H eppner Pipe laying Expected Here In 45 Days Wratem-NcilL contractors lor Pacific Gat Transmission, art scheduled to start actlvltiea In this area near th end of March or early April accord In i to a romoanv suukesman thU week. At thU time It U Impossible to aay the exact date. Tney are oretentlv working In the Bend area and much depend on the weather. A slant 936 foot Ions pipe welding machine la now being set up at lllnkle (or double end In and wraDDlnc forty miles of 36 Inch pipeline. It la built to handle all problems connectea with Joining two 3'4-ton sections nf tln and has been moved to Hlnkle from Klamath Falls. The machine will Internally and ex ternally weld, x-ray, coat, wrap and grit-blast two w toot sec tinna nf nln In a alncle oper atlon. The time needed to weld ih nln now at Hlnkle Is not known but the machine .may be In operation 10 hours a day. seven days a week tn order to meet the schedule or tne oper. atlon being concluded In about 45 davs. The company spokesman said that this double ending ana activity will coincide rather closely with the start of actual construction activities in uhoriii! in. which Is In the Immediate vicinity of Heppner Earlier announced plans call for two sections of pipe Deing laid simultaneously; one begin ning at Bend and running to lone, another starting at lone and terminating t Rosalia, Washington. No announcement has been made as to where company of fices or crews will be located while working In this vicinity. Many Attend Elks Annual lng tne anniversary ncrc week-end were Warren Randall, &7 Wheeler, Burns, fourth vice pres- u. v a data ncaoriatlon: l Lit 1 1 1 ui nic oiuv. ' Rex Krouse, Portland, public re- latlAno nhnlrman for the State lauuiu vuwiii'iv... - . ansl n. n TTrliA AT i ns.iplatlon: and G. B. Urlie, Ar Hnpton, of the Grand Lodge State Associations committee. Pendleton Lodge No. 288 of ficiated at the Initiation of 11 new members for the local lodge. Doris Morris, Heppner, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Mor ris, and Roger Doherty, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Doherty, Heppner, were presented $50 bonds as winners of the Youth Leadership contest. Making the presentation was Warren Ran dall. Other activities on the day long program Included enter tainment and a card party at the Catholic Parish hall for Elk's ladies; a social hour at the club rooms; dinner at the Fair pavilion, a floor show at the Star Theater and dancing In the lodge rooms. COORDINATING DEVELOPMENT GROUP ORGANIZED The Space Age Industrial Park Development Association was formerly organized at a meeting in Boardman last week. Purpose of the group Is to seek suitable government projects for the Boardman site, and to attract satellite industries to the adja cent area. William Belt, Hermlston, who presided at the meeting, said that the group felt that active community support for space age government projects as the Boardman site could hasten the start of operations by Boeing and encourage the location of other companies In the area. Robert Tarr, Portland, recently retired director of the Oregon Department cf Planning and De velopment, praised the group's "positive approach" to the an nouncement of Boeing's inten tion to lease the Boardman site. He said that action locally, In Salem, and through representa tives in Washington, D. C should help to bring Oregon a fairer share of the U. S. defense dollar, now that Oregon has a site and a proposed tenant with the cap abilities to handle complex, space-age defense projects. The association elected Belt Henniston, a president; Corge hup Ant f or o cuscnr, on:. School Bids B " " 77th Year, Number 51 rLi i i . '. . ;. y '''- " . ! State Representative Frank Weatherford reports a bust tlroa In Salem. See letter on Page 2. Rev. John Rydgren Leaving For Tacoma The Rev. John Rydgren has been assigned a position as as soclate pastor at Central Luth earn church, Tacoma, Washing ton. Pastor Rydgren has served the Hope Lutheran church at Heppner and the Valby Lutheran church in rural lone for the past tw0 aml a naU years. The Rev. Joseph J Groschupf, will serve as an Interim pastor at Dom cnurcnes uw t..i.. mhiui o now naqtor is ex- itfuijr nut,, " ...... f pected to be available. Pastor ' i ...mi va of Via fnn LirOSCnuPI Will uc ai m J - rA four davs a week and will carry on the regular church program Including the mid week Lenten services already In progress. Rev. Rydgren has been taping radio programs locally for dis tribution to various stations for broadcast under the sponsorship of the North Pacific district of The American Lutheran Church. He said that he will carry on this program in his new location and that the tapes are now being heard over stations at Seattle, Alaska and Spokane. Walla Walla and Portland stations will carry the program in the near future. Pastor Rydgren and his wife and two small children will leave for their new home follow ing the church services here Sun day. Weise, Boardman, vice president; Bill Barrat, Heppner, second vice president; Morris Temple, Pen dleton, secretary-treasurer; and Dewey West, Boardman, execu tive secretary. Other incorpor ators and board members are Ted Smith, Pendleton; Dallas Dusenberry, Umatilla; Gar Swan son, lone; and Robert Tarr, Port land. The group approved articles of Incorporation as a non-profjt corporation and made plans to seek the cooperation of the Mid Columbia Planning Council, cities, ports, chambers of com merce and development-minded individuals. Members also discussed the formation of local development corporations. In commenting on the new group, Bill Barratt, Heppner member said "I believe future large-scale development of North Morrow County is Inevitable. Whether it Is developed to the fullest extent and In the best Interests of tenants and adja cent communities will depend upon the motive power provided by all available Individuals and organizations. Our group hopes to supplement and coordinate a combined effort" GAZE American Legion and Legion Auxiliary of Ion and Heppner will entertain for state officials of the organ! tatlon at a mooting bora to night at 6:30 at the Legion halL All Legionnaires and tholr wires are invited. Laura Lee Sumner Goes To District Speech Contest Laura Lee . Sumner, Heppner high school sophomore, will rep resent the Heppner Odd Fellows and Rebekahs In the district United Nations contest in Pen Aatnn Marrh 5. Laura Lee was chosen from 21 entries, accord-. In? to Pete McMurtry, lodge rep resentative for the contest Th tonlo for this year's con test Is "What the United Nations Has done for Underprivileged Countries." All contest entrants iisp the same topic. Judging In the preliminary contest is based on the written speecn; tne ais- trlct contest Is based on speecn content and delivery. Winners of this annual con test receive an all-expense trip to the United Nations next sum mer, where they are able to at tend sessions of the UN. Laura Lee is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C Sumner, Hep pner. Jerry Anderson Star Farmer Jerry Anderson, senior at Hep pner High School and son of Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Anderson, Hpnnner. was named Star Chap ter Farmer at the annual FFA banauet last night at the Cath olic parish hall. A complete story will oe in next week's paper. JOHN DEERE DAT Farm machinery will be displayed and demonstrated on the Main street of Hep pner tomorrow when Tri County Equipment Co. holds their annual Deere Day. The all-day program begins at 10 a.m. and includes a free lunch, and an afternoon film showing at the Star Theater. Il YEAR OF FIRST HEART FUND loaooo SAVED Bf HEART SURGERY-A PRESENT-DAY MIRACLE HEART DISEASE 1 ENEMY HEART rt FUND 1 1 I. - -m I eing Called For March 28th Heppner, Oregon, Thursday r Odd Fellows To Hold District Convention Here Odd Fellows representing 11 lodges tn two countlea will be In Heppner Saturday for the 48th annual L'matlllaMorrow County Odd Fellows DUtrlct convention, according to Randall Teterson, president of the dUtrlct group. Activities will center tn the lodge hall on Main street with registration starting at 11 a. m. Grand Master Stanley Odhan, Oswego and secretary to the Grand Lodge, Earl Shank, Port und will take part as well as dignitaries from other lodges. A regular lodge session will mnvn at 1:30 with a welcom- lng addresa by Lew Robblns, Heppner. The response win a elvrn bv Art Hoimes, renaieron, past Crand Master of Oregon oaii 0uuii m-- . - - 30 will be In charge of a 6:301 Sans Soucl KetKan ixxige no dlnne- In the lodge dining r m. rntortalnment has been sched uled from two schools in the area cu iivtii w -. . . ... a T-tn th v(nlni? session n ..ww - - ... . a J .111 fn.tn r tViA will DeEin "" - Milton-Freewater lodge exem plifytng the 3rd Degree. Th. IOOF Grand Lodge will convene In Pendleton on May 14-18. Chamber Retires Lighting Bonds nutstandina bonds owned by individuals on the lighting fund for the falrerounds will be called by the Heppner Morrow County Chamber of Commerce tnis enHntr Action of the board of directors recommending the re tirement of all such bonds was adopted by the chamber Mon day. Total amount of money Involv ed Is about $1100. It was an nonnced that within two years the lighting fund bonds will be completely retired. Several years ago the Cham ber paid for lighting of the field by floatilng the bonds. Each year at the annual Chamber banquet a drawing of names has been held to see which in dividual'! bonds will be retired. There will be no such drawing at this year's banquet, which is tentatively scheduled for late March, as all individually owned bonds will be retired now. SCOUT MEETING Bob Grant, Pendleton, Dis trict Scout executive, will be in town for a meeting to night at the Methodist church to organize a new troop committee for Boy Scouts in the area. The meet ing will be held at 7 p. m. In the church basement and any men interested in serv ing In this program are urg ed to attend. RETURNS FROM VACATION rharles McLean, fire control officer of the Heppner Ranger district, has returned irom a three week vacation trip which took him to Las Vegas, Los An geles and one week or skiing at White Pass, Wash. He also uuitpd friends at Seattle. Mi-T.ean was accompanied Dy his mother and step-father, Mr. nH Mrs. Harry Morten son, Naches, Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ruggles and his mother. Mrs. Walter Rug- gles, are spending a few days in Portland. WEATHER HI Low Prec. 46 33 J01 45 29 52 35 -24 59 35 61 50 61 32 JL6 48 33 Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thurwlav Rainfall for the week was .41 of an Inch, for February 2.59 Inches. Total for the year Is 2L20 inches. February 23, 1961 Fire Destroys Boardman Store by mart lee marlow The Boardman Supply Com pany, owned and operated by George Vlce, was completely destroyed by fire early Monday. The fire was discovered about 1:15 avm. by both Mrs. Joe Ta tone and Mrs. Arthur Allen, who live near the store, who turned In the alarm. The fire started In the west end of the 110 foot building, and It was thought to have been started by the explosion of the furnace. The fire gained such headway by 2:30 the structure was leveled. Five fire trucks responded to the alarm, from Boardman, the Boardman Bombing range, Ordnance, Irrlgon and Arling ton. About all they could do was keep the fire from spreading to i - - r - - the Union Taclfic depot and a tavern across me ivImo had cone to Portland and had not been contacted yet mitj nau wvv.. - I tfu mnmtniT en no estimate i muiiuu; . ' . v 1 ' r -- I . ..... auiImA1 0i damage was uuiawcu is of th store will be felt keenly In the community, as many farmers depended on It for feed and supplies. Originally a hardware store, Wlese had ex nandpd the oDeration to handle many other supplies, Including some clothing, electrical applia ances. school supplies, and gas oline and fuel oil ine ana mei uu. . I It was noi Known now mucu of the contents were covered by . , 1 . ...... insurance. Red Cross Fund Drive Set The 1961 American Red Cross Piinrf camnalen for Morrow county will begin March 1. Mrs. Hprman Stroeber and Mrs. Les lie Moore are co-chairmen of the county drive. Thpv will b assisted by Mrs. Robert Abrams and Mrs. Harry rvnnnnpll In the Henpner area. Volunteer collectors are needed for this vicinity and anyone who can help is urged to call Mrs. Moore at 6-5577. Othpr chairmen for communi ties in the county are: Mrs. E. J. Akers, lone, assisted by Mrs Rav Barnett: Mrs. Orvllle Cutsforth, Lexington; and Flor ence Root, Boardman area. Th hinod bank at Pioneer Memorial hospital is operated by the American Kea cross m county residents have a real in terest In this campaign, Mrs. Stroeber said. WINS COMMISSION Tam nnmenle Monahan, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Monahan, has been commissioned 2nd Lieutenant in the Air force, ne is vacationing in California be fore going to his new base In Reno, Nevada. Visiting Heppner and lone Le gion posts this afternoon was Commander Merrill E. Johnson. Oregon City, who is in bis 17th v.. l Vim T mrrnn TTin hlV WmaTnlnT f It.1 and capping his ""wisuag , months in ollice wim a wu wind tour of Legion facilities designed to renew interest In America's largest veterans or gem li atlon. - A i f i J --" ' . Ami: Lexington Co-op Elects Directors Three new directors wer cho M-n at the annual meeting of th Lelnton Oil Co operative held recently. They are Annie Munkers. Heppner; kennetn rai mrr and Kenneth Peck, Le&lng ton. Hold over directors are Karl Miller and Millard Nolan, both of Lexington. A dividend of 944 per cent declared. Grtms for the Co co for the vrar was reported at $137,713.72 with a net of I18G72.. 11. according to J-el tngelman. manager. San-members earn dividends In the tame ratio as members, but are not allowed to vote tn company operation. Heart Sunday Ends Fund Drive Sundav. February 2fl. is Heart Sunday. Mrs. Cecil Thorne. lone, county chairman, reminds the public that the culmination of iho Heart Fund drive will be that day with a three day door-to- door campaign ending sunaay evening. In charge of collection are: Mm. Farl Soward. Heppner: Mrs. Cecil Jones, Lexington town; Mrs. Orvllle Cutsforth, Lexing ton rural; Mrs. Thorne, lone; Rt Rlirma Phi. lone rural: Mrs. William Scehafer, Boardman and Irrlgon. Mrs. Thorne asks ail wno nave received envelopes and not re turned them with their contri butions to please do so this week. Warren S. Miller New Ranger Warren S. Miller. Dale district . m ill). Votlnnnl ranger, or me umnum i,oi.v,i.. Fnrpst. is belnff transferred as HUtrirt ranecr on the Heppner . " : " t Al, trlt annrHlnT to r OreSt . Ulail.Lli wwv.w.... - - n,r superv Uo r. C M Rector vacant by the transfer of Victor Krelmeyer to the Forest borvice regional office in Portland. A frraduate of Utah State Uni versity, Miller received his ap nnlntmpnt on the Ochoco Nat ional Forest in 1951 where he worked until going to the Dale district as ranger in November, 1958. Miller, his wife and daughter will be moving to Heppner in the early part of March. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Wlldman and Larrv attended the semi annual meeting of Oregon News paper Publishers Association in Eugene Friday and Saturday. COUNTY WELFARE COSTS HELD AT LOW Mnrmw County Public Welfare ia thP most economical In the state in many categories, Lowell Challey, administrator, told the Heppner-Morrow County Cham ber of Commerce Monaay. ThP local office ranks lowest in the state in old age assistance, with an average of $40. per month. In aid to dependent chll- an average grant per person oi $29.19. The average family grant In Morrow is $84.91 witn tne npxt lowest being Columbia County with $111.44 and the state average being $l47.b. uniy in aid to the disabled is the conuty near the state average; the fig ures are $C8.00 per montn nere and the state average is $68.47. rhallev save as a reason for this "The tendancy here Is for the family to help themselves more than in some other places." He said often less unfortunate members of the family would nntrihnte more freely than In other places, and that additional help outside the welfare agency was often forthcoming. He also pave credit to the local Welfare Commission saying "the county commission has developed more resources." Challey said he Is presently preparing the anticipated budget for next fiscal year, which wiu be slightly higher than tne au 000 present budget January and February are usually the highest months In expense of disbursing funds for the county welfare cases, he said. For this year the January total was $7,273 and the Feb ruarv budget is $7,820. The present work load at the Hep v oner office Is 90 cases. In 78 of these Involving 99 people, fin ancial assistance is being pro vided. There were 53 new cases in Construction Plonned For Eorly April The Mni'W County Shuol Pktrlct board approved the build ing plans fr an 8 nom unit cf the Iteppwr Lexington High S hoi.l TuefcUy nljjht and called for bids to be opened March 2& Construction is expected to tart In early April The nresent serial levy f $1.10.000 was staled as bHng ad io ii ale to construct six rooms. Fund for the additional two room i are Included in the present budget which will bo voted on next month. Stewart Tuft, of llaysllp k Tuft. Portland architects, was at the me'tini to answer questions of the board and to give a com plete description of the build Inc. Prenent also were members of he building committee. The new building will bo cam- mil tvl with frame construc tion and a brick veneer finish. the same design as the preesnt 11,-rtnnrr Elementary School. It will be heated by electricity with heat pumps which will also pro vide cooling for spring and fall months. No office space Is provided In the 8 room unit. Just class rooms and rest rooms . Conduction ts expected to take about 150 days with com the end of August and occupancy the beginning of the fall term. nntiprt Van Houte. administra tor, and Tuft also met Tuesday night with the lone advisory commlttoe and building commit tee to discus plans for a new 6-room and office addition to the existing cafetorlum and gym riMcinm huildlne at lone. Bids for this building are anticipa ted for opening in late June i,tih eonstructlon scheduled for July 1. Financing will be by the second year serial levy. Locol Teachers TO HOSt VOUnty rj Z,,n cauiui u i uiuuu Teachen from all over Morrow County v ill meet in Heppner Monday following school when th" Heppner OEA entertains the county association. A business meeting will be held at the high school followed by a 6:30 din ner at the Catholic parish hall. Featured speaker will be Mich ael Mattlch, Portland, who will explain the public employees re tirement system. CORRECTED DATE The Women's cancer film showing is scheduled for Tuesday, March U at 7:30 p. m. at the Star Theater. It was incorrectly stated in last week's paper for March 13. FIGURE .l- in ioro. but the num ber of able bodied men receiving financial assistance is always thnt no work programs have been set up. He said If the number should noticeaDiy in crease such a program would be put Into effect. Because or tne expense ui ad ministering the program no pre rvlartQ OTP htMnsr made to usa the surplus food available to state welfare oinces. v-nauej a tv, fond costs 25 cents per unit, must be transported here from Salem, stored at strategic lcoations for distribution through out the county, and someone would have to be hired to ais- pense It If the costs or. oper .ir, thP Droeram should change, he assured the audience that the local office wouia mam use of this food. a tnical month In the local office results In some 175 con tacts relative to public assistance. In addition to assistance programs there are adoption in vestigations for the court, social and financial reports for other agencies such as the state hos pitals, draft boards, and many others, as well as out of the state welfare inquiries. Expenses of operating the lo cal office fire also small in com parison with other counties. The average monthly administrative cost during 1900 was $747.86. This includes salaries of the ad ministrator and secretary, rent, heat, lights, telephone and trans portation. Challey, who has been the lo cal administrator since Septem ber 1958, said that a routine grand Jury investigation this month resulted in "a clean bill of health with a commendation for the state of welfare matters in Morrow county."