. Henry Belnhauer presented an application and plans for a pro posed trailer court which I planned to be constructed within the city limits In the next month. Their plan has been ap proved by the State, and was also approved by the city coun cil. The Belnhauers plan to con struct facilities for U Irjllett oilglnally, and to enlarge Ihe court t a later date J a men Keith, chairman of the Irtlgon Planning Commission, gave a reotl on the meeting between Ihe I'larmtng Commit Mori 4 ml Judge Oscar IV'etsoii and Clarence ItoNc-wall chair man of Ihe County Planning Commission. liMUlon held a to where Ihe five t w strifl light should U located. It wa suggested that two l-e ptatvd on the highway, east of Ihe existing light, and one c-a h on Third. Sivth and Eighth street along Oregon street Thl would light the through strertt and provide stiff u let t light for walking at night The Irrigon llrange held a special min ting Thursday even ing to receive seven new mem M-r. Ilecelving lirst ami second degree were Mr. anil Mr. How anl Pu'fry. Mr. and Mr. Clar ence Howell. Mr. and Mr. La Vern Christiansen and Mr4 Helen Mulkey. Visitor were Mr. ami Mr. .Nate Thorjie of Uma tilla, and Mr. and Mrs. Andy Hklle of the Crei-nfleld (ir.mge. Nate Thorix I the (.range coun ty deputy. Following the ineel ing. pie and ctdfee were M-rv-l At the next regular Crange meeting, to be prenlded over by Master Max Jones, the iuav mem Imt will receive the third and fourth degrees. The Irrigon tlr.inge voted to donate mwani the Esther Kirml Memorial Fund. Mr. Vern Dillon ami Mr In Kenney, for the evening. served Jell O and cookie to the member.. Visitors again were Mr. ami Mr. Nate Thor and Mr. and Mrs. Andy Sklles. Mr. and Mrs. John Swearlngen ami Geraldine drove lo Enter prise over the week-end. The family visited Swearlngen' mother. Mrs. Maude Swearlngen, Mr. and Mrs. Truman I'oulson and Mr. Kill Poulson. David Kenney, a college ntu dent at Southern California Col lege at Costa Mesa, Is sH-ndlng the summer with his folks, Rev. and Mrs. John H. Kenney. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hobbs are pal ell of lab datlghlcf, lU-cky I'lleen, In.rn June 2 at Ihe IYihIIi toti t Mernoflal hospital Little II. sy weigh. d 7 It. 1 it Mr and Mr. M II lla.lwick of Salem were week end gKt of Mr and Mi Fred Murtlshaw. While In Irrigon. the lladwlik as.i vUl'id W.lh oilier Illative anil frlnid The lNiy of Soul Troop No. 14,7 attend. -.1 the annual I'amp out .long with other troop in the district The Siut went to Hull Prairie Ihi year Those at tending from Irrigon were Sen ior Patrol Ij'.ol.-r. Tom Van Horn. Assls'.u.t Siiilor Patrol Lcaik-r. Duane l..unl and scout. Hob Mi Kae, lloti Ku hanan. Jim Mc-; Merle (iiersth. Ih-nnu Lamb. Ri hard Randy Icy an. la-ori Wilson, Ornuind Leslie, Clarence I'll" tor. ami David Fran Re. Scoutmaster Kenneth Lamb and Assistant S-out- master. Richard Ryan Sr , arm McOtml. ntri!panleil the twiy lo the camp. Mr. Josle Kuchanan and Mr lanl Smth drove to lone Wi-ilt'.i-s.lay nnd tti-ndi a cof fee hour t the home of Mr. and Mr Itay Harnett, honoring Vr. Vern Aune and children of Seattle. ItiT In the evening. Ihe relative gathered for a pot luck dinner. Rev. John Kenney left Monday to attend a District Fellowship meeting at the Blue Mountain Youth Camp at Dixie Ml. near ITalrie City. The minister of the district remained at the camp for several days tu get the ground ready for the Iwo youth camp that will be held in July. Mr. and Mr. J.e Come and family of Dufur were Saturday overnight guest of Charle Hines. Di bble McCoy returned to Irri gon Friday after spending tt week In La Crande with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mr. Frank Stewart. Mrs. LaVern Christiansen was released from the flood Sheph erd hospital Friday evening af ter n 10-day confinement. Irtoird Hdvfl1 Yem Save on Falcon . . . America's total performance compact! Trade now and save! We're celebrating the sizzling sales and scorching track record of our '64 Fords. Hottest trades in the West! Extra-high allowances on every f ord, Fairlane, Falcon and Thunderbird in stock. Be sure to check Falcon for size and bonus savings! And don't wait too long! FORD HAS THE BIO RECORD IN OPEN COMPETITION! tlim mi. 14 IW mt II Ml Urn lilt II K M0 mil. MM MCA ItM K4 UKl MMtl DCTC TMCK FINISH F.0 I-IM2 ChMWM. N. C. 1, 1. 1, 1 11112 MMtl. 01. I, I 1 1 12 DMUntM, I. C. I, I, r i n II DinriMt, CaM. 1. 1 1-74 13 Dtrlm iMdi, ria. I, J, 1,4. J, 10 11741 CUirtl, Ol. 1,1. U DATE TMCK rORDI FINISHED 1 1 CI CMrMU, N. C. 1. 1. . I I J CI DHllnitM. I. C. 1, 1 1. , n un tufuiti. Qt. 1. 1. 1, 1 I III4 mmtuu. CtM. 1,1, 1,1, 1 1 73 f 4 Darton lucli, n. 4. 1 4 S C4 tlinu. 01. 1. 1 t I4 l4 Clwlottl. N. C. 4. 1, 1. II -.y-.-.-. iQ09m4v ' ' ' ""I mWX AUTO SALES, Inc. Heppner, Oregon