Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, March 30, 1961, Image 7

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    lone Teachers Explain College Qualifications
At the regular munthly mol
ing tif the lone PT-A. last ttwk
the rerm was prevented by
IialU ?hiK-kIry tnd Chmk Itud-
n ,h ,M? Prom ,on! to full hU needs ami qua!- .Mr
"tl h!rr . . . IfUaUont. There tre 6 nM hrl
educations Mere asked of the
graduation rturi of '5H, '39, "CO
and lh results given through
itlM-UKiln and a chart which
In Oregon that are vocational
training schools In whlih art.
I flight training, nurlng, model
In k.fku.tM k... .. . . f l .. .. - .4
nan mrn rum uini. mil cnari l,.it.. .. . .i i
. - uuiri miiua ut iuhuuiiii wain
hotl the numU-r of graduttet , m b .ui.
hat hav married those at- omcn ,
it-iiuiiiK roiircn, oiuinfu or vo-i(- f', ......
he meet
were: Carry Tunis, presi
dent; Mr. Roy Llndstrom. vice
v1?,Kr?,,.fS f ,hf C'a,f of Spain, secretary treasurer
cation) schools and those work
Ing and those In the service. Out
"CO, 11 of them went to college.
The overall US. figure con
sldcrably smaller.
Shorktey went on to discuss
the figure and material to show
what a student needs to be able
to graduate now. and require
ments to enter college In Oregon.
At the present time the State of
Oregon system of higher edu
cation requires a C or 2 average,
Shockley explained tests requlr
ch! and many other points of
Interest to the students and the
In the office at tho high school
can be found literature from
schools til over the state tciUng Tuin. Vettwi 7W4n. Vixvn short h"rwm-" ig
the entrance requirements. cunt. Smith. Rd MtKenle, Charles ct.uple will live In Settle. Mrs
facilities, and just any subject O'Connor. Rill Rawlins. Victor Victor Rlrtmann remained in
the parent or child will be In- IMetmann. Bill Jiwanson. Mike Purtltnd a few das. hl!e the
terested In when deciding wheth- Cotter. Mrs. Kannl Griffith. Also others returned home
er th collet he thuoes Is the lulling were Mrs. Leo Ctsbtre. Mr, and Mrs, Hugh !vl!fr am
Cordon White and Miss Bin were in ii.nian.i on rriday
rbara ivKM. tnd itiurasy to visit Mr. and
The members of the lone Mrs. Howard Adams anil also
Garden Club decorated the tables their daughter Helen Salter who
and the Rainbow Girls of lone Is In Portland nur-s training,
waited on the tables. The girls Mr. and Mrs. Rich Sturgell of
helping were. Barbara and Mar-1 Bremerton were also visiting Mr.
ihn Nichols, Elaine Gaarsland.
Mariorle O'Connor. Karen Hams.
Linda llalvorsen. Fran, McLeod.
Cheryl and Mary Jo Morrison.
Lona White. Kathy Ret, Sherry
Corley, Bonnie llynd. Shirley
Hicks and Susan Llndstrom.
Free Estimate
Guaranteed Work
Insured Operations
Pest Control
8-7180, 8-7244
CR 6-2125
Dates to Remember
March 30 Maundy Thursday
Church services at 8:00 p. m.
March 31 Good Friday services
In Heppner.
April 1 Traveling food salt
Legion Auxiliary.
April z sunns services 6:00 p.
m. at city park.
Breakfast at church following
services In park.
Church School Program 9:30
a, m
Regular services 11:00 a. m.
April 3 Rainbow Girls
April 4 City Council Legion
Auxiliary 2:00 at HalL
April 5 Eastern Star Social club
Masonic Lodge (night)
April 6 Rebekah.
An estimated 250 to 300 per
sons were served at the Topic
Club dinner on Sunday at the
school cafetorlum In lone for the
benefit of the lone Public Li
brary. Mrs. Norman Nelson and
Mrs. Omar Rletmann were co
chairmen of the dinner. Other
club members helping were Mes
dames Roy Llndstrom, Garry;
Art Stefanl Jr. spent several
days In the hospital In The Dal
les last wk. Mrs. Stefanl
brought him home on Friday.
Mrs. William Loos of Orcas
Island, Washington, niece of Mrs.
Fannie Griffith, spent several
days visiting her aunt last week.
The McNary Yacht club met
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Gar Swanson on Wednesday
and Mrs. Adams. Mrs. Sturgell
is a sister of Mrs. Salter"s.
Bill Salter will teach the
spring term at the Tendleton
High School In conjunction with
his studies. This Is practice
The senior class of lone High
in lYi-JU u.ii vUituif i ih r.n
f Mr. pohcrty'a mother. Mrs.
Marjorie Doherty
The lone Legion Auxiliary held
their social met-ting at the home
of Mrs, Omar Rletmann on Tues
day night with Mrs Walt Roberts
as co hostess An evening of
bingo wms enjoyed Mrs. Joe
Gaarnland received the do.r
prize. Fight memSers were
A urge number of Ionian
were In Condon on Saturday
night tor the crab feet! and
dance. Among those going were
The David McLeod. David Ba
kers. Ed Brl stows. Bob Riet
manns. the Joe llauslers.
Gary Brenner r.t last week ithe home of Mr and Mrs. iKn
at the home of Ms parents. Mr. !tll Ball.
and Mr. C. K. Brenner Gary ! The Legion Auniliary will
was home for spring vacation jmtet on April fourth tt the hall
from the I'nivertity f Oregon, 'at 2:00 p. m. Martha Kean of
Mr, and Mrs. Harry Rinn and M"nnision. district rrpresenta-
win ne nere mat day. Trie
family xUited at the home of
hN parents. Mr. and Mr Hurvey
icing one evening last week.
member are urged to attend
as vote will be mad to
Tfiey also visited at the home whlt candidate will go to Girl s
of Mr, and Mrs, Don Ball. Mr. Suir'
and Mrs. Ring showed some slide
pictures at both homes In con-
Junction with Bible studies. Mr,
snd Mrs. Bill Nichols tnd fam
lly and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Ball
were also present at the home
of Don Ball to view the slides,
Robert Hubbard, son of Mr,
F.arl McCabes. Paul Pettyjohns, m' Mr- Van Hubbard la now
In Fort Gordon. Georgia since
completing his basic training,
Milton Morgans. Llovd Morgan.
school held a me ting at the.tharles O Connors. E. F liren
home of their room advisor. Mr. Inert. Bill Lings. Josn Eubank. Ro,Mrt It taking M. P. training.
Gar Swtnson on Sunday. The Don Llnnells. Rav Bovces. An Mr. Ida Coleman and grand
class discussed graduation p!ani Dazelles. Alton Varnell's. Darrel Maufihter Mary Ann and Llndt
and skip day activities. PadUrgs. Vern Dazellea. Van lnt several days In Portland
Mr. tnd Mrs. Charles Hudson Hubbard. Don and Bob Peter- wcrk t"" of Mr.
had their daughter Joan Marie. I suns. George Snlders, Phil Em- an Mr- Crawford. Mary
baptized on Sunday at the lone crts, Herman Blettles. Dick Ek- Ann wont "'n 'or rnedlcal
Community church by Rev Rod stroms. Herb Ekstroms Sr.. and check up,
MacKenzle. Robert DeSpaln. Herb Ekstroms Jr., Donald Eub- Mr- an(l Mrt. Dick Ekstrom
deason. assisted. Mr. and Mrs. Unks, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Wil-1 n1 daughter of La Grande were
iiArros, nioE us
and Well Print Some
For You In A IIurrrH
evening last week. Guests came I J. L. Hudson of Pendleton, grand- kins. Mrs. Herb Ekstrom't mother week-end visitor at the home
from Hermlston and Pendleton
as well as the local club mem
bers. Door prizes were won by
Ed Bristow and Ray Heimblgner.
On Thursday, Mrs. Art Stefanl
Jr.. was hostess for a birthday
parents, attended. and step-father. Ed and Loul of n,s I,arcn,s Mr-"1 Mr-Herb
Mr. and Mrs. Brlce Keene and Buschke. Bob Drake, Don Bristow. r-nsirom. iney also visited witri
Control hard-fo-kill weeds
in small grain with
ESTERON 99 Concentrate
Here's the easy way to stop troublesome weeds in your wheat
and barley. Use Esteron 99 Concentrate-America's leading
weed killer in concentrated form for larger payloads . . .
greater savings in time and money . . . more effective aerial
spray applications. Esteron 99 Concentrate requires only one
or two gallons of carrier per acre; gives you a better "kill"
on such tough species as tarweed. wild buckwheat. Russian
. thistle tnd purple mustard. Call us today we'll arrange aerial
spraying xor your ncias.
'Tndmark of Tht Dou Chtmical Company
n.-M. . r-1 i
aSSA i rurman rmnq, inc.
1 Heppner Hotel
SSlmL la J Heppner, Oregon j
7fi vpRmspsmu
' if w J ALL NEW
f I if v; & ' i mtsw
Cii. .' ; ' QUALITY TV
E : 5 . .t?MU0S?rru'' '.' , 444 . c 3 "S. 4
family visited In Umatilla on Mrs. Wallace Gaarsland and Mrs,
Sunday at the home of Mr. end Clyde Crawford
Mrs. Bob uucnanan. Mrs, Duane Essex and daugh
wr. ana Mrs. nay .-vicuuny vis- fP, viifinW hr ic. i
party In honor of her daughter jted tt the home of his sister Walter Corlev and m' t,w
Tena't fifth birthday. Guests and family. Mr. tnd Mrs. Dorr Gaarsland this week. She ha
prcscm imiuuim. n-wsimc wnu- Mason aunng me ween-ena. Air. been visitlnir at the home of her
4 n.I,.. L'knnl, 1 rm ffH AMf lit lmm . I A I 1 I '
Mrom. m-cny ouuvnicy, vmri 1 Mcuuiiy is a reurea roionei, re- parents Mr tnd Mrs Bill See
Hams and Jan and Cindy Ek- tiring November 30 after 30 years Lifer at Boardman
- I . 1 , ... ...Ill tl I
i active auiy. nicy win live in irm PAni,i dii t.. u.
onu .wru..-...., iantt Itosa, wain., wnere ne win minman or hnt(M nn c.
(fro Rlolmonn on1 fr I. . . . j i li.l I I I v.. it
.i.i, .v.v....... ""-neacn in junior oikii s-.nuui, nrrtsv ffornnnn ninnn
Wolf Dnhorla inI Mn Moon I . 1 ii.i 1 I " ' - "v ""K
..... ;-V tccnns nwiory uu 'mMCIub ot the home of Mrs. Cole
iwiiue oi cviiu VH.-IH iu rut iiaiiu i aionce Imsn c-!.. . m i
. .u aai . a c,nce- ... ...... man- Eleven members and one
iu un,u uic cuuu.s w ... .uu Mr ana Mrs, oy een are uost wer Those re.
Mrs. Gene Engelman's daughter ,lvln(J , Costa Mesa. California I.f.iL P!!ff". ,r!
Judy, to Dale Mlcku. After "h"r; he is employed by the "'""V " t. L
Cadillac Gauge Company. It Is and Mary Swanson.
a firm that makes Instruments a birthdav rake and hanH.
for missiles. kerchief shower honored Mrs.
House guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ball on her birthday.
Delbert Emert are Mrs. Tom Fa- Mr. and Mrs Martin Jansen
ney ana son uennis 01 Aiameaa, and tnmily of Vancouver, Wash.
California, and Judy Ferguson of were Sunday visitors at the home
San Leandro, California. of nis fa,her. Gus Jansen.
Mrs. Mary Emert Is visiting Mr. and MrS- John Eubanks
with her daughter and family spent SCVeral days last week In
in Kuna, Idaho until after the chowchllla. Calif, on business.
Easter holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Baker were
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Crabtree and n Valla Walla on Saturday on
Mrs. John Eubanks took cars to business and also visited at the
Boaraman on iriuay nigni wun home of his sister. Mrs. Willis
the girls rrom here wno attended Dirks.
the volleyball team Jamboree
there. The girls going from here
were, Sandra Eubanks, Sherry
Benson, Teresa Esteb, Judy and
Geraldlne Morgan, Sharon Crab
tree and Diana Pettyjohn. Hep
pner received first, Riverside sec
ond, lone third, Echo fourth, and
Hermlston fifth. Two girls from
each team were chosen as all
around players. The girls from
lone that were chosen were, San
dra Eubanks and Judy Morgan.
Each girl was preesnted with a
volleyball award
Mrs. Gordon White and Lona
her mother, Ida Coleman and
other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Van Hubbard
spent t few days In Pendleton
last week on business.
Mrs. Francis Piper and Mrs,
Mary Emert went to Spokane
for the funeral of Mrs. Piper's
aunt tnd Mrs. Emert sister
In-law, Mollle Myes. Mrt. Leo
Pettyjohn accompanied tho la
dies. Mrs. Emert and Mr. Petty
John returned earlier and Mrs.
Piper remained to spend some
time with her uncle. She re
turned to lone on Saturday.
Mrs. Del mar Crawford was
hostess to the bridge club at
her home on Thursday evening.
Mrs. Walter Jacobs received
high, Mrs. Robert Jepsen sceond
high and Mrs. Pete Cannon re-
celved low.
Mr. and Mrs. Roay Boyce vis
ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Pryor at Condon on Satur
day and Sunday. They attended
the Crab Feed at the Elks on
Saturday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Nichols and
family of Lexington and Dale
Sherman and sons Eddie and
Freddie were Sunday guests at
Turner, Von Marrer
fir Bryant
183 Main Phont 6 -9652
t-""" aa fT ana say Pay Cash and Say Pay Cash and Say
Thomas S. and Mildred Howell's Home-Owned
i if
S 1L
TIM Eattiaa Mdl C2304 Delux
styllni in trained Walnut color, or
gralnod Mahogany color. 21 ovorall
dia. plctura meat. 262 sq. in. rec
tangular ptetura area.
Ail chassis connections are
carefully handwired. hand
soldered for greater operat
ing dependability fewer
service headaches.
Sunshine Picture Tub
Removable Clneiens Picture Glass
Spotlit Dial
20.000 volts of picture power
3-stage IF Amplifier
"Pn Cooled" Power Transformer
Pay less than
for table TV only I
were week-end guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Nathan Newell of Pendle
ton last week.
John and Jimmy Howton of
Hermlston visited with their sis
ter and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Keith Rea on Friday and Satur
day of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pettyjohn
and Diana were in Portland sev
eral days during the Spring va
cation shopping.
Several couples from lone at
tended the dance at Hardman
on Saturday night, among those
were Mr. and Mrs. Vester Hams,
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Tucker, and
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Garsland.
Mrs. Cecil Thorne and Mrs. Ida
Coleman were hostesses for the
3-LInks Club on Friday at the
home of Mrs. Thorne. Twelve
members were present. Gamas
were played. Mrs. Sam Esteb and
Mrs. Cleo Drake received prizes.
Mrs. Drake also received the door
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Wllklns
of Albany, mother and step
father of Mrs. Herb Ekstrom have
been visiting at the home of
her daughter and family this
past week-end.
Mary Emert was home last
week from college for a spring
vacation with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Delbert Emert.
Mrs. Howard Crowell was hos
tess on Friday evening at her
home for the pinochle club. Those
receiving prizes were: high, Herb
Ekstrom Jr., low, Mrs. Keith Rea;
Mrs. Vester Hams, 300 pinochle;
and Mrs. Don McElIlgott, door
The young people of the Naz-
arene Church from lone accom
panied the Heppner group to
Arlington to the zone rally for
this district held last week.
Mrs. Ralph Crum, Jack and
Cathy were in Pasco on Satur
day. Jack visited at the Colum
bia Basin college and Mrs. Crum
it v .
Bargain Hunt
2 3r 45c
FRYER wih t,uhe 1
of $10.00 or More ! ! J
LARGE FRANKS ...... 2 ml
10 OZ.
PEAS 10 FOR$i.oo
211 SIZE
W5S& 1
and Cathy visited with Mrs. Bob
Collins in Pasco.
Mrs. Byron Bradshaw, of Al
$1.00 I
281 W. Linden Wav
bany visited several days at th?
Phone 6-9920
home of her daughter and fam
ily. Mr. tnd Mrs. Charles Do-
herty. They also spent one day
Perr Cash and Save Par Cash and Save) Pay Cash and Save Par Casa and Save)