u The Bejp C.m. aatablbhad Wanh . XtSO. Tha TP TVn- bU.1 Itvrotwf IS, 177. Consolidated Urjy 15, 19U Kon? ruiuiNin VPa1iocat.onJ W. a WXLOMAlt fRAKCIl L. WILD MAI Aaeodata rwbtUbM NATION A I I0IIOIIAI 1 lAt6"tw TO THE EDITOR Dear Sir: Thanks so very much for the friendly lcr on Boardman; am glad you think aomcthlnf l going to happen there. Hcrt U the JIM money order for I year-! subscription to the lleppner GazetteTlmes. I en joy the paper very much. Thanks for the folder on Mor row county. It was Just what I wanted. Your for a prosjerous Morrow county. Hazel Zimmerman Cheyenne, Wyo. Call the man In the Circle P Truck Surt i for armtrt FOR THE HIGHEST QUALITY PETROLEUM PRODUCTS Remember: You don't hove to be a member to trade and save here! CALL 3-8115 for prompt service Lexington Oil Cooperative ftUMt MCIFIC COOPCIATIVEt Letter From Rep. Wcathcrford Dear Folks at Home: I am very aorry you have not heard from me through the press before ai It has been soma Kwki since the session stanea, but I really prufesa to having been terribly busy with hear. Incs. research work on things that might be of good Interest to ua In our district, with long-dls- STAR THEATER FtL-Sot. Tab. 14-25 Walk Toll Willard Parker, Kent Taylor, Joyce Meadows. CS and Color. Good Western, TLUS Enemy General Van Johnson. Cross fires In the spy rings " of World War II Sun.-Moo Feb. 28-27 Midnight Lace Doris Day, Rex Harrison, other top stars. Color, beautiful wardrobes, music. A Suspense Thriller. See this from the beginning. Sunday at 5 and 7:05 "I CAN'T ALWAYS GET TO TOWN" cx gLjP living out of town, and working avery day, Ifi not assy for ma to get to town with my checks ... and I don't like to .laying around tha houia. So I usa Salem Fad.ra! Savings' handy SAVE BY MAIl plan. They pay tha pottage both ways and they alio pay the highest rates n town on regular savings accounts. But tha biggest reason I save w.th Salem Federal Savings Is, aver sine. I started my account they have gone out of their way to giva ma personal attention and friendly service, notice a lot of my neighbors save there too. If you haven't started an account there yet, fust fill In the handy SAVE BY MAIL form below and send it In with your check ... You can open an account by mail, ust that easy. .. I I NAME. I I I I SEND THIS "Sava by Mail" DEPOSIT SLIP IN NOW NAML. (Um for Joint Account) ADDKCSSl. CITY OATS- AMOUNT. (UM Chk or Monty OroV) Salem Federal will send by return mail your Savings Book and Signature Card. Your Save by Mail Account pays 4 currem rata pci I rpti i5ri r?ir,icrirn (Snm- 960 STATE ST. - SALEM, ORL r V Dear Editon Th 1SC1 UmHh a V7T.r b now completed. Onne aoln the American people have pooled their dime and dollars through national voluntary health aeenrv to attack some of their mutual health problems. A ejulck checK oi tear anerw and clip Indicates clearly that the weekly press of the nation has been in the lurerroni w mm American peopje's ',:n, 10 l'r' vent crippling dlseane birth de fects, arthrttta and polio, in ran. tanea calls, and with Interviews, that I have had little tlma for any personal eorTtpondnce. I have been particularly pleased to have so many people from our district call at my desk, as well as friends, and old-timers, from all four counties. The Boardman Industrial area, the reapportionment problem, and the reorganization of the State government, all are de manding a great deal of my time, and especially the Board man problem at the moment, as you can perhaps readily under stand. Yesterday, for Instance, In addition to our regular session In the House, and my own com mittee meetings, I had a meet ing with a group of Morrow county people with the Gover nor, and with the Attorney Gen eral, and there have been sev eral such conferences among neonle of mv district with other officials. I have been exceeding ly pleased and deeply gTatinea for the ready responses you have given me as a result of my In quiries for information and ma terlal that I needed, all of which have been of great help to me In my work here. We are constantly having pub lic hearings on all four of my committees and. of course, I have devoted my time to other hear ings such as public welfare, re. organization, and reapportion ment, so It seems I am either in meetings or hearings, and I must say the public Interest has been extremely high In all of these because the hearings are Jam med to capacity, and the testi mony runs Into volumes. I have had reports that the weather Is exceptional for this time of year, and that you are having an adequate supply of water which must be most grat ifying to everyone after the dry fall. I am In hopes that I will get to see many more of you before the end of the session and again, urge you to write me about any problems you may have ana l will do my utmost to solve as many of them as I possibly can. With my warmest regards to all, Frank M. Weatherford State Representative tha tear abeeta show that tha weekly rr urrrt tneaa aim Uen Just at bef in the u year fclitory of the March of Dime. This U my peronal rot of arpwl"0" y0" ,or I" splendid services In the January camp!gn. Tnis is to say . you- on behalf of tha literally j miliums of people who will ben-, .m riir-tlv or Indirectly, from ; the funds ctmtnuiea io Manh of Dimes. Sincerely, Geore P. Vosa Vlca President for Public lielations her home In Salem. Ore, Thurs- j day. She has been In Heppner the past 10 days taking care, a her mother. Mrs. Boy Jelll who has been recovering from a fill- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jones an J In Kugen to attend tne xunerai of her Grandfather. hu . erv at Vlnceftt i llr' frruAund wear Jt Is reeovennf Mli-i. ;.. fjf anuther wee w Mrs. lab K. t a OmWI. sister ct Mf Jms M nahaa was here Litlr.fi and irtutned to her hji' I Xr l' Juhn KUKcnr.y. Stanficld Meat Co. Hugh Smith. Owner & Mar. Stanilsld. Ore, CUSTOM CUniNG-CUTllNG CUBIMO Wbolesala & Betcdl LOCKER MEAT Call GI 9-3633 WE DCUVEB Free Hearing Test . . tiu V.THAtN ED RITBESENTATTVE AT HOTNER HOTEL . HOCUS: 9 AM TO 1 One Day Only . . . Tues. Feb. 28 ASK TOR CLE.N LEAG JFLD Auk about iht r that U Worn ALL IN the Ear Had poMibl fey lh TRAN81HTOR- Vu are invited to njm. JJfJ eon.ultatu.n by )nt I etrlng AiTcS pany! le will U help you with your hearing Pm K obligation, no co.t for this s-nlce. gsariSxT . n.-ic Beltone, Audtotone, etc. H U BOTH C with th. new -PRIVATEAB- Mr Uxa dlrMtioa fraa wkiah umad la abl Uaj oatonr4 BtMl IU If you cant coma la coll hotel for home senrlc. on Irs demonstration (no obligation). II : 1 was born and bred in the West-and Hermitage bourbon just suits my tasta." When v-f!s you grow -7- S f ! ' ) i 1H iff? H E mi RMWA Superb Straight Kentucky Bourbon 3 Pt Aged to Perfection 1-595 liso Jm Pt "45 QT OLD HERMITAGE DISTILLERY CO., LOUISVILLE, KY 86 PROOF "ar::.:v New '61 Chey with Jet-smooth ride! j , rm tit 1533. ' .1"V' ff . tf ... i - .FT . ""511- T"! ..atv . l.i. " T't.T.J -'- rr " X T. try' ft ' S.TS-: The '61 Chevy loves to g:o because it poes so well Purrs along pavements like a happy tabby. Takes rough roads in stride and all road? in style. Just why does a Jet-smooth Chevy trvat riders as royally as the high-priced lurury cars? It a'l came'about through a delightful blend of Full Cod suspension, precision-balanced wheels, uniq-je chassis cushioning, and a supfrb B-ady by Fisher insulated to hush away road sounds. AH Urn adds Impala i-D&r SitlanJtt-tmootk trartlrr thai rmaU At luxury eon in ntrything but pru t up to less sway, less jounce, less dip, less dive, less tilt, less noise, less . . . well you name it Now combine this Jet-smooth ride with conven iences to pamper ycu and roominess to relax in. Add a full measure of quiet good looks. VWa, you've got Chevy's formula. And the proof is in the riding. When you sample a Jet-smooth Chevy at your Chevrolet deal's we think you'll find it just to your taste. CHEVROLE T A mm' i St A w Clurrolri can, Chry Corrairt and the nn Corntu af yotr local authorized ChttrelH itaUr't FULLETON CHEVROLET COMPANY MoT Main St. SerpsMc, Ora Tbmom t-9921