Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, June 11, 1964, Sec. 2, Image 9

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    Judy Morgan Honored
At Bridal Party Monday
IONK Mls Judy Mi.rj.an
mi lmimn-1 al a lovely bridal
Muw-r i Monday arte, mam at
the iln Hall. Anlitinjr Judy
al the lKI laldtf wne her uuiiia
Mla Outvie 1-utwlHl. Mr a.
Watt llama and Mra. I'aul
vttyj.lm, Jr. AImi tirlplnjr about
1 1 1 r'in were iht aim it, jjonrue,
ami Terra. MrfanL
lit li-a table was attractively
arranged with a irink and while
bouourt (( ilalnlrs with t'lnh
in Hi ritcr. The rakra In ulntt
and whl to were In the shape of
hearts. Mra IJi'Vd Morj.an, Judy
mother. iMHirrd ndiro and Mr a
M Wilmm ll'iiier aerveil
the punch. ftouqurls of tdnk and
m title flowers wrre Uei to uec
oral the room.
t.ari tor tho party were
Mra. Kdmund rlrltw, Mra. Mil
ton Muman, Mra. Carland Swan
mtn. Mra. Lloyd Wr, Mra. Kay
llrlmhlgner, Mra. I-Uirl MeOabe,
Mra. Ity Martin. Mra. I.eo Irab
tree, Mra. -JKlie Morrison, Mra.
Itaymofid Lundell, and Mra
Oil lira.
Mlu Morgan and Jerry David
ann will be married on June
21 at St. William Catholic
church. Out of town rueata were
Jerry's mother, Mrs. Wilson, and
hia grandmother. Mrs. Allen
Johnston, both of lleppner
Vocation School Corolla 47
United Church of Chrlat Va
ration Church school riened on
Monday with an enrollment of
47 tlilldreii. T.-ailirre are Mra
lltoy A. IJi-UKom In kinder.
eartrn I nana al'et by Mra.
I'ttni While and Homile Akria,
Mra Milton Mf;.iii In kin.l.r.
ll II. m.-.I.-I I.V Mi. Wee
ley .Smith, and Mra Arthur
LtiMKiroin fr the lirt and
ond glade liana, a i I rit.il by lie-
lorea Inn-it and IMrbara lloyce
The third, fourth, fifth, and
kUth trrailm hate Ut'ii corn hi n
ed and aie taught by Mra. K. T.
Martin AiUtel by Mra. II M
linker. Mra, John Jc-icn and
Terry O'Connor. Mra. I'ete Can
rum and Tcrea Tucker are In
eharre of the game and Mra
Hay lioyee and Suan UinKtrom
M-rve rcireohmenta. Mra. I J ml
aay Klrx-ald teachea rnunle to all
the lhea. The week'a work
will be culminated with a pro-
i-rarn at the rhurvh on Friday
evening at 7:.TO ;..m. Mra. Carol
Miller la car lint for the children
f th teachers, who are too
young to attend.
Mis r.vrlvn Jeniken. a atudenl
J-Northwest Chrlitlan College
n Kuvene. will fill the pulflt
In the United Church of t'hrlat
n June 21 and 2H during the va
ration of the mlnlater, IlcV.
Walter B. Crowell.
The Dealin' Doien Card club
held a no host dinner and card
arty at the home of Mr. and
Mra. I'aul I'ettyjVjhn. Jr.. on Sun-
evening, ton iile high waa
Hill T jB.
Hcppncr, Oregon, Thursday, June 11, 1961
Sec. 2-4 Pages
won by Mr. and Mra. Leo Child
era and couple low ny Mr. and
Mra. Keith Ida. Other guenU
were Mr. and Mra. Leland Mc-
For Your Convenience,
Opened Our Hcppncr
Phono Orders.
CALL 6769258 OR
Wc Have
Store For
Your Parts Will Be Delivered Hero
From Pendleton The Following Morn
ing. Open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Trl-County Equipment Co.
Ph. 676-9258
Kinney, Mr. and Mra Oliver Herbert Fkttrom III are rihiMt
I evln. Mr. arid Mra. Umbayilng at-rra.
Mm ald, Mr. and Mra. iJuuglaa ;ary Ure.irier. of Mr. and
r;rlbbe. Mr. and Mra, Ivrry Ura. C I-Brenner, gta.luate tin
Morter an.i Mr. an. Mra. Kenny iHMjc rforn u fnlvrnty ui
I low aid. jgon In the nhol of anhlhrture
Mra. Jek Carey and two child-1 with a Bachelor f .vienre dc-
ren of lilot IdMk vUlteil over
nl'hl T"ed4V with Iwr alMer,
Mra. A. II. Marl, k and family.
Mra. Vl tic Itletmann and Mra.
Clell lua left on Friday for a
vacation to Vahon la I and,
where they will vialt relatlvea.
hit. and Mra. Bori Crubtree and
aon came Tuewlav tu vlmt hla
paienta, Mr, and Mra. Leo Crab
tree, and her par.nt. hU. and
Mra. Kenneth 1'aln.i r at Irilrig.
ton. They returned to their h'xne
(iuenta at the I'aul Tewa boineln Portland on Thurlay
the iat two weeka were Mra. , . ,.. nr.- J . r,.. i i.i..u
TewV parenta. Mr an.1 Mra -kpeni Thun-lay rught in Tl.e
llenrv Iranngrud of Kindred. fl,i.M ,,.. .1..
N. !.: her brother. harlea Trana. , . ..
pud; her alaler. Mrm. 1km Bob- Mffc Jtoy j.,.tthn. that even,
tnwn of Plrie Itlver. Minn., and , ,n .tu-nded graduation
her aunt. Mra. Berlha Ulttme of I lhlr .,B,
fago N. O. WhlU, they were j.m, inhet, Kotng fmrn ht,f;
here, bey all went to I'arkland. for ,hp cornmerKern.-nt were Mr.
Wn. to attend the gradua Ion Mffc Clarion Palmer, uncle
eierrlara f Mra. Trwa brotlirr. d , tof Jtme
veraity on May 31. Jim will upend Mr. and Mra. Dean Grayea of
the summer at the Tewa home Hardman wera Inadvertently left
and then will enroll in non
denominational biblical aem
Inary In .New York City for a M nf M- ll! "eliker
wir Tli. rami v I-rt on Mun 1 011 pu-iw'i
dav for their homea, excei't an
aunt of Mra. Tewa. Mrs. Anna
Johnaon of fort land, who will
remain for a longer vlalt.
. .. .. iiii.ii,hn I hostess
...I Nil. .MM. . . . . . i a . ,
it i..k ih.r daughter. Klmber MJ. ana ftira. Aiirea .eihon.
t Mjt IVtrtln(n f kr mawllaBl it.
t,.rli,.M n vvinav meir nome on Aionaay aner
.Suaan llama and her friend M-ndtng Memorial Day week
m ...- f.th.r ivi llama Mra. Denr.la L. Swanvm and
day morning and arrived that
evening at .Mi-f.ulre Air Force
im In New Jrrwy. She waa to
leve iIm neat afternoon for
Frar.kfurt. Ormanv, where ahe
will h nu-t by Lt. Swanaon and
te driven to thnr new home in
.Sem bach Lt. Kwaruton ene-ta
to be atatloned In Germany for
anout two veara.
Mr. and Mra. Frances Stack of
I'arkland. Wn. left on Sunday
after a few daya vlalt with her
parent, Mr. and Mra. llaymond
I.ur;lrll Ma. S'mck will be work
Ing at Tacorna General hoapltal
thla lummrr aa a medical tech
rilclan aa part of her training for
her dfgree from racific Lutheran
L'nlvc ratty.
ICev. and Mra. Walter B. Crow,
ell returned on Tueaday even
Ing from a visit at Mtn. Home
Idaho, where they were gueata
of lU-v. and Mra. Kay KUtler.
former friends of theirs in Ull
Gueata of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Jensen and family thla week
end were Mr. and Mra. Glenn
Biehl and family of La Grande
Claaa of 'St Haa Reunion
The cliu of lift held a re-
unlort vlth their former claas
advisor. Gary Stephenson and
Mrs. Stephenson In Stefanl'a
banquet room on Saturday night
Thoie attending were Mr. and
Mrs. Len Kay Sthwari of Ilepp-
Sr.. of Oak Grove returned to! rwr. Mr. and Mra. Leland Mc-
Kinney of lone, anl Mr ana Mrs.
out of the llt of gueta at the
Graves reunion held at the home
Tonic Club will be held at the
home of Mrs. M. K. Cotter on
Friday afternoon. June 12. with
Mra. Charles Carlson as co-
and family.
children left on Thursday for
Anita and Marlene Crawford ,rt,an(1. ncf, mo,n,r-
of llermlaton are visiting their ""K?"'1 ,n.fc:r."mf
erandparen'a. Mr. and
Franklin Kly at their
Mr I nau oeen suinK nere ai ine
I k... r.t II. .nA .f r n a I 0 .4
I ..... ...... iiaii.Kij
Wayne lierce. of Kedmond. An
other teacher, Joe llausler, and
Mrs. Hausler also attended. Mr.
and Mrs. Stephenson and son of
Irinevlll were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Garland Swanson Saturday
Mrs. Espcr Hansom of Port
land, who has been visiting rel
Swanson, Mrs. Swaruson and stives here this week, returned
Koy W. Llndatrom and IIerbert,' "Ul " ' " ""u,"u u J m-, Jiumtr ua oaiuiuaj vvim.;. tin.
Kkotrom. Jr.. worshipful master
of lone Lodge No. 120 A Fat AM
are attending Grand Lodge In I
Cortland this week.
Sunday dinner guests of Mr.
and Mra. Bill Itletmann were Vic
Itietniann. Mr. and Mrs. Itoliert
itletmann and family, and Mr.
and Mrs. Iean Khodo and son
of Kennewlck.
Mrs. Mary Holtz and girls left
on Thursday for a visit with rel
atives and friend In Portland.
They returned on Sunday, ac
companied by Donna and Darcle
itea,, small daughters of Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Kea, who are visit
ing at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs.
Lewis Halvorsen.
John Swanson left on Wednes
day for a trip across the United
States which will end at New
York City and the World's Fair.
He Is traveling by car with a
college friend. Bill Soars, who
will be employed at Philadel
Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Battle
mav, Tom ana He in, were guests
of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Dick Shorer and family over the
week end. They returned to their
home In Odessa on Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Llnnell and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Kkstrom, Jr., and family arc at
tending the Oregon Wheat
league Junior Livestock Show.
Brock and Kodney Llnnell and
and Mrs. Llndaay Kinral4 took
her as far as Arlington.
Tueaday evening rueafa at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
hmousa and family were Mra
Henry V. Smous0 of lortland
anil Mr. and Mrs. A II. Nelwm.
r. or uK t.rove who are vtrnt-
ing relatives here. Mr. and Mrs.
rrrnan neton and Krutm and
t narl and Mr. and Mrs. A. II.
Nelwin. Jr. and Keith and Ka
Mrs. Smouw showed Inlwllnj;
slides, which were taken on her
recent trip to the South on iha
iiiinr. 1 our.
fhUl Era art CU Dagr
Mr. and Mrs Phi 11 Fmert Sr.,
and Mrs, llmert's mother. .Mra.
raun ruiiru 01 llermlaton. Went
to Salem on Sunday morning
to attend the graduation of their
son. 1'hlll. Jr from Wlliaim.ti.
Lnlveralty on Sunday afternoon.
He received a Bachelor of Art
degree and plana to work at the
Oregon School of the Blind r.est
year after apendlng the summer
at home. They all returned on
Charle, Kirk was stricken with
a paralytic stroke on Mn)i
morning at his home W'hil rim.
paring to go to work. An ambu
lance was callet irtr,r kin,
pioneer Memorial hospital. Hepp-
Itecent guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. William Nichols
were her cousins, Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Collaham and family of
EdenWJle, Wn.
Mrs. Dnrls Coll v horn had surg
ery at Pioneer Memorial hospital
Tuesday morning.
1st Lieut Gerald White left on
Turitday for Spokane. Wn.. after
vuitlnif here with Ma father,
Gordon White. He will take a
plane from Spokane for Schiller
Air Ffe Bs" In Ssllnni, Kan.
Lieut. Whlta spent a few days
In Portland vlaitlng hl mother,
Mrs. White. Stephen Llndstrom
cama home with him on Mon
day and spent the night with
his parents. Mr. and Mrs. !uy
W. Llndatrom. returning to hi
work la Portland on Tuesday.
Shirley Nichols celebrsted her
eighth birthday with a party
at her home on Wednesday af
ternoon Llttlo gueata, who en
loved Karnes and refreshment
wero Teena Stefanl, Karen Crow-
ell. Jan Kkstrom. Mark ftiet
mann. Melanle Ball. Freddie
Sherman. Cheryl Hams, and
Jimmy and Ronnie llalsey of
Gene Harrvman went to Sam
oa. Ida- over the week-end to
participate In a horae show. He
won first place in near, ana
heeling" and second In showman
ship with his quarterhorse.
(Continued on page 4)
Pennies Nickels Dimes Quarters Half Dollars
19TWS 1915S 1913S 191CD 1916 (standing) 1916 (standing)
1909S 1922D 1913D 1921D 1919S 1921S
1910S 1922 1914D 1921 1919D 1921D
1911S 1921D 1921S Mercury1 1921 193KD
1912S 192CS WJXA Only 1923S
191.1S J931S 193XS 1932S
19HO 1931D 193'JD 19J2D
19143 1933D 19TMD
KEEP THIS AD Many other colas wanted
WRITE: Ceorge N. Oliver 2302 S. Grove Wichita. Kan.
a r2
V1 : :".cr- rtvv
I "tSaw taaanfc aataS
t j I 14 ;i7 ft I u t r
lk.,v ?uZ ffT"! "r 4 .1 p " I : 'f
'v.:"-V- , -X'.T 5
Get king-size savings on our family-size Fairlane!
We're celebrating the sizzling sales and scorching
track record of our '64 Fords with the hottest trades
in the Westl Extra-high trade-in allowances on
every car on the floor and especially our '64 Fair
lanes! Come earlyl
CM Vem
Heppner, Oregon
am I ML Mi km wm II M al UM IM U Ml mmHmtmm NASCAR it mt M mm I
4-H4 MMi.61. , lir-a RttMtt, Si. 1,(11
ttm DirlmtaaFk. 4,1 l--n DiytMa iMdl. FU. 1. 11, 4, 1, II
I-IM4 UnmtjCti. I,U(I I RlnraKtv CtW. 1,1
tl-U-SJ ajna,at. Ull HO tmm. i. C. HI
H O OtrtqlM, t C 1,1,1,1,1 SIR-O JUMU. 6a. I, I
WD CtarM,M.b 1.1,1,11 11741 Ctomn,a.t 1.1(1
Put an arm around a young man's shoulder
Business and industry are helping
to pay the costs of todays education
If you've sent any sons or daughters to college lately,
you are no stranger to the rising costs of education.
Tuition rates have increased as much as 300 per cent
since 1950.
Are the schools making ends meet ? Hardly. At most
colleges and universities, the tuition you pay covers
less than half the cost of your child's education.
Someone has to provide the remainder.
America's corporations are contributing in many
ways. Standard will provide nearly $1V-, million
this year for scholarships, fellowships, grants and
materials for schools and colleges.
Our scholarships and fellowships have no strings
attached. We do not select the recipients, nor do we
expect them to come to work in our Company.
It's simply a way of putting an arm around the
shoulders of promising young men and women. And
helping to answer the plea:
"Give us more trained minds to
serve the nation."
Planning ahead to serve you better