NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING . ". . Mn .- - (..-, i v imt-l.Kfct Rilnnln IT Jlllv 1. 1964 SI The BUdJfCt lOT MUKKUW .WUmi lor T:. ! UhZ' If and thel nrfrmrfd an an account r.ff tas consistent wun mm uwu m J!- "-tr:r -"i'.u" wi:.-. . . w . 4 . . kA Hiiuvti i nipficiwi wrmm npiwrrn i 1 ic iiuuik ti - pan 01 It OSCAR E. PETERSON , Chairman of Governing w? FINANCIAL SUMMARY . FOR THE ENSUING FISCAL TEAS lECWinMO JULY L 14 Tax Urr Computation Total Budget Requirements Leu Budget Resource. Except Taxes to be Levied Taxea Necessary to Balance Budget Add Taxea Est. Not to be Received During Ensuing Year Total Taxes to Be Levied Analysis Of Tom To Be Levied Within 6 Limitation Not Subject to 6 Limitation Total Taxes to Be BonSed Indebtedness Total General All Funds Fund $511,971 $180,596 350,323 54.760. 161.643 125,836 ; 1W64 U5M 1177.807 $138,420 $177,807 $138,420 115.000 $292307 $138,420 None General Roads $227,650 227.650 General Schools $16,000 18.000 1.600 17.600 17.600 rund Fred. Animal $ 1.000 400 600 60 660 660 Control rand $ 5.730 1.260 4.470 447 4,917 4.917 Fair Fund $61,450 61,450 Taylor Crating rund $ 2.300 2,300 Weed Control rund Hospital Mtso. rund Alcohol Cnlorc Line Library $ 6.000 $ 9,000 $ 500 115.000 $115,000 1.380 4.620 462 5.082 5.062 $ 5.082 500 600 600 9,000 900 9.900 9.900 $ 9.900 Vector Control rund $ 1.145 28 1.117 111 1.228 1.223 $ 1.228 $ 17,600 1 660 $ 4.917 . - . . a t a a a Asm m a 11 sr" sk m sv a" am I Aa s m m mj rinanwiMu jwmmwni FOR THE CURRENT FISCAL TEA BEGINNING JULY 1. lf$ T Levy Computcctto. Total Budget w, Requirements $511o Less Budget Resources, Except Taxes to 0,1rt Be Levied 359410 Taxes Necessary to K,ctta Balance Budget 152.66S Add Taxes Est, Not to Be Received ,. Ensuing Year IW66 Total Taxes to Be Levied 167,334 Analysis of Taxea to Bo Levied ,. Within 6 Limitation 167,934 Not Subject to ,,,wi 6 Limitation JS?S5 Total Taxes to Be Levied S2S2S34 General Fund $195,636 79.410 116,226 11.623 127340 127,840 $127,840 General Schools $ 16.000 16,000 1.600 17.600 17.600 $17,600 General Roads $22700 227.800 Fred. Animal Doa Control Fund $1,000 1.000 115,000 $115,000 Fund $ 5.467 5.467 546 6,013 6,013 $ 6.013 Ftdr Fund $ 49.500 49,500 Taylor Grazing Fund $ 300 300 nrrAHFD REQUIREMENTS BY FUNDS FOB THE FISCAL YEAR 1964-1965. BEGINNING JVLT 1, 1964 General Fund HISTORICAL DATA ACTUAL Second Preceding Tear $ 5,400.00 3,600.00 6.300.00 $ 15.300.00 $ 3,486.08 7.155.41 , $ 10,641.49 First Preceding . Year $ 5,700.00 2.400.00 8,553.00 $ 16,653.00 $ 1,627.05 753.06 792.40 $ 3,17251 Budget Current Teat $ 5.700.00 3,600.00 H. 272.00 I. O0.OO $ 19,972.00 $ 1,600.00 1,000.00 500.00 760.00 3,000.00 260.00 $ 7420.00 ASSESSOR'S OFFICE , Personal Services! Assessor's Salary Office Clerk's Salary State Appraisers Part Time Office Clerk Total Personal Services Materials and Services t Office Supplies Field Work Maps - State Tax Commission Mtse. Fund Farm Land Reappraisal Budget For Ensuing Year Approved 6,000 3,800 9,632 800 Industrial Appraisal and Audit Fund Convention (mileage ana expense; Total Materials and Services CoDital Outlay: Filing Cabinets ..$ 20,232 1.500 1.200 500 500 3,000 310 100 7,110 Total Capital Outlay .$ 600 600 $10,641.49 $ 3,172.51 $ 7420.00 Total Assessor's Office 4 27,942 $ 5,400.00 4.200.00 $ 9.600.00 $ 1,590.06 $ 1.590.06 $ 11,190.06 $ 1 ,320.00 1,768.69 $ 3,088.69 $ 3,088.69 $ 5,400.00 300.00 3,490.14 $ 9,190.14 $ 724.19 $ 724.19 $ 9,914.33 $ 4,800.00 $ 813.56 1,694.87 865.76 1,048.96 $ 4,423.15 $ 9,223.15 $ 5,400.00 4,200.00 $ 5,700.00 4,200.00 $ 9,900.00 $ 1,484.97 $ 1.484.97 $ 11384.97 $ 1,320.00 2,451.97 $ 3,771.97 $ 134.60 $ 134.60 $ 3,90657 $ 5,700.00 4.200.00 $ 9,900.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 1.500.00 $ 11,400.00 $ 1,320.00 4,000.00 500.00 $ 5,820.00 $ 180.00 $ 180.00 $ 6,000.00 CLERK'S OFFICE Personal Service: Clerk's Salary Deputy Clerk's Salary Total Personal Services Materials and Services: Supplies Convention Expense Association Dues Total Materials and Services Capital Outlay: Total Clerk's Office .$ 6,000 4,300 ...$ 10,300 .$ 1500 100 20 ...$ 1,620 ..$ 11,920 9,600.00 395.34 300.00 2,172.52 73L04 $ 3598.90 $ 13,198.90 $ 5,700.00 $ 5,700.00 300.00 300.00 2,70155 2,600.00 $ 8,70155 $ 8,600.00 456.96 $ 470.00 913.02 800.00 $ 1,369.98 $ 1.270.00 $ 10,071.53 $ 9,870.00 $ 4,800.00 $ 4,800.00 $ 546.11 500.00 1,691.32 1,700.00 593.65 800.00 36922 500.00 $ 3,200.30 $ 3,500.00 $ 8,000.30 - $ 8,300.00 S 5,700.00 $ 5,700.00 4,200.00 4,200.00 1,800.00 2,100.00 600.00 600.00 $ 10,300.00 $ 12,600.00 $ 493.56 $ 500.00 300.00 300.00 2,068.70 2,000.00 934.70 850.00 $ 3,796.96 $ 3,650.00 $ 14,096.96 $ 16,250.00 $ 1,26240 $ 1,350.00 231.09 240.00 650.00 780.00 CIRCUIT COURT Court Reporter's Salary .. $ Jurors and Bailiff Special Attorney Fund Total Personal Services Materials and Services: Supplies - Total Materials and Services Total Circuit Court -$ COUNTY COURT: Personal Services: County Judge Salary Secretary Salary .. 1,680 4,000 700 6,380 200 200 6.580 County Commissioners (per diem) Total Personal services ... Materials and Services: Supplies Association of Oregon Counties County Court Expense Total Materials and Services .... Total County Court Office -.. Courthouse: Janitor's Salary Total Personal Services Materials and Services: L Courthouse Fuel Lights - - Supplies ......$ ....$ ....4 Rpnalrs to Courthouse and Jail Total Materials and Services Capital Outlay: Total Courthouse Fund - SHERIFF'S OFFICE Personal Service: Sheriff's Salary ; Office Deputy's Salary - - Office Clerk Communication System Clerk Salary Special Deputy Total Personal Services 5 Materials and Services: . , SuDDlies - - Stamps and Envelopes Sheriif's Car Expense . Tax Collections Expense Communication System Expense .... Total Materials and Services Capital Outlay: Filing Cabinet . Total Sheriff's Office ..$ DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S OFFICE Materials and Services: Fund for Clerical Help Telephone Office Rent 6,000 400 2,800 9,200 100 500 800 1,400 10,600 4,800 4,800 500 1,700 700 600 3,500 8,300 6,000 4,400 2,100 600 2,700 15,800 300 350 1500 750 650 3550 200 19550 1,350 240 780 Weed Control Hospital rund Mtso. Fund $ 6,000 500 5500 550 6.050 6.050 $ 6.050 Alcohol Enlorc Law Library Vector Control Fund 8.000 $ 500 $ 500 $ 1.275 500 300 8,000 200 1.275 800 20 127 8,800 220 1.402 8.8U0 220 1.402 8.800 S 220 $ 1.402 Approved by Budget Committee May 25, 1964. OSCAR E. PETERSON. Chairman of Budget Committee $ 5,400.00 1,440.00 300.00 $ 6,540.00 $ 1.308.00 $ 108.00 $ 7348.00 $ 3.6O0.0O $ 3,600.00 $ $ 437.14 437.14 $ 3,736.14 $ 2,100.00 $ 2,100.00 $ 36212 $ 362.12 $ 2,462.12 $ 1,200.00 600.00 $ 1,800.00 $ 331.96 $ 331.96 $ 2431.96 $ $ 2,326.00 1,445.75 929.00 6,633.00 382.50 1,311.00 $ 13,027.25 467.42 400.00 $ 2.610.51 $ 2.770.00 $ 5.6O0.0O $ 4.800.00 1.4-10.00 1.440.00 300.00 300.00 $ 6540.00 $ 6.540.00 $ 56324 $ 800.00 5000 566.03 500.00 52450 500.00 1.653.77 $ 1350.00 $ 8.193.77 $ 8.300.00 $ 3,900.00 $ 3.900.00 300.00 $ 3,900.00 $ 4300.00 $ 126.53 $ 200.00 $ 126.53 $ 200.00 $ 4,226.53 $ 4,600.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 3.000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 657.02 $ 300.00 140.00 $ 657.02 $ 440.00 $ 3,657.02 $ 3,440.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 2,700.00 $ 2,700.00 $ 688.71 $ 340.00 100.00 $ 688.71 S 440.00 $ 3,388.71 $ 3,140.00 $ 1,800.00 $ 1.800.00 $ 1,800.00 $ 1300.00 $ 343.79 $ 465.00 $ 343.79 $ 465.00 $ 2,143.79 $ 2,265.00 $ 3,751.75 $ 3,705.00 1,270.25 1,046.00 1,186.25 1,157.00 6,124.25 6,883.00 395.75 450.00 1,008.75 1,263.00 $ 13,737.00 $ 14,594.00 $ 480.00 HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES Thuitday, May 21. 1964 lone Students Get Recognition At Awards Night (Continued from pa go 1) Susan Llndntrom, Mary Nlchol. Linns K owe u ami r.iain ravage. Editor Cheryle Lundell and utfttant editor Connie Chrl. tophernon of the Cardinal, the M-hool's annual, were prearntrd .in. fur thlr dvotrd work. Merrle Jo Morrison, editor vf the Ionian, school paper and Judy Shrrrr, assistant editor, also re ceived awards for their year's work. The presentation was made by D G. Luan, the ad vlor. who chose this occasion to Initiate these Rlrls Into Quill and Scroll, the national high school Journalism society. Miss Anita Jimci, cngnsn teacher, presented the ouutsnd in Ensllsh award to Cheryle Lundell. She gave honorable mention to several omers. Gene llarryman gave scholas tic awsrds to those students who had mslntained a grade point average of 325 or more during the yer. Those receiving this r-ofFtiiiion were Arleta McCabe, Tom llelmblgner. Stephen Llnd- trom. Merry Jo Morrison, juay Sherrr. Ik-r niece and De niece Matthews. Karen Nelson. Cher llyn Smouse, Karen Hams. Dick llynd. and Cheryl Corley. Th outstanding class award a beautiful trophy, was awarded to the cls of 154 for tho third consecutive yesr. It was present ed by Mr. Ileualer to Stephen Llndstrom. class president. This trophy Is awarded on the basis ut .-holarsnJp. cltlxenshlp. and participation by class members In student government, athletics, and student publications. Mr. llarryman made two special presentations, one to Dolores tmcrt for untiring labor In the school library and the other to Barbara Bishop tor four years of perfect attendance In high school. He also made m surprise "engineering award" to Wallace -Mike" Matthews, school custodian, who has been a cheerful helper at all times to tho student body. Supplies Total Materials and Services ... Total District Attorney OHlce 400 '.!"'$ 2.770 HEALTH DEPARTMENTS Personal Services: County Health Nurse's Salary - I Secretary's Salary County Health Offlcer'a Salary Total Personal Service S Materials and Services: . Nurse's Car Expense . I Physician Travel Expense Supplies and Services of M. D. . Medical Examiner ... - Nurse's AMoclatlon Dues Total Materials and Service - $ Capital Outlay: Duplicator ..- - Total Health Department TREASURER'S OFFICE: Personal Service: Treasurer's Salary Emergency Office Help Total Personal Services Materials aud Services I Supplies Total Materisl and Services Capital Outlay: Calculator - Total Treanurer's Office .. ..... 4.9H0 1590 300 6.870 fro 50 750 500 50 2.150 225 9.245 4.020 3O0 4320 200 200 250 4.770 3.000 3.000 300 300 000 240 Total JuHtice of the Peace, 6th Dlst Office $ 3.840 JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, 5th Dlst Office Personal Service: Salary of Justice of the Peace $ 1.700 Salary of Office Clerk 1300 Total Personal Services $ 3,000 Materials and Services: Jurors and Witnesses , 340 Supplies $200; Telephone $300 500 Office Rent 300 Total Materials and Services S l-140 Capital Outlay: Total Justice of the Peace Office, 5th Dlst $ 4,140 JUVENILE COURT Personal Service: Juvenile Counselor's Salary $ 1.800 Total Personal Service $ 1300 Materials and Services: Juvenile Court Expenses and Supplies 46. Total Materials and Services $ 465 Capital Outlay: Total Juvenile Dept. Office $ 2,265 WELFARE OFFICE Materials and Services: Aid to Dependent Children $ 2,230 Aid to Perm, and Totally Disabled 508 General Assistance ..; 1390 Old Ago Assistance 2,800 Foster Care 1.078 Modlcal Care to the Aged '. 2,063 Total Materials and Services $ 9,969 JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. 6th Dlst Office Personal Service: Justice of the Peace Salary .. $ Total Personal Services Materials and Services: Jurors and Witnesses Supplies - Total Materials and Services $ Capital Outlay: New Desk $200; Filing Cabinet $-io.oo 480 $ 1,430.00 379.50 11,650.00 868.25 1,142.80 1316.54 5,439.33 96.00 1,10752 1,088.31 150.00 3,044.20 47311 853.20 $ 1,450.00 418.19 11,650.00 775.17 1,194.61 47.00 1,758.63 237.84 1508.11 764.94 150.00 4,639.27 742.90 960.55 1,500.00 $ 1,980.00 ; 1,500.00 500.00 8,250.00 100.00 1,200.00 750.00 10,000.00 400.00 1300.00 250.00 150.00 5,000.00 750.00 800.00 SURPLUS FOOD DEPARTMENT Personal Services: Office Help Materials and Services: Supplies 1.200 Total Surplus Food Department $ 1.680 COUNTY EXPENSES AND CONTRIBUTION Materials and Services: Audit Expense ' Bonds - County and Home Dem. Agent Civil Defense .. - ... - Current Expense ............................. County Planning Committee General Operating Contingency - - Equalization Board . .... ... ......... .......-..... Elections ...-........... Heppner Rural Fire Expense 4-H Club Contribution Insurance Jail Expenses . .............. Museum Fund 1.700 500 11,330 200 1300 1,000 10,000 400 1,500 250 150 5,000) 1,500 1.000 (Continued . on pageS)