rtcrrrtr.it cxrimx nxts. nndar. ) a. im4 23 no 3 on ! no 0.13 Wi 2.2MIM 1Mino MOO (lion (U m kmkm) 4.7aVT7 4IWHU 2.41) (Ml PZIOQ 31! Ul WMil 44 Wl NW) MOOD MM SHOO -lOi! 00 4U09 moo m so 00 (Continued from iiagit 41 Mrnially III orruui i"ui.iiiion iMhlUily trwl dvertUIng Ib-Klrtrar ..,.. N U b-curlty ... , Hrram (iaurlng r'xprrtfte . HuliUrf InUitfrnt fund .., Itrlirf In tit Indlifrnt ... Water Mattrr ami llrljxr Kipem (artaf l'lpoal fund (ouniy fark rMnd Keep Orrfon flrern . .... County Ambulance Fund Wind Eroalon rund f 56.076 26 t U.791.39 S 36.030 00 Mid Columbia 1'Unnlrtg Cimmlte Morrow County ralr Building Fund .. Total County Kpre and Contribution 1.000 100 j,rt 1) U0 10 300 Jj(M ftO 1.2O0 1 1.000 57.03 GENERAL ROAD FUND rox rnt fiscal tiai ih4 ms. bccinxixo jolt i. ih4 HISTORICAL DATA ACTUAL rtrat Bd rniartlaf tfmOXmf Curreet Tm Tav Tee f f 6.00000 S 6.000 00 5.700 00 5.70000 5.70000 5.70000 5.700 00 5. TOO 00 97.8414 SM.SW34 5H.000OO f WM1M HOi.VMM S 8U00.00 f 29.3703 S 22j3A.1T I 32.000 00 21.152.41 3.903 24 23.700 00 3.2HHM 3.143 08 8.00000 1H.07671 14.263 K2 19.00000 10.506 20 9.416 97 10.600 00 40.431.72 17.311.17 31.00000 2.4OC0O 1121.K5372 $ 72.273 45 1126.700 00 t 10.771 JO S 7.633 62 S 20.00000 CEKERAL B0ADS F i al ferrtceei Road Master Shoo Foreman Shovtl Operator ....... (Tuanrr foreman Labor Total IVraonal Service MaterUda avd Serriceei Kept Ira Supplies Insurance ..... Caa and Oil lleet Tm Elf Ter Appie? ea 6.300 6.000 6.000 6.000 63.2301 83.530 City Appropriation Fund Mlrllaneoui Expense borial security Total Materials and Services Capital Outlay! New equipment New Trucka and Other Lqulpment Total Capital Outlay .4 30.000 22.500 7.000 19.000 10.000 30.000 3.000 .4122,100 S 22.07315 162 75 4.4.10 00 8.000 00 518.00 17548 21.144.99 S 61.596.33 S 29.970 22 3.2U3 00 208 M 6.0T.8 50 21.ooo.oq 492.96 21023 20.370 JO S 73.005 63 S 49.500 00 3. 407 .00 1.00000 6.00000 8.000.00 500.00 300 00 500 00 16.000 00 1.273 00 S 88.542.00 Total Road Department SPECIAL FUNDS County Fair Fund . 20.000 . 20.000 .4227.650 Predatory Animal Control Fund Do Fund Weed Control Fund County Hoapltal Mtse. Fund Law Library Fund , Taylor Grazing Fund Alcohol Enforcement Fund County General School Boardman Vector Control Fund Total of Special Funds Jl 61.450 5.730 1,000 6.000 - 9.000 600 - 2,300 300 . 16.000 .. 1443 .4102.635 GENERAL FUND RESOURCES FOB THE FISCAL TEA! 1964-196S. BEGINNING JULT 1. 1964 HISTORICAL DATA ACTUAL Second First freee 9 Preceding Year Tear S 14.467.06 S 20.624 90 8.77000 11.800 67 4.901. 50 4.615.39 7.2.1400 6.15075 360.00 30.00 867.95 1.184.09 1.63413 WO.77 4.12466 5,175.09 2J0621 4.496.86 213.71 224 67 1.634.13 2.161.78 S 46.413 33 S 57.823 97 udaet Current Tear $ 8.000 00 8.000 00 4.2O0.00 6.00000 360.00 900 00 70000 5.00000 1. 000.00 3.200.00 250.00 39.800.00 S 79.410.00 116.226.00 $193,636.00 Ai-allihl fmih nn 1 tan1 Previously Levied Taxes Est, to be Received During Ensuing Year Clerks Fees Justice Court Fines Water Rent From Hospital Sheriffs Fees State Board of Health In Lieu of Taxes rh TVnfr fmm Almhnt (Vinfml Fund Cash Transfers from Amusement Device Tax Misc. Receipts and Rentals Trailer License Distribution Timber Severance Tax Distribution IhImhI nn Tim TVnOKltA Total Resources. Except Taxes to be Levied Taxes Necessary to Balance Budget Total Resources Budoet For Ensuln? Taar Approved 9 Z0,uw 3,000 5.000 6.000 360 1.000 800 4.800 900 2.700 200 7.400 350 850 1.400 54.760 125.83C 147 t 8973 I 41999 2.74 1222 I 83323 505 97 5.19 38 0d S 2.719 61 S 218.93 3057 3 9H 2914 1349 I 77141 f 500 00 5..v no f 6.000 00 None Durlnr the Ensuing Year In lieu Taxes Timber Severance Tas Apportionment Mlarel.aneoua Rrcelpta . . . Total Resources Tsxea Necessary to Balance Budget Total Keacurct't . MIEDATOIT ANIMAL CONTROL Available Cash on llnd iTevlously Levied Taxes Est. to be Received Lmrtnc the Ensuing Year . In Lieu of Taxes 3 10 50 14H0 4.620 6.0U0 4 1.000 Timber Severance Tax Apportionment Trailer License Distribution 3.467.00 S 3.467.00 Total Resources, Except Taxes to be Levied Taxes Necessary to Balance Budget , Total Resources ... 200 10 40 10 lo 4.470 5,730 VECTOB CONTX0L FUND Available Cash on Hand Receipts Total Resources Taxes Necessary to Balance Budget Total Resources 23 . None J 2S - 1.117 S 281.00 S 542.26 I 500.00 11.42 262 277.62 f 292.43 t 82240 f 50000 S 500.00 900.72 f 12944 $ 700.00 1347 1449 163X10 171.00 300.00 SI XI I 1.079.36 $ 1419.79 1 XXX) XX) S 1,07946 f 1419.79 S lXXXJXX) S 663J6 S 149564 $ 300.00 932.48 420.22 $ 1495-64 $ 2414M S 300.00 S 5843 S 6340 S 300.00 649 24.42 .48 3 01 23260 353.00 S 297.80 S 443.73 200.00 S 500.00 I 20233.97 S 49400.00 793 JO 20400.00 9.641.06 $ 51468 33 S 49400.00 S 49400.00 ALCOHOL tNFOBCXMENT FUND Available Cash on Hand Previously Levied Taxes Est. to be Received During Ensuing Year Justice Court Fines Total Resources Except Taxes to be Levied Total Resources DOO FUND Available Cash on Hand Previously Levied Taxes Est, to be Received During Ensuing Year Dog License Trailer License, Etc. Total Resources Except Taxes to be Levied Taxes Necessary to Balance Budget Total Resources 400 100 00 500 100 300 400 600 1,000 TATLOB C BATING FUND Available Cash on Hand Crazing Apportionment Total Resources. Except Taxes to be Levied . Total Resources -4 2.000 300 .4 2400 .4 2400 LAW LXSBAIT FUND Available Cash on Hand Previously Levied Taxes Est. to be Received During Ensuing Year , , ... Miscellaneous Receipt , . ..,.,. .. Law Library Fees Total Resources, Except Taxes to be Levied Taxes Necessary to Balance Budget Total Resources 400 200 600 600 COUNTY FA4B FUND Available Cash on Hand 120 Mill Levy Racing Commission Admissions, Rentals, Supplies, Etc. , . Total Resources, Except Taxes to be Levied Total Resources .4 30.000 800 - 20400 - 10450 J$ 61.450 4 61,450 GENERAL ROAD RESOURCES FOB THE FISCAL TEA 1964-1965. BEGINNING JULT 1. 1964 HISTORICAL DATA ACTUAL 4180.596 Second Preceding Tear S 14.467.06 21.851.85 15403.86 3.279.30 7464.53 87053 4424.66 21431.85 $ 77.411.97 First Preceding Year S 46.631.46 13.639.84 8.601.80 2.887.44 4,72571 143734 78.49 703.64 576.34" 7145640 S150.93S.06 Badaet Current Tear $ 500.00 9.000.00 14400.00 3,000.00 36,000.00 1400.00 100.00 500.00 400.00 47,000.00 S312400.00 S115.000.00 $227,800.00 Available Cash on Hand Previously Levied Taxes Est. to be Received During the Ensuing Year Forest Rentals , ,. Gas Refunds Sales and Rentals Public Land Sales In Lieu of Taxes Budget For Ensuing Tear Approved 30,000 Federal Flood Control .Apportionment . Timber Severance Tax Apportionment Trailer Licenses and Boats Cash Transfer from Motor License Fund Special Road Tax Levy ... Total Resources, Except Taxes to be Levied Taxes Necessary to Balance the Budget Total Resources 1.000 18.750 - 3400 2.000 - 1.600 200 - 7,000 800 300 . 48,000 115,000 4227450 4227450 SPECIAL FUND RESOURCES HISTORICAL DATA ACTUAL, Second Preeedina Tear S 88.36 First Preeedina Tear S 247047 Budget Current Tear 500.00 WEED CONTROL FUND Available Cash on Hand Previously Levied Taxes Est. to be Received Budget For Ensuing Tear Approved $ 1,000 PERSONAL SERVICES FOB THE FISCAL TEAS 1964-65, BEGINNING JULT 1, 1964 SALARIES PAID FBOM MORE THAN ONE SOUBCE No. of Emps. Office Secretary Total Salary $4,700 DETAILED SALARY Page 4 Line 3 $4400 Page 6 Line 2 $400 County Agent't Office Trap Readings Show Rust Here Very Low By N. C ANDERSON a a nnn rancher said a few days 8RO, "one consolation, on a year like this, Is that wo won t have any rust in our wheat, at least" This appears to be true even thouch the rust might be tho lesser of two evils, drouth bolnjj the other. While leaf str po rust was found in most all fields examined in March of this year, H is difficult now to find a trace. Devices set up to trap spores of rust are not producing many as they are gathered every ten days and examined by micro scopes. One located in the Light mile area Is producing the most spores with 11 found on the small cyllnderlcal rod on last examination. At tho Gooseberry location, spores have inlcreased from zero, the first exposure, to six at the last reading. In the north Lex ington area, only two spores have been collected during this entire period. There Is leaf stripe rust around as indicated by readings in the Willamette Valley such as 79 and 87 each exposure. The highest reading in the Columbia Basin was taken In Wasco coun ty recently with 69. Another high reading was In Gilliam county, with 41 spores counted. It is Interesting to note that only nine spores have been picked up at nine trap locations put out by the Pendleton Branch Experiment station. Very few more spores are reported from other stations in Umatilla coun ty. Last year Umatilla county was hard hit by strlpo leaf rust Oregon's self-help commodity groups, the Commodity Commls slnlna. will KDond $750,000 in pro moting and researching their commodities in the fiscal year l'MJl CS if their proposed budgets are approved. Two of the groups, the Oregon Wheat Commission and Oregon Dairy Products Com mission, have already approved their hudects at public hearings. The Wheat Commission adopted a budget or $ii,y.ai wnue the Dairy Products Commission budgeted $60,ooo. The eicht other commissions will have budget hearings soon. They are Oregon Filbert Com mission, Oregon Beef Council, Oregon Totato Comml s s i o n, Highland Bent Grass Commis sion, Otter Trawl Commission, Chewing Fescue and Creeping Red Fescue Commission, and Orecon Orchard urass beea Producers Commission. The state's eleventh commis sion, the Oregon Hop Commis sion, will not be sworn In and have its organizational meeting until June 2. This has been a popular way to promote commod ities and Oregon has led the country In such a self-help pro cram that Is spreading rapidly to other states. - Whlle there will not be a lush growth to carry a fire tuis year, the fire season could start al most immediately with the dry ing of roadsides with ranges now as dry as mid-August. A few hot days will create a much greater fire hazard than, now and everyone should be pre pared to cope with any fire that might start on their own or neighboring land. The Morrow County Voluntary Fire program is organized again this year to assist in the various communities with not only equipment, but the organization of making fire fighting effective. It, of course, is better to keep a fire from starting than to con trol one after It has begun. At a recent meeting of the Farm Fire Control Committee, they recognized that Morrow county ranchers were In the best possible position for this , lire season with almost all having some good pieces of equipment. It is gratifying to see the num ber of good high pressure spray ers that most ranchers have purchased. Local dealers have been giving real good service in pushing the sale of these out fits. In addition, county owned equipment located in various strategic communities are on call. Small high pressure sprayers which are mounted on farmer owned pickups are located at the Jerry Brosnan, Harold Wright. Don Hellker, Andy Van Schoiack and Kenneth reck ranches. At least one more is available by contacting this of fice to be located In an area where someone will agree to be responsible for it. These ranchers have agreed to assist with fire control in their immediate area. In addition, a large 6x6 tanker is located at the Walt Jacobs ranch south of lone. This Is an excellent piece of fire fighting equipment and is located on top" where it can get quickly to fires In each direction from the ranch. Roy Martin, Lexington, and Bob RIetmann, lone, have county owned Jeeps with the spray tanks that are also on call in their community. We remind all ranchers as one member of the Farm Fire Committee says, "Are you ready for a fire In your com munity? Your neighbor Is." Ken Turner Selected Conservation Man of Tear Congratulations to Kenneth Turner, Sandhollow area ranch er, for his selection as "1964 Conservation Man of the Year." Kenneth has done an exceptional Job during the past eight years that he has been actively oper ating the ranch. A firm hellevpr In soil corvcer. vatlon. Ken has had some frus trating moments in estaDiismng a comprehensive program in an area noted ior irequeni cioua bursts which pose quite a prob lem of disposal with little erosion in this area of steeper land. In addition to doing a fine job of soil conservation, Kenneth Is a good neighbor and a willing worker on many community ac tivities. He was the first to admit that he has not reached the ultimate In an overall conservation pro gram and we know that he will strive to do an even more effic ient Job. Last week while visiting. his ranch gathering information on practices which won him the title, wa found out that he is not only a conservationist but a carpenter. I was envious of what he calls his "winter pro ject" remodeling the basement of the home into a fine family room, office, storage, additional bedrooms and bath facilities. He and Jean Ann are proud of this, and rightfully so. CnnA Coif Nutrition Important Before Weaning Tho rmtriHnn nf the calf be fore weaning affects its future feedlot performance. At me iihnmii Vvnoriment station steers receiving poor nutrition as calves were 65 pounds lighter after a 10-month feeding per iod and yielded 2S pounas jess lean meat than did calves prop erly fed before weaning. Research indicates that one means of assuring good calf nu trition is to select for high milk- producing cows. The pounds of milk produced per day signifi cantly affected the 205-day weaning weights of the calves on test. Spray By GAR AVIATION Weed Spraying Fertilizing Dusting Seeding YEAR-AR0UND SERVICE Arm in Mel WIHLON and BOYER Lexington Airport Lexington, Ore, Phone 983-8- m I fey a vu.ju AtelBjjpU-; K- I I IV7D i-riwwwi woou preservciiive Chevron Wood Preservative gives extra long life to fence posts, hop poles, sills... any wood in contact with the ground. If you apply it by soaking, here's an easy way that cuts a lot of lifting. Sink a barrel in the ground and just slide heavy posts in. Don't forgfct you can save 10 on Chevron Wood Preservative delivered before August 31. Order now and save. For any Standard Oil product, call L. E. "ED" DICK Phone 676-9633 Beppnei