Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, June 29, 1961, Welcome Edition, Image 1

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Chamber President
Extends Greetings
To Newcomers Here
PiMidenl Heppnr-Mxrow Countt Chamber el Cmmtc
In presenting this "Welcome Edition" of the Gazette-Times,
the Heppner-Morrow County Chamber
of Commerce joins the paper in extending greetings
to all those new to the county and to others planning
1 Oc Copy
to join us soon.
The Idea for this special edition
was conceived by the Develop
ment Committee of the Chamber
of Commerce, of which Elmer
Schmidt of Heppner U chairman.
In order to at-quaint newcomers
with churches, schools, recreat
ional facilities, organizations, ac
tivities, utilities, geography, com
munities and businesses of the
Every part of the county Is
represented In the effort and
each has a share In the project.
We realize that Morrow county
Is a big county and that It will
present something of a new way
of life to some of those who will
be moving here. However, we are
sure that once one becomes ac
quainted and learns to enjoy the
many advantages of living here,
he will become as much a sup
porter for Morrow county as
those who have lived here all
of their lives.
We extend our most cordial
welcome to all coming here. If
there are questions that need to
be answered, or Information that
needs to be given, the Chamber
of Commerce will be glad to as
sist. An Information center is
located in Heppner In the in
surance and real estate offices
of Turner, Van Marter and Bry
ant. You will receive a helpful
reception there.
It Is our hope that this paper
will serve to help you become
acquainted, to make you feel
welcome and to answer many
of the questions you have about ,
the county. We suggest that you
keep this paper for your future
Those who have worked
through the past month In com
piling material for this paper
have our heartfelt gratitude for
a job well. done. We also thor
oughly appreciate the support
of the business people who have
joined generously In backing the
project Without exception, each
has helped out with advertising
to share the cost in a spirit that
typifies the people of Morrow
As president of the Heppner
Morrow County Chamber of
Commerce, I wish to commend
and congratulate the Develop
ment Committee and the news
paper staff for their fine work
on this project and for carrying
it through to a successful con
clusion in the face of many other
duties at a rush time.
As it goes to press, we hope
that this edition offers something
that will be enjoyable and val
uable to all. If so, the effort was
well worth the doing.
Mike Whitesmith
7Sth Year, Numbe
i ou:
r 17
A Vast Land a Rich Land a Happy Land
Need Information?
Ask Chamber Center
If you need information
about the county or have a
question, particularly if you
are a newcomer, you're in"
vited to inquire at the Heppner-Morrow
County Informat
ion Center in the office of
Turner, Van Marter and Bry
ant 183 N. Main, Heppner.
Phone 6-9652.
The center was recently es
tablished to provide informat
ion about housing and tourist
help. Frank Turner of the
Chamber was named to head
the center.
THE COUNTT. WHICH EMBRACES 2.059 square miles, offers
variety of recreation From water skiing, boating and salmon fishing
on the Columbia Eiver at the north, to snow skiing, camping and
hunting in the Umatilla National Forest at the south. The above
map, not meant to be completely accurate as to distances and lo
cal on is designed merely to acquaint the reader with general areas
of sports and activities.
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Morrow County is a vast land a rich land a happy land.
It's a land that starts at the mighty Columbia River on the
north and climbs gently souhward to the cool pines of the Uma
tilla National Forest. In between, growing seas of grain ripple
in the wind over verdant soil.
rs thf whitp m.m knows if it's n Land whoso historv iroea back
- - - - - - ji
to the arduous davs of the nrairie schooners, which trekked their
way west on the Old Oregon Trail. Ruts of these wagons, cut by
their iron-bound wheels, still engrave the county soil on the site
chosen for a missile developemnt. The wildest imagination of the
most fanciful pioneer could never have envisioned the wonders of
the space age, which now brings new promise to the county.
This is a land of changing hues. Breathtaking deep green in
the spring stretches as far as the eye can see, the grow
ing grain reaching towards the life-giving sun. This beauty rivals
the golden brown that will re-paint the landscape with the corning
of harvest time.
But it's a land that hides its virtues. Rolling hills conceal cool
and productive canyons, sanctuaries for beautiful homes and
trim ranch buildings. Its streams, which a stranger might judge
too small for angling, conceal trout disproportionately large for
the size of the creeks and a casual traveler, plying highway 30,
might well take a disdainful look at the sagebrush that he sees
to the south and hurry on. never
knowing the richness that he has
Here are beautiful horses gam
boling In lush pastures. They are
cared for by - owners who love
them and know how to ride them.
Lumbering Hereford cattle and
fat contented sheep are found In
abundance In parts of the county.
Aforrow county Is a land of
strong, raney men with faces
leathered by the weather, from
working close to the soil. It's
a land of pretty girls and women
with poise and self-reliance.
It's a land of pure air. un-
tainted by smog. There's plenty
of breathing room In the wide
open spaces of Morrow county.
Stars shimmer brightly In the
deep blue skies of a summer
It's a land where pure, cool
water comes from artesian wells
to quench the thirst of one with
sweating brow.
It's a land of true, old western
hospitality. A man will go out
of his way to grip your hand and
say, "Howdy!" He'll give a lift
to a man in trouble, friend or
stranger alike.
It's a land where the average
ranch Is 2800 acres and any
thing much less Is considered a
small spread.
When a big pine mill looms
up from the rolling wheatlands,
It marks this as a land of con
trast Logs for the mill come
from the mountains to the south.
Set apart from big cities, Mor
row county offers a wide variety
of recreation fishing, boating,
water skiing, picnicking, camp
ing, horseback riding, swimming,
golfing, hunting. If you like the
outdoors, you name It. There's
open season on Jackrabbits.
Fine churches and schools
sorve residents of the county.
There are libraries and a hos
pital whose facilities are second
to none. Active organizations, for
both young and old, and vener
able lodges carry on worthwhile
Its business people emphasize
service to the customer, and they
have a friendly, sincere greeting
for one and all.
It's a generous land Morrow
county that returns many fold
what is given to it It Is a land
that has prospered those who
have had the faith and believe
in it. It has imparted this gen
erosity to its people and moved
them to share with others, such
as to pungle up $!M,000 to equip
a hospital.
It's a f casual living, of
easy g'ing manner, and a quick
It's a land that stretches out
i hand to a stranger and says
'Welcome. Pod'ner!"
And means it