LIEUTENANT LE ROY BRENNER OF (ONE COMPLETES AIR JOURNEY AROUND THE WORLD If LOIIAINC BALL I1rl Uruinar.t I-rR.-y Brrn net. ho it In the V. S. Air Fore ha rrcfMly cumplrtrd f ,p found the ld Brrnrnr trav eled ta San Krfn Ihm, Hawaii, Japan, Okinawa, Ktffrua. Hang Kiine. Mi ritili(in Utand. Vritnam $iiffl, India. rakUtan. Saudi Alalia. Libya. France, Germany, Aulria. Italy. Eng land. Holland. Ireland. Nrw Yutk. Seattlf, and then bark to Oregon. Whll In Germany h llted hi ounr brother. FFC Ken neth Brenner, who U stationed there. By Jet. LeRy came from Eu mi to New York In al hour and 20 minute. From New York he flew to Seattle In five hourt and 20 mlnutea. Brenner hat pre. vloucly visited 43 of the United State. After a few days' vUlt with hi parent. Mr. and Mr. CI ire nee E. Brenner of lone, he motored to California where he will now )e stationed, at Travis Air Force Baae. Ills wife will fly to Cali fornia from Okinawa and Join him there shortly. She was un able to fly with his around the world as she Is attending school In Okinawa. Mr. and Mrs. Omar Rietmann have received word that their son. Pvt. Larry Rietmann Is now stationed In San Antonio, Tex. Larry flew from Fort Ord to Tex as last week, where he Is a medl cfll clerk John Jcpsen Is In Portland at- jOATtS TO BtMCMBC Mirth t 10-11 ol tmuma- mat at ld rmano i . Hwth IJ Uoaa Meeting March 14 Card a Club. Mrs. Omar Riatmanaj Eatr Star Match li Arnica Club; Maaoalc Stat March It !tbkah Udf (lutbday Forty ) tending a pent control convert Hon this week. Garden Club will be March U at the home of Mr. Omar Blet maun. The program for the day will feature guel speaker. Neli Andcrun. who will speak on lawn care the year around. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Barnelt and family of rortland spent tha wecKena vinwng i Mr. and Mm. Ray Barnett. and other relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Avery Campbell and family of Prlnevllle have moved Into the Josle Buchanan house on second street Mr. Campbell Is employed by Van Hubbard. The meeting of Bunchgrass Re heksh lodge- on Thursday. Mar. i . in iw social nlcht, A birth day party will be held for all members having birthdays the mint three months. Mrs. Leo Crabtree gave a dinner party In honor of Mr. r,,w'i hlrthdav on Sunday. nreKCnt were Mr. and Mrs. AMn McCabe. Ashley and Kevin, Mrs. Blanche ocneciar oi ;i..m and Hattle Crabtree, Sharon and Ronnie Crabtree. r NO TICE I Effective March 21, 1961, the following prices will prevail: Haircuts $1-75 Haircuts, grade school and under, weekdays $1.50 Shave $L25 Massage $1.75 Shampoo - $1.25 Morrow County Barbers Assn. HEPPNER BARBER SHOP Bill Edwards HEPPNER HOTEL BARBER SHOP Herman Howard CHAPIN'S BARBER SHOP Ambrose Chapln FERRIS BARBER SHOP. IONE Jack Ferris xi. .-t tin J caantiana. John, Mrlvtn and Elaine motored H rM" Sunday to visit iw .,u-i. n it Seehafer and family. Mr, and Mr Bill R.jimin alko were there Mr, and Mr. Ralph Coats of Qulncy. Wah- spent the week end vUHIng with tneir aauim"-i- vi, waiter Corley and III ia., dauchter, Mr. Omar Rietmann and Mrs. rr.t Mackenzie were hostesses fur a social coffee hour for roenv ,.f ih Maranathas. from 2 to on Friday. Among the uet present were Mr, james wnu ey. Mr. Roy Llndstrom. Mr. Cleo Drake, Mr. Dave Rietmann. Mi. Ernet llellker. Mr. Marlon Palmer. Ella Burgoyne. Mrs. Kenneth Smoua and Fannie Griffith. Mrs. Leo Crabtree and Mr. Al vln McCabe were In Salem last fr Rianche Scheelar, Mr. Crabtree" mother, returned home with them for a visit sne u...nt nn to oookane on Tuesday to visit other relative before re turning home to Salem. Mr. and Mr. Jonn ivrner Baker spent the week end with her brother and family. Mr. and Mrs. Garlend Swanson. Due to the state tournament this week, the FTA meeting scheduled for March 8 was post poned until March 22. Mrs. Garry Tullis. Mrs. Bill Rawlins. Mrs. Rod MacKenzle, Mrs. Victor Rietmann. Mr. Nor man Nelson. Fannie Griffith and i rminr met recently to " plan a dinner at the school cafe tortum for the benefit of the lone Public Library. The dinner will be served on March 26 from 12:30 to 2:00. This dinner is to raise funds necessary for expenses in curred by the library to Keep operating. The week end of the 18th of February several couples from here were In Spout Springs ski ing. Among those going were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jcpsen and fam ily Mr. and Mrs. Norman neison m a a and family. Mr. ana mrs. ah Warren, Don Peterson ana son Kerry and Tim and Mark Tullis. Mrs. Ernest Heimer was nosi- ess for a buffet birthday dinner party on Saturday In honor oi Mr. Heliker's birthday. Among the guests present were ciauae nrachpjirs of Lvle. Wash., June Nelson and Catherine of Golden- dale, Wash., Mr. and Mrs. uaie Ray, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil inorne, and Mr. and Mrs. Donaia Heii- ker. After dinner an evening oi cards was enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Garland owan enn hiv. rwelved word that their son, Lieut. Dennis Swanson, has been chosen as one or tne top ien It I ! In $ for Easter and after, pick the new Jacket Dress Expressive of the vital sixties is the cos tume that has two fashion faces! Here a sleeveless dress blended of cotton and Cupionl rayon is topjed with a show stopping acetate and nylon lace Jacket! newsy shades of beige, Diue, mint or lilac. Sizes 8 to 16. Q95 TO 1295 member tf U fckcttil team at M nation t Glagi?w. Mr.t.. SAC b4 They are prer.tly en. gaget in t.'.rfe Amonj M otner tiJ.Ure Den riu U rwachlfifi tVcita:i far the grade ho.d ihi! !rrn if fam llie living tn the t e He U aino m rmn.tkr ti s C-r.rc t:r..J that play t Ai' " together pinner guel at the i E. Brenner home on Marrh 1 In honor f their m, Lieut Ulh y Brenner, were Mr, and Mr John Pubank and Sandra, Mr and Mr, Howard Fubankt, Mitlene, Iirry and Lrland of Ailington. Mr. and Mr. Donald Ibank and Debbie Tracy, J.-hnnie and RrlMH-ca. Mr. and Mr Bill Gorger and family of the Hawaiian Uland were visiting with Mr. and Mr. DaWd Baker and family one day last week. Mr. Curler and Mr. nur are brother and abter. The Goreer also visited a week In Pendleton witn nis ramiiy ana other relative. Mn Homer Wolflncton was called last week to be with her fmher. V. T. Ingram, ancouver. Wash., while her mother attend- a funeral In California. Rev. Wolfington took his wife and daughter to Vancouver Friday and returned Sunday evening. Mrs. Wolfington will remain with her parents until the spring va cation. Rev. Shelby Graves. Tllot Rock, filled the pulpit at the As sembly of Cod Sunday morning and evening. Mr. Craves accom panied her husband. Sandra Eubank, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Eubanks, has purchased a quarter horse geld-1 Ing "Reed Matlock" from Syl van Williamson, Vale Oregon. Mr. Eubanks went to Vale last week to pick up the horse. Hardman and Rhea Creek News T CHARLOTTE WAUttll Mi at. 4 Mi l!aun LrlU w.nt t, Pendleton Use firt if the werk Walter fcerney and hi iter. f ;. m Wall Walla, were at the lU(,liH4n Hall Sunday afternoon TrT. Marea t. IMI ntrtntt oAirrrt Ttxt ta how picture of hi tour thrown Africa There w good attendance, tn spite i4 the now ar.J wind Mr Waltrr Wright went to Ailintfron, Thurdy to viit her tiK.iw a h.I franddauh ter. h returned home, Friday, Mr and Mr. Darrel Vlnon, and Mi. Fmma White, were IVndletun vuitor Monday. Mr and Mr. Kenneth Batty and Gal! went to Wall Walla and bark Saturday. Mr Beverly WriM wa a patient at loner Memorial ho 1 111 in lleppnrf. Mr and X!f. Veir llm and family were dinner gueata at the Jim Ham hume Sunday. Ttsere wa a good turn out for the Tarwake uer and card iartv held at the Rhea Creek Giange hall Saturday nlfiht. Oian Wright ha been In the hufpital In Heppner. 1 u bom ind btti h the Writ-tfJ Kcnnitigt bowftxyt jwt suits my tuU." (ir When you grow up in the West you grow-up T..rrl!ITlr' !Jif.lMiiitUl (Jif.Il il tUl MmTf I a)Jjy..UMt ,f to : w'---A'y ' HERMWA Superb Straight Kentucky Oourbon . . . Aged to Perfection au f M 10 HtRMlUCI DISTIUtllT CO.. LOUISVILLE. Hrw 16 PROOf Pay Cash ond Sav, Pay Cash and Sot, Pay Cash and Scree Par Caah and Sot Par Cah and Sot Pot Cosh end Thomas S. and Mildred Howell's Home-Owned 10 NATIONAL y! TV ) 7 1 3 3 FRANCO-AMERICAN SPAGHETTI, 15 oz. SEASIDE COOKED DRY LIMA BEANS 303 size VAN CAMP PORK & BEANS 303 size N ALLEY'S SPANISH RICE DINNER 1 lb. can Oregon Loose-Pak Frozen BERRIES BOYSENBERRIES GOOSEBERRIES BLUEBERRIES BLACKBERRIES 3 F0R $1.00 FROZEN SONNY BOY TV DINNERS Turkey, Chicken, Beef 2 F0R 99 FROZEN OREGON LOOSE-PAK Strawberries 14 OZ. 2 F0R 85c Vi gallon BLEACH New Handle MONTE CATSUP 14 ounce 5f 1 : mr $IOO or . . a . 1 mm A HKIiMI lie I FRESHER PRODUCE BANANAS 2 lb. 29c CAULIFLOWER 19c HEAD NO. 2 10 LBS. spuds 39c ECONOMY MARKET Phone - 6-9922 or 6-9943 MEAT SPECIALS Fresh, Pan-Ready FRYERS 39CLB PORK LIVER .... 29c LB. BEEF FOR LOCKERS U. S. GOOD 49c LB. SONNY BOY BUTTER 69c LB PEACHES SONNY BOY 2i CANS 4 F0R ?1.00 PURITY Cookies PECAN SANDIES DUTCH APPLE J 85c t 1 LB. PKGS. a 3 41