6 HEPPNER GAZETTE-TIMES. Thursday. June 6, 1963 Diane Schaffitz Installed Friday As Chapter Rainbow Worthy Advisor Diane Schaffitz was installed as worthy advisor of Ruth As sembly No. 50, Order of Rainbow for Girls, at the Masonic hall in Heppner, Friday evening, May 24. Diane chose for her theme "Truth," and her colors of yellow and ereon were carried out with a large basket of yellow spider mums in the hall and an ar rangement of yellow spider mums on the tea table with yel- Her father, Dr. Edward Schaf fitz, placed the crown on her head as the highlight of the ceremonies. The crown was car ried by her brother, Jimmy, and Jeanne Stockard played a piano solo, "The Meditation" during the ceremony. Diane introduced her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Schaf fitz, and brother Jimmy. Also introduced at this time were Mrs. Merritt Gray, her cousin, Mrs. Harold (Ruby) Becket, grand deputy, Order of Rainbow for Girls; Clarence Baker, wor shipful master of Masonic Blue Lodge; Mrs. Jim Myers, mother advisor, Order of Rainbow for Girls; Shannon Mahonoy, grand honorary drill leader; and board members: Mrs. Dick Wilk nspn, Mrs. Lucille Wilson, Harley xf.. ..,a Mr Rnknr. Other officers' installed were Rogenia Wilson, wormy buvbu. , Brenda Young, charity; Barbara r.,..i. Pnm rrwhpll. faith: Margaret Green, chaplain, Kitty O'Harra, drill leauer juh love; Janis Baker, religion; Ther- ' ..i.a nature: Maralee Murray, immortality; Peck, fidelity; Cynthia Smith, patriotism; Barbara Gribble, ser vice; Shirley Krwin, confidential observer; Peggy Snyder, outer observer; Lora Lee fetolts, music ian, and Judy Jones, choir dir ector. ,u Installing officers were: Kathy Ray, past worthy advisor; Shan non Mahoney, drill leader; Gin ger Springer, chaplain; Jean nette Lodbetter, secretary; and Kathy Melby, musician. After the installation cere monies, an addendum honoring Diane was given by Barbara E Rogenia Wilson, and Kitty O'Harra and Rogenia pre sented her with a gift from the officers, rast worthy advisor Kathy Ray was given a gift f rom the Ruth Assembly No. 50 ana '., - DIANE SCHAFFITZ presented to her by her sister, Kitty O Harra. The reception followed in the with Mrs. Rav Fer guson and Mrs. P. W. Mahoney pouring. Mrs. Merritt Gray cut and served the cake wun Mrs. fluiirln r.rnhjim and Mrs. Lowell Gribble assisting about the rooms. The three cakes were baked by Mrs. Schaffitz and dec orated by Mrs. Harold Wright. She inscribed on one "Congrat ulations, Diane" using yellow and preen colors with a gavel placed on top. The others were decorated with roses using the same color theme. Munkers Reunion Calls Relatives To The Dalles A reunion dinner called to gether many relatives of the Munkers family on Sunday, une 2, at Cherry Hall in The Dalles. Many were direct descen lants of the pioneer family of Mr. and Mrs. Riley Munkers, aarly settlers in the Eightmile district. Instrumental in getting the large group together for their first reunion in many years were Mrs. Lee Gentry of Oregon City and Mrs. Earl Andrea of Yachats. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Allan Gentry and family, Port land; Mr. and Mrs. Lee Gentry, Oregon City; Mrs. Edna Mun kers, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Mun kers, Mr. and Mrs. L-eonaru Munkers and family, all oi iex-incrtnn- Mr. and Mrs. Archie Munkers, Mr. and Mrs. Don Munkers . and family, Mr. ana Mrs. Harry Munkers and family, Mr nnr Mrs. Larrv uenirv anu sori, all of Heppner; Mr. and Mrs. Harold fcnerrer ana uaun trr, lone; Mr. and Mrs. Glen Sherrer, Echo; Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ignowski and children, Dianie McCullom, Mr. anu lvirs. Roy Munkers, Mrs. Lulu Wright, Mrs. Manle uaie, an ui me Dalles; Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Hibbard, Renton, Wn.; Mr. and ni-o Rnccnll Wriirht. DallESPOrt, Wn.; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Andrea, Yachats; Mr. and Mrs. junn oa- lows. Portland; Mr. ana wrs. Mrs. Mvrtle Gintry, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Cli VanBlancom anu son, in land, Betty Wilson, Portland, tmd Mrs. Vergie Milich and children, Medford. r a - . -i 'A.v " ' Public Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of William Van Houte are hereby required to present same with proper vouchers duly verified to the Ex ecutor at the office of Mahoney and Abrams, Heppner, Oregon, within six months from the date -if first publication of this no tice. Dated and first published this 26 day ot May, law. Mahoney and Abrams, Attorneys for the Estate Heppner, Oregon. Robert Van Houte Executor 12-15C Over The Tee Cup Mrs. Little Married In Virginia May 17 Mrs. Anne Fisher Little, form er resident of Heppner, was lumna F.rlmund FerK- IUHII11.-U ro uson of Hampton, Va., on May 17 in Williamsburg, Va ac cording to an announcement received here ay band was Father George Little, who served All Saints' Episcopal church here for about three years leaving in 1957 for Calif ornia. After the fam i y moved. Father Little was k llnl In an ...... ijt lii Pnl fnrnia. The couple had two children, Grace and George Fisher Little. 1 , c daughter was present at the wedding May 17. After the ceremony a small reception was held at Little Kden." home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fennell in Williams burg. Annual Co-op Picnic Planned for June 10 i 4 . The Lexington Oil Co op Bid dies will travel to Pilot Rock on Monday, June 10. for the an nual picnic meeting with other ,nin... nrnimc nt the Ada sue- rlson Ranch. The groups will assemble at 1U a.m. Members are asked to bring a ....... .H..I, fi. tho 11 rule and own silverware service, also their newest and nesi enms iui the craft display and presenta- .1.... m-u Uiwrlann has a KtHH'lHl 111)11. Hllf. fc..i.... request for an apron display. Knitted articles will aiso receive ... ..!. ,1 olt.mtloM f.l7l ICH will.'. . Further information may be had by calling Mrs. Millard Nolan, SWSi-Wkhi, or Mrs. l,. McCabe, 422-7131. By DEE GRIBBLE Aft.r miifh telonhoninc to get the men lined up, ten of our crnirinnt itiivs drove to Umalilla May 20 for a tournament at Mc- Nary golf course, l m noi huie of the following facts, as I've not been able to track down me winner, but feel that Darrel! Reisch was double winner wnn low net and gross. Several hit fVio rrrnnn for polf hnll rewards. and a good time was had by all. A strong wind neipea Keep me mosquito barrage at bay. Thn onlfiirs that didn t go were many, but helped keep our course busy here. One group of six players plus as many "teen age caddies" were having a ter rific time. Last Tuesday 11 "sun-lovin"' ladies played, with Kay Ander son and Konerta uougiieny furnishing punch and coltee at nur faunritl Rlint. High ETOSS was won by Roberta, and icasi putts was a tie between Donna McCurdy and Hazel Mahoney. Others playing were LaFyrne Pratt. Kay Robinson, Cork Nor ene, Marie McQuarrie, Lois Hunt, Betty Rose and myself. Dues are due again for some. Please check your cards and then send a check to Donna Mc- furilu if vnnru nrp due. wuiu.f .i ......... Our course nasn i oeen in sul nt,nA cVinna fnr n lone time. dUC to the tireless effort of a good many men. Included are nuicn for mowing and watering; Fran ees Doherty for hand mowing around the Ereens; Judge Car- michnel, Grlb, Clint Mewuarne and Ed Bennett for trapping the gophers, and Raymond Ferguson for hauling sand and keeping up the sand green, wnai no you do? ii AW 111, Am 1 . . . J. Vnn Mnrter. Sr.. had a slight accident wonder if he can play golf and balance on ..ruiphna llnrrv un and get well, Vnn. vour foursome misses that Betty Rose really got the word blow for blow on Ladles Day and improved greatly oe fnro Hw nino holes were over . . that Lois played her first nine and staved out of the creek . . . that Donna McCurdy has an "eve for putts" . . . that it got awfully hot before they all got rmisned lasi lues day. , Want to start earlier, gals? ,r ft " i I ft V w Jf x 'J , . .. ' : CHRISTIE VANGEN Engaged Couple Sets August Wedding Uate Mr. and Mrs. Ray Vangen of Pasco, Wn., announce the en- rr a nnrnpni nf their daughter, Christie Lynn, to Lloyd Robert Rice, son ot Mr. and wirs. L.iuyu Rice of lone. The bride-elect recently graa uated from Leading Beauty Qi.hnni nnrl is pn-mloved In Pas- co. Her fiance has been attend- ng Columbia Basin Junior col lege. Tho weddini? is set for August 25 in the First Lutheran church of Kenncwick, Wn. Mr nnrl Mrs. Lowell Lvon and family, Tonasket, Wn. were Mon day visitors at me Kay nyeis home. Mrs. Lyon is the former Lois Blackburn. Mn. Fred Mankin left Thurs day (today) for Corvallis to bring home her grandson, Ger ald Bunch, who has iuusnea nis sophomore year at Ubu. Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Moore. Portland, and Mrs. Bessie Her cfhnii also of Portland, were week-end visitors at the N. D. Herscholl home. Mrs. Matt Hughes and child ren accompanied her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Terrel Benge to Ocean Park, Wn., on Monday for a week's vacation and getting in some clam digging. Memorial Day guests at the Mike Saling home were Mr. ana Mrs. Jack Myers, Pendleton; Mike's sister, Mrs. Marie John son, and Mrs. Gladys Corrigall, both of Portland. ..... y MERRIE JO MORRISON lone Rainbow Girls Install New Officers Merrie Jo Morrison, daughter nf Mr anrt Mrs Tnrlip Morrison. was installed worthy advisor of, T A LI.. r TJ . . . i. , lone rtssemuiy, uiuer ui iaui- bow for Girls, May 25. Installing officers were retir ing worthy advisor Sue Town send, Kathy Rea, Tass Morrison, Shirley Hicks, and Cherilyn Smouse. Others installed were Lee O'Pnnnfir unrthv ncwnrialp ad- visor; husan Lindstrom, cnamy; Karen Hams, hope; Elaine Gaars land, faith; Barbara Nichols, chaplain; Joyce Peck, drill lead er; Judy Eubanks, love; Bonnie Hynd, religion; Betty Hausler, nature; Cathy Hausler, immor tality; Linda Rowell, fidelity; Elaine Savage patriotism; Bon nie Morgan, service; Dixie fcck, confidential observer; Mary Nichols, outer observer; Terry O'Connor, musician; Teresa Tucker, choir director. Merrie Jo was crowned by her sister, Tass. Also participating in the crowning ceremony were Susan Lindstrom and Sue Town send. While Miss Morrison was at the altar the musician played "You'll Never Walk Alone." "Love the tie that binds" was the theme chosen by Merrie Jo for her term. Her colors are pmK and white. At tho rnnrliminn of the in stallation refreshments were served in the reception room. Pniirinc wprt nast wortnv au- trlcorc Tfnthv Pna anrl Sup Town- eonrl Rnnnio Akers and Linda Williams were in charge of the guest book. Frank Halvorsen passed out the programs. Mrs. Jess Deos Dies Suddenly at Odell Funreal services for Mrs. Jess Deos of Odell, and former Hepp ner resident, will be held Thurs day, June 6, at l p.m. at An- 'k Mnrtuarv Honrl River according to word received by rplativps hpre this week. Mrs Dons annarentlv died of a heart attack on Monday even ing. She was a sister-in-law of Mrs. Alva .Tnnps and Mrs. David Wil son, and an aunt of Robert Jones, Mrs. Floyd Jones and Mrs. Bin Rlakp. Sho also had several close friends in this area. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE Or OREGON rUM MORROW COUNTY in tho Matter of the Estate of MANCELL LUVERN TOWN- SEND, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NfYnfF. IS HEREBY GIVEN to all persons to whom it may con cern, that the unoersigneo nus been appointed Dy me aouve petition Pnnrt as Administrator of the Estate of Mancell Luvern Townsend, Deceased. . All persons having claims ncainst sairi F.state or Deceased are notified to present the same with proper voucners mereior and verified as prescribed by H Administrator at the office of Paul A. Thalhofer, 245 S. E. Fourth Street, renuieion iimnt la rnuntv. Oregon, wnn in civ mnnths from the date of the first publication of this notice wnicn is may ju, j.oo. Marshal I.nverne Townsend, Administrator of the Estate of Mancell Luvern lownsena, Deceased. Paul A. Thalhofer Attorney at Law 245 S. E. 4th St. Pendleton, Oregon AHnrnnu fnr thp Fstatp May 30, 1963; June 6, 13, 20, (13-170 MptcWor Mans nf Morrow. Gil liam, Wheeler, Umatilla, and Grant counties on sale at the Gazette-Times, $1.25 each. NOTICE OF SCHOOL ELECTION UPON QUESTION OF INCREAS ING TAX LbVI uvtn LIMITED BY Stuwvn ii. ARTICLE XL STATE CONSTITUTION Mniim is horphv piven that an pip.tinn will he held in School District No. R-l of Morrow Coun ty, State of Oregon, irom .uu P. M. to o:uu r. m. on June ioci ot Honnnpr H S. Cafeteria. Lex. Cafeteria, Irrigon Cafeteria, Riverside ti. coarunio", City School, lone Cafeteria, and Rhea Cr. Grange in said school district for the purpose of sub mitting to the legal voiera ui said district the question of In creasing the tax levy ior uic fiscal year 1963-1964 oyer the amount limited Dy seuuun article XI, of the Constitution of Oregon. The reasons for increasing such lvey are: Additional teachers added to staff. Increased cost of education. Added cost of operating new facilities. The amount of tax, in excess of 6 limitation, proposed to be levied for said fiscal year is $484,431.00. m Dated this 6th day of June, 1963. Attest: Beverly Gunderson, District Clerk Dick Wilkinson Chairman Board of Directors (1415c) Farmer's Union Plans Meeting for Tuesday Mnrrnu Pimntv Farmer's Union will have its last meeting until after the harvest season in the old Library building on Tuesday evening, June 11, at 8 p.m. President Clarence Kosewan has announced that an invita tion has been extended Rep. Jack Smith Pnnrinn. to sneak at the meeting if conditions permit. A report may also be given by Judge Oscar Peterson on his trip to Washington, u. l,. Mr. and Mrs, David Eckman anH familv mntnred to Sand Point, Idaho, to spend the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. fccKman. iney re turned home Sunday evening. r, i trai GRAIN FIRE TIME IS AT HAND! DONT WAIT - NEXT WSEK MAY BE TOO LATE1 C. A. RUGGLES AGENCY P. O. Box 247 Heppner Ph. 676-9625 This announcement Is neither an offer to sell nor a solicitation of an offor to buy any of these securities. The offering Is mado only by the Prospectus. IN HONOR OF FORD'S WINNING STREAK IN TESTS OF TOTAL PERFORMANCE FORD DEALERS OF THE NORTHWEST ANNOUNCE WINNING DEALS ON AMERICA'S Ml WINNING PERFORMERS - 1 NEW ISSUE May 23, 1963 265,000 Shares CENTENNIAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Capital Stock' ($0.50 Par Value) Price $3.00 per Share The offering Is made by the Prospectus in the states of Oregon and Washington and in such other states where the Securities may be offered. Copies of tho Prospectus may be obtained from tho undersigned underwriter. JUNE S. JONES CO. U. S. National Bank Bldg. Portland 4, Oregon 'OHO COUNT! MON 11 ram tLxu wot maoto Brf ffiaE IT TOS WINNING WAGON DEALS! Greatest family wagon on wheels! Choot tram 15 great wagon in 4 different tlzat from America's wagon specialist, Including this luxurious Ford Country Sedan with over 91 cubic feet of cargo space. WINNING HAEDTOP DEALS! Same model that swept Daytona off its feet! Take your pick of 14 smart, sporty hardtop, Including this Super Torque Ford Galaile 500XL the tame model that swept the first five place In the Daytona 5001 WINNING CONVERTIBLE DEALS Only convertible with Ford's Total Performance! Seven racy convertibles to choose from, Includingthis Ford GalaiieSOO! Or if you prefer your fun in compact sites, try the Falcon V-8 Sprint, soft-top version of the class winner in the famous Monte Carlo Rallye! F.0-A.F. VACATION NOW-PAY LATER! HEPPNER AUTO SALES, Inc. HEPPNER, OREGON ... Or See The Ford Dealer Nearest You.