4 HEPPNER GAZETTE-TIMES, Thursday. May 14, 1964 Students to Present Piano Recital Friday Piano students of Mrs. Charles Knox will be heard in public recital Friday evening, May 15, at 8:00 p.m. in the First Christ ian church, with parents and friends invited to attend. Guest soloist will be Mrs. Don Rogers of Pendleton, who will entertain with violin numbers, accompanied by Mrs. Knox, dur ing intermission in the program. Beginning and advanced stu dents who will be heard in the recital include the following: Karla Weatherford, Sheila Luc iani, Sandra Matheny, Shelly Wolff, Verina French, Martha Pierce, Steven Kemp, Sherrie Kemp, Patty Healy, Carol Raw lins, Kathleen Ayres, Julie Ayres, Bobette Jones, Shirley Er win, Jimmy Schaffitz, Judy Wel ler, Susan Weller and Marsha Sowell. tip MORE MOUTHS TO FEED! Families on-thc-grow make careful budget ing a "must". . . to provide for the future as well as the present. Additions to the family mean not only "more mouths to feed," but increased re sponsibility for future needs . . . such as education. This calls for the wise management of money to provide a margin for regular saving . . . but the results are most rewarding! OPEN AN ACCOUNT TODAY FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION BOX 739 PENDLETON : t 'if A! X ; Over The Tee Cup MR. AND MRS. FREDRICK RAY BARKER, JR. (Sandra Richards) (Lyons Photo) Barkers Greeted at Following Wedding Many friends and relatives were greeted at a wedding re ception honoring newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Barker, Jr., (Sandra Richards) in social rooms of the First Christian church Saturday evening, March 28. Public Reception in Idaho Temple REMEMBER! WRITE IN THE NAME OF ert Corbin For JUSTICE of PEACE (SIXTH DISTRICT) NONPARTISAN BALLOT, MAY 15 (Pd. by Bert Corbin, Box 271, Hcppner, Oregon) The couple had exchanged marriage vows March 24 in the Idaho Falls Latter-day Saints Temple. The bride is the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rich ards, Heppner, and the groom is( the son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Barker, Sr., of Mesa, Wn. For the reception the new matron wore her floor length wedding dress of white chiffon. The gown was lovely with three quarter length sleeves, a slight train and a fitted bodice daintily detailed with embroidery, seed pearls and tiny sequins. A small silver headband accented with seed pearls held her waist length veil of sheer chiffon. The traditional first wedge cut from the three tiered wedding1 cake was shared by the newly wed couple, amid shades of pink and silver, the colors chosen by the bride for her wedding. The beautiful cake was then cut and served to guests by Mrs. Dean Hunt and Mrs. Vernal Gehring, aunt of the bride from Hood River. Pink roses and pink car nations etched in silver were gracefully arranged on the serv ing table. Linda Barker, sister of the groom, and Beverly Blake poured the fruit punch. Pouring coffee and tea were Mrs. Ralph Richards, Jr., Port Angeles, Wn., and Mrs. Paul Richards of Pen dleton, both sisters-in-law of the bride. Mrs. Vernon Munkers was ac companied by Mrs. Carl Mar quardt at the piano as she sang "Because." Beverly Davidson at- By DELORES GRIBBLE Hazel Mahoney took Mike Pierce for a partner and walked off with the grand prize in the first annual Mother's Day golf tourney last Sunday, receiving a beautiful Sunbeam toaster from Lott's Electric. Lois Hunt teamed with Russell Kilkenny to win first in the thirteen and under group, netting a $10.00 merchandise award from Central Market, and Marie McQuarrie took the same award for the 14 and over class, playing with son, Dan. Shirlpv I.nvH alternated strokes with her boy, Tim, to get a $5.00 merchandise award from Del's Market, and Cora Mae Ferguson had the help of John O'Donnell to get the same prize in the 13 and under division. As the youngest mother in the tourna ment, Bev Gunderson received a hnv nf ran Hv frnm Phil's Phar macy, and Helen scnatmz goi her box of candy from Hum phreys Drugs for teaming up with the youngest child in the contest, her 10-year-old son, Jimmy. Don Turner, activity chairman, announces that next Sunday, be ginning at 10:00 a.m., the club will sponsor an 18 hole warm up tournament for men, with golf balls (Dots) for awards. The club house will be open, coffee and rolls being served from 9:30. Each club member is entitled to bring no more than two guests. On Tuesday, 12 ladies showed up for first of the organized Play Days. Golf balls were given for low' score, Dee Gribble for regulars and Gina Leonard lor the beginners. She, incidentally, played 18 holes first nine with Lois Hunt and second with Bobbe Driscoll and Hazel Ma honey. Lunch and coffee were enjoyed at the club house. Others playing or eating were rvirk- Nnrpno Helen Schaffitz, Cora Mae Ferguson, Janet Turn er, Mary Malcom, Marie mc Quarrie, and Kay Anderson. Bride-elect Honored At Luncheon Party. TVio Hinintr rnnm nf the Black Angus Motel in Kennewick, Wn., ;ac tho sppnp nf a nrp-nurjtial luncheon Saturday afternoon, given by Mrs. Holmes uaDDerc of lone, honoring Miss Tana Lechelt. Miss Lechelt s engagement to GpraiH Runch. son of Mr. and Mrs. Al Bunch, was announced recently. Their wedding will be an event of early June. The luncheon table was dec orated with arrangements of spring flowers and each of the ten women guests received a carnation corsage. Attending from this vicinity Mrs Gflhhprt. Mrs. Fred Mankin, Mrs. Grace Wood, Mrs. Al Bunch" and Mrs. ttennem Brenner. Turners Attend St. Paul Program Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Turn er and Mrs. J. O. Turner attend ed the annual Mother's Day week-end at St. Paul's school in Walla Walla last Sunday, witnessing the school's drama plnK nrnrtuptinn at the Whitman College theater, and hearing a aeoate delivered Deiore ine oi. Paul's Episcopal congregation. Tho title nf thp mipstfnn was "Is the Church Adequately Serving ppn -ntrprs nnn liinnv Lnu Turner argued tne aiiirmanve. She also participated in the drama club production. rne Turners plan to attend Ginny Lou's graduation services at the end of this month. Tell the advertiser you saw it In the Gazette-Times. Porters Have Son Born Mother's Day Mr nnrl TVfrc Pa vmnrifl CI PnrOT nf Honnnoi a ra n a ran to of a son, named Clinton, born Sunday, May 10 (Mother's Day), in me renaieion v-ummunuy hospital. Thp hahv weighed 9 lh.. fiU oz. at birth. He has a brother, Craig. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Raymond M. Porter, and maternal grand parents are Mr and Mrs. Lew McCoy of Vale. Elect I' f JUDGE RALPH M. HOLMAN JUDGE OP OREGON SUPREME COURT Position No. 7 EXPERIENCED RESPECTED Pd. Adv. Holmon for Suprtme Court Comm. Glenn R. Jock, Chmn. loyolry Bldg.. Portland tended the guest book and pass ing the groom s caxe were jean ine and Gary Hunt. Assisting in the kitchen were Mrs. Elmer Palmer, Mrs. John Ledbetter, Mrs. Paul Warren, Mrs. Harold Wright and Miss Bernice Thom son of Portland. Attending xne table laden with many lovely gifts were Mrs. William Rill (Sandra Harshman) and Mrs. Mike Rogers of Portland. The new Mrs. Barker was grad- nntpH frnm Hpnnnpr hieh school in 1962. She attended Northwest Business School of Commerce in Portland and is presently em ployed with the Department of Welfare in Portland where the couple resides. The groom fulfilled a two year mission in Canada for the LDS church after receiving his high school diploma in 1961 from Mesa High school in Mesa, Wn. He attended. Columbia Basin College in Pasco and is now em ployed by Grant Edgel Co. in Portland. Elect William DEVINE -j ' ' r- " JUSTICE OF THE PEACE (6th District) IF ELECTED - I Will Maintain Regular Court Hours Daily And Be Available At All Times If Needed. "Equality and Common Sense" (Pd. Adv. by William J. Devine, Heppner, Ore.) A Vote for Oliver Creswick REPUBLICAN FOR MORROW COUNTY JUDGE IS A VOTE For - t I t , It Strong, Positive Leadership. County Progress Through Willow Creek Dam Project, North End Development, Better Roads and Highways. Sound Approach To Assessment Problems and Fair and Equitable Taxation. Fair and Impartial Treatment of Juvenile Problems. Increased Recreational Development. Honest And Sound Attention To All Problems of County Government. Recognition That Residents Should Be Fully Informed on County Business And Have The "Right To Know." (Pd. Ad. By Oliver Creswick, Heppner, Ore.) f n ' VOTE! .4 I? . WEATHERFORD FOR COUNTY JUDGE DEMOCRATS I YES! I ASK THE VOTE OF THE PARTY. I GUAR ANTEE TO REPRESENT AND SERVE ALL OF MORROW COUNTY. REPUBLICANS - PLEASE GIVE ME YOUR WRITEIN VOTE. I SHALL RESPECT IT AS A VOTE OF CONFIDENCE. LET ME HELP ADVANCE MORROW COUNTY W. W. (Bill) Weatherford (Pd. Adv. By Weatherford For Judge Com., Irvin Rauch, Sec, Lexington, Ore.)