Banquet, Prom Honor lone High Class of '64 By KATHERINE LINDSTROM IONE The graduating class of 1964 was honored at the Junior-Senior Prom held in the grade school gym on Saturday evening. The Junior class was host with several grade school students serving punch at small tables about the room. Parents of the Junior and Senior class members were guests and many other students and parents also attended. Theme song for the Prom was "Tonight" and decorations were carried out in shades of blue and lavender with a rock garden, in cluding a lovely fountain with colored lights playing on the water in the pool. Rietmann's orchestra played for the dancing. At the intermission Judy Sherer was crowned Queen of the Prom by Robert Emert. and Dick Hynd was crowned King by Connie Christopherson. Seniors are Lynn Benson, Barb ara Bishop, Cheryle Corley, Dal las Dalzell, Delores Emert, Tom Heimbigner, Dick Hynd, Ken Klinger, Stephen Lindstrom, Ar leta McCabe, Merrie Jo Morrison, John Rea, Judy Sherer, and Sue Town send. Members of the Junior class are Connie Christopherson, Rob ert Emert, Joe Halvorsen, Shir ley Hicks, Ken Jones, Cheryle Lundell, David McBath, Lee O'Connor, Dennis Ste i g m a n, Frank Wiley and Sid Zinter. Grade school students serving at the Prom were: Connie Emert, Terri O'Connor, Donna Pointer, Mark Tullis, Keith Nelson and Frank Halvorsen. Last' Thursday night the jun ior class mothers prepared the Junior-Senior banquet, when the Seniors., their parents, the fac ulty and Junior class were guests. The tables were beaut ifully decorated in lavender and gold. Members of the freshman and sophomore classes helped serve. Principal speaker of the even ing was Wayne Brubacher, coun ty school superintendent, who spoke on the 4 Ideas and Ideals by Horace Mann. Toastmaster for the dinner was Cheryl Lun dell, president of the junior class, and making the response was Senior Class President, Stephen Lindstrom, who also gave the class history. Dan Follett of Hermiston sang "I Believe and "How Great Thou Art." He was accompanied by his niece, Miss Follett. Rev. Walter B. Crowell gave the invocation and Rev. Kenneth Robinson gave the benediction. Jack, Herb and Ewing Hynd and Bill Lowe spent the week end at Malheur Lake on a fish ing trip. Last Saturday night Ekstrom Farm Chemical Company enter tained their friends with a dance in the new shop they have just completed west of lone. Every one had a good time dancing to records and enjoying the spa ghetti, salad, french bread and coffee, which Mr. and Mrs. Her bert Ekstrom, Jr., served the guests. His brothers, Roland Ek strom, who goes to school at Boise Junior college, and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Ekstrom and fam ily of Wenatchee, Wn were here to attend the party. Mrs. Dick Krebs entertained her bridge club on Wednesday afternoon at her home in Cecil. Winning high prize was Mrs. E. R. Schaffer and low was receiv- lone Sophomore Class Invites Everyone To A Full Length Movie "IT HAPPENED AT THE WORLD'S FAIR" STARRING ELVIS PRESLEY Saturday, May 2, 7:30 P.M. SCHOOL CAFETORIUM Preceded By Short Subject Film LOTS OF CONCESSIONS HIGH SCHOOL, 75c JUNIOR HIGH, 50c UNDER 12 YEARS, 25c ed by Mrs. Krebs. Susan Jane Jepsen, Christina and Susan Lindstrom, Sandra Carlson, Terri O'Connor, and John Rawlins took part in the piano recital presented by their teacher, Mrs. Virginia C. Turn er at the First Christian church in Heppner Sunday afternoon. A Mother-Daughter Tea will be held in the social rooms of the United Church of Christ on Saturday afternoon from 2:00 to 4:30 p.m. A program will be pre sented and all mothers and daughters in the community are invited. Rainbow Entertains Masons Rainbow Assembly No. 89 en tertained their Masonic guests with a banquet and program last Thursday evening. The men also attended the Rainbow meeting. The advisory board, consisting of Mrs. Lewis Halvorsen, Mrs. E. R. Schaffer, Mrs. Omar Riot mann, Mrs. Charles O'Connor, and Mrs. Roy W. Lindstrom, pre pared the banauet. Dick Hvnd. Robert Emert, Stephen Lindstrom and Joe and Mark Halvorsen served the girls and their guests. The program included a skit by Cherilyn Smouse, Terri O'Connor, Elaine Savage, Teresa Tucker, and Mary Nichols; a pantomime by Dixie and Joyce Peck, a solo by Teresa Tucker and some group singing. Henry Krebs left on Sunday for Browning, Mont., on a busi ness trip. The lone Dance club will have a dancing party on May 2 at the Legion hall. Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Drake are visiting their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Turner and family at Eugene. They left last Tuesday and stop- pea in Portland, where Mr. Drake had a medical check-up. They arrived home on Monday. surprise Birthday Party Enjoyed Lindsay Kincaid surprised his wife, Dianne, with a birthday party on Friday evening at their home. Mrs. John Jepsen was also honored since her birthday came on the day after Mrs. Kincaid's. Other guests were John Jepsen, Mr. ana Mrs. Carol Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Harryman, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jepsen, Les Matthews, and Miss Alfa Bang of Portland. Prizes in pinochle were won by Mrs. Miller and Les Matthews. Mrs. Harryman won the 300 pinochle prize. Re freshments included a birthday cake baked by Mr. Kincaid. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Hammond are the parents of a baby boy born Saturday morning. Mrs. Delbert Emert is in Hermiston spending some time with her daughter and family and caring for Kelly, while her mother is hospitalized. Those being confirmed in ser vices at St. Patrick's Catholic church in Heppner Sunday after noon were Mrs. Harold Snider, Ronald Palmateer, James Swan son, Gene Crowell, Nicholas Mar ick, Peter McEiligott, Herman THEdB HEPPNER GAZETTE-TIMES Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, April 30, 1964 Sec. 2-8 Pages Yes, because they have the 4-wheel drive family car that's built stronger to last longer. The jeep" universal takes them more places over a span of more years than any ordinary car. Fishing spots? The more remote the better. Hunting sites? Way beyond the reach of roads. What's more, when you own a 'Jeep' Universal you suddenly find dozens of uses you never thought of beforel See the 'Jeep' Universal at your 'Jeep' dealer's. Available with hard top or convertible top. Fully enclosed or with half top and pickup box. Wheelbases up to 101". It's the real McCoy. VERSATILE, POWERFUL, VIRTUALLY INDESTRUCTIBLE Kaiser Jeep corporation See your 'Jeep' dealer and take a demonstration drive today. 'jeep FARLEY MOTOR COMPANY heppner, Oregon "StaKE "THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH" dues. 9 p.m. ch. 25) If - v ' ' L tv, , : DR. PREM N. NARULA, right, and research assistant, Terry Leighton, are shown in their University of Oregon medical school laboratory where Dr. Narula is studying viruses and their relationship to cancer under a grant from the American Cancer Society's Oregon division. Bletell, and Tom and Joe Mc Eiligott. Bishop Leipzig of Baker conducted the confirmation. A potluck dinner was served fol lowing the confirmation honor ing those participating in the ceremony and visiting clergy. Dean Rhodes Welcome Son Mr. and Mrs. Dean Rhode of Kennewick, Wn., welcomed their first child into the family on Thursday, April 23. The baby boy has been named Paul Victor and weighed 6 lbs., 6 oz. Grandpar ents are Mr. and Mrs. Victor Riet mann of lone and Mrs. Eileen Rhode of Pendleton. Mrs. Riet mann left on Tuesday to spend about a week with her daughter and new grandson. Lions Club Elects Officers Ted Palmateer was elected president of the Lions club at a meeting Monday veening. Other officers elected to serve with him were 1st vice president, Don Linnell; 2nd vice president, Don Bristow; 3rd vice president, Arnie Hedman; 'secretary -treasurer, Ray Boyce; Tail Twister, David Barnetl; Lion Tamer, Har old Snider; and five directors, Bert Huff and Marion Green for a one year term, and Milton Morgan, Garland Swanson, and Charles O'Connor for a two year term. The program included an ex planation of the wheat program hv Milton Morsan. president of the Oregon Wheat League and a film on the raising or wneai. Clarence Linn of Salem visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy VV. Lindstrom and family on Monday evening. He was on a husiness triD to several cities in Eastern Oregon for the State Em ployment Service. Walter Roberts is visiting rel atives in Chehalis, Wn. May 13 is the date set for the Homemakers Festival at the Willows Grange hall in lone. Anyone wishing a luncheon ticket is asked to contact Mrs. James Pettyjohn or any mem ber of the county committee. They will be sold at $1.25. Those holding tickets will be served first, and persons buying tickets at the door of a different color, will be served last. Eastern Star Social club will meet at the Masonic Hall on Wednesday, May 6 at 10:30 in the morning for a work day. A planned luncheon will be served at noon. Topic club is serving a ham dinner with all the trimmings at the high school cafetorium on Sunday, May 3 from 1:00 to 3:00 pm. All proceeds are used for the public library. Tickets are $1.50 and 75c. Mrs Wayne Ball underwent major surgery at Pioneer Mem orial hospital on Saturday even ing. She is reported to be pro gressing satisfactorily. ' Mrs. Harry Yarnell is visiting her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Alton Yarnell at Lew iston, Idaho. She left with Mr. Yarnell who had been here visit ing on Saturday. Mrs. Marion Palmer entertain ed the following ladies at a cof fee party at her home on Mon day afternoon: Mrs. Garry Tul lis, Mrs. Harold Sherer, Mrs. John Jepsen, Mrs. Gottfried Hermann, Mrs. Lee Palmer, and Mrs. CTell Rea. The affair was in honor of Mrs. Jepsen's birthday. The lone Garden club held a very successful plant and food sale at the old Bristow store building next to the Laundromat on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Viola McLarty of Portland was a guest of her sister-in-law, Mrs. E. C. Holikcr from Monday to Thursday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Davis and family of Pendleton were week-end guests of Mrs. Davis' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Scott. Mrs. Pearl Phegley of The Dalles is visiting at the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. James Phegley, and family. lone Sophomores Sponsor Movie Sophomore class of lone High school Will sponsor the showing of the movie, "It Happened at the World's Fair," starring Elvis Presley, on Saturday evening, May 2, at the lone High school cafetorium. The movie is a full length family-type film, promising en tertainment for all ages. A short subject film will precede it, starting at 7:30 p.m. Concessions will be sold dur ing the evening. Admission prices for adults and high school students will be 75c; junior high, 50c, and children under 12, 50c. The pub lic is urged to support the fund raising project. HAM DINNER Sponsored By lone Topic Club BENEFIT OF THE lone Public Library Sunday, May 3 1 TO 3 P. M. lone High School Cafetorium More lone News on page 4 Adults $1.50 Half Portion 75c This Message Sponsored By Your Home-Owned Bank As A Community Service BANK OF EASTERN OREGON IONE Member, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation . Have A Coffee Break with HASKELL SHARRARD DEMOCRAT FOR COUNTY JUDGE WHERE Stefanis, lone WHEN Friday, May 1 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. (Pd. Adv. By Haskell Sharrard, Heppner, Oregon) He Just DROPPED OFF To Go To The HEPPNER PTA'S THIRD ANNUAL JL ALENT SHOW Friday, May I, 8: OO p. m. OLD HIGH SCHOOL GYM - Adults $1 - Students $.75 VARIETY -Children $.50 COME ONE, COME ALL YOU'LL BE GLAD YOU DID - COMEDY BILL BARRATT MASTER OF CEREMONIES - MUSIC Proceeds Go To PTA Scholarship Fund THIS MESSAGE SPONSORED BY YOUR HOME-OWNED BANK AS A COMMUNITY SERVICE DANK OF uJEastern Oregon IONE BRANCH HEPPNER ARLINGTON IONE MEMBER. FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION