ncai I v flnUhed our third anil lat article In our project. We will meet ai'aln In June. Our MHr wa Mr. MiVabe. Chrlktlne MiVabe, reHrtrr Rtrrnci gazette -tines. Taunday.'jttae . I N t - one ews Busy Needles Meet The Huv Needle 4 II Knitting rluh held a inevtlnif May 'Jl at Mr. Nihn' home. We have Mr. and Mr. Fugene iwkter m daughter left n Friday afternoon fr Idaho, where they will Mvnt Ihe mmnw, Mr. ami Mi 'mu VUtce and mali daughter of Redmond were overnight gueM t( her par ent Mr. and Mr. Harold MliT r on Thursday and attended graduation. Mr. Walter G. Kerti mum tni tnm Pioneer Memorial not r,itj on Mondav after being con finest thorp for M-ven wki with a broken h!r. She Is walking noma with the atd cf crutches and a walker. Her nephew Robert RUtmann. bought her home. " Oma Houm U Planned . Mrs. Kay Harnett Is holding rten houe at hr home on June 10 from 1:00 to .uu in toe auer noon. The coffee hour U In honor of her daughter. Mr. Nern Aune i.Marv Harnett of Seattle, who will be here UslUne with her small on and baby daugh ler. All friends of Mrs, Aune are cordially invited to drop In during the afternoon for a visit with her. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ash and LIVESTOCK LOSSES HMMl f r Z lilliea f. lter4C t U$DA iintl USE OUR LIVESTOCK SUPPLY DEPARTMENT It b imifUU nt fM h fm Uvetfeck DteMM tiwitHM Pre riATuai VAC CINE 0 ana SUPPLIES HUMPHREYS REXALL DRUG daughter. Ula. are leaviine oon fur California lo vuit another daughter and then will k to KanM. where they wilt aivnd the surnmrr. Mr. and Mrs. Rov Stender pcnt the week end here uittng trienda and relatives. They left 7 7'1 w J on Monday for llermtston to vil nis urouter, warren, before re turning to their home tn Salem Mr and Mrs. In in Itiuhle of .Seattle arrived on Thurs.tav evening for a visit with hi cousin. Mr. and Mr. Franklin Llndstivm, Thev left on S.itur nay tor tsaKcr wnere tney were lo lMt before returning home on Sundav, Mr. and Mrs. Uovd Morgan and Judy. Ceraldine. and Bonnie went to Portland for a few days. They took (.era Mine buck to school at torvalli. Virgil taed at the home tr Mr. and Mrs faul Pettyjohn while hi par ents were away. John, swanson ha eomrtcted nis mnooi year at University of Portland and rt turned home on Friday evening. He brought home his grandmother, Mrs, Mary' Swanson. who has been visiting relatives in Salem and Portland. Gucs of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Helmblgner Commencement evening were his mother. Mrs. Henry Helmblgner and his brother. Ralph lleimbigncr ofi Odessa. n. Another Thursday evening was Jerry Jeppe of llermlston. Mr. and Mrs. John Turner of Baktr arrived on Saturday for a visit w ith relatives. Mr. Turner returned on Sunday, but Mrs. Turner remained for a longer visit with her sisters, Mrs. Walter Roberts and Mrs. Victor Rietmann. Another sister, Airs. Esper Hansom of Portland came on Sunday for a visit She came as far as The Dalles by train and the Rietmanns brought her home from there. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fettyohn, Sr.. entertained friends at a barbecue on the patio Saturday evening. Afterwards the group t t A - A -J, f r. ' 0 ' : is DUFUR HIGH SCHOOL sophomore Kay Huston will bo nn exhibitor at the ISth annual Junior Livestock Show of the Oregon Wheat Growers League at The Dalles June 7-10 for the third year. Two of her pen of Duroc hozs will be shown in the I-H division. More Exhibitors Slated At Junior Event More exhibitors with wheat the number of sheep will an. i Auction sale of lamb and guct fed steers, lambs and hogs than ansa those w no snowea tneir uvcsiotn at last year's Junior Livestock show of the Oregon Wheat Grow ers League are expected for the ISth annual show Sunday through Wednesday, June 710. A major Increase in the num ber of sheep exhibited was pre dieted by Elmer Lierman. the show's general manager, on the basis of entry cards. Even with late cancellations. Roland Ekstrom has completed his first vear at Boise Junior college and returned home this week-end. went to the Garland Swanson kJT7 ""i' .7", home for dancing. I"v"'c -" nmach 200 animals com Dared to hogs will be at 2 P.m. Wedne aay ana Mecrs at i p.m. ai uie auction yards in the Seufert Buildings optwsite The Dalle Dam. Livestock will be received In the pens all day Sunday. June 7. 104 a year ago, Lierman said Gains over a year ago were also predicted for beef animals and swine. The number of exhibitors Is expected to approach 200 4 II and FFA boys and girls. Exhib itors will come from 16 counties on the basis of entries compared to 11 for the l'.Hi3 show. Nine FFA chapters acaln will take part In show events in that division. ONCE AGAIN... You Aro Invited To . . ATTEND ... Oregon Wheat Growers Lcoguo JUNIOR LIVESTOCK SHOW Sunday Through Wednesday JUNE 7-10 Seufert Show Barns at WASCO COUNTY PARK THE DALLES and BUY ... Wheat-fattened Steers, Hojjk, Lamlw - For Your Home lacker. Auction Sales Wednesday, June 10: Ianths and Hog Steers 2 p.m. 7 p. m. VtSIT THESE SHOW FEATURES ... CARCASS CUTS . . . featured In' Judging contest". Beef carca display furnished throughout the show in cooler, provided by Oregon Beef Council. Don't inUs thla 10th Annual 4 II and FFA Show full program beginning at 8 a.m. Monday, with Notice Of Budget Hearing The budget for Ilerjnncr Rural Fire District for the fl-wal year ldGI-lMft. beginning July 1. last Wednesdav. where he hasilfttU. a detailed and ummarl2ed in the accompanying chcdulr was prepared on an accounting been confined for several weeks basis consistent with that used in prior years. Major change, if any, and their effects on this following a serious oieratuin on his back. His mother. Mrs. Oscar Peterson, and his brother. Dutr aid, went after him. ITu Ir LI T TI budget are set forth In an accompanying statement. A copy of the budget domument may be Insnected bv Interested Dersnn between the hours of 7:3) and H:.TO at Fair Annex. A meeting of the Heppner Rural Fire District will be held June 15. 11KVI, at 7:.'W 8:30 p.m. at Fair Annex, for the purpose of holding a public hearing on this budget. Any person may appear to discuss the budget, or any part of it. DICK T. WILKINSON. Chairman of Governing Body FINANCIAL SUMMARY at your dependable O. K. TIRE STORE - Hermiston LARGE SELECTION - LOW PRICES -FAST SERVICE By Tire Experts Who Understand Your Tire Needs rOB THE ENSUING FISCAL TEAR BEGINNING JULY 1. 1964 Total TAX LEVY COMPUTATION All runa Total Budget Requirements S 6,75000 Less Budget Resource. Except Taxes to be Levied . isju.isi Taxes Necessary to Balance Budget - 9.850.00 Add Taxes tsllmated Not to Be Received During Knsuing xear . i.M.ui TOTAL TAXES TO BE LEVIED 4 6.084.00 ANALYSIS OF TAXES TO BE LEVIED Within 6 Limitation S 6.084.00 TOTAL TAXES TO BE LEVIED 9 6,084.00 All reserve funds and special revenue funds, If any, are Included. Gnral rand S 6,730.00 900.00 5,830.00 23400 S 6,084.00 S 6.08400 $ 6,084.00 FOR THE CURRENT FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1, 1963 TAX LEVY COMPUTATION NEW NYLQN TRUCK POWER STAR ! Strongest Nylon cord, pos itive traction, extra deep tread, longer tire life, weather resistant, stops rock penetration. KEEP COST DOWN 8.25x20 10 PLY NYLON $71.10 TRUCK CAPS JUNE SPECIAL- fip Total All Funds Total Budget Requirements $ 6,0ftt.00 Less Budget Resources, Except Taxes to Be Levied . wxuw Taxes Necessary to Balance Budget - 595.00 Add Taxes Estimated Not to Be Received During Ensuing Year None TOTAL TAXES TO BE LEVIED - $ 5,51)5.00 ANALYSIS OF TAXES TO BE LEVIED Within 6 Limitation .S 5,595.00 TOTAL TAXES TO BE LEVIED S 5,595.00 All reserve funds and special revenue funds, if any, are included. Central rund S 6,095.00 500.00 5.595.00 None $ 5,595.00 S 5,595.00 S 5,595.00 STATEMENT Or INDEBTEDNESS TYPE Or INDEBTEDNESS Current Year (Actual) Bonds Interest Bearing Warrants Short Term Notes TOTAL INDEBTEDNESS None None None None Approved by Budget Committee, May 25, 19G4 William Van Winkle, Chairman of Budget Committee 'Plus Tax 6.50x6 - $28.60 ALL' SIZES ON SALE 8.25x20 $25 HIGHWAY OR TRACTION. WE CAP ALL SIZES. PICKUP THROUGH LARGEST TRUCK PASSENGER CAPPING ALL FULL TREADS Four highway and two traction treads to choose from. Prices start 7.50x14 6.95 to 13.95 All sizes capped from 520x13 to 9.50x14 NEW and USED WHEELS Tractor Tires We Sell and Service Get Our Prices All Popular Sizes Stocked WHEEL BALANCING CAR and TRUCK OK EXCLUSIVE Where others fail we guarantee satisfaction and longer tire life. WHEEL ALIGNMENT AU Makes Cars Pickups Light Trucks $7.95 Most cars NEW NYLON POWER STAR Complete Sis Range, Pickup to Large . Truck THIS TIRE IS OP HIGHEST QUALITY AND WE INVITE YOUR COMPARISON. GENERAL FUND RESOURCES rOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1964-1965, BEGINNING JULY 1, 1964 HISTORICAL DATA Actual Second First Preceding Preceding Year Year Budget Current Yea $ 500.00 150.00 Budget For Ensuing Year Approred Available Cash on Hand (Cash Basis) $ 600.00 Previously Levied Taxes Estimated to Be Received Durlnig Ensuing Year ...... . 270.00 Other Resources Interest 30.00 Total Resources, Except Taxes to Be Levied $ 900.00 Taxes Necessary to Balance Budget 6,034.00 Total Resources $ 6,984.00 DETAILED REQUIREMENTS BY FUNDS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1964-1965, BEGINNING JULY 1, 1964 Fire Department General Fund This Week's Special 6-50x166 ply Nylon Highway tread S19.95 8-25x2010 ply Nylon Highway tread $49.95 LOW COST MILEAGE HISTORICAL DATA Actual 0 K. LOUIS MAY -CROP TERMS AVAILABLE" HERMISTON, OREGON Second Preceding Year $ 10.00 25.00 5,700.00 75.00 5.00 30.00 145.00 40.00 60.00 5.00 First Preceding Year $ 10.00 25.00 5,700.00 75.00 5.00 30.00 145.00 40.00 60.00 5.00 Budget Current Year $ 10.00 25.00 5,700.00 75.00 5.00 30.00 145.00 40.00 60.00 5.00 Budget For Ensuing Year Approved Insurance Bond $ .?5-9? Legal Fees 100.00 Payment to City 5'7J?-?J? Audit M5-J Stamps, Envelopes 30-W Election Expense .. r Operating Contingency . . 545-00 Travel Expense rJ; Advertising 60.00 Filing Fee - 5.00 TOTAL $ 6,750.00