Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 26, 1963, Sec. 2, Image 9

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    lone Church Approves New Name,
Installs Officers, Hears Report
IONE-Officers of the lone
United Church of Christ for the
coming year were installed dur
ing regular worship service Sun
day. These included: Moderator,
Robert Jepsen; vice-moderator,
Donald Bristow; clerk, Mrs.
Markham Baker; assistant clerk,
Mrs. Robert Jepsen; treasurer,
Mrs. Alfred Nelson; financial
secretary, Kenneth S m o u s ;
deacons, Fredrick Martin, Gil
Lujan, Robert Emert, Donald
Bristow, John Jepsen, Robert
Jepsen; honorary deacons, Omar
Rietmann, Markham Baker;
deaconesses, Mrs. Marion Palm
er, Mrs. Cecil Thome, Mrs. Milton
Morgan, Mrs. David Rietmann,
Mrs. William Melena, Mrs. Phill
Emert; honorary deaconesses,
Mrs. Mary Swanson, Mrs. Waite
Crawford, Mrs. Oscar Lundell,
Mrs. Dale Ray; trustees, Melvin
Melena, John Proudfoot, Robert
Rietmann, Jack Hynd, Ray Boyce,
Keith Rea; music committee,
Mrs. Bill Rietmann, Mrs. Roy W.
Lindstrom, Mrs. Paul Pettyjohn;
auditing committee, Milton Mor
gan, Mrs. Cleo Drake; council
members at large, Mrs. Omar
Rietmann, Paul Pettyjohn.
A potluck luncheon was serv
ed, after which the annual meet
ing of the church was held.
Copies of mimeographed reports
of all boards and committees
were given to all present. Some
important revisions and amend
ments were made to the con
stitution and by-laws. The name
of the church was changed from
lone Community church to lone
United Church of Christ. While
the church will still be in reality
a community church, it is affil
iated with the United Church of
Christ and was felt the church
should bear the name. Another
important revision was changing
the church year from September
1 to August 31, to coincide with
the calendar year. Hereafter the
annual meeting will be in Jan
uary. A report of the Building Re
search Committee, given by Mrs.
Norman Nelson, stated that min
imum needs were 3 additional
classrooms and 2 restrooms.
Suggestions were given regard
ing building or acquiring addit
ional property and the cost. The
committee was instructed to
continue its work and to have
definite recommendations to pre
sent by the January meeting
or before.
Mrs. Robert Jepsen is taking
subscriptions for the United
Church Herald with a goal to
secure 100 participation by
The annual meeting of the
Mid-Columbia Association of the
United Church of Christ was an
nounced for October 16 and 17
at Ingle Chapel, Milton Free
water. Fredrick Martin of lone
is moderator of the association.
An Evangelism Workshop will
be held at The Dalles Sunday,
October 6, beginning at 3:30
p.m. Reservations must be in by
September 28, so anyone wish
ing to attend is asked to con
tact the minister before that
Mr. and Mrs. Roland Berg
strom accompanied by his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Berg
strom, are vacationing in Calif
ornia and visiting at the home
of his brother, Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Bergstrom at San Jose.
They will also visit at Winston
with another brother, Norman
and family, and in Portland
with his brother, Arthur and
family. Mrs. Lee Marcum of
Portland is staying with her
grandchildren at the Roland
Bergstrom home.
Arnica Club resumed its fall
meetings on Wednesday, when
they met at the home of Mrs.
Robert Jepsen. Mrs. Pete Cannon
was co-hostesses. Guests, be
sides the members present, were
Mrs. Lindsay Kincaid, Mrs. John
Jepsen, Mrs. Carol Miller, and
Mrs. Roy Goodrow. Hollywood
bridge was played with Mrs.
Robert Rietmann and Mrs. Kin
caid winning prizes. Mrs. Dick
Krebs received the door prize.
Mr. and Mrs. Cyril W. Trivett
and his sister, Mrs. Robert
Walker (Betty Trivett) of Camp
bell River, B. C, spent the week
end at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Bryce Keene and family,
while they renewed old acquain-
Come and Enjoy .. .
The 12th Annual lone
Public Flower Show
and Silver Tea
11 Flow
ers on
Sponsored By lone Garden Club
Sunday, September 29
High School Cafetorium
From 2:00 to 5:00 P. M.
Special Dahlia and Chrysanthemum Displays
Horticulture and Arrangements Adult and Youth
' Member, Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.
SUNDAY 8 TO 10:30 A.M.
Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, September 26, 1963 Sec. 2-4 pages
tances. Mr. Trivett and Mrs.
Walker went to school here in
1931 and spent several summers
here with their aunt and uncle,
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Brown on
Rhea Creek. Other guests for
dinner on Saturday at the Keene
home were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Keene and Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie
McCabe, Christine and Doris.
Mrs. Ida Grabill is having the
exterior of her house painted.
Her family is doing the work
for her.
James Barnett, Pete Hams,
Roy W. Lindstrom and Don Lin
neil spent the week-end in the
mountains at the Barnett cabin,
building a new road and making
a pond.
Mrs. Clara Brown had the mis
fortune to miss her footing and
fall from her back porch, sprain
ing her ankle.
Kathy Merewether is Wed
Friends here will be interested
to know that Miss Kathy Mere
wether, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Fremont W. Merewether of Spo
kane and Larey McDaniels, son
of Mrs. Don McDaniels were un
ited in marriage on September
7 at Tibbetts Methodist church
in Seattle. A mutual interest in
music brought these young
people together as Miss Mere
wether is a music therapy stu
dent at the University of Wash
ington and has been violinist
with the Spokane Symphony Or
chestra and McDaniels teaches
at the Cornish School of Music
and is clarinetist with the Seattle
Symphony Orchestra. Miss Mere
wether has visited at lone many
times with her aunt, Mrs. Alfred
Nelson Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson,
Kenneth, Karen and Keith at
tended the wedding. Mrs. Nelson
served the wedding cake and
Karen passed the guest book.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jepsen
and Rev. Walter Crowell went
to The Dalles on Thursday even
ing for a dinner meeting of
representatives from churches in
the Mid-Columbia Association,
United Church of Christ. Speak
ers devoted their talks to Stew
ardship. Beta Omega sorority met for
a picnic and swim party at the
school grounds on Sunday.
Garry Brenner, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Brenner, left on
Saturday for the University of
Oregon, where he is a senior
in architecture.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hams
and small son left on Monday
for La Grande, where Wayne
will attend school. His mother,
Mrs. Vester Hams and Cheryle
accompanied them to help them
eet settled in -their new home.
Tom and Jim Martin, sons of
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Martin, have
enrolled at Oregon State Univer
sity. Jim is a Freshman and
Tob is a transfer from Columbia
Basin College at Pasco and will
maior in agriculture.
Mrs. Noel Engleman is a pat
ient in Pioneer Memorial hos
pital in Heppner following surg
ery there on Thursday. Mrs.
Walter Roberts is caring for her
son, Frank, while his mother is
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rice de
Darted on Monday morning for
Sacramento, Calif, to visit her
sister, Mr. and Mrs. Tony Martin
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Mr. and Msr. Robert Jepsen
were hostesses for a potluck din
ner at their home Saturday
evening. Guests attending were
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Palmateer,
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest McCabe,
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Hall, Mr. and
Mrs. Louis Carlson, Mr. and Mrs.
James Pettyjohn, and Mr. and
Mrs. Delmer Crawford of Herm
iston. Mr. and Mrs. Crawford
and family were overnight
guests. This group has been join
ing together for potluck dinners
every month for twelve years.
Baptismal ceremonies were
held for two babies at services
Sunday morning at the lone
Community church. They were
Jeffrey Wayne, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Vester Wayne Hams and his
little cousin, Kelly nn, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pettyjohn,
Fred Johnson, of Longview,
Wn. was a guest at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Halvorsen
for several days this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Brenner
drove to Portland on Sunday
night, returning home on Mon
day. Don Bristow returned this
week-end from a two-week va
cation in Oregon and California.
He visited Mr. and Mrs. Hubert
Thorsen, former teachers in lone,
at Roseburg. He was a guest of
Rev. and Mrs. Rod MacKenzie
at Carmichael, Calif, and to
gether they visited San Fran
cisco. He also saw 1st Lieutenant
Gerry White, and toured Mather
Air Force Base, where White is
stationed. Don came home
through Reno, Nev.
Mrs. Wayne Hams and small
son, Jeffrey, were the recipients
of a lovely shower, given Satur
day atternoon in the dining
room of the Legion Hall. Those
hostessing the party were Mrs.
Earl McCabe, Mrs. Lloyd Rice,
Mrs. E. W. Bristow, Mrs. Clell
Rea, Mrs. Hershel Townsend.
and Mrs. Leo Crabtree. Mrs.
Ham's sister-in-law, Mrs. Paul
Pettyjohn Jr. and Mrs. William
Galinas helped with opening the
packages. The baby's grand
mothers, Mrs. Vester Hams and
Mrs. Paul Pettyjohn Sr. poured
at the tea table. A blue color
theme was used.
Mr. and Mrs. Jodie Morrison
drove to Corvallis on Wednes
day, taking their daughter:,
Cheryl, to enroll as a freshman
at Oregon State. Another daugh
ter, Michelle went down several
days before to help her sorority
Alpha Chi Omega, prepare for
Rush Week.
Mrs. E. M. Baker, Mrs. Walter
Crowell, and Mrs. Kenneth
Smouse attended Women's Day
of United Church of Christ, at
Bethel Congregational church of
Beaverton on Tuesday. Mrs.
Faith Drobish, recntly returned
from serving on the faculty of
American Institute at Izmir,
Turkey, was key speaker.
Guests at the David Rietmann
home on Saturday and Sunday
were Mrs. Rietmann's aunt and
uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Swensen of Walla Walla and
her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Duane
Hershell and son of Kennewick,
Mrs. G. A. Bolman left on
Thursday after spending some
time with her mother, Mrs. E.
C. Heliker, who accompanied her
home for a few days' visit. Mrs.
Pearl Devine of Heppner also
went with them.
Geraldine Morgan left Tues
day morning for Oregon State
for her sophomore year. Her
father, Lloyd Morgan took her
to Corvallis.
Visiting the Leo Crabtree home
this week were Mrs. Crabtree's
cousins,, Dr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Hockett of Salem. Dr. Hockett
lived in Heppner in his youth
and his grandfather, Joseph
Hockett, was a victim of the
Heppner flood in 1903. Mrs.
Hockett's family, the Edward
Tylers, lived at a farm on the
Lexington-Heppner highway.
Mr. and Mrs. Elbe Akers are
in Portland to be with their
son, Danny, who is a patient
at Doernbecher hospital ser
iously ill with a liver infection.
Mr nnH Mrs. John Eubanks
and Sandra and granddaughter,
Becky spent last weeK ai me
coast and in Portland. While in
Portland, John had minor surg
erv nprformed on his eve. which
is healing satisfactorily.
Evelyn Jepsen left on Satur
day for Northwest Christian Col
lege in Eugene for her junior
year. She was taken to school
bv her brother, Mr. and Mrs.
John Jepsen, who are taking a
vacation this week.
Bingo Club met at the horns
of Mrs. Vida Heliker last Wed
nesday afternoon.
Dancing lessons, held each
Thursday night in the Legion
Hall sponsored by the Lions
club, will not be held this week
due to a conflict of dates. Classes
for grade school youngsters are
held from 6 to T "p.m., high
school and beginning adults
from 8 to 9 p.m. and advanced
adults from 9 to 10 p.m. Regis
tration for classes is still open
and anyone can join on Thurs
day, October 3.
Mrs. Bonnie Eubanks and
family moved to Portland on
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Martin
drove to Corvallis on Friday to
take their daughter Jean down
to enter Oregon State. This is
Jean's third year in home ec
onomics. Marvin Martin also left
for Oregon State on Friday for
his senior year.
Bob Rice is attending Colum
bia Basin College at Pasco,
where he and his bride, the
former Christie Vangen, now
John Swanson has enrolled as
a junior at the University of
Mrs. Joe Dixon of The Dalles
spent the week-end with her
husband in lone. She was a
guest at the O. L. Lundell home.
Pinochle club met at the home
of Mrs. Elmer Holtz with Mrs:
Len Ray Swartz winning high
and Mrs. Wallace Gaarsland
winning second high. Guests
present were Mrs. Gene Riet
mann, Mrs. Joe Hausler, Mrs.
Ed Baker, and Mrs. Gerald Rea.
Hunters' Specials
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DELICIOUS APPLES (Red or Yellow) Lb.
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NCoP Heppner Ph. 676-9643