Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, June 14, 1962, Sec. II, Image 7

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    Hobby Theme Gets Attention
At lone Topic Club Meeting
IONE Mrs. Charles O'Connor,
Mrs. Victor Rietmann and Mrs.
William Rawlins entertained the
Topic Club on Friday at the
home of Mrs. O'Connor.
Members present answered the
roll call by giving the name of
their favorite hobby. A book was
donated by the club to the lone
Public Library.
Mrs. Earl Blake of Heppner
and Mrs. Clifford Wagner also of
Heppner were special guests for
the meeting. Mrs. Blake display
ed Some of her Hpserr clnse pnl.
lection and gave very interesting
information about it. Mrs. Wag
ner spoke and displayed part of
ner collection 01 rocks and
stones. She has some from
foreign countries which were
very attractive and of interest
to the club members.
Eldon Tucker, 2nd vice-president;
Mrs. Ted Palmateer, first vice
president, and Mrs. Joel Engle
man, secretary-treasurer. Ap
pointive officers will be an
nounced later. The next meeting
night will be June 19 at the
Legion hall at 8:00 p.m. with
Mrs. Victor Rietmann and Mrs.
Walter Roberts as hostesses.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rietmann
were in Portland on Thursday to
consult a heart specialist for
1 heir son, John. Returned tests
and reports were very satis
factory. They came home Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Berl Akers arid
Bonnie and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace
Matthews and daughters at
tended graduation exercises at
Columbia Basin College, Pasco,
Wn., for Robert Akers. Also
graduating in this class was a
former lone resident, John How
ton. Both boys finished a two
year course in Arts and Science.
Bill Akers and Gary Morgan
left on Saturday for Corvallis
to attend the Boy's State con
vention. They will return the
last of the week.
Auxiliary Elects Officers
The lone Legion auxiliary
met on Tuesday at the home
of Mrs. Joel Engleman. Election
of officers was held with Mrs.
Charles Doherty re-elected pres
ident. Other officers are Mrs.
City council meeting was held
on Tuesday evening of last week
and the main item on the agenda
was the passing of the city budget.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Melina are
in Portland. Mr. Melina is a
patient in the St. Vincent's hos
pital. Mrs. Ernest Lundell will host
the Three Links club at her
home on June 22.
Mr. and Mrs. Gaylord Salter
and family visited at the home
of his parents last week.
Parry Honors Mrs. Smouse
A birthday party was given
by Mrs. Fred Burgoyne in honor
of her daughter, Mrs. Kenneth
Smouse, at the Smouse ranch
on June 6.
Guests included Mrs. Earl Ev
ans, Mrs. Carl Miller, Mrs. Vern
on Munkers, Mrs. Alvin Wagen
blast, Mrs. Wate Crawford, Mrs.
Ralph Crum, Mrs. Milton Mor
gan, Mrs. Alfred Nelson, Jr., Mrs.
Dale Ray and Mrs. Gary Tullis.
Games were played with Mrs.
Tullis, Mrs. Munkers and Mrs.
Nelson receiving prizes.
Mrs. Burgoyne was assisted by
her granddaughter, Cherilyn
dren have been in attendance
during the preceding week of
A Chinese theme was used in
the dinner serving and decor
with guests using chopsticks and
wearing huge bibs.
Dedication of the new Sunday
School unit has been postponed
to a later date.
Dinner Uses Chinese Theme
The Valby Lutheran church
held a family potluck dinner
on Sunday at their church. The
Bible School classes presented
the program. Twenty-seven chil-
Heppner Post, American Legion
IN THE LEGION HALL at 7:30 p. m.
Short Feature:
Friday Night, June 15
7:30 P.M.
Admission: Children 25c, Students 40c, Adults 60c
Mrs. Esteb Honored On Birthday
Mrs. Walter Dobyns hosted a
birthday party on June 7' in
honor of Mrs. Ida Esteb on the
occasion of her 86th birthday,
Guests included several mem
bers from the Bingo club. Bingo
was played with prizes won by
Mrs. Esteb and Mrs. uonaiu
On Thursday evening follow
ins the Rebekah meeting, a sur
prise birthday party was held in
honor of Mrs. Esteb. She was
Diesented a corsage by Mrs.
Donald Ball on behalf of the
Several readings were given
bv Mrs. Vida Heliker, which
suited the occasion and held
moments of remembrance for all
oresent. Fifteen members were
present for refreshments oi birtn
day cake and jello, served by
hostesses Mrs. Lewis Ball and
Mrs. Don Ball.
Gordon White was in Portland
last week for a medical check
up. He returned to lone for busi
ness purposes, then back to Port
land where he entered the hos
pital for major surgery on Mon
day of this week. His condition
is reportedly improved.
Relatives here received word
that Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rowell of
John Day were the parents of a
boy, Bill Jr., weighing 9 lbs., 13
oz. He was born on June 10 at
John Day.
A1 Ellis Ball spent a couple
of days with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Lewis Ball, enroute to
Spokane, Wn., where he entered
the Air Force hospital for sur
gery on his knee Monday. He
expects to be hospitalized ap
proximately 10 days.
Mrs. Ida Esteb visited in Hood
River on Monday. She accom
panied her granddaughter, Mary
Mrs. Hershall Townsend and
daughter, Brenda Kay, left for
Portland on Sunday where
Brenda took state board beauti
cian exams. They returned the
middle of the week.
Boys Win Fair Trip
Jay Ball and Bob DeSpain lett
on Monday of this week to loin
other paper carriers of the state
lor a trip to Seattle for a visit
to the Worlds Fair and also
for a boat trip to Victoria, B. C.
The boys both received the re
quired points from new subscrip
tions to qualify for the expense
paid trip, in a recently held con
test throughout the state.
Will See Son Graduate
Mr. and Mrs. Garland Swan
son will leave by airplane on
Monday to attend the graduation
ceremony for their son, 1st Lt.
Dennis Swanson at Williams A.
F. B., Arizona. Their son Jim,
will stay with Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Turner at Lexington,
and John will remain at home.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Ball, Elmer
Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Ball and family and Mr. and Mrs.
Clifford Aldrich and girls made
a surprise call at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Christ-
79th Year, Number 15
Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, June 14, 1962
Sec. 11-6 Pages
'; ' . -V-
AMERICA'S TOP-RANKING aqua show, the 19S2 "Aqua Spec
tacular," will make its West Coast premiere in Portland, June
12-15 as the feature entertainment event of the Portland Rose
FestivaL Combining all the color, glamour costuming and pro
duction of an ice show, the "Aqua Spectacular" highlights beaut
eous aquamaids, xany aqua-clowns plus some of the nation's
champion swimmers and divers.
Everyone Welcome To ELKS' Annual
Flag Day Program
By B.P.O.E. Lodge
No. 358
Thursday, June 14
8:00 P. M.
Main Address by G. B. Urlie, Past Exalted Ruler
Condon Lodge
History of Flag by W. A. Blake
Ceremonies by Officers of B. P. 0. E. No. 358
Cub Scout Pack No. 61, Flag Bearers
pherson on Sunday to honor Mrs.
Christonherson on her birthday.
The group enjoyed a back yard
Mr. and Mrs. Garland Swan
in took his mother, Mary, to
Pendleton on Tuesday to consult
with her doctor.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Snider
took their daughter, Janice, to
Portland last week where she
competed in the Jr. Olympics at
Grant Bowl. She placed among
the eight finalists in soft ball
throw. Their son Dickie accom
panied them.
Robert Salter Graduates
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Salter at
tended graduation exercises at
E.O.C. on Friday to see their son
Robert graduate. Robert recently
received a trophy for special
achievement in the field of
Grange meeting will be Satur
day evening following the wed
ding of Brenda Townsend. This
will be the last meeting for the
summer. A suramet picnic is
planned and the date will be
announced later.
Friends Honor Mrs. Marick
A pink and blue shower was
held for Mrs. A. II. Marick at the
St. Williams Church on Wednes
day evening. Ladies of the Home
Economics club and the St. Wil
liams Altar Society were hos-
Ralph Martin arranged the
lovely flowers about the room.
Iris and peonies were used, most
of them grown in the gardens
of Carl Troedson.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ward of
Kuna, Idaho recently visited with
her mother Mary Emert and with
other area relatives. Their grand
daughter, Claira Louise, accom
panied them.
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Hammon of
Hoquiam, Wn. visited one day
this past week al the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert
Robert DeSpain, Bill Spohn and
Arnie Hedman went to Granite
over the week end on a fishing
trip. They were called home due
to the death of Mr. Redman's
mother, Aina Hedman, at Repub
lic, Michigan. Mr. Hedman left
by plane on Monday to attend
the services. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert DeSpain
visited in Hermiston on Monday
evening with the Delmar Craw
ford family and with her mother,
Mrs. Betty Lieullean.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pettyjohn
and Diane and Wayne Hams re
turned home on Saturday fol
lowing a weeks trip to Seattle
for the World's Fair.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Devine
visited with Mrs. Ernest Heliker
and others in the area for sev
eral days recently.
Also visiting with Mrs. Heliker
and the Don Helikers and Mrs.
Ida Esteb recently were Mr. and
Mrs. Lee Howell of Pueblo, Col
orado. Lana Padberg is at home
We Will
Deliver Your
Processed Meat
Mv Oi Charge
jy. " 1 1 Heppner,
"j'" ' Lexington
Hogs Tuesday
Cattle Wed- Than.
Sheep Any Day
Follett Meat Co.
Hermiston. Oregon
Ph. JO 7-6651
On HennUton-McNary
again, following confinement at
the Pioneer Hospital in Heppner.
She is able to be up part of the
Mary Swanson returned home
to lone last week end following
a visit with her daughter, Mrs.
Eleanor McMillian, at Salem for
several weeks.
Recent guests for a Sunday
dinner at the home of Mr. anil
Mrs. Joel Engleman were, Mr.
and Mrs. Victor Rietmann, Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Roberts, Mrs.
Edith Nichoson, Mrs. Ted Hall,
Mrs. Jalmer Koski, Vishon, Stev
en Newton, all of South Bend,
Mrs. Levy Johnston and Katie of
Seattle, Mr. and Mrs. Clell Rea,
Kathy and John, Mr. and Mrs.
Keith Rea and Leroy, Arvilla
Swanson, Mr. and Mrs. Bob and
Bill Rietman and families,
given for Mrs. Ralph Kincaid at
A surprise birthday party was
her home on June 7 by Mrs. Al
Winkleman and Mrs. Joel Engle
man. Mr. and Mrs. Roy W. Llnstrom
and family attended the Seattle
World's Fair this week.
A family gathering at Trout -dale
Sunday was attended by a
number of people from lone.
Among them were, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles O'Connor, Mariorie and
Terry, Mr. and Mrs. Roy W. Lind
strom, Stephen, Susan and Chris-
Browns Tour Seattle;
Attend Reunion
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brown and
sons Mike and Chris, and their
friend, Mike Bunch, took in the
sights of Seattle and the World's
Fair from Sunday until Wednes
day of last week. A highlight of
the trip was a ride on a seaplane,
getting an aerial view of the fair
and city.
The Brown family also attend
ed a reunion of Mrs, Brown's rel
atives in Burns over the week
end, and visited at the home of
her aunt, Mrs. Blanche MeCul
man and sons Terry and Teddy
loch. Her brother, Austin Good
of Las Vegas, Nev., attended. The
two boys came home with the
Browns to spend several weeks
with them on their ranch.
Una, Mr. and Mrs. George Grif
fith, Charlotte and Glen and
Mrs. Klmer Griffith.
lone Lions Give
4 Senior Awards
One of the lone Lions club's
civic projects that was made
possible by a sale of mats,
brooms, bows and other items
before Christmas, was culmina
ted at commencement time with
presentation of four scholarships.
Two went to lone High graduates
and two went to Heppner High
graduates, each getting a $50
good citizenship award.
Winners in the class of 1962
at lone where Linda Halvorsen,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
Halvorsen, and Kenneth Nelson,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nelson.
At Heppner, winners were Judy
Schmidt, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer Schmidt, and Eddie
Howard, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Herman Howard.
The club decided after the fine
response by the public to give
the scholarships. The scholar
ships will be valid when the
students qualify for their second
term of work in college, Presi
dent Jim Barnett of the Lions
club said.
Reunion At lone Park
The annual Padberg family
reunion will be an event of Sun
day, June 17, at the lone City
park. The families will join for
a pot luck dinner at noon, with
friends and visitors welcome in
the afternoon.
Nothing like the habit of
making regular deposits on
your savings account to de
velop a strong financial phy
sique. Time to start is NOW!
interest now
paid on sav
ings accounts
BOX 739
Polk County Federal Savings
Loan Ass'n.
jj:t i
Dallas, Polk Couny, Oregon
Assets - $5,298,889
Savings Accounts - $4,732,916
Over 3400 Depositors
Invites The Savings Accounts Of
The Residents Of Heppner, Morrow
County And Adjacent Area
Planned Dividend Rate
For Period Starting July 1, 1962
Paid And Compounded Semi-Annually
Current Rate Through June 30, 19624
We Welcome Your Inquiries
Investigate Our Record, Our Soundness. Dividendcs Figured On Monthly
Balances. Open Your Account Today!
WRITE: Thomas J. Newton, Sec.-Mgr., Polk County Federal Savings & Loan Ass'n.
Dallas, Oregon
Amount You Might Deposit S
Are You Interested In A Savings Account For Your Children?