flOETY LOT 1IARSIN, Editor Barbara Dlokc Seated New Worthy Advisor Of Rainbow Assembly Hailiara lilaki up1 hUtm anil white ii thi mlm for lir In MallatUw a worthy mtvlnor Into lha Order f ItalnlMiw fur c;irU, Itnlh Arrnllv No. f0, at Mn liny rvriilng In 1 1 if M atonic hall. vthrrt h ami II other young ladles wrre seatini In offlrt for thr lummrr term. liar hr a, itaiiKhtrr of Mr. ami Mra. Hill Hlakf, rhoaa aa her ual. hword, -J II Walk With (m- Mra. Cordon Trail act-oni-l"aiili- Mr. Or a 11 JunawMin at the iani Mra. Jonaon aung th onif rruumfed hv Haihaia, al rntltlril. "I'll Walk With Tht ru-w wiirdiv ailvlaor'a In alalllni; officers wire llmrrnla Wllarin. Initialling chaplain; Ter rs Munkrra. Installing mamh I; Brcnila Young, past worthy ailvtanr and Inxtnlllntr revordiT, and Kathy Melhy, Installing muW Ian. The alai of r4-w off Irrr seated wit Harhara hlakf. worthy ad visor; Kitty ) Hurra, rharlty; Jean Slewert. hoe; Shirley Kr win, faith; janln Hunt, love; I'am Hushes, religion; Jill pad iMrir, nature; Linda Orwli k. Im mortality; Mary I'leiee. fidelity; Christine Munkt-r. patriotism; Cynthia Smith, service; I.vnn Key, outer obM-rvcr; Judy Ny man. confidential olcrer: Jen n III'.,-, rmi sir I. m, and Kathy Melhy. choir director. Crowning ceremonies followed the Installation a Barbara's twin klsdra. Kareit and Kathy presented lo-r with her crown. 'Die new worthy advisor then Introduce members of lier fam ily, that Included her parents and her tdnter and her grand mothera. Mr. Snoda Wake and Mra. Lucille Wllnm. She alio Introduced Mra. Paul llclnrhh Mra. Floyd Jones. Mra. Ilob Jonen, It.iy Williamson, worship ful master of the Ileppner Ma sonic lodire; Mra. trowel I (Inb lle. worthy matron of Kuth Chapter No. 32. Order of Ka stern Star; Rainbow Iniard member; Mm. Marjorle Worden. Mra. Torn HuKhea and Mra. Clarence Baker. Assisting In the kltrhcn and at tlie tea table were Mra. Snxla Hlake. Mra. Lucille Wilson. Mra. Mar)ork Worden, Mrs. I'aul llelnrlch. Mm. Joe Wrlk'ht and Mra. Wilbur Van Hlokland. Iilue Irla arranged In milk clas vaaes a long with blue tapers In milk glass candle holders Braced the tea table that wiia covered with a white lace tablecloth over blue linen cloth. fhona iresm Von Schuiack-Fenton Wedding Set June 20 The- marrUee of MUs Lll.by n MiioiHk. Ileppner, am. Mephen rcnton. Salem, will ! oeiiuiled at a nuptial mail ar M, i'atrlik'a Catholic rhurrh on Saturday, June 2H The rcr rmony will Mart at ll;tl a in.. wnn a reception following in the cnurcri parirt nan. Tlie couple and imrenta of th bride clet. Mr. ami Mis. Ane'v van M-noiaiK. lake th a mean of rttendlng a cordial Invltafi n to all friend and relalK. In he area to attend the weddlr.e aim reitption. Hoth vounj! iH-ople plan to re enter Oregon State L'nlvi rally nei ran. where Mr. fen ton will timplcte his aenlor year in hul- neaa admlnUtrallon and Mlas Van S hotark w ill continue as a junior in her ma In home ec onomic. Friends Compliment New Bride at Shower Party at Warren Home Claamatea who graduated In lWi with Mr. Charle tllclty Howl flalley honored her With a bridal ahower laat Wednexday evenlnir at the home of Mrs. Clarence Warren A pay parasol aloni; with a tteautlful bride doll graced the gift table that was laden with rniiny lovely gift. The liosli-wt, ,tr. Jim Devine. M'nitl a moldeil aalad with coffee and punch to the cuffcts that Included Mr. Lynda Dun lap, Mr. Ijirrv Simmon. Mr. Itoger I'almer. Mr. I!ay Ilalley, i Mra. t.thel Hone. Diane and Lin da Warren. Tlie H.illey wedding wa an event of May . at the Meth- fniui rhurrh in The Dalle. The bride U the daughter of Mrs F.thel Kie and Mr. and Mr Hay Bailey are the parents of the groom. The couple Is a home In Ileppner. Three New Members Initiated Into OES Mr. and Mrs. Cadi Soryntt of Salem were house gucMs laat week-end of Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Wurren. Mr. and Mrs. Claranc Warren. Dennis, Diane and Linda, left Sunday for a work of clam dig ging in the Seaside, Depoo Bay urea. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Abram and Ray Williamson were Initiate! Monday evening Into the Older of FaMern Star, Kuth Chapter No. 32, at the Masonic hall. Mrs. Lowell Cribble, worthy matron, preMdcd at the meeting and the initiation. Men officers of the order pre pared and served strawberry ahortcake to those present. In charge of the rcfreshmei.t were Dxn Turner, worthy patron; Ol iver Creswirk, associate worthy patron, and Lowell dribble, sen tine!. Guasts over Decoration Day week-end at the home or Mr. and Mrs. Marion Hayden were close friends, Mrs. Margaret Phelps of Zenith, Wn., and Mrs. Vivian Ball of Portland. mwMwm ACCUTRON by BULOVA K THE WORLD'S ONLY ELECTRONIC WRIST TIMEPIECE Guaranteed not to ln or k)M mora than on mlnut a month on your wmt I 41 f rtitrMf - "V'i. if aCCUTROH "201" Flnait quality italnlata atMl cm, Applltd hour marktn. Spilt Mcond mln ut track lor th tlnwpltco I ht kNpa split aacond lima. Taptrad lizard atrap. Ala with charcoal dial. S1t.M ACCUTRON "Ml" Th look of laadarahlp enftad In 14KT gold . . . with taparad, alllfator atrip, in ytllow or whitt. Alao avallibla wllh char coal dial. mo.CO "Somathlng from tha Jewolatr's, la always something special" Stora Hoursi 9 A.M. T06P.M. 177 MAIN ST HEPPNEB PH. 676-9200 I C Os E N I Many Win Prizes At Annual Episcopal Birthday Card Party The il pu , f iarUh hall wn the tuviut Saturday afteri.ixtn, of the annual All Saint' FplM-opal I'lrtti'lay card party, when some 40 women ei.loyed an afternoon of hildi'e and Mm hie play. Mr. C. C. t armlriiari won flrt prize f'r the hltrhent bridge wore arid Mi. Teil Smith wa Mfn high Mr. Itoti nbb tallied the hU'h plnoihle Mure with Mr Tom llualnn hohilnx second. Ifr pruev were won by Mrs. tlrar Mckeron and Mr lloli liusi like. Two lart'e arianireinent of IM'iinle and Iris graced the hall for the annual affair. Dainty aprlni! flowers In bul vasea dec orated each of the card tables l iiion hlffot) ake with lemon fllllntf and lnp'cl with meringue was served with lof fin arul tea. HukteMics for the afternoon were Mr. Bernard Damon, Mrs i:iin-r l-rry and Mr. Herman Winter. The kitchen rommlUee oonaihted of Mrs. Winn CrUt Mr. ltb Mahoney, Mm. Forrest liurkenblne and Mrs. Jim Myers. Many Enjoy Outdoor Barbecue on Sunday Honoring D. Greenup Approximately 90 iieople eath- red at the fairgrounds Sunday ftcrnoon to honor Ion Greenup, recently named "Father of the Year" winner for Morrow county by the Morrow County Crrw fivllc and Livestock Growers aftMxIatlon. A.thouch a bit windy, ateaks and hamburger were cooked In rwird time at the outdoor "IJo It -Yourself barlK-cue by the many young and old cooks, with everyone eating at the tables In the fair annex by 6 pin. Dinner was followed by the presenting of a hand stamped twit to the honored guest by Mr. Hon Currln. (owlb lle ores! dent, and the presentation of a banner, made by Mrs. Larry Lindsay, lo the nponsorlng 4 II club. The banner with the name, "Hoof ami Horn Livestock Club will be used by the club at fair and show, starting with the Wheat League Show at The Dalles. Also as part of the program. a film from the Union I'aciflc Railroad on entile production and processing from the range to the super market was shown- Invitation Extended To Furlonn Reception Tha golden wedding annlver aary of Mr. and Mia. Scott Fur long will le oirw-rved at a nub lit reception at the i:plMjpal parUh hall Mimlay. Jurw 1 1 from 2:00 to urn. Arrange- merit are being made by their son In law ami daughter, Mr arxt Mr. Verlln Matthew Alt friend a tut relative are Invited to come and extend their rreeilng lo Ine honored couole. who have lived all their married year In this area and Mill be happy to renew old acquaint amea. Circus Theme Used At Birthday Party Three-year-old Barbara Beth Devine and her two-year-old brother. Coleman Joe. children of Mr. and Mrs, Jim Devine, were honored with a Joint birthday party at their home on Tuesday morning. The toddlers and their little guests enjoyed their cake and Ice cream amid decorations earning out a circus theme. Mrs. Devine served a merry-go-round cake to Mrs. Delbert riper, Mark nd Janette: Mrs. Ralph Mar- latt, Stve and Joedy: Mrs. Ber nard Damon, John and Mark, and Troy Simmons. Annual Co-op Picnic lanned for Tuesday Members of the Lexington Co op Auxiliary will attend the an nual Pendleton Oram Orowers Auxiliary picnic at the home of Mrs. Jack Saerlson near rilot Rock on Tuesday, June 16. It is exacted that all auxiliaries in this area will be represented and will combine to put on a display and demonstration of I craft arts which they have had as projects through the year. A potluck picnic will be served at noon, and door prizes will bo given. Mrs. Ewing Hynd, chairman, may be contacted to answer questions members may have In regard to attending the picnic. Group Entertained At Pinochle Party Mrs. Jim Devine entertained with a pinochle party In her home last Thursday evening. The score tames revealed that Mrs. Pat Cutsforth held high score. Mrs. Elmer Berry, second high, and low score went to Mrs. Doyle Key. Mrs. Delmer Buschke won the traveling pinochle prize. Mrs. uevine served frozen strawberry fluff with coffee and tea to her guests. They were, In aaaiuon to those alreadv men- tloned, Mrs. Ralph Marlatt, Mrs. Larry Simmons, Mrs. Darrell McLachlan. Mrs. Chuck Pheetev. jurs. K.ennetn cutsrorth, Mrs. Delbert Piper and Mrs. Lert Ray oenwarz. Out-of-town Guests Visit Mrs. Parker Overnight guests Saturday at me nome or Mrs. ixyal R. Parker were Mr. and Mrs. John. r. Clouston of Portland. On Sun day thev visited with rlat I VPS m Atnena and Stanfield, and also attended the 50th annlver sary reception in Hermiston for Mr. and Mrs. Oral Scott. Mrs. Scott is a cousin of Mrs. Parker and Mrs. Clouston. Other recent visitors at the Parker home were Mr. and Mrs. Adoiph Heyden, Stanfield; Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Devin. Condon: Mrs. George McDo n a 1 d and children, Leann and Cameron of Omaha, Nebr., and Mr. and Mrs. George Hanei of Mt. Hood. The Wayne Harsin familv re- turned Monday from a week end trip to Baker and La Grande, where they visited friends and relatives and attended the wed ding of Mr. Harsin's nephew, Ron Harsin, and Miss Judy Ra-1 mey, both of La Grande. Suzanne O'Donnell Has Birthday Party Suzanne O'Donnell, daughter o Mra. Ila UDonnell. was hon ored on her fourth birthday at party rt her home last Wed nesday, rrlend and their mothers were present. Including Mrs, Colleen Snow. Sheila and Troy: Mr. Gladys Romberg and Todd; Tana Berry; Wanda Boy- er; Robin iiver; and Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Brio. Suzanne received some nice glfta and all the children en Joyed her birthday cake. Ice cream and punch. tsaoklng for mlraeorraph iten- clla? The Gazette-Times has them for sale, including special church bulletin style. Grandsons Graduate? Hr-yrwf cAirrrt-TiMcs. TwdT. u n, i4 Mrs. Gcrtson Attends Mrs. Clara Gcrtson attended graduation exercises for two grandsons during the pat week. (in Thursday, June 4, ahe was present vtliro tier grafidn. Mihae An born, rreeived M diploma from Crater High m hool at Central I'olnt. She was also In Corvalllt Fun lay when tier oldest grandson, William (ge Anliorn, reeiiv- ed hi engineering degree from Oregon fciate University. Both young men ar sons of her aon In law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. C W. I Irene lira men Anhorn of Central I'olnt. The family has two other sons and on daughter. Member is Honored With Stork Shower A pink and blue shower In horn of Mr. James HUder- brand wa held last Wednesday evening at the Methodist church. following a regular monthly meeting of the Women a boc- Uty cf Christian Service. A stork hovering over a bass inette, along with an arrange ment of pink columbine and pink tapers, d orated the gift able. Mrs. Mary Bryant and Mra. Madge Bryant served coffee and cookies to the 17 women present J for the occasion. OF D3MIL MIHUTE8 CAN DESTROY YOUR CROPS! THE FAR MIR SHOULD NOT TAKE THE RISK WHIN HAIL INSURANCE COSTS SO LITTLE Buy Crop-Hail Inouranco TURNER, VAN MARTER and BRYANT INS. 1L fl 13 GOLD MEDAL IF CM .0, BETTY CROCKER CAKE mm 3 for BISOUICK r -t - - -,ir J r; 39c 0-SO-GOOD V2 LB. NOODLES 2hr79 NATION BISCUIT CO. CRACKERS 2 53' NALLEY'S 22 OZ. WHOLE DILL - - ea. 39c LADY HUDSON FflCIflL TISSUE ....... 4 for 79c LETTUCE - 2 heads 17 RADISHES and GREEN ONIONS BUNCH Sc CUCUMBERS 2 for 25 CENTER Ham Slices lb 89c OREGON CHIEF BONE IN SMOKED HAMS G055 G029 (3D Shank Half, lb. 49c - Butt Half, lb. 55c ROUNDUP BRAND BT THE CHUNK BOLOGNA ... lb. 39c USDA GOOD AND CHOICE ROUND STEAK lb 79c RUMP ROASTS lb 65c PRICES GOOD JUNE 12 and 13 Phones: (Groc.) 676-9614, (Meat) 676-9288 It's nice to save twice low prices and S&H Green Stamps MARKET It"