tjruum?r (Basrttf-ufanra n n-" -u.b.u "'r.r Ilia VWHf I"1' W. a WILDMA Cditoc a4 rutusnee Frances I- WILD MA jUMtlate fMUle .MATIONAl I0ITOIIAI rrrr W I ' 1 1 1 S I T . v- l lwhnil4V)Vrr Single Copy 10 Cent. ALL IS NOT LOST! flu,,, .re urpMm u. In physical mental, nd mUZTnX Morrow county ou, .- and many other counts all 'Am"? fell" .'new .Kill. Wt2;; J" ity. an.i ' . ,,,, -h MDcrience under knowledge cmji- "tlHhat m.nyof - f Si". guidance exerts on the lives of young Arner c ' High do.U .re coupled fT0:"' limine project, which are carried on In n SSlpU i.r -'Tn..VenX- tlnuous search for excellence. -H n",D5f" foundation uion which many successful fanning Sierra have been built. Many 4 II club mem- ha, financed his or her college education , with -livestock or crop project begun as . child. Most of The Sunii presU outstanding college students were once 4-11 member. It Is fortunate for youngsters of this are. that hey can participate In these activities under dedicated leaders. Ncls Anderson . "J" and Joe Hay. the county extension staff are a competent and Inspiring group. The parked auc ress of the program Is testimony to that fact Trie ES lU of volunteer leaders Is also testimony to he hn regard In which substantial people of Se coGnty hold 4 II work. During this week set isfde as National 4 II Week, let's give these filers both professional and volunteer. a big hand and ell1 them we appelate what they're Sing for our youngsters and for our country. Tho second event referred to was the district baskeVball championship game In Pendleton Sat- "one small school, came out victorious. nd was ueclared the champion. Nothing par tTclly remarkable about that. Is there? Some one was bound to win. But the manner In which they won was an example 01 course -m. k mrfr.l tho heart of every spec lator. It was not line's night so far as hitting the bar.krt ti concerned. A strong defensive op inertt krj-t the sharp shooting forwards pretty well bottled up. Time sfter time lone went down the floor with the ball trying to set up .coring plays, and time and again the guard taking the ball down had to shoot from some considerable dUtanre out The score was close all the way. With 11 seconds left lone was trailing by three points. A less determined team would have blown up. slowed down or quit at that point. When foul was called on tl.e opposition and one free throw had been sunk. Coach Hudson called time, and talked with the team. Ills team went out and In the few seconds left tied the score with difficult shot following the mlssea attempt in ih two nlav off ix-rlods lone kept a cool head. and sank the winning basket In the "sudden death" second period. H Is doubtful that finer show of brains, speed, stamina and determination, all coupled with clean playing and Rood sportsmanship has been seen anywhere recently. If the battles of Britain were won on the playing fields of Rugby certainly some sort of a victory besides . district tourna rr.ent was won on the court In Tendleton last Saturday night. Coach Hudson Is to be commended not only for turning out fine teams, but for his ability to Inspire players to fight till the final whistle de spite seemingly unsurmountable odds. He Is . keen strategist, and a real student of the game. He tolerates no foolishness, and requires his players to keep their grades and their conduct on a high level; training rules mean something to this group. Infractions result In penalties. Coach Hudson Is popular both with his players and In the community. When the team goes to Bond this week end to participate In the state finals, a goodly ch.n- nf the community will Co along. It Is re From Tht County Agent's Office T n. C AHDIMOH This is National 4 11 Club Week. It proMdet n opportunity for fAeryon 9 n thlr nd to pay some attention to what this Important youth pro gram la doing for the two and . third million boys and glrJ between the ages of nine and twenty-one who are enrolled. While the program center, arvund the boy and girl there are many other Important people who contribute to the .access of the program. Among these are ,he parent, of these 4 II mem bers. the volunteer leaders who tpend many hours and a mul titude of others whom we refer !o a. -Friend, of 4 11". I J like to dwell on these -Frtcnd. of 4 11- nd the g"t contrt button they make to the success of our program here In Morrow KB2oull take more room than this column affords to name each of the -Friend, of 4 H fndlv.du.lly. W. will, there ore not atempt to do this but to speak in generalities 4 It. being an active youth group. utllijJJ these friends every month of the year. Beginning In new organization of clubs and recognition of those who have successfully mP,eted. ?mk here are . number d f contHJ utors in making hi. 4H Achievement recognition a k whole crew of persons SrrssrsK of hard work arranging for tne SooO boy. and girls enrolled in club work In Oregon. LIVESTOCK -Marcel Jon.i (13). Wilbur van uwn..... the community will go along, it ;" lttlln. (i4) frpshlni? In these days of fashionable boredom lirD;pJ and nonchalance, to see a town and county gel behind Its teams, and stay with them to the final whistle. It was certainly Inspiring to see the fine teamwork, spirit, and stubborn courage of the team that didn't know when to quit. American youth may lack some of the ster ling qualities which we ascribe to our forebears, but so long as activities like 41! flourish, and so long as the qualities displayed .Saturday night endure, one cannot feel that all Is lost, w.o.w. Boardman Sand & Gravel Co., Inc. Producers of Crushed Gravel Washed Concrete, Sand Gravel, Ready-Mix Concrete. Phone HU. 1-2275 Boardman Chats With Your Home Agent By ESTHER KIRMIS Morrow county, along with the nation, Is observing National 4-H club week, March 411. Its theme: Live, serve, through 4-H. We'd like to Introduce you to our 63 adult leaders and 15 jun ior leaders who are leading our 46 clubs in the county. These leaders have a genuine interest B3P PENDLETON ELECTRIC CO. PENDLETON, OREGON THEY'VE GOT ST'Vl tOI Fl Fr.TRn-RAY- INFRA h aiiJ nvi" J AUTOMAIll litmus. BASEBOARD HEATERS and desire to work with boys and girls; a willingness to give timi for 4-H club meetings and activities; a willingness to attend leader training meetings to mane ihpm hotter leaders: and an atti tude of cooperation with other leaders in our county. It Is estimated that the aver ace leader gives the time equiv alent of three full weeks a year to his Job. No wonder we honor: Heppner CLOTHING Mrs. William nawlins, lone (6), Mrs. N. D. Herschcll (5), Mrs. Jack Healy and Mrs. William Heath (9), Mrs. Merrltt Gray (11). FOODS Mrs. Douglas Drake (5) , Mrs. Pat O'Brien (8), Mrs. Herbert Case (10). KNITTING Mrs. Robert Jones (6) . to aia AND MAIl THIS COUPON roi Fill ISTIMATI PENDLETON ELECTRIC CO. 1802 S. W. Emigrant Pendleton Ore. Fleet fvrnlih fiee hect surrty asd eltctrlc httrfnfl eiHmote. W.H oladJT help you with your wiring layout without charge. COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL bonded & licensed RESIDENTIAL WIRING WIRING SUPPLIES PENDLETON ELECTRIC CO. CALL BOB BALE COLLECT CR 6-4381 STAR THEATER Fri.. at March 10-11 WALT DISNEY'S The Hound That Thought He was a Raccoon Plus Wizard of Baghdad We will admit for 50c any adult who is brought to the theater by a child (20c) one adult to one child. Tell the cashier you want bargain price tickets. Color and CS. Sun.. Moa. March 12-13 Flaming Star Elvis Presley, Steve Forrest, nnd other stars. Color and CS. Special added Football high lights of 1900. Sunday at 5 and 7:00 and Nagel In January volunteer local leaders are rrwgnlied at their annual banquet. The L S. Nat ional Hank provides recognition In form of lapel pin. for these leaders who successfully com pleted the year. work. Thl. I. the month of the year also that the Murrow County Grain Crow, era provide for each 4 II mem ber and leader a 4 It club cal endar so that they might keep a record of their monthly meet Inns and Important event, Kach of the many churche. contribute to the observance of 4 II Sunday held in May each year. June and July, busy month, lor the 4 II club program, see a number of Morrow County busi nesses and Individuals support mg the livestock auction Mle, a part of the Junior Livestock Show at The Dalles. Boy. and girls are encouraged to continue ihelr project through the addi tion of a few cents premium above market price for these 4-H members that have worked hard raising a fat steer, hog or Iamb. Farm, social, and fraternal or ganizations along with business es and individuals have the op portunity in mid-June to spon sor a scholarship for a boy or girl to attend 4-H summer school This week-long event i. held on the campu. of OSC. A big event for those club members who arc not quite old enough to go to 4-H summer school Is our county camp. Mor row County boasts one of the .lnest summer camps In the-entire Pacific Northwest. Located in an Ideal setting of the Cuts fort h Forest Park it was made possible by the cooperative ef forts of a large number of people. First held on land provided by Fred Mankln provisions were made by Orvllle Cuts forth when he purchased this prop erty so this camp could con tinue. Parents and leaders are responsible for many many hour id work that want Into clearing and bulldlni the t elllUet which aecotnmodtt. about T5 bey. and I'xls. coun aellor. and ptogr.ra dlretfftr An important event to tb 4 boy. .nd girl. 1. the .termcn feed provided by the B.nk of Eastern Oregon during one even ing of their campflre event. The largest 4 II event of tht year is the County Fair. Tnll event Involved more 4-H mem bers, parents. leaders and again. -Friend, of 4 11" than any other county event. These -Friends contribute much to thl. popular event through pl.que. .nd other recognition to boys and girl, for a Job well done. The annual pig eramble and auction alt are made possible entirely through these -Friends." The plg-acram-hi. h.a ttartrd many a boy or girl In a profitable livestock ven ture .nd the price received by member, .t our auction ..It have been one of the best in the itate. Don Wink, of the North western Livestock Commission ( Company has auctioned tht. live- j stock free of ch.rge to club members for the past aeven' years. Over 40 local buyer, .up-, ported the 19C0 sale. Each year, excellent .upport ha. been given the 4-H club sponsored noon, dinner held on one day of the fair. Again a lot of parent, and leaders are Involved In thl. money raising activity which, provides the treasury wltt money needed for the many ac-. tlvitles of the year. I We have followed a typical 4-H club year and the event. In order to be aucceWui muet have the .upport of these -Krtendt." During thl. National 4-H Club Week the -Friend." do their thar by providing window area, in coepcratu-n In calling to the attention of our people the tie men.Ious opportunities that there are In 4 H club wtrk to better develop boy. .nd girl, to make the good citizen and future leader, of our country. We take thl. opportunity to .alute the -Friends of 4-H." BUSINESS MACHINE SERVICE Office Supplies. Office Equip ment Business Machine. IN HEPPNER 1st & 3rd Week of Erery Month DON BALL. Ser. Dept. 120 Main St, Hermiston Phone JO 7-5114 EMMY LOU SAYS, A ii. m v.. ".I 111 .1 Kit u. ,1 fif.f.i Turner, Van Martcr & Bryant INSURANCE AGENCY 183 Main Phone 6-9652 E p stuff iHitovw y imam .. .f t SADDLE HORSE-Jlm Valen- tine (16). , 1MFLE RaV William" and Robert uooin.;,"- ARCHERY wuuam (8). Ion nmllUf Vfra L. A. MC- Cabe (6). Mrs. Harold Snider and Mrs. Bryce Keene "V TT Rea (6), Mrs. Louis Carlson 6 -"c . p m. Raker (5). SADDLE HORSE Gary Tullls (1 LIVESTOCK Alfred Nelson Jr. and Kenneth Smouse (13). RIFLE Robert DeSpain ana Dave McLeod (12), Pete Cannon and Don Ball (9). Lexington CLOTHING Mrs. Robert Dav Idson (7). Mrs. Robert Davidson and Mrs. Gene Cutsfortli (13). LIVESTOCK William Nichols and Robert Frlnk (6). Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bloodsworth (7). Pine City LIVESTOCK Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Wltherrite (14). cAnm v. HORSE Charles Daly and Kenneth Coppinger (10). Boardman CLOTHING Mrs. Nat h a n Thorpe (5). Mrs. W. J. McDoug all (6), Mrs. Earl McQuavv (7). FOODS Mrs. C. t. uanieia w-. LIVESTOCK Bob Sicard and Don Bellamy (ID. Kurt Ganten beln (5). Irrioon CLOTHING Mrs. M. E. Had wick and Mrs. Fred Murtishaw (9), Mrs. Charles Early and Mrs. John Swearingen (6). FOODS Mrs. Perry Pummel (8) Mrs. Harold Colson (6). KNITTING Mrs. Roy Davis RIFLE Vernon Gerberdlng (9) ARCHERY Mr. and Mrs. El mer Zehner (9). LIVESTOCK Max Jones (12). WOODWORKING Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Skiles (9. s ADDLE HORSE Roy Tiller and LeRoy Procker (6). JUNIOR LEAD E Ha miorm AwRichard Watts, Chloe McQuaw, Sandra Thorpe, Linda Daniels. HEPPNER Martha uonen. IONE Robert Rice, Marilyn Morgan, Jo Ann Turner, Crabtree. Kenneth U amousc. LEXINGTON Beverly uaviu- son. , . ii?Dir!i-v sandl Davis. Ann Schmeder, Howard CaWf. Penny Jones. POCKET COOL SAVINGS AT THIS GREAT mm 0 I f r -'T " M;.f f s (l ' yiJxiiJ. O DAY'S KLONCIXE KING "Toughest fabric on record PLAYBOY GRIDIRON DAYCORDS CONTINENTAL STYLING FLAP POCKETS Reg. $6.95 NOW ift-- HhVZ TOUR f -. pi OWN MUSICI tfi We feature a complete line cl fZHVf f.', KAY GUITARS. WefVJ t'j! ' One year factory' guarantee. From S36.0O lf" ' HASKELL & HASKETT IlkLi Ji ASSORTED Cotton Wash Pants Values to 7.95 NOW $U9Pr' EVERY PAIR SANFORIZED O LEE'S POLISHED COTTON TAPERED VAT DYED BLUE ONLY O DICKIE'S TRIM TABS WAFFLE WEAVE GREEN ONLY REG. $4.95 NOW $2.95Pr- BONUS BUY WESTERN SHIRTS Dan River. Levi. Tem Tex. Panhandle Slim Values to 8.S5 fty n n r r ! 5 i LNATJOIMAL; r jla Li UJ i q-H CLUB f "' WCEKJ V NOW 3.95 Pr. Wil 1 A son s Men s W ear Th 3 tor of Pervonol Srrlc"