KEPPNEI GAZETTE-TIME. Thursday, Juno 11. mi Final Figures On Wheat Just Released i Signup Br JOHN WELBES Executive Vlce-rroaidont rwunn WhoatO LoaOUO rini kirn un percentage in ik nw vnlunlarv wheat pro pram have Just released by PsiiA to the Oregon Nneat v.m.a having 76 nor cent of tw rfftTiive national wheat arrraee allotment have enrolled in the 1904 voluntary wheat pro gram. . . ,, Tfl number of farms enroll rd were 611.7.M representing acreage allotment totalling KK2.419. Acreage diverted equal led 5,349.376 acres, of which 4. rK.870 acres reflect the 10 pert cent reduction In 1964 allot menl from the former 53 mil lion acre level. The remaining 842.506 acres are additional di ver4ons from the 19tH allot ments. . The total national effective allotments of 53.232.003 acres, which includes acreage provided by law for wheat farms with less than 15 acres. There are about 1.7 million wheat farms In the United States. About 600. ftX) of these have allotments of n mrrtm nr more and about 1.1 allotments oi jess Notice of Budget Hearing S MM II $ 1.KJUM .1.1111 U 6..T.U ttf 571 71 1M.8117A SERIAL LEVY FUND I'mk Maintenance . Water rstem lmroveieiit IMhiT - - TOTAL KFQt'lRKMKNTH TOTAL ltt.wlllU:.MF..lTS ALL FUMtf .... $ jnono fiimul 44IIMI) I 7.T-H 3J.H77 IW . . . m v ., . .... nv.i me V"y : ; -i' n .Ciin hi runalstent Ki ii in i r-x m am a i a b i i vii -. - w - - In an oersona 11 ween Council will be held June 26, Ing on this budget. Any person may if any. and their rffecU on this budget are -t forth bu.lgrt document may be Insisted by Interested 19ta, beginning Julv I. 1961 as detailed n.t Ktimmartied In the accompanying nth ih hsimI in trior vears. Maior chances. ... . ...... n . I . . .tltmitnt A rtnv 111 tilt IUtl LI I m... , " ,v. Lwnmru-M A nwllnff the nours or v anu a ai vui- " ............ 1964. at 8 p.m.. at i ity nan jor ine iunw oi muumj; appear to discus me ouucri. or n ii u . niARLIS OWN SOU. Chairman of governing Body ... . ...... public hear FINANCIAL SUMMARY rOH THE ENSUING FISCAL YEAJl BEGINNING JULY 1. 1964 Total All rund Gnral fund Food fund State Street 32 S77O0 $ 4.652.00 $ 6.35000 S 7.625.00 $ 8.00000 $ 7550.00 27.860.00 6.017.00 1.63500 3.017.00 6.350.00 Tax Levy Com put at too Total Budget Requirements Less Budget Resources, Except Taxes to Be Levied ... Taxes Necessary to Balance Budget TOTAL TAXES TO BE LEVIED AboItsU of Taxs To Bo Lovtod Within 6 Limitation Not Subject to 6 Limitation TOTAL TAXES All resene funds'and special revenue funds, if any. are Included. Tax fund Wator Utility fund Swial Lory rund 7.625.00 8.000.00 . $ 6.017.OO $ 3.017.00 . 3.017.00 $ 3.017.00 3.000.00 6.017.OO S 3.017.00 4.250.00 3.(X.00 S 3,000.00 3.(XX).00 $ 3.000.00 million have than. H acres. Tax Lorr it l interesting to note the Computation percentage of sign up in me Total uuacei 11 Dlalns and wostern state Requirements where 70 per cent of last years Less Budcet Resources, nroduced. These 11 states signed for a total of 35.6 million acres representing an average of 88 per cent of their total allotment. Percentages by individual states are: North Da k.-.ta and Montana 91 per cent 90 ner cent: Washing inn s rwr cent: Nebraska and f-ninrarto SS ner cent: Okla noma So per cent; Oregon 85 no. port' Smith Dakota 84 Per nt! Tpxas 81 per cent: and Mihn M ter Cent. it i estimated that, on the average, wheat farmers who el! tin to DarticiDate in the nmviions of the program will increase their per bushel return by about one-third. FOB THE CURRENT FISCAL YEAS BEGINNING JULY 1. 1963 Total All funds Control Fund Rood Fund Stat Sbroot Tax Fund Wertor Utility Fund Social Lory rund 22.672.76 $ 4.S52.12 $ 2.250.00 $ 4.570.64 $ 8.00000 $ 3.000.00 Summer School At 05U to Draw 1800 4-H Members "Careers Unlimited" might well be the theme of the 1964 4-H Summer School at Oregon State University. June 15 to u, rerjorts Burton S. Hutton, state 4-H club leader. The 1800 young men and wo men attendinff will receive a look at future career opportun ities in manv fields as they at tend classes, assemblies and special evening programs, Hut ton explained. Summer school will accent career exploration opportunities that are regularly a part of the 4-H club program, he added. Summer school delegates from every part of Oregon will arrive on camnus June 15. Each dele- pate all 13 or older is the win ner of a scholarship contributed by local civic and fratenal groups and business firms in their home county, Hutton pointed out "One of the goals of 4-H Summer School is to encourage young people to continue their education after high school. It Is hoped that the information they receive during the week long session will inspire them to seek further training," Hut ton emphasized. Classes will be taught by rep resentatives of commercial firms, mpmbers of Orecon State Uni versity teaching and research staffs and by extension agents and KDecialists. Personal development also will be stressed in many classes, he continued. Classes in Jeaaer ship, communications, nutrition, selection of clothing and acces sories, music and art appreciat ion and medical self help are all aimed at helping the in dividual. But, career opportunities will be pointed out in the majority of classes. For instance, 4-H club members 15 and older will at tend classes on town and coun try business, food engineering science, animal science, plant science, forest science, fish and game management and home economics. Younger club members will at tend classes built around such subjects as entomology, farm crops, microbiology, tree farm ing, education beyond high school and "You and Your Future." 17.090.64 5,532.12 265.00 2.270.00 2.5S2.12 265.00 2.250.00 Except Taxes To Be Levied Taxes Necessary to Balance Budget Add Taxes Estimated Not to Be Recevied During Ensuing Year TOTAL TAXES TO BE LEVIED Analysis of Taxos To Bo LoTiod Within 6 Limitation Not Subject to 6 Limitation TOTAL TAXES TTl RF! LEVIED S All reserve funds and special revenue funds, if any, are Included. 4.57064 8.000.00 $ 5.847.12 $ 2,847.12 S 2,84712 $ 2.847.12 3,000.00 5,847.12 $ 2.847.12 3,000.00 $ 3.000.00 3.000.00 PERSONAL SERVICES Supplemental Information Salaries Paid From More Than One Source yon THE FISCAL YEAR 1M4 IMS BEGINNING JULY 1. 14 ltecorder Treasurer . . IVllc Water Mater (Urbane Collector Sperial l"ullct TOTALS No. of Total Coaotal Enipo. Salary Fund L emtio $ ruMioo 1 150.00 150.00 1 w 1 4,500 00 iVWOO ..... 1 150 tW 150 00 I 5.400.HO $ 1.50000 Watoc Utility Fund 3.110 00 S 3.900 00 I0NE NEWS (Continued from p I) Sru Leo Hams Is pcndln 30dav leave here vuttlmt Ms parent. Mr. and Mrs. Veter llama and family. He la station ed on the CSS Hornet and has lust returned from a Mr hat cruise. John Turner of Baker arrivea on Tucsoay lo lane nis wiie home. She has spend th past week here visiting her sister, Mrs. Walter Roberts, who has lust recently returned from the hospital. Mrs. Ray Barnett will assist Mrs. Roberts for a while. Frtxoa Go To Ttcktt Winners Hist place winners of the ticket sale for the annual United Church of Christ barbecue din ner were prizes of $3 00 each to Kristin Nelson and John Rlet- mann; second prizes wero won Circular Outlines Grain Varieties Recommended varlo 1 1 of wheat, oats, rve and barley are listed and detMTlbde In "hmall drain Varieties for Oregon." new circular of Information pub lished by Oregon State Univer sity Agricultural Experiment Station. by Trresa Tucker and Bill Jp sen. who received $1.50; and third prize winners were Kathy llolu and Louis Ortiz, who were to receive two free stage coach rides. Since they were not present the prize was awarded to the fourth plac winners. Car ol Hausler and Ricky Boyce. The auction and dinner were a huge success and enjoy cd by all those present. Lea Matthews left the end of the week for Idaho, where he will visit hu family for the summer. Written by Wilson II. Foote, station agroiuunUt and assist ant director, the circular brings logethrr pertinent Information needed by amall grain growers throughout Oregon. Kecoinmen dallons are prrparvd by OSU agronomists with the assistance of county extension agents and specialists. Varieties which have been out standing In production and qual ity and. In moat cases, resistant to disease, arc recommended. Varieties generally satisfactory are listed as acceptable. The brief variety description give essential information on adap tation, outstanding botanical characteristics and desirable agronomic traits. Copies are available from county extension offices or from the OSU Bulle tin Clerk, Corvallls. STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS TYPE OF INDEBTEDNESS TOTAL INDEBTEDNESS PETTY CASH Balance, July 1 None None None Approved by Budget Committee April 20. 1964. Frederick T. Martin. Chairman of Budget Committee FUND RESOURCES FOR THE FISCAL TEAR 1964-1965 BEGINNING JULY 1. 1964 HISTORICAL DATA ACTUAL Second Preceding Year First Preceding Year Budget Current Year ($ '($ LIVESTOCK LOSSES mount to over $2 Billion annuilly. according. to U5DA ttimatos) USE OUR LIVESTOCK SUPPLY DEPARTMENT It b aslgnito srv yoo In yoor UvMtock Discs Pravtatloo Program V, WI KATUM VAC CI HE 0 end SUPPLIES HUMPHREYS REXALL DRUG 7.S65.31) 1513.70 123.66 1,12475 606.31 70.00 28.00 111.00 4,287.86) 1,522.32 556.88 5,583.39 7,66259 2,359.74 4,295.70 6,655.44 7,877.10 4.73754' 12,614.64 4,717.91 182.72 3,146.06 8,046.69 30,69150 ($ ($ 5 5 $ $ 8,066.04) 1532.65 131.70 1,273.42 723.47 70.00 2.00 25.00 4,307.80) 1367.01 249.34 6,033.75 7,650.10 2,502.40 613.24 3,115.64' 7,342.15 6,003.78 13,345.93 $ 5,013.01 25439 3,005.58 8,272.98 28,07635 Includes unappropriated balance budgeted last year. GENERAL FUND Available Cash on Hand (Cash Basis) . Current Levy Previously Levied Taxes Estimated To Be Received During Ensuing Year Other Sources State of Oregon Liquor Fund Franchise Taxes Licenses and Permits Fines and Forfeitures Other Sources TOTAL RESOURCES ... ROAD FUND Current Levy Tractor Rental and M.S. Sales ... Available Cash on Hand TOTAL RESOURCES STATE TAX STREET FUND State Highway Allocation Available Cash on Hand - TOTAL RESOURCES WATER UTILITY FUND Water Sales Available Cash on Hand TOTAL RESOURCES SERIAL LEVY FUND Available Cash on Hand (Cash Basis) .. Previously Levied Taxes Estimated To Be Received During Ensuing Year OTHER RESOURCES Current Levy Total Resources .. TOTAL RESOURCES ALL FUNDS .. Budget For Ensuing Year Approved S 3,017.00 1,100.00 400.00 70.00 15.00 50.00 4,652.00 Hotice Of Budget Hearing The budget for Heppner Rural Fire District for the f Iseal . year J,n.nB,n J"n?,i 1964. as detailed and summarized In the accompanying A effects on this basis consistent with that used In prior years. Ma W change II -"V" Z, t, fomument may be budget are set lonn n an ?mP.n,,r K s n - , Anni, A mPt.,lni: of Inspected by interested persons pciwecn me iwurs n i -" Heppner icurai rire immci win oe neiu unc w, .-, purpose of holding a public hearing on this budget. Any prrson budget, or any part of It the the the Fair Annex. A pin. at ralr may appear Annex, for lo illwusa DICK T. WILKINSON. Chairman of Governing Body FINANCIAL SUMMARY FOR THE ENSUING FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1. 1964 TAX LEVY COMPUTATION Total Budget Requirements . Less Budget Resources, Except Taxes to be Levied Taxes Necessary to Balance Budget - - - Add Taxes Estimated Not to Be Received During Ensuing ear TOTAL TAXES TO BE LEVIED ANALYSIS OF TAXES TO BE LEVIED Within 67c Limitation TOTAL TAXES TO BE LEVIED .................. All reserve funds and spi-clal revenue funds, if any, ore Included. Total General All Funds rund ..$ 6,750.00 $ 6.750.00 JIO00O 900.00 ... 5.H50.CX) 550.00 23400 23400 ...S 6,08-1.00 S 6,084.00 $ 6.08100 $ 6.084 00 ...$ 6.084.00 S 6,08400 $ zz 1,250.00 100.00 5,000.00 6,350.00 2,800.00 4,825.00 7,625.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 4,250.00 3,000.00 J$ 7,250.00 J$ 33,877.00 FUND REQUIREMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAH 1964-1965 BEGINNING JULY I, 1964 HISTORICAL DATA ACTUAL Second Preceding Year First Preceding Year $ 882.43 $ 863.62 600.00 650.00 150.00 16250 31.04" 16.00 175.00 195.00 100.00 100.00 526.90 77025 192.12 153.15 528.77 281.28 25.55 45.00 60.00 58.92 73.14 197.12 488.00 11.09 $ 3,778.18 $ 3,558.70 $ 226.62 388.97 1,402.22 1,603.40 $ 1,628.84 $ 1,99237 $ 6,042.20 $ 945.00 $ 6,042.20 $ 945.00 $ 3,600.00 $ 3,900.00 1,249.58 1,286.44 1,761.28 556.03 $ 6,610.86 $ 5.742.47 Budget Current Year $ 1,000.00 600.00 150.00 600.00 100.00 195.00 100.00 600.00 200.00 600.00 22.00 60.00 150.00 225.00 250.00 GENERAL FUND Street Lighting OFFICIALS' SALARIES: Recorder ..... ... ..... Treasurer ... .... Police Special Police Auditing Library Donation Insurance . Heat City Hall Payroll Taxes Budget For Ensuing Year ApproTed 1,000.00 600.00 150.00 600.00 150.00 195.00 100.00 600.00 200.00 600.00 22.00 60.00 150.00 225.00 3,900.00 1,200.00 1,100.00 League of Oregon Cities Pest Control Fire Truck Operation Office Supplies and Expenses Other TOTAL REQUIREMENTS 4 4,652.00 ROAD FUND Equipment Operation $ 2d0.00 Other 6,100.00 TOTAL REQUIREMENTS $ 6,350.00 STATE TAX STREET FUND Street Maintenance $ 7,625.00 TOTAL REQUIREMENTS STSF $ 7,625.00 WATER UTILITY FUND Personal Service: Water Master Garbage Collector 4 3,900.00 Power For Pumping . 1,200.00 System Maintenance 1,100.00 Other 1,800.00 TOTAL REQUIREMENTS $ 8,000.00 FOR THE CURRENT FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1. 1963 Total TAX LEVY COMPUTATION All Funds Total Budget Requirements - -.. . $ Less Budget Resources, Except Taxes to Be Levied ,' Taxes Necessary to Balance Budget . n5J3.ou Add Taxes Estimated Not to Be Received During Ensuing Year iV.", TOTAL TAXES TO BE LEVIED 5 5,595.00 ANALYSIS OF TAXES TO BE LEVIED Within 67c Limitation - - J TOTAL TAXES TO BE LEVIED $ 5,593.00 All reserve funds and special revenue funds, if any, are included. General Fund I 6,095 00 500.00 5.595.00 None I 5,593.00 1 5,595.00 5 5,595.00 STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS Current Year (Actual) TYPE OF INDEBTEDNESS Bonds one Interest Bearing Warrants Short Term Notes "one TOTAL INDEBTEDNESS None Approved by Budget Committee, May 25, 1904 William Van Winkle, Chairman of Budget Commltteo GENERAL FUND RESOURCES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1964-1965, BEGINNING JULY 1. 1964 HISTORICAL DATA Actual Second Preceding Year First Preceding Year 150.00 Budget Current Year $ 500.00 Budget For Ensuing Year Approved Available Cash on Hand (Cash Basis) $ Previously Levied Taxes Estimated to Be Received Durlnlg Ensuing Year . Other Resources Interest . Total Resources, Except Taxes to Be Levied $ Taxes Necessary to Balance Budget Total Resources $ 600.00 270.00 30.00 900.00 6,084.00 6,984.00 DETAILED REQUIREMENTS BY FUNDS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1964-1965, BEGINNING JULY 1, 1964 Fire Department General Fund HISTORICAL DATA Actual Second Preceding Year S 10.00 25.00 5,700.00 75.00 5.00 30.00 145.00 40.00 60.00 5.00 First Budget Preceding Current Year Year $ 10.00 $ 10.00 25.00 25.00 5,700.00 5,700.00 75.00 75.00 5.00 5.00 30.00 30.00 145.00 145.00 40.00 40.00 60.00 60.00 5.00 5.00 Budget For Ensuing Yeaf Approved Insurance Bond $ ,PJ? Legal Fees - Payment to City Audit lo.OO Stamps, Envelopes ... . 30-00 Election Expense -?2xx Operating Contingency VxSx Travel Expense 100.00 Advertising 60.00 Filing Fee m 5-00 TOTAL $ 6,750.00 4