M !, .1 ;;. . w, r JO FETTYfOHN Mrs. Collins Honored At Bridge Club Mr. Wallace Wolff er.trrtaln ed lat work with a farewell party for Mr. Charlea Colllne. Gut-kU wrr members of the Nine Trick bridge Hub who brought hmlkff-hM f fr a ur prle howrr fur the honor". Hie rooms ere decorated with prlng flower. Mr. Wolff wrved dainty aandwlchcs In the form of hearts, diamond. spade and club for refreshments. Winning at bridge were Mr. Robert Join, high: Mrs. Dick Wilkinson. aevond. Mr. Roliert Abram won the traveling prize. Mr. and Mr. Collins are mov Ing to Hood River where he has been Iran ferret! by Standard Oil Co. Musical Program Set At Grange Meeting The Lexington Grange will meet April 8 at 8:00 p. m. In the Grange hall. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hausler of lone will entertain with Spanish music and folk dances preceding the regular business meeting. Visitors are Invited to the program. U 17 jewels sTi Shock-resistant jTfT Unbreakable (Li25C mainspring psSvif" Waterproof" Klr case lj2?J;" luminous dial fe Built for wear AND Modern mascu FEATURING A "!"'". tL03 1 52Pwakh bans faL2i.it3 tax WS.f a,.. Cfown and cryital Oft intact. "Something from the Jeweler's Is Always Something SpedaL" Peterson's Jewelers We Give S&H Green Stamps Store Hours 9 to 6 0r.A(Jl.XJB CALF. MSI et 2M lone Hosts TOP's District Meet The annual uprtng dutrlct meeting of the Tops club was held Monday, March 27, at the lone Grange hall, with the lone Big Top Club a hoMc. Mr. Maravene White was m!tre of ceremonlet. Forty nine member of six Top club were present. Kach club leader gave a re port of her chapter since the October 10 district meeting at Boardman. The program waa presented by each chapter contributing a number. Slides of the previous district meetings were ahown. Mrs. Mildred Fain loth of Ten dleton, district captain, gave an interesting and encouraging talk on the work of the club. The dining room was decorated in the Easter theme and a lo eal dewtert was served. The clubs attending were Ten dleton Tops Club; Be Lighters. Lexington; Size Shrlnkers. Her miston; Twillghter Scalers. Pen dleton: Lighter Brighter. Board man: and lone Big Tops. The next meeting will be held In Pendleton In October. Tenth Birthday Party For Susan Chally A tenth blrthdav party for Susan Chally was held at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Chally. on Monday. Members of the Merry Blue birds who helped her celebrate were Marcla Jones. Diana Jack son. Goorgina McDaniel. Teresa Harshman. Cheryl Edwards. Pamela Hughes. Karen and Kathy Blake. Brette Howell. Christy Watklns and Debbie TVvnolds. Also present was Sus an's sister. Laura, and Mrs. Floyd Jones, leader of the blue birds. A birthday cake and Ice cream were served following the games played and an Easter egg hunt held on the counrt house lawn. Coming Events ATTJKfiAY. AmU 1 Eia Eaater 11 bunt designated O.E-S. Social tluh. lodge hall Ii4S p. m. SUNDAY. Apitl 1 Eoatei Sunday observance. Ma ionic halL 1. 00 D. m. Eaitee eervleea at oil church. MONDAY, April 3 Co-op Biddies. Leatngtoo eiy hall 1j30 p. m. Chamber of Commerce banquet Legion ball :30 p. m. City council meeting. City halt 8:00 p. m Rainbow. Lodge bait 1.00 p. W Card party, episcopal pariah hail 1:00 p. m. TUESDAY. April 4 Little League meeting, hign rhaal. 1:00 B BX. Wranglers, club house. 1:00 p. m. Keppner Lodge AF&ai. balL 1:00 p. m. wrnmcsoAT. Aorll S Odd fellows. Lodge balL 1:30 P m THURSDAY. April Soroptlmlat Wagon WheeL noon. Elks Ladies night dinner, din ing room. 6:30 p. m. FRIDAY. April 7 Film showing. Heppner Christ ian church. 8:00 p. m. Rebekaha. Lodge hall, 8:00 p. m. Royal Arch Masons. Lodge balL 8:00 p. in. Lexington Grange, Grange balL 8:00 p. m. Auxiliary Plans Food Sale St. Monicas Plan Various Projects The St. Monicas Guild meeting held last week at the Jim Norene home outlined various projects for spring and the Easter pro gram. After the Easter services, doughnuts and coffee will be served in the parish hall. Th. r.ulld has planned a card nartv at the parish hall on Mon day, April 3 and on April 7 they will hold a door to door sale of doughnuts in Heppner, Lex ington, and lone. Tht next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Howard Cleve land on April 18 with Mrs. La Verne Van Marter as co-hostess. All members are urged to at tend this important meeting. Amicitia Club Meets The Amicitia Club met at the home of Mrs. C. C. Carmichael on Tuesday for their regular meeting. High was won this evening by Gena Leonard, sec ond high Gladys Van Winkle, and traveling Yvonne Lovgren. Th i.ion Auxiliary met at the home of Mrs. Earl Soward nnri mmip dans for a pre-Easter food sale at the Rod and White store April 1. Hazel Hamlin, ay Ferguson, and Marjorie Worden are in charge of the sale. Girls State chairman, Jean Bennett, reported that material had been olven to the high school for the selection of two Junior girls to attend Girls State at Willamette In June. Women's Council Clean Church Rooms The Women's Missionary Coun cil of the Assembly of God met all day Wednesday, Marcn a to fi.mn the auditorium and class rooms. They shared a potluck luncheon followed oy Business devotions at Marge Howard's home. A package containing sheets, pillow cases, dish towels, and doilies was prepared to be ship ped to Rev. and Mrs. Furman, missionaries, who have been forced to leave their belongings nd transfer from the Congo to another section of Africa. After cleaning the church, tne ladies met again at the Howard home for a coffee hour. Birthday Dinner For Mrs. Luttrell Mrs. Alice Luttrell was guest of honor at a birthday dinner Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Farra. Also attending the dinner were Dale Matteson and Theta Strat- ton. Later in the evening otner guests dropped in to visit with Mrs. Luttrell and enjoyed cake, ice cream, and coffee. shoe Pi fees r.icof their IVatarloo ! Yep, the prices are ridiculous we know, but we're willing! You'll find bargains that are fashion right and will pamper your feet as well as your purse. ALL STYLES -ALL SIZES 1 EVEN COWBOY BOOTS I I LADIES' MEN'S BOYS' GIRLS' No Exchanges GONTY'S No Returns Cord Parties Help Easter Seal Drive In tn)u!ii n 1ih F!rf rive. tru Be! Omrtfa ChHf f I ,Ii!wf. tma Aij ha held rd li'.ct v; Mjr.ijr nijtil at thrir hcrnrfc Mr. Rill Rietrr.ar.n t hu. a for a piruMhle party at htt home Mr HaruM Sndcr re ceived MsK Mr. Art Warren, Jo' and Mrs. LouU Cart, n 3u") pinochle. At the home il M.a. Ptd McLeod bridge part)" was held, ThoM winning prw- were Mr. Robrrt Ji-pn. high; Mrm. tYte Cannon, avond high and .Mrt. Ray Boy. lw Lexington Bridge Club Meets Th Lexinfton Btidjie Club met at the home at Vclma Gla&a r.y- their regular meeting last wevk. Thoe pant were LoU iiunt. Mildred Davidson. Gen Leonard, , Eileen Padlerg and t uria Cutforth. Elkie Colea and Vclma Glass. Janet Nag lea. with hteh coinc to Eileen Fadberf and low to Elsie Cole. Masons Schedule Easter Observance fVi;dirn CtBwi4ry No, T. Kr.yhta Trmj lar annual l'atr SuR.tay I'ltmiiw will b bW Sunday. April 2 at 2 W n, m Rr. W. Brissa, paatur cf th Arlintftun Mrtinidui riiuirh, will give the addreM atnd Mwm mcr.ia UI be kou fajhming the arrviee. The public is invited to attrnd Birthday Honored Mrs, Bob Kilkenny entertained with birthday party on Mon day honoring her son Juhnnie'a birthday. Th preeent for the uct ealon were Tommy, Jimmy, Curtta and Diana Cutsforth. Jerr- and Mark Cutiforth. Mike. Chrla, and Nancy Kilkenny of Echo. Kratg. Kathy. and Kim Cutsforth. Mrt. FrlU Cuuforth. Mra. Kenneth Cutsforth. Mra. Gene Cutsforth. Mra. Julie Kilkenny of Echo, and Mrt. George Hermann. HmwtH GAZtTTE TIHEI. Tbuiaday. March 33. Wl -4 Mr. eatd Mi. Ry Muellet n4 1 Jei4 Rea n4 Trf Town family hew a ht gyt. Ma jiul U-ti ioy iTt.ufa.ljy) f -r father. C E. Murller from Ken. V rid a J-!.n rwre ntuau WalstngtMi. .h4rwtr n..-tli.g Mr. end Mr. Mike Whitesmith were In the Yakima valley on Sunday. is "Problem" hair your Porblem? MAY1K you'd like a prrmaner.t wave . . , Just to gtva pur lock a,ft to.1y and upjrt fur tvtjy a phriy d.-uUed hatratyiea. MAYBE you conalder )our hair too badly darnagHl for perm . . . MAYBE It's bn txlorel again and again... But ton't let the MAYBE'8 present you fnm enjoying the luxury of a modern professional permanent! There one for rery hair t)ie. every hair condition, every hair problem, and when tlven by one of our expert tet hnlclana. you're eure to be pieaaed! Jwt coil the operator of your choice DOT GLENDA JEAN LOIS LOIS' BEAUTY SHOP Phone 6 9fi03 MARKET Lge. White Grade A A J 2 D0Z- 99c SPRECKELS SUGAR FREE DRAWING "Hello Central Market You aay you're baring a FREE DRAW ING ON A CARTLOAD OF GROCERIES SATURDAY. 3:00 P. M. Oh yes. well certainly be there . . . Bye now." " SPRECKLES 10 LBS. FROZEN Mariana STRAWBERRIES PKGS. 1.00 flav.r-pak: PEAS 3 pk9S' 49" AND CAULIFLOWER BABY LIMAS BROCOLLI SPEARS BRUSSELS SPROUTS 3 PKGS 63c CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUi 10 FOR Regular TOMATO JUICE - 4 FOR 46 ounce PORK and BEArS -. - 7 FOR 300 else BARBECUE BEANS ' - 5 FOR 300 else n Oi OSWEGO ASSTD. mm $12S 4t LBS. FREE- One pound of your favorite coffee given with Betty Crocker Cake Mixes or Frosting Mix. ASK USI EASTER HAMS "Just what you want for your Easter Dinner." Your choice Swift's Premium Mt. Emily Round-up WHOLE OR SHANK HALF 53c lb. BUTT HALF 55c lb. BONELESS & fully cooked 85c lb. SMOKED PICNIC SHOULDER 39c lb. LEG-0-LAMB 69 LB. BCWBU$ 'H PRODUCE jf. EXTRA leAHUb r. I R 71 GRAPEFRUIT 9C CRISP. GHfctn . DllKl CELERY ASPARAGUS 19c LB. LOCAL RADISHES ... OR ONIONS LETTUCE 2 BUN 15c 2 25" Phones Meat Dept. 6-9288 Groc. Dept. 6-9614 MARKET L